About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Apr 30, 2022

(No. 931) No Fish at Nigari & Senjo in Kataku (片句のニガリと千畳にて釣果なし)

This afternoon I tried Nigari & Senjo, two fishing spots next to Miyazaki-bana in Kataku. There were nice patches of sarashi there, but my lures didn’t produce any strike. After I quit fishing, I attempted to get to Miyazaki-bana. When I attempted last time (No. 911), the ropes dangling on the vertical and jagged cliff were too short for me to climb over the cliff. However, this afternoon I was able to reach Miyazaki-bana with ease. There was a trick that I don't think I am allowed to reveal here.
(今日の午後は、片句の宮崎鼻の隣にある2つの釣り場、ニガリと千畳を試しました。そこには良いサラシ(かき混ぜられた白い水)ができていましたが、ルアーにストライクはありません。釣りを終えた私は、宮崎鼻に行ってみようと思いました。前回挑戦した時は(No. 911)、垂直でギザギザの崖にぶら下がるロープが短すぎて、崖を乗り越えるのは不可能でした。しかし、今日の午後、私は簡単に宮崎鼻に行けたのです。そこには、ここで明かしてはいけない気がするトリックがあったのでした。)

Apr 25, 2022

(No. 930) Scary Mysterious Swell at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて恐ろしくも不可解なうねり)

This is my second post today. Using the lacquer paint left in the rusty can that I had found in Owashi earlier this morning, I painted my Tady 45 all blue. The lure, known as “surface iron,” now looked so good that I wanted to try it as soon as possible. So I went to Saruwatari in Nonami this afternoon with an old classmate of mine. The sea was as calm as it had been this morning. We had a good time throwing our favorite lures although we didn’t catch any fish. To be more precise, we were able to have a good time except for one moment. The sea was so calm all along, but, when about one hour had passed since we started fishing, strong swell arrived. It was such a sudden change that we got terrified. The attack of swell lasted for just a few minutes. Then, the sea became calm again and remained so until we left Saruwatari 45 minutes later. Even when we came back to our cars, we were still talking about how scary those swell had been.

(No. 929) No Fish at Maruiwa and Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の丸岩と須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

The sea was too quiet and calm this morning. All that I was able to catch was a rusty can of lacquer paint. It was buried among drifts washed up at the shore. Some of those drifts were from the Korean Peninsula. The can was rusty but not empty, so I had to take it home. I feel I am going to paint one of my lures blue.

Apr 24, 2022

(No. 928) Clean-up Activity at Uppurui-bana (十六島鼻にて清掃活動)

This is my second post today. After having fun throwing my favorite lures around Mitsu Harbor, I went to Uppurui Harbor. Uppurui is nationally famous for its nori (black tasty seaweed). We, amateur anglers, have to respect the fact that Uppurui-bana is not for us but for local professional fishermen and residents, but some of us keep entering into Uppurui-bana during the off-limits period in the winter and even dumping garbage there. The relationship between amateur anglers and local residents was deteriorating, so a local fishing club and a local tackle shop organized a clean-up event at Uppurui-bana this morning. I was proud of the organizers and felt I had to join in the event. Under the unseasonably sunny skies, we cleaned up a lot of litter along the shore.

(No. 927) No Fish at Takase and Ji-no-sendajima in Mitsu (三津の高瀬と「地の千田島」にて釣果なし)

This is today’s first post. This morning I woke up earlier than usual and drove to Izumo City. I was going to participate in a volunteer event at Uppurui-bana which would start 9 a.m. My plan was to go to a nearby fishing spot and enjoy throwing lures before the event. I felt like going to Ichinose in Koizu because I had good memories about the fishing spot, but it was already crowded when I arrived at 6 a.m. Instead of Ichinose, I tried two fishing spots around Mitsu Harbor, Takase and Ji-no-sendajima. At neither of those fishing spots did fish respond to my lures. Then I headed for Uppurui.

Apr 23, 2022

(No. 926) Second Attempt to Reach Shirataki-bana in Nonami (野波の白滝鼻へ行く2度目の試み)

This is my second post today. I returned to Nonami this afternoon in order to try again to reach Shirataki-bana. It took me about one hour to finally find another black/yellow rope behind trees. With the help from that rope, I successfully reached the tip of the cliff where I could look down at Shirataki-bana directly below. However, I got too scared of the height to climb down the cliff to the destination. I just took a picture of Shirataki-bana and turned back. On my way to the tip of cliff, I had tied red ribbons to trees along the trail. Now it’s easier to go to Shirataki-bana. When the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook” was published 9 years ago, the author said that the trail leading to Shirataki-bana had vanished around the midpoint. The trail is back with red ribbons. If you want to try Shirataki-bana, now might be the time. If you do, please be careful.

(No. 925) Failed Attempt to Reach Shirataki-bana in Nonami (野波の白滝鼻へ行く試みに失敗)

As I reported in one of my recent posts (No. 921), I couldn’t find the trail to get to Shirataki-bana the other day. This morning I tried again. I entered into the woods in Nonami without any fishing equipment. My sole purpose was to find the trail and reach Shirataki-bana. Unlike last year, when I managed to reach a spot overlooking Shirataki-bana, this time I couldn’t find any red ribbons attached to trees in the woods. I wondered, “Did someone take them away from trees? If so, why? Those ribbons were very helpful for me not to get lost in the woods. Technically they were considered as trash left in the woods, so that’s why they were removed?” Anyway I slowly advanced toward Shirataki-bana and reached a spot where a black/yellow rope was tied to some trees for helping to climb up/down the slope. I thankfully used the rope and climbed down to the point where the rope was cut. Then, I got at a loss which way to go. I carefully investigated the surroundings but couldn’t find the trail. Before exhausting myself, I had to give up. If the weather allows, I might try again this afternoon. It would be a good exercise even if I ended up being unable to reach Shirataki-bana.
(先日の投稿(No. 921)で報告したように、白滝鼻に行くための小道が、先日は、見つからなかったのでした。そこで今朝、再挑戦しました。釣具を持たずに野波の林に入りました。目的はただ一つ、小道を見つけ、白滝鼻にたどり着くことです。白滝鼻を見下ろす場所に何とかたどり着くことのできた昨年とは異なり、今回、林の中の木には赤いリボンが結わえられていません。私は思いました。「誰かがリボンを取り外したのだろうか? もしそうなら、いったいなぜ? あのリボンのおかげで、林の中で迷子にならずに済んだのに。厳密に言えば、林の中にゴミを残していくのと同じだから、取り外されたのだろうか?」。ともかく私は、白滝鼻に向かってゆっくり進んでいき、斜面の上り下りに役立つ黒と黄のロープが木に結ばれている場所までたどり着きました。ありがたくそのロープを使わせてもらい、ロープが切れているところまで降りて行きました。しかしそこで、どの方向へ進めばいいか分からなくなったのです。周囲をくまなく調べてみましたが、小道は見つかりません。体力が限界を迎える前に、あきらめざるを得ませんでした。天気が良ければ、午後にもう一度、行ってみたいと思います。白滝鼻にたどり着けなかったとしても、いい運動にはなるでしょう。)

Apr 22, 2022

(No. 924) No Fish at Shirashima in Chikumi (千酌の白島にて釣果なし)

Even before we started today’s fishing, I got convinced that we would not catch any fish today. One of my old classmates and I had planned to go fishing to Saruwatari or Safuki-bana in Nonami this afternoon, but the crosswind was blowing so hard from the west that we had to give up those fishing spots. Those spots might have become even unreachable due to the winds. So we drove to Shirashima in Chikumi, which should be less affected by the crosswind. We were right. We felt no wind when we got off our cars at the parking space overlooking Shirashima. On seeing the beautiful sea around Shirashima, the old friend of mine declared, “I am very positive I will catch fish today.” I quickly replied to him, “You shouldn’t say that.” One hour later he proved himself to be a psychic just as brilliantly as before (No. 906).
(釣りを始める前から、今日は魚が釣れないことを確信してしまいました。今日は午後から、昔の同級生と野波の猿渡かサフキ鼻に行く予定を立てていたのですが、西からの横風が強過ぎて、それらの釣り場は断念せざるを得ませんでした。風のためにそれらの釣り場には到達すらできない可能性もあったのです。そこで私たちは、横風の影響を受けにくいはずの千酌の白島に車を走らせました。案の定でした。白島を見下ろす駐車スペースで車を降りたとき、風は感じられませんでした。白島周辺の美しい海を見ると、旧友が「今日は絶対に釣れる」と宣言しました。私はとっさに「それを言うな」と言い返しました。その1時間後、彼は以前と同じように(No. 906)、自分が超能力者であることを見事に証明してしまいました。)

Apr 21, 2022

(No. 923) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

You may tell how calm the sea was today from the above photos. It might be one of the calmest, quietest seas I had seen around Saruwatari. As was often the case with such a quiet sea, I didn’t feel I would catch any fish at all. Still, I enjoyed throwing my lures toward the ocean and making splashes on the surface. The noise that my lures made sounded as if it had been only sound in the world.

Apr 18, 2022

(No. 922) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

“Do you catch any fish here?” A guy who seemed to come from one of neighboring prefectures asked me when I was making preparations at the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay this morning. He said he was for largescale blackfish. Recently I often saw bait fishermen catch that fish along the shore. “You may catch,” I said, “but I doubt I can. I am for the yellowtail amberjack.”
“Isn’t it a bit too early for the fish?” He asked.
“Yeah. Probably. I came here just for doing exercise.”
“Exercise!” He said with smile.
Then I left him there and started my routine exercise that never caught fish.

Apr 17, 2022

(No. 921) No Fish at Many Spots between Tako Harbor and Mebaru (多古港と「めばる」の間のたくさんの釣り場にて釣果なし)

There were two cars at the parking lot for Saruwatari when I arrived about noon. Saruwatari was occupied. So I changed my plans and tried to reach Shirataki-bana, another fishing spot in Nonami. Last year I almost reached Shirataki-bana but decided not to get down there because there was already a fisherman there (No. 705). Today, I couldn’t find the trail in the woods to get to Shirataki-bana. Shirataki-bana got even farther away this year. So I returned to my car and went to Tako Harbor, which I hadn’t been to very often. I started the run-and-gun style fishing from the northern end of harbor, walking toward the tip of Takobana along the rocky shore. One hour later I reached Mebaru, the farthest fishing spot that you could reach from Tako Harbor on foot. According to the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” there are nine fishing spots between Tako Harbor and Mebaru. All of them were quiet today.
(昼頃に到着した猿渡の駐車場には、2台の車がありました。猿渡には先客がいるのです。そこで私は予定を変更し、野波にある別の釣り場、白滝鼻まで行ってみることにしました。私は昨年、白滝鼻にもう少しでたどり着けそうだったのですが、そこには既に釣り人がいたため、降りていかないことにしたのです(No. 705)。今日は、白滝鼻に行くための小道を林の中に見つけられませんでした。今年、白滝鼻はさらに遠くなったわけです。そこで私は、車に戻り、あまり行ったことのない多古港に行きました。港の北端から磯伝いに歩き、多古鼻の先端に向かってラン&ガン方式の釣りを開始しました。約1時間後、多古港から歩いて行ける釣り場としては最も遠い「めばる」に到着しました。とても役に立つ『山陰の釣り場総覧』によると、多古港から「めばる」までの間に9つの釣り場があるそうです。今日は、そのどれもが静かでした。)