About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Feb 29, 2020

(No. 559) Unidentified Russian Product at Susumi Bay after No Fish at Maruiwa and Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の丸岩と須々海鼻にて釣果がなかった後、須々海湾で正体不明のロシア製品)

The sea around Maruiwa in Owashi was very quiet this morning. The waves were gentle, and there was no swell. I did not have to be very cautious while enjoying casting my favorite lures. The water was very clear. Unfortunately I could not see any baitfish in the water. After trying Maruiwa, I walked to Susumi-hana. While I enjoyed my casting with the PENN Jigmaster very much, there was no response from fish. On my way back to the parking space, I found a mysterious product on the shore of Susumi Bay. There are always some pieces of commercial fishing gear as well as some foreign products on the shore. They drift ashore from the sea or abroad. Those foreign products usually have a label of Korean, but the one on the product I found this morning looks like Russian. I took it home in order to investigate it. Although I have not yet opened it, it looks like a candle or fuel.
P.S. One of my fishing buddies in New York City is a Russian American, and he interpreted the label of the mysterious product for me. According to him, this product is a portable heater. Wow! That’s cool! Now I think I can survive any cold winter in Japan with this heater because it is much colder in Russia than in Japan.
(追伸。ニューヨーク市にいる釣り友達の一人はロシア系アメリカ人なのですが、彼が、この不思議な製品のラベルを翻訳してくれました。彼によると、この製品はポータブル・ヒーターなのだそうです。わあ! それはすごい! このヒーターがあれば、日本のどんな寒い冬でも平気です。なぜなら、ロシアは日本よりずっと寒いわけですから。)

Feb 27, 2020

(No. 558) No Fish at Kamaura Harbor (釜浦港にて釣果なし)

I obtained a piece of information. According to it, baitfish were plenty along the shore in Izumo City, which is on the west of Matsue City. So this morning I drove toward the west. First, I went to Oh-hato in Uppurui Harbor, which I had not been to for some time. There was no fisherman at the breakwater. In addition, I found an unfamiliar-looking sign at the entrance to the breakwater. It seemed that a new “No parking” sign had been put up after my last visit. Instead of trying Uppurui Harbor, I went to Kamaura Harbor to the east of it. The wind at Kamaura Harbor was stronger than I had expected. Thanks to the strong wind and waves, there were a few patches of sarashi (white churning water) around the breakwater. I hoped to catch a Japanese sea bass, but nothing happened. I did not see any baitfish, either.

Feb 24, 2020

(No. 557) No Fish at Owashi Harbor, Kurauchi Bay, and Etomo Harbor (大芦港、倉内湾、恵曇港にて釣果なし)

This morning I did the run-and-gun style fishing across a few areas, as I had done yesterday. First I went to Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor. No fish responded. In addition, the wind was too strong and chilly for me to feel comfortable. I had to go to another fishing spot that was not affected by the wind very much. I drove to Kurauchi Bay. The wind did not feel very strong there, but no fish got interested in my lures. Lastly I drove to Etomo Harbor. Although the strong and chilly wind was blowing, I kept casting my favorite lures. The wind started dying down around 10 a.m., and the temperature started to rise. I knew I would not catch any fish, but I stayed at Etomo Harbor for one more hour just to enjoy casting lures with the PENN Jigmaster.

Feb 23, 2020

(No. 556) No Fish at Etomo, Owashi, and Sanami Harbors (恵曇、大芦、佐波の各港にて釣果なし)

When I arrived at Etomo Harbor about 7 a.m., I found the waves higher than I had expected. The tip of the waves sometimes swept through Sinsinbo, the highest breakwater in the harbor. There were only three fishermen around as far as I could see. Nobody seemed to have caught any fish. Because the sea outside the harbor was so rough that I thought I would be lucky enough to catch a Japanese sea bass inside the harbor, but no fish responded to my lures. The strong wind kept blowing, and I found the other fishermen were already gone. I did not feel it’s worthwhile to remain at the harbor alone, so I drove to Owashi Harbor next. There was no response, either. Lastly I tried Sanami Harbor, but the result did not change. There was neither baitfish nor any predatory fish at all.

Feb 22, 2020

(No. 555) How to Cast a Lure Comfortably with PENN Jigmaster (PENNジグマスターでルアーを快適に投げる方法)

The PENN Jigmaster 500 conventional reel, especially the one with a lightweight plastic spool, is becoming my all-time favorite fishing reel. It is succeeding to the throne that my PENN Torque 5 spinning reel has undertaken for about 10 years. Since I discovered and started using my second-hand Jigmaster this January, I have realized there are some misconceptions of the reel on the Internet. For example, some people say you cannot cast a lure with the Jigmaster as far as with a spinning reel. Or, the Jigmaster is a boat reel, not designed for surf casting. Or, you need to “mag” the Jigmaster in order to cast a lure comfortably without backlash. They are not exactly true. The truth is that I can cast a lure very far with the Jigmaster without installing any magnet on it. The Jigmaster can be a great surf reel, as one of the old PENN catalogues classifies it as a reel for surf fishing along with the Squidder or the Surfmaster.
How can I cast a lure with the Jigmaster? After about 50-day intense practice of the reel, now I can say that the key factor is where to place your thumb. Actually, if you read one of the old PENN catalogues carefully, it is not difficult to know where you should place your thumb on the spool when you are in the casting motion. The catalogue says that the Jigmaster has the “Easy-Thumb Spool Flanges.” Yes, you should place your thumb on the flange of the spool during your casting motion, and that’s it. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, some other PENN conventional reels have the similar flanges (in case of a plastic or aluminum spool), and I believe the same technique can be applied to those other reels (I am not sure whether the chrome-plated metal spool can be used the same way because it doesn’t seem to have wide flanges). This is how I can cast a lure with the Jigmaster as far as with a spinning reel (except for very light lures). My thumb does not get burned. I feel no frictional heat. No need to protect the finger with tape. No need to install any magnet on the reel. No need to use even the mechanical brake (tension brake). My spool is completely free. All that I needed was just practice.
(ジグマスターを使って私はどうやってルアーを投げているのでしょう? 50日間に及ぶ集中的な練習を経た今、私に言えるのは、重要なのは親指を置く位置だということです。実際のところ、PENNの古いカタログを注意深く読めば、キャスティングの動作をしている時に、スプールのどこに親指を置くべきか知るのは、難しくはありません。カタログによると、ジグマスターには“簡単な親指操作のためのフランジ”が付いているのです。そう、キャスティングの際には、親指をスプールのフランジに置くべきであり、それが全てなのです。以前の投稿の一つで触れたことがありますが、PENNの他の両軸リールの中には同様なフランジの付いているものがあります(プラスチックあるいはアルミ製スプールの場合)。これら他のリールにも同じテクニックが使えると思います(ただ、クロームメッキされたメタル製スプールにも同様に使えるかは分かりません。幅の広いフランジが付いていないようだからです)。私は、この方法でジグマスターを使い、スピニングリールと同じ飛距離を出すことができています(非常に軽いルアーを投げる場合を除く)。親指が火傷をすることもありません。摩擦熱は感じられないのです。テープで親指を守る必要はありません。リールに磁石を取り付ける必要もありません。メカニカル・ブレーキですら使う必要はないのです。私のスプールは完全にフリーです。私に必要だったのは、ただ練習のみでした。)
P.S. I realized lately that you can hold the spool more firmly if you place your thumb on the middle of it, not on the flange of it as I explained here, especially when you want to cast a heavier lure. As soon as you release the spool, you should place your thumb on the flange.

Feb 20, 2020

(No. 554) No Fish at Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の楡木の波止にて釣果なし)

I overslept this morning. I felt I had already missed a great opportunity of catching a big fish when I woke up about 7:30 a.m. Instead of going to a more serious fishing spot such as Saruwatari in Nonami, I just wanted to cast my favorite lures from a more carefree spot. So I went to Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor. There were already a few fishermen when I arrived at the harbor, and there were another group of fishermen when I quit fishing about 9:30 a.m. Nobody seemed to catch any fish at all.

Feb 15, 2020

(No. 553) Unidentified Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて正体不明の魚)

This morning I went to Saruwatari in Nonami. While nothing happened to my topwater and subsurface lures, I felt a faint bite on my Hopkins Shorty when I was bouncing it around at the bottom. The fish was hooked, and I found it a reddish fish of about 20 cm (8 in.) long. I couldn't identify the fish. It had very sharp teeth, and I had not caught the fish before. As soon as I got home, I started an investigation. Thanks to the great Internet, now I think the fish was a type of sasanohabera. I am not very sure.
P.S. One of my fishing buddies told me that the fish was sasanohabera, indeed. According to him, now the fish is not rare but rather common around any breakwater.

Feb 12, 2020

(No. 552) No Fish at Susumi-hana and Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻と丸岩にて釣果なし)

This morning I cast my lures from Susumi-hana and Maruiwa in Owashi. It was almost a perfect morning for enjoying comfortable fishing. Such a strong fair wind was blowing that my casting distance was unbelievable. The sea was so calm that nothing felt dangerous at all. The water was so clear that it made me groundlessly expect some pelagic fish to come closer and hit my lures. If I ignore the fact that no fish attacked my lures, I can say that it was a perfect morning. In other words, it was a perfect morning for enjoying comfortable “non-fishing.”

Feb 10, 2020

(No. 551) No Fish at Etomo Harbor (恵曇港にて釣果なし)

It rained on and off all day long today. When I arrived at Etomo Harbor this early afternoon, there was only one fisherman in the harbor as far as I could see. He was a bait fisherman, and he told me that he had not caught any fish at all. That information was far from encouraging, but I was not discouraged thanks to the vivid impression of the Japanese sea bass and the Japanese amberjack I had seen three days ago. With eager anticipation, I cast my favorite lures from several spots in the harbor such as Edabo and Sinsinbo. I kept casting tenaciously until sunset with a two-hour break in between. Nothing happened at all, but I was not yet discouraged.

Feb 8, 2020

(No. 550) No Fish at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の小具の波止にて釣果なし)

You might say I should have returned to Etomo Harbor this morning. As I reported in my previous post, not only did I see other fishermen catch the Japanese sea bass there yesterday but also I myself hooked the fish although it came off instantly. I could have caught one this morning if I had gone to Etomo Harbor, but you have to remember that I am a “non-fisherman.” A “non-fisherman” has to decide where to go fishing without regard to a potential catch. In addition, today is Saturday. I don’t like to compete for a productive fishing spot with other fishermen who are able to go fishing only on weekends. So I didn’t return to Etomo Harbor this morning. Instead, I drove to Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor because I was in the mood for casting my lures from a spot where I could cast comfortably. Actually, it was far from being comfortable due to the strong onshore wind, and no fish attacked my lures, but I enjoyed a lot as usual.

Feb 7, 2020

(No. 549) Missed Japanese Sea Bass at Sinsinbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の新々防にてスズキを逃す)

We had an unexpectedly heavy snowfall yesterday, but the snow already began to melt by this noon. So I drove to Etomo Harbor this late afternoon. The sea was much calmer than I had expected, and I noticed there were two lure fishermen at Edabo, one of the breakwaters. When I arrived at the tip of it, one of the fishermen was in the middle of a fight with a Japanese sea bass, and the other had already caught two sea bass and, to my surprise, one medium-sized fat Japanese amberjack. I made several casts from Edabo, but nothing happened to my lures. Because the spot was getting a bit too crowded, I moved to the tip of Sinsinbo, a higher, larger, and more dangerous breakwater in the harbor. From there, I hooked a very small Japanese sea bass on my Hopkins Shorty. Partly because of the height of the spot, it came off several seconds later.

Feb 1, 2020

(No. 548) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay, Etomo Harbor, and Owashi Harbor (倉内湾、恵曇港、そして大芦港にて釣果なし)

This afternoon I got temporarily out of the swamp of my translation jobs. First, I went to Kurauchi Bay. The fishing spot was being attacked by the strong swell, and there were patches of sarashi (white churning water) along the shore. I expected to catch a Japanese sea bass, but nothing happened. Then, I drove to Etomo Harbor. What I did at the harbor was more like casting practice with the PENN Jigmaster than the serious fishing, but I enjoyed a lot. Lastly, I drove to Owashi Harbor. I kept casting my lures rather seriously from Ogu-no-hato, one of the breakwaters in the harbor. Nothing happened either, but I enjoyed a lot too. I remember I used to call my hobby “non-fishing.” I might have become a “non-fisherman” again.