About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Dec 27, 2018

(No. 419) Consecutively No Fish in front of Ice Plant and at Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の製氷所前と枝防にて引き続き釣果なし)

I have been to Etomo Harbor every day since the last post. A total of 3 attempts at catching a huge fluke at the bottom of the harbor resulted in two lost lures and no fish. The sea outside the harbor had been generally rough, and the strong wind had been blowing. So I expected I might catch a Japanese sea bass in addition to a fluke, but nothing happened not only at the bottom but also below the surface.

Dec 24, 2018

(No. 418) No Fish in front of Ice Plant and at Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の製氷所前と枝防にて釣果なし)

A few bait fishermen at Etomo Harbor have told me the story of a huge fluke that they hooked unintentionally. They said they were fishing for the Aji fish (Japanese horse mackerel) at the inside of the harbor, and a huge fluke occasionally bit the Aji that was just hooked and still in the water. I have been intrigued. I myself had seen a huge one about two years ago. So I took out a few of heavy spoons this morning and let the metal lure to sink to the bottom at the inside of the harbor. I remembered I had loved bottom fishing in New York. Over there I primarily used Tsunami Ball Jigs for flukes and sea robins. While American fishermen didn’t appreciate sea robins, we Japanese loved them. I have not done bottom fishing very much since I came home. I did not catch any bottom-dwelling fish this morning, but I felt like doing it more often than before.

Dec 22, 2018

(No. 417) Seaweed at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて海草)

I have been a “non-fisherman” for such a long time that I might have lost the ability to tell whether it is a fish or an inanimate object such as dead seaweed. I know I should not whine. I should be grateful to the seaweed. Thank you, my seaweed! You made me very happy when my lure got tangled up in you in the distance! My excitement lasted embarrassingly much longer than it should have lasted!
(“無魚釣り師”でいる期間があまりにも長くなったため、私はもしかすると、針にかかったのが魚なのか、それとも死んだ海草のような無生物であるのか、判別する能力を失ってしまったのかもしれません。泣き言を言うべきではないと承知しています。私は海草に感謝すべきなのです。ありがとう、僕の海草さん! 遠くのほうで僕のルアーが君にからんじゃった時、君は僕をすごく幸せにしてくれたよ! 僕の興奮は、常識的な線をはるかに超えて、恥ずかしくなるくらい長く、続いてしまったんだよ!)

Dec 18, 2018

(No. 416) No Fish at Sanami Harbor, Mitsu Harbor, and Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (佐波港、御津港、そして恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

The sea outside a harbor was rough and the wave height was forecasted to be about 3 meters (about 10 feet) this morning. So I expected to catch a Japanese sea bass or a young Japanese Spanish mackerel inside a harbor. With a set of lighter fishing tackle than the one for yellowtail amberjacks, I did the run-and-gun style fishing at each harbor. I did it not only at a harbor but also across the region. First I tried Sanami Harbor. Then I drove to Mitsu Harbor. Lastly I tried Nanbo in Etomo Harbor. As a “non-fisherman” that is probably one and only in the world for now, I enjoyed today’s non-fishing very much.

Dec 16, 2018

(No. 415) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I have been skunked for a long time. At the end of the day, fishing might not be the thing for me. Recently I have wondered whether I should change my hobby. To be exact, I should change the name of my hobby. How about “non-fishing?” Or “un-fishing?” From now on, when I introduce myself, I will say, “Hi. My hobby is non-fishing and I love it!”
(長い間、ボウズが続いています。結局のところ、私は、魚釣りには向いていないのかもしれません。最近は、自分の趣味を変えるべきだろうかと、考え続けています。正確に言うと、自分の趣味の名前を変えるべきではないか、と。例えば「無魚釣り(むさかなつり)」はどうでしょう? あるいは「否魚釣り(ひさかなつり)」とかは? これから自己紹介するときは、「こんにちは。私の趣味は無魚釣りです。大好きなんですよ!」と言うつもりです。)

Dec 15, 2018

(No. 414) No Fish at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

The rain had almost stopped by this afternoon, and the height of waves should have been about 1.5 meters (about 5 feet) according to the weatherman. However, the waves looked much higher when I reached a place to overlook Susumi Bay in Owashi. I had planned to go to Saruwatari or Naka-bana, but I had to change my destination. I drove to Nanbo in Etomo Harbor, a much safer place than the two spots in Nonami. There were 4 bait fishermen at Nanbo when I arrived. Two of them said they did not catch any fish. Neither did I.

Dec 14, 2018

(No. 413) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

Due to an important business trip to Tokyo and a few tight deadlines, I had not been able to go fishing for some time. Finally I became free from all the urgent obligations today. I became able to go fishing at last. The problem was that the weather had been nasty since this morning. The weather app on my phone said it would keep raining in Matsue, but actually It became fine at one point this afternoon. I drove to Kurauchi Bay, one of the nearest fishing spots along the shore of the Shimane Peninsula from my place. When I arrived at the spot about 4 p.m., the sky already became overcast. Before it began to rain, I managed to make 7 or 8 casts. You might think I must have felt disappointed. I didn’t. I appreciated each one of the casts satisfactorily.

Dec 2, 2018

(No. 412) No Fish at Naka-bana in Nonami (野波の中鼻にて釣果なし)

I feel like saying “thank you” to the god (or spirit) of fishing. It was about 7:40 a.m. that I arrived at the parking space for Saruwatari in Nonami after I did some household chores this morning. There was a car left at the space! Believing this fisherman had gone to Saruwatari, I took another path in the woods. This path leads to Naka-bana, a less popular fishing spot to the west of Saruwatari. It would be the first time I had tried this fishing spot. Saruwatari is supposed to be more productive, so I cannot help it whenever it is available. Today I did not catch any fish from Naka-bana, and the fisherman whom I saw casting his lures not from Saruwatari but from one of safer rocks around it seemed out of luck too at least after I reached Naka-bana, but I felt happy.
(釣りの神様(もしくは精霊)に「ありがとう」と言いたい気分です。今朝、ちょっとした家事を済ませた後、野波の猿渡へ行くための駐車スペースに到着したのは、午前7時40分頃でした。するとそこには、既に一台の車が駐められていたのです! その釣り人は猿渡に行かれたのに違いないので、私は林の中の別の道を行きました。その道は、猿渡の西にあって、それほどの人気はない別の釣り場、中鼻に続いています。その釣り場から釣るのは初めてでした。猿渡のほうが、よりよく魚が釣れることになっているので、猿渡が空いている時にはどうしてもそちらに行ってしまいます。今日は、中鼻からは何も釣れませんでしたし、猿渡からではなく、その周囲のより安全な岩からルアーを投げておられたその釣り人もまた、少なくとも私が中鼻に到着してからは運に見放されていたようです。しかし、私は幸せに感じました。)