About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jul 24, 2024

(No. 1218) Consecutively No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて引き続き釣果なし)

There are no living creatures in Kurauchi Bay. That’s what I felt yesterday and today. In order to escape from the excruciating heat, I went to the bay two afternoons in a row. I didn’t see any sign of fish in the bay. I had to dive into the sea because otherwise I would suffer heatstroke. I didn’t see any small fish even when I was in the water. All that I saw were floating seaweeds.

Jul 18, 2024

(No. 1217) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

I feel I am still recovering from the mysterious infectious disease that made me bedridden for a few days. My physical is not yet 100%. So this hot afternoon I went to Kurauchi Bay. I wanted to do a moderate exercise in order to expedite my recovery. Fishing and swimming in Kurauchi Bay made my body refreshingly tired. It was as if everything about the bay seemed to help me recover except for some trash, such as an empty lure package, cigarette butts, and a tangle of fishing line.

Jul 14, 2024

(No. 1216) Comparison between Two Series of Newell Reels (ニューウェル・リールの2つのシリーズの比較)

I recently obtained Newell S220-5 conventional reel and love it. I also own Newell G235-F. This post is about one of differences between the “G” and “S” series and how I decided to sell my G235-F. In general, people seem to prefer the “G” series, which is older than the “S.” I think it’s partly because some important parts remained metal, not graphite, in the “G” series. For example, the bearing caps of my S220-5 are black plastics. On the other hand, those of G235-F are metal. Indeed plastic caps look and feel cheaper and weaker, but I prefer the S220-5’s plastic caps. Because, unlike the metal counterparts in the “G” series, I don’t have to use those plastic caps. In other words, I can leave the two bearings always exposed to the outside. So now I don’t have to disassemble the reel or screw off caps to oil the bearings. After each fishing, I submerse the reel in freshwater and then just oil the exposed bearings. That’s all. And I love such simplicity. So, using one of the most popular auction sites in Japan, I just put my G235-F for auction. It’s only for bidders in Japan (Sorry for people overseas). In general I don’t like to own too many fishing tackles. Most of all, I hope someone interested to enjoy the wonderful world of Newell reels.
(私は最近、ニューウェルのS220-5両軸リールを入手し、とても気に入っています。また私は、ニューウェルのG235-Fも所有しています。この投稿では、「G」シリーズと「S」シリーズの違いの 1 つと、私が G235-F を売却することにした理由について書きます。一般的に人々は、「S」シリーズよりも古い「G」シリーズの方を好むようです。その理由の一つは、「G」シリーズではいくつかの重要な部品が、グラファイトではなく、金属のままであるからだと思います。例えば、S220-5のベアリング・キャップは黒いプラスチック製です。一方、G235-Fのベアリング・キャップは金属製です。確かにプラスチックのキャップは、見た目も手触りも安っぽくて弱々しい。でも私は 、S220-5のプラスチック・キャップの方が好きなのです。なぜなら、「G」シリーズの金属製キャップとは異なり、キャップを必ずしも使用する必要がないからです。言い換えれば、2つのベアリングを常に外側に開いたままにしておくことができます。そうしておけば、ベアリングに給油するために、いちいちリールを分解したりキャップを回して外す必要がありません。釣行終は、リールを真水に浸してから、表に顔を出しているベアリングに給油するだけ。それだけです。そして私は、そのような単純さが大好きなのです。そこで私は、日本で最も人気のあるオークションサイトの 1 つを使って、G235-Fをオークションに出品しています。日本国内の入札者のみ対象です (海外の方は、ごめんなさいね)。私は一般的に、釣り道具をあまり所有したくありません。何よりも、ニューウェル・リールの素晴らしい世界を、興味のある方に楽しんでいただきたいと思っているのです。)

Jul 12, 2024

(No. 1215) No Fish at Swollen Lake Shinji (増水した宍道湖にて釣果なし)

A historically large amount of rainfall has dropped in the Sanin Region including Matsue and Izumo Cities. A part of the seaside winding road to Hinomisaki and the Ketakake Peninsula in Izumo collapsed, and people over there are still isolated. I am not sure when I would feel like going again to some rocky shores, such as Safuki-bana and Saruwatari in Nonami, because I am afraid that a similar collapse might happen there too. My safest choice was to go to Lake Shinji. Although it’s very swollen, there seems no imminent danger. The surface of the lake was so elevated that the usual lakeside was in the water and I had to throw my lure from the much higher bank behind the lakeside shore. The height reminded me of the fishing at a rocky shore facing the Sea of Japan. I had a chat with one of regular lure fishermen, and we agreed that in recent years there might be more the Japanese black porgies in the lake than our coveted Japanese sea bass.

Jul 8, 2024

(No. 1214) “Saltwater Fisherman after Each Trip Should Submerse Reel in Fresh Water” (「海釣り師は、釣行のたびに、リールを真水に沈めるべきである」)

I was bedridden for about 3 days due to a mysterious infectious disease I caught from my father. Not sure if it was the Covid, the flu, or the common cold. In addition to my sickness, the weather was not very good. Too hot or/and too windy. So I was not able to go fishing. Before I got infected, I received a small package. It was another old conventional reel I had purchased on one of online second-hand tackle shops. To my surprise, not only the reel but also its original box, user manual, warranty registration card, and even some extra parts were in it. The reel is Newell S220-5. And I got very happy when I found the following statement on the manual. “Saltwater fisherman after each trip should submerse reel in fresh water. Star drug should be tightened before submersing. Soak for 15 minutes, back off the star drag, shake and wipe off with cloth. Place reel in sunny or warm room to allow reel and line to dry.” Since I read someone’s post on some overseas fishing forum, which said Newell reels should be submersed in fresh water, I have looked for the genuine user manual in order to corroborate the claim. I finally got it. I wish more reels were like Newell.

Jun 29, 2024

(No. 1213) “Is This a Plastic Tube?” “No, It's a Compostable Straw” (「これってプラスチックのチューブ?」「いや、堆肥化可能なストローだよ」)

This is today’s second post and a sequel to the first one. As soon as I posted the first one, I informed Mr. Scott Johnson at Roberts Lures about it. When I placed the order on the Roberts Lures website several days ago, I had a nice chat with him. So I wanted to make sure that he would know I got amazed with the new packaging. He replied me back immediately with a surprising piece of information. On the first post, I mentioned “a small plastic tube” which covers the hook. Mr. Johnson kindly corrected my wrong assumption. It’s not a plastic tube but a “compostable straw that's made of vegetable matter.” Regarding the packaging, he said, “Everything is 100% natural and recyclable” and “If there's any packaging trash that is left on a boat or the beach, it dissolves into the environment. There's really too much plastic packaging here in the US and I really don't like that!” Thank you, Scott. Now I have one more reason to love Roberts Lures. 

(No. 1212) Another Impressive New Package of Roberts Lures (ロバーツ・ルアーの新パッケージがまたもや印象的)

(After reading the following post, you should read the next post immediately.)
I love to use Roberts Lures. For some anglers, especially Japanese anglers surrounded with an army of realistic plugs, Roberts Lures might look too simple. Indeed they look simple, but I know they work fine, and, most importantly, it’s so fun to use them. On this post I would like to report that Roberts Lures made another drastic change in their package. When I reported three years ago (No. 798), the package had already changed from a transparent plastic bag with a rectangle piece of thick paper inside to an open box of thick paper. I ordered some Roberts Lures several days ago, and they arrived today. Strangely, the parcel looked too small for the number of lures I had ordered. The reason was simple. They changed the package again. Now it’s not even a box. It’s just a small rectangle of thick paper, and the lure is tied to the paper with a small piece of wire. And there are a rubber band and a small plastic tube which holds and covers the hook, respectively. I remember what their original paper package said. “Be Considerate of Your Fishing Environment… Don’t Pollute!” I got impressed again with the decision that people at Roberts Lures made. The less material we use, the better we can preserve nature.
(私はロバーツのルアーを愛用しています。一部のアングラーにとっては、とりわけリアルなプラグ軍団に囲まれた日本人アングラーにとっては、ロバーツのルアーはシンプル過ぎるように見えるかもしれません。確かにシンプルに見えますが、しっかり働きますし、それに何より、使うのが楽しいのです。今回の投稿では、ロバーツのルアーのパッケージがまた大幅に変わったことを報告したいと思います。3年前に報告した時(No.798)、パッケージは既に、透明なビニール袋に長方形の厚い紙片が入ったものから、開いた厚紙の箱に変わっていたのでした。先日注文したロバーツのルアーが、今日届いたのです。不思議なことに、注文したルアーの数に対して小包が小さ過ぎるように見えました。その理由は簡単でした。パッケージがまた変わっていたのです。今は、箱ですらありません。ルアーは、小さな針金で一片の厚紙にくくりつけられています。そして輪ゴムと小さなプラスチックのチューブが、フックを固定し、カバーしています。オリジナルの紙パッケージに書かれていたメッセージを思い出しました。「釣り場の環境に配慮して…汚さないで!」。 私はロバーツ・ルアーの人たちが下した決断にまたもや感銘を受けました。使用する材料が少なければ少ないほど、より良い自然保護につながるのですから。)

Jun 23, 2024

(No. 1211) My “Magged” Avet Reel Works Fine Even during Typhoon-like Rain (マグ化したアベットリールは、台風のような雨の中でもよく働く)

On my last post, I reported that I “magged” my Avet MXJ6/4 reel. Since then I have added a few more magnets and coated them with two-part epoxy adhesive. Now I have no difficulty in throwing my 2 to 3 oz. lures with full force. The casting distance is wonderful, and I barely have a backlash. The rainy season, which is called “Tsuyu” in Japanese, has started. People say that we used to have much gentler rainfalls during “Tsuyu.” Now every rain feels like a typhoon probably due to the climate change. I went to Lake Shinji against such strong wind and rain. The lake had quickly swollen with heavy rains. The water was too muddy and too choppy. The crosswind was getting heavier and heavier, but I enjoyed throwing my favorite lures. My “magged” Avet won against the elements.
(前回の投稿で、アベットのMXJ6/4リールをマグ化したと報告しました。あれから私は、マグネットを数個追加し、2液性エポキシ接着剤でコーティングしました。今は、2 〜 3 オンスのルアーを全力で投げるのに何の問題もありません。飛距離は素晴らしく、バックラッシュもほとんどありません。日本語で「梅雨」と呼ばれる雨期が始まっています。梅雨の雨は、昔はもっと穏やかだったと言われています。今では気候変動のせいか、雨が降るたびに台風のように感じられます。私は、そんな強い風と雨の中、宍道湖に行きました。湖は大雨で急速に増水しています。水はひどく濁り、波立っています。横風はどんどん強くなっていきましたが、お気に入りのルアーを投げるのは楽しかったです。マグ化したアベットは、風雨をものともしませんでした。)