About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Sep 28, 2022

(No. 998) Experiment: Can I Catch False Albacores in Sea of Japan? (実験:日本海でスマガツオは釣れるのか?)

I remember what I was doing when I was in New York. I was chasing the false albacore at this time of the year. For a short period of time in the autumn the coveted tuna, a.k.a. little tunny, would come close to the shore, so that you might catch it even from the shore. The fish has such a good eyesight that you have to use a small lure with a thin fishing line. You also have to retrieve the lure as fast as possible because the fish swims very fast. Since returning to Japan, my primary targets have been the yellowtail amberjack and the Japanese sea bass. It is common to use a big plug to catch those fish, so I have used only big lures. A few days ago I suddenly realized a fascinating possibility. 
(ニューヨークにいた時にやっていたことを思い出します。一年の今の時期、私はスマガツオ(False Albacore)を追っていたのです。別名をリトル・タニーという、この憧れのツナは、秋の短い期間だけ接岸するので、岸からも釣れるようになるのです。この魚は目が良いので、小さめのルアーを細い糸で使う必要があります。また、高速で泳ぐため、できるだけ速くリトリーブしなくてはなりません。日本に帰国してからの私が主に狙ってきた魚は、ヒラマサとスズキでした。これらの魚は、大きなプラグで釣るのが一般的ですから、私は、大きなルアーばかり使ってきたのです。数日前、私はふと、一つの魅力的な可能性に気がついたのでした。)
I wondered, "What if there are plenty of false albacores in the Sea of Japan? Even if so, I cannot catch them with my usual setup for the yellowtail amberjack or the Japanese sea bass." So this afternoon I did an experiment. I used the setup specifically for the false albacore. I used a small jig with a thin line. Are there false albacores in the Sea of Japan? Can I catch them? So I did what I had done in New York. Standing at Senjojiki in Mitsu, I kept throwing one of my smallest jigs as many times as possible and retrieving it as fast as possible. I tenaciously waited for a false albacore to cross right in front of me. If my hypothesis were correct, I would have caught the fish.
(私は思いました。「もし、日本海にスマガツオがたくさんいるとしたらどうだろう? たとえそうだとしても、ヒラマサやスズキ用の仕掛けでは釣れはしないのだ」。そこで今日の午後、私は実験をしてみました。スマガツオ用の仕掛けを使ったのです。小さいジグを用い、ラインも細くしてみました。日本海にスマガツオはいるのでしょうか? そして私に釣れるのでしょうか? 私はニューヨークでやっていたことをやってみました。御津の千畳敷に立ち、いちばん小さなジグを何度も何度も投げられるだけ投げて、できるだけ高速で巻き続けたのです。スマガツオが私の前を横切るのを辛抱強く待ちながら。もしも私の仮説が正しければ、釣れたはずなのですが…。)

Sep 26, 2022

(No. 997) Mahi-mahi at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてシイラ)

Mahi-mahis might be around only at Saruwatari? I have seen and caught the mahi-mahi since the beginning of this month, and I feel they were only at Saruwatari. This morning was not exception. There were plenty of baitfish around the fishing spot, and small- and medium-sized mahi-mahis chased them vigorously. I caught a few only on my Roberts Ranger. Other lures didn’t work at all.
(シイラがいるのは猿渡だけなのかも? 今月に入ってから、私はシイラを目撃したり釣ったりしていますが、彼らは猿渡にしかいないような気がしています。今朝も例外ではありませんでした。釣り場の周囲にはベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)がたくさんいて、それを中・小型のシイラが盛んに追いかけているのです。ロバーツのレンジャーのみで数匹釣れました。他のルアーでは全くダメでした。)

Sep 25, 2022

(No. 996) Panoramic Photos at Takashima in Okidomari, at Sezaki Harbor, and at Lake Nakaumi (沖泊の高島、瀬崎港、そして中海にてパノラマ写真)

This morning I went to Okidomari first in order to take pictures of Takashima, one of fishing spots that I am afraid I might not be able to reach for good. There was a pair of fishermen that was about to go to Takashima. I saw them walking on the scary path at apparent ease and getting down to the tip of fishing spot. I got so impressed with them that I felt I wanted to try again sometime. Next, I drove to Tako Harbor and then to Sezaki Harbor, which I don’t think I had been to before. I saw one of the anglers catch a big squid at Sezaki Harbor, but nothing happened to me. Then I drove over the summit of Shimane Peninsula and got to Lake Nakaumi. Nothing happened there, either.

Sep 23, 2022

(No. 995) No Fish at Rocky Beach next to Takashima in Okidomari (沖泊の高島の横の岩だらけの浜にて釣果なし)

This morning I intended to go to Saruwatari or Safuki-bana in Nonami, but, when I was driving on Cherry Road, somehow I changed my mind. I didn’t stop for either spots but kept driving without knowing where to go. Then I reached Okidomari. I remembered I had once tried unsuccessfully to get to Takashima, one of fishing spots there. It was more than 6 years ago, and the path to the fishing spot was so scary that I had to turn back halfway (No. 135). This morning I failed again. The path leading to Takashima is still too high and too scary for me. Instead, I peacefully waked down to the rocky beach on the west of Takashima.
(今朝は野波の猿渡かサフキ鼻に行くつもりだったのですが、チェリーロードを走っていたら、なぜか気が変わりました。どちらにも止まることなく、行き先も分からないまま、走り続けました。そして、沖泊にたどり着いたのです。以前、そこの釣り場の一つ、高島に行こうとして失敗したことを思い出しました。もう6年以上も前のことなのですが、その時は、釣り場に行くための小道があまりにも怖くて途中で引き返したのです(No. 135)。今朝も失敗しました。高島に続く小道はやはり高くて、怖すぎます。代わりに高島の西にある岩場に、心穏やかに降りていきました。)

Sep 17, 2022

(No. 994) Mahi-mahi at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてシイラ)

There were no baitfish around Saruwatari when I started today’s fishing about 6:30 a.m. The current was not moving, and some pieces of garbage and bubbles were staying on the surface. Shortly afterward the current stated moving slowly, and the garbage were gone. Then, bevies of baitfish appeared. I knew they were there because my lures scared them into jumping out of the sea. Then, they started almost skipping on the surface. It was not due to my lures. Some predators were chasing them. It didn’t take much time at all to find what the predators were. I caught a mahi-mahi on my Atom Striper Swiper.

Sep 14, 2022

(No. 993) My First Newell Reel at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて初めてのNewellリール)

Recently I obtained one of Newell reels, the G447-F. Although Newell reels have been out of production for a long time, I have heard that some people still use them and prefer them to PENN reels. I had neither seen nor used any Newell reels, so I got excited this morning when I was getting down to Kurauchi Bay with my G447-F. My past experience in using the PENN Jigmaster 500, one of conventional reels that has no brake mechanism other than a mechanical cast control, helped me to throw a lure with my Newell reel. I felt the Newell much lighter than the PENN’s equivalent, Jigmaster 505HS. It seems to be better suited for casting than the Jigmaster 505HS is. That's what I like about it.
(先日、Newellのリール、 G447-Fを入手しました。製造中止になって久しいNewellリールですが、今でも愛用している人がいて、PENNのリールよりも好まれているという話を聞きます。私はNewellのリールを見たことも使ったこともなかったので、今朝、 G447-Fを持って倉内湾に降りていく時はワクワクしていました。PENNのジグマスター500という、メカニカル・キャスト・コントロール以外のブレーキ機構を持たない両軸リールを使っていた経験が生き、Newellのリールでルアーを投げるのに役立ちました。PENNの同等機種、ジグマスター505HSと比べると、かなり軽く感じました。私のNewellリールは、ジグマスター505HSよりもキャスティングに適しているように思います。そこがいいです。)

Sep 13, 2022

(No. 992) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and at Maruiwa in Owashi (倉内湾と大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

The heat wave seemed to have come back yesterday. It got so hot that I wanted to swim at somewhere safe, so I went to Kurauchi Bay yesterday afternoon. Because there were a few squid fishermen there, I pretended I came there primarily to fish. Shortly afterward I started to swim along the shore without interfering with their fishing. How refreshing it was! No one caught any fish or squid. This morning I went to Maruiwa again for a big mahi-mahi. There was no baitfish around, and nothing happened to my lures.
(昨日からまた猛暑が戻ってきたようです。あまりに暑いので、どこか安全な場所で泳ぎたいと思った私は、昨日の午後は、倉内湾に行きました。そこにはイカ釣り師が数人いたので、私は何よりも釣りをするために来たふりをしました。ほどなくして、彼らの釣りの邪魔にならないよう、岸辺を泳ぎ始めました。なんと爽快だったことでしょう! 誰にも、魚もイカも釣れませんでした。今朝は、大きなシイラを釣りに再び丸岩に行きました。ベイトフィッシュがいないようで、私のルアーには何も起きませんでした。)

Sep 12, 2022

(No. 991) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

In order not to hurt baby mahi-mahis any more, I used only as big lures as possible for today’s fishing at Maruiwa. Some small fish seemed to chase baitfish on the surface. They were probably baby mahi-mahis. I was happy that my big plugs were too big to catch those babies. I was waiting for a big adult to attack my lures.

Sep 11, 2022

(No. 990) Smaller Mahi-mahi at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてさらに小さなシイラ)

Bevies of small mahi-mahis seem plenty along the northern shore of Shimane Peninsula. This morning I caught two on my Hopkins No=Eql. They were smaller than the one I had caught last time, so I couldn’t keep them. If I had used a smaller metal, I believe I could have caught more, but that’s not what I want to do. I will use even bigger lures next time.
(島根半島の北岸には、小さなシイラがたくさんいるようです。今朝は、ホプキンス No=Eqlで2匹釣れました。前回釣れた魚よりも小さかったので、持ち帰るわけにはいきませんでした。もっと小さなジグを投げれば、もっと釣れたと思うのですが、それは私の望むところではありません。次回は、逆にもっと大きなルアーを使います。)

Sep 5, 2022

(No. 989) Mahi-mahi at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてシイラ)

Unlike yesterday, there was no mention of “summertime sadness” in my fortune for today. I felt free to go to Saruwatari without any concern. There were plenty of baitfish around Saruwatari, and I caught a small mahi-mahi on my Tsunami TS Popper. The fish was not big enough for me to feel like keeping it. So, taking advantage of my barbless hooks on the lure, I released the fish without landing and touching it. BTW, there was a big tree lying on the path toward Saruwatari, and it was a bit shaky. Be careful.

Sep 4, 2022

(No. 988) Where is My “Summertime Sadness” at Kaka Harbor and Kurauchi Bay? (加賀港と倉内湾にて私の「夏の悲しみ」はどこ?)

My fortune for today was ominous according to one of local newspapers. It said, “Summertime sadness will arrive. Change your mind in the afternoon.” I had planned to go to Saruwatari in Nonami for this morning, but this fortune changed my mind. I don’t like to get involved with any sadness, whatever it might be, when I am at a serious fishing spot, such as Saruwatari. The sadness might prevent me from paying full attention to my surroundings. So I instead went to Kaka Harbor, a much safer fishing spot, and didn't catch anything there. Then, I drove to Lake Shinji to pick up the litter. Then, after I had a nice breakfast at my home, I went to Kurauchi Bay. I fished and swam there. I didn't want to get any summertime sadness. But at the same time I really wanted to know what it was. Now it’s about two hours past the noon. I am still waiting for it to arrive. Or should I already change my mind? Can someone please tell me what my summertime sadness is? Now I am begging. Please. I really want to know. Please tell me. Please don’t ignore me. Please don't make me sad…
(ある地方紙によると、今日の私の運勢は不吉なものでした。「夏の悲しみ到来。午後は気持ちを切り替え」とあったのです。今朝は野波の猿渡に行く予定を立てていましたが、この運勢を読んで気が変わりました。猿渡のような本格的な釣り場にいる時に、それがどのようなものであれ、いかなる悲しみにも巻き込まれたくはないのです。その悲しみのせいで、周囲の環境に対して十分な注意が払えなくなるかもしれないからです。そこで私は代わりに、ずっと安全な釣り場である加賀港に行ったのですが、そこでは何も釣れませんでした。次に私は宍道湖まで行き、ゴミを拾いました。そして、自宅で美味しい朝食をいただいた後、倉内湾に向かいました。そこでは、釣りをしたり、泳いだりしました。私は、いかなる夏の悲しみも迎えたくはありませんでした。しかし同時に、それが何なのか知りたくてしょうがなくもあったのです。今、正午を2時間ほど過ぎたところです。私は、夏の悲しみの到来を、まだ待ち続けています。それとも私は、気持ちを切り替えるべきなのでしょうか? どなたか、夏の悲しみとは何なのか、私に教えてくださいませんか? 今、私は懇願しています。どうか、お願いです。本当に知りたいのです。どうか、教えて。どうか、私を無視しないで。どうか、私を悲しませないで…。)