About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Nov 27, 2018

(No. 411) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I am becoming a lazy fisherman. I might have to change the name of this blog to “American Saltwater Lures Can Catch Japanese Fish Without Waking Up Very Early?” I had not even set my alarm for today’s fishing. When I woke up about 6:30 a.m. after having a very good sleep, the day has already broken. I was headed for Maruiwa in Owashi. There were 2 cars already parked at the narrow parking space for the fishing spot. I had no choice but to go to Saruwatari in Nonami. Why did it seem that nobody except me was interested in the so-called most popular fishing spot in the area? Anyway I started fishing before 8 a.m. at Saruwatari and finished it about 10 a.m. The sea was very quiet and calm. I got skunked again. Nothing happened. I just noticed that nori (black tasty seaweed) was growing on the rock along the shore.
(私はぐうたらな釣り人になりつつあります。もしかすると私は、このブログのタイトルを変更すべきかもしれません。「アメリカのソルトルアーで、すごく早起きをしなくても、日本の魚は釣れるの?」へと。今日の釣りのために目覚ましをセットすることすら、私は怠けたのです。ぐっすりと眠って午前6時半頃に目覚めた時には、既に夜は明けていました。私は大芦の丸岩へ向かいました。釣り場へ降りるための狭い駐車スペースには既に2台の車が駐められています。私は、野波の猿渡へ行かざるを得ませんでした。この地域でいちばん人気があるはずの釣り場に、私以外の誰も、関心を持っていないようであるのは、いったいなぜなのでしょう? ともかく私は、午前8時前から猿渡で釣り始め、10時に納竿しました。海はとても穏やかで凪いでいました。またもやボウズでした。何も起きません。私はただ、岸沿いの岩に海苔(美味しい黒色の海草)が生えているのに気づきました。)

Nov 24, 2018

(No. 410) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

It was as if I had been destined by the god (or spirit) of fishing only to go to Saruwatari in Nonami. As is often the case these days, there was no vacancy in parking spaces for fishing spots in the area except the one for Saruwatari. I started fishing at 8 a.m. and stopped it at 9:30 a.m. Literally nothing happened. I got bored, so that I took a picture of a lure hanging from a tree with the unproductive sea in the background.

Nov 20, 2018

(No. 409) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

I am sure that I love the act of fishing even when I don’t catch any fish. Just casting my favorite lures toward the ocean makes me happy. Just being at a fishing spot is kind of fulfilling. However, I am not sure of it when I get soaked by the waves. That’s what happened to me at Maruiwa in Owashi this morning. The high waves broke against the shore, and I could not avoid it. The water was so cold that I had to quit fishing much sooner than I had expected. 

Nov 18, 2018

(No. 408) Still Skunked at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてやはりボウズ)

The strangeness continued. I was unable to find a vacant fishing spot in Owashi and Nonami except for Saruwatari again. When I arrived at the spot about 8 a.m., a lot of seaweeds and some pieces of garbage floated on the water in front of it and, worst of all, they stayed. Obviously it was a bad sign for fishing. I had to cast and retrieve my lures carefully in order to avoid them. The seaweeds and garbage started to move very slowly about 10 a.m. With a slightly elevated expectation, I kept casting my lures by about 11 a.m., but I got skunked again.

Nov 11, 2018

(No. 407) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

Saruwatari has not been very productive for me this year. So today I wanted to fish from Maruiwa in Owashi, but three cars were already parked in the narrow parking space for the fishing spot when I arrived in the early morning. I gave up Maruiwa and drove to Saruwatari. I felt ambivalent. I might have hoped that I would find a car at the parking space for it. I probably said to myself, “Please don’t let me fish from Saruwatari today.” When I arrived, there was no car at the parking space. Today I had taken out two of the most universally effective lures from my arsenal, which are the Super Strike Zig Zag and Little Neck Popper. Even with these lures, I did not catch any fish. Why?

Nov 6, 2018

(No. 406) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The strong wind was blowing and the sea was choppy when I started fishing about 6:20 a.m. The condition of the sea looked similar to the one when I hooked but eventually missed a big fish 4 days ago. I shook my rod hard to move my American pencil popper livelily. Unlike 4 days ago, no fish got interested in the splash the lure made. I got bored and also a bit tired. So I took more breaks than I usually do. During the breaks I practiced a new song I am writing now for my annual New Year's rap, using a Philips portable bluetooth speaker. In addition, on my way back to the parking space, I found what looked like feces of an animal in the woods. I was not bored anymore.

Nov 4, 2018

(No. 405) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

Saruwatari is the most popular fishing spot in Nonami according to the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” and the capacity of the spot is just one fisherman. I had occupied the spot for two consecutive mornings. I don’t like to have anything all to myself. So today I intended to avoid Saruwatari all the more because somebody had cleared the path to the fishing spot as I mentioned in my previous post (No. 396). However, other fishing spots that I knew in the area were all occupied this morning. So I had no choice but to drive to Saruwatari. Surprisingly there was no car at the parking space for the spot. The sea was much calmer than the previous two mornings. It was too quiet, and nothing exciting happened. If I prevented you from trying Saruwatari this morning due to my parked car, I am sorry.
(とても役に立つ『山陰の釣り場総覧』によると、猿渡は、野波で一番人気のある釣り場なのですが、釣り場の定員はわずか一名なのです。私は昨日と今日の朝、2日連続して、その釣り場を占有してしまいました。何事にせよ、独り占めするのは好きではありません。そこで今日は、猿渡は避けるつもりだったのです。以前の投稿(No. 396)で触れているように、釣り場へと至る道を整備してくださった方がいるのですから、なおさらです。しかし今朝は、私の知っている同地区の他の釣り場は、すべて満員になっていたのでした。私には猿渡に行く以外の手段が残されていなかったのです。驚いたことに、釣り場へと至る駐車スペースに、車は置いてありませんでした。海は、昨日までよりもずっと穏やかでした。穏やかすぎて、ワクワクするようなことは何も起きません。もしも今朝、貴方が猿渡で釣ろうとしていたのに、私の車が邪魔したのだったら、ごめんなさい。)

Nov 3, 2018

(No. 404) Exciting Splash at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて刺激的な水しぶき)

The feeling of the ferocious run of the fish I missed yesterday has not left me. So I revisited Saruwatari this morning and started fishing about 6:30 a.m., 30 minutes earlier than yesterday. Not until about 7 a.m., the same time when the strike happened yesterday, did the fish respond to my lure. When I was using the Guppy Lure’s 3-1/4 oz. Pencil Popper, I saw one fish chasing it. Making a white zigzag splash around the lure, the fish attacked it a few times. It was such a thrilling moment, but the fish did not even graze the lure! Except for this event, nothing happened today.
(昨日逃した魚の獰猛な走りの感覚が、頭から離れません。そこで私は今朝も再び、猿渡を訪れて、昨日よりも30分早い午前6時半頃から釣り始めました。昨日のストライクがあったのと同じ午前7時頃になって、やっと魚がルアーに反応しました。グッピールアーの3-1/4 oz. ペンシル・ポッパーを使っている時、ルアーを追う魚の姿が見えたのです。白いジグザグのしぶきをあげて、魚はルアーを2、3回、襲いました。スリル満点の瞬間でしたが、魚はルアーにかすりもしないのでした! この出来事の他には今日は何も起きませんでした。)

Nov 2, 2018

(No. 403) Missed Big Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて大物を逃す)

I started casting my lures slightly before 7 a.m. at Saruwatari today. The rain had just stopped and the sky was leaden with overcast. The waves were not high, and there was a light swell. I felt I would catch a nice one at last today. First I used my Roberts Ranger. After making a few casts, I switched it to the Guppy Lure’s Jobo Junior (2.75 oz.). The pencil popper reached so far that I couldn’t recognize it when I started moving it the way American surf fishermen do. It did not matter. At the third or the forth shake of my rod, a big fish snatched the lure and dashed toward the bottom of the sea.
(今日は、午前7時少し前から猿渡でルアーを投げ始めました。雨はやっと上がり、空模様はどんよりとしていました。波は高くありませんでしたが、軽いうねりがありました。ついに今日こそ、良い型の魚が釣れそうな気がしました。まず私は、ロバーツ・レンジャーを使いました。数キャストした後、グッピールアーのジョボ・ジュニア(2.75 oz)に換えました。このペンシル・ポッパーがとても遠くまで飛んだため、アメリカの岸釣り師が動かすようにルアーを動かし始めた時、ルアーがどこにあるのか確認できませんでした。しかし問題はありません。竿を3回目か4回目に揺さぶった時、大きな魚がルアーをひったくり、海底に向かって突進したのです。)
The fish was so powerful that the drag of my old reel (Ohmori Factory’s Diamond Micro 7 No.6) started screeching. When I tried to stop the ferocious run of the fish, the tension I had felt through the line was gone. The knot between the leader line and the clip was broken. Unfortunately the fish was gone probably with the lure dangling around the mouth. I hoped the fish shook off the lure and felt safe thanks to the barbless hooks. The fish was almost certainly a big yellowtail amberjack. Because I had caught only Japanese sea bass on any of American pencil poppers since I came back to Japan, I had been skeptical of the lures’ ability to catch amberjacks. Now I am confident.
(その魚は非常にパワフルだったので、私の古いリール(大森製作所ダイヤモンドリール・マイクロ7 No.6)のドラグが、金切り声をあげ始めました。私が、その獰猛な走りを止めようとした時、釣り糸を通して感じられていたテンションが失われてしまいました。リーダーとクリップを結ぶノットが破壊されていました。残念なことに魚は、おそらくその口の周辺にルアーを付けたまま、消えてしまったのです。私のルアーの針はバーブ(かえし)がつぶしてあるので、魚がルアーを振り払い、安全でいてくれればいいと思います。その魚は十中八九、大きなヒラマサでした。帰国以来、アメリカのペンシル・ポッパーで釣れるのはスズキだけだったので、果たしてそうしたルアーで青物も釣れるのだろうか、とあやしんでいたのです。今はもう、自信がつきました。)