About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Sep 30, 2021

(No. 837) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

I was a bit nervous this morning when I was about to climb over a rocky hill in order to reach Maruiwa, a fishing spot just east of Susumi-hana. I was concerned that I would see something similar as I had seen yesterday. Indeed, I saw a small fishing boat with one professional fisherman on it as I had seen yesterday, but what he was doing was different from yesterday. He was picking up turban shells from the bottom of the sea. As for my fishing, it was the same as yesterday. The sea was very calm and clear. There were plenty of baitfish and small fish. But no predatory fish attacked my lures.

Sep 29, 2021

(No. 836) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

The quiet vast ocean came into view when I climbed over one of rocks in order to reach Susumi-hana. There was one small fishing boat floating with a professional fisherman on it. The boat was just several feet away from the tip of Susumi-hana. Heavily awkward silence instantly dominated the scene. With his back to me, the fisherman was standing on the boat. He was taking a pee toward the calm ocean. Obviously he hadn’t expected anyone to suddenly appear from the behind of the rock and to quietly watch him peeing. I was at a loss what to do next. So I just yelled at him cheerfully, “Good morning!” He finally became aware of me, but he didn’t say anything. He just pulled up a pair of suspenders, started the engine of the boat, and was gone to infinity and beyond. Fish must have been gone with him. I was left alone with an empty sea.

Sep 27, 2021

(No. 835) No Fish at Nameless Breakwater in Owashi Harbor, Mitsu Harbor, and Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (大芦港の名のない波止、御津港、そして恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

Now baitfish seem plenty along the shore of the Shimane Peninsula. Almost all the fishing spots seemed occupied this early afternoon when I started fishing. I had no option but to try the nameless breakwater in Owashi Harbor first. Baitfish were around there too, but nothing happened to my big plugs. It was obvious that the size of my plugs were much larger than that of baitfish. I might have caught some fish if I had used smaller plugs, but I don’t like to do so just because smaller lures may improve the probability of catching fish. So I kept throwing my big plugs. Or I should say, that’s all I could do because I carried only big plugs as usual. After giving up the nameless breakwater, I went to Mitsu Harbor and then Nanbo in Etomo Harbor. I saw plenty of fishermen as well as plenty of baitfish, but no lure fisherman caught any fish as far as I could see.

Sep 23, 2021

(No. 834) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I might have to change the title of this blog for today. The title should be “Roberts plugs can catch Japanese fish?” This morning I carried only Roberts plugs for the yellowtail amberjack at Saruwatari in Nonami. I used the Big Shot, the Ranger of two different sizes, and the Whistler. Using Roberts plugs is great fun. Their simplicity fits my preference. I don’t like realistic lures very much. The less a lure looks like a real creature, the more I like it. Roberts plugs fit the bill. Baitfish were around today, and until I quit fishing I sensed a big fish to attack the lure at any moment. I just enjoyed throwing the lures toward the choppy sea.

Sep 22, 2021

(No. 833) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (倉内湾そして恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

Taking advantage of short free time this afternoon, I went to Kurauchi Bay. It was so warm that I must have swum at the bay if I had gotten enough time. There was no baitfish in the bay, and naturally no predatory fish attacked my lures. I gave up Kurauchi Bay quickly and went to Nanbo in Etomo Harbor. There were a few bait fishermen at the breakwater. Unlike Kurauchi Bay, schools of baitfish were swimming around Nanbo. The baitfish looked the same ones as I had seen in Hirata two days ago. They were swimming peacefully except when scared away by my lures. No predators seemed active when I was there.
(今日の午後は、短い空き時間を利用して、倉内湾に行ってきました。十分な時間があれば湾内で泳いでいたに違いないほどの暖かさでした。湾内にはベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)がおらず、当然ながら、私のルアーにアタックしてくる捕食魚もいませんでした。すぐに倉内湾をあきらめた私は、恵曇港の南防に移動しました。その防波堤には、エサ釣り師が数人いました。倉内湾とは違い、南防ではベイトフィッシュの群れが泳いでいました。2日前に平田で見たのと同じような感じのやつです。彼らは、私のルアーに脅かされた時以外は、平穏に泳いでいました。私がそこにいた時は、 捕食魚の活性は低かったようです。)

Sep 21, 2021

(No. 832) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

Hirata was one of cities in Shimane Prefecture, but now it is not a city but a part of Izumo City. Yesterday I saw a lot of baitfish at a few fishing spots in Hirata, such as Kamaura and Kozu Harbors. In particular, the plentifulness of baitfish at Kozu Harbor surprised me because the harbor is located in the innermost part of huge Uppurui Bay. This morning I conducted a kind of investigation. When baitfish are plenty in Hirata, are they also plenty in Matsue? To be more precise, one day after I see a lot of baitfish in Hirata, can I see a lot of them in Matsue too? It didn’t take much time to get an answer. Even when you saw a lot of baitfish in Hirata yesterday, you don’t always see a lot of them in Matsue today. I just kept throwing my lures toward the apparently empty sea.
(平田は島根県の市の一つでしたが、現在は市ではなく、出雲市の一部となっています。昨日、釜浦港や小津港など、平田のいくつかの釣り場で、ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)をたくさん見ることができました。特に、巨大な十六島湾の最奥部に位置する小津港でのベイトフィッシュの多さには驚かされました。そこで今朝、私は一種の調査を行ったのです。平田にベイトフィッシュが多い時、松江でもベイトフィッシュは多いのだろうか? より正確には、平田でベイトフィッシュをたくさん見た次の日には、松江でもベイトフィッシュがたくさん見られるのだろうか? 答えが出るのにそれほど時間はかかりませんでした。たとえ昨日、平田にベイトフィッシュがたくさんいたとしても、必ずしも今日、松江にもたくさんベイトフィッシュがいるわけではありません。私は、どうやら空っぽの海に向かって、ただルアーを投げ続けました。)

Sep 20, 2021

(No. 831) No Fish at Manaita in Uppurui, Kamaura Harbor, and Kozu Harbor in Uppurui Bay (十六島のマナイタ、釜浦港、そして十六島湾の小津港にて釣果なし)

I wanted to try Uppurui-bana this morning, but all the parking spaces for it were already crowded when I arrived about 7:30 a.m., so I decided to pass it by and try Manaita, a less popular fishing spot to the east of Uppurui-bana. Manaita was vacant just as I had expected. The problem was that the sea around Manaita was also vacant, empty, and nothing happened to my lures. So I gave up the fishing spot shortly and then drove to Kamaura Harbor. There was one fisherman at the tip of the breakwater, and he allowed me to share the tip with him. My American lures seemed to interest him, and we enjoyed a nice chat. There were a lot of baitfish, but still nothing happened to my lures. Then, I drove to Kozu Harbor, one of fishing spots in Uppurui Bay. To my surprise, a plenty of baitfish were around the innermost harbor. Although nothing happened there either, the plentifulness of baitfish impressed and encouraged me a lot.

Sep 19, 2021

(No. 830) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (倉内湾、そして恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

The yesterday’s image of baitfish being chased by predators was burned into my memory. So I woke up early this morning and drove to Nanbo in Etomo Harbor, carrying one of my lighter fishing tackle with some smaller plugs and jigs. I really wanted to see what those predators were. I believed I woke up early enough to secure a space at the tip of Nanbo, but, to my surprise, the breakwater was already crowded when I arrived about 6:20 a.m. I had to give up Nanbo and got headed for Kurauchi Bay. There were no baitfish at all in the bay, and no fish responded to my lures. So I drove back to Nanbo. I was not sure if I was able to secure a space to throw my lures, so first I just walked to the tip of Nanbo without carrying my fishing tackle. Although it was a bit crowded, I noticed I was able to find an enough space. I also realized that nobody was catching any predatory fish. I went back to my car and returned with my tackle. I really wanted to identify those predators, but, unlike yesterday, no baitfish was being chased, and nothing happened to even my smallest jigs.

Sep 18, 2021

(No. 829) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay, Nanbo in Etomo Harbor, and Koura Public Beach (倉内湾、恵曇港の南防、そして古浦海水浴場にて釣果なし)

I thought the bad weather due to Typhoon Chantsu would prevent me from going fishing today, but the typhoon slightly changed its course, and Matsue City was out of the path of it. So I started the wide-area run-and-gun style fishing at Kurauchi Bay about noon. The water around the Shimane Peninsula was choppier than yesterday, and some nice patches of sarashi were created. I felt a Japanese sea bass would strike my lures at any moment, but nothing happened at Kurauchi Bay. I had a plenty of free time today, so I went to Nanbo in Etomo Harbor next. To my surprise, there were no fishermen at the breakwater. I had it all to myself. I saw a school of baitfish being chased by some predators, but those predators were indifferent to my lures. The sight of the chased baitfish made it difficult for me to give up today’s fishing. So I tried Koura Public Beach, which is adjacent to Etomo Harbor, and its neighboring rocky shore. I felt again a Japanese sea bass would hit my lures at any moment, but still nothing happened.

Sep 17, 2021

(No. 828) Consecutively No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて引き続き釣果なし)

It is 7 p.m. now, and the rain started falling. The weather forecast just said Typhoon Chanthu finally made landfall at the northern part of Kyushu Island. I had gone to Kurauchi Bay twice today, making full use of the ephemeral fine weather before the storm. These days I often see other fishermen at the bay. It might mean that target fish are around inside the bay, or it might mean that those fishermen just want to go fishing as often as possible before the weather deteriorates. Anyway, nothing happened to my lures at either opportunity today. It was unseasonably humid and hot. So I enjoyed swimming around the fishing spot. The slightly lower water temperature made the sea more refreshing to swim in.

Sep 16, 2021

(No. 827) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

Typhoon Chanthu is coming to Japan, and the weather forecast says it could cause heavy rain this weekend. So I decided to take advantage of a short free time this afternoon and went to Kurauchi Bay. The water inside the bay was not as choppy as I had anticipated. I had hoped the deteriorating weather created good sarashi (white churning water) in the bay, but actually It was rather calm and clear. Still, I kept throwing my favorite lures without losing concentration for about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, the time was up before any fish responded to my lures.

Sep 13, 2021

(No. 826) No Fish Again at Tachigamo in Miho (美保の立ちがもにて再び釣果なし)

Tachigamo impressed so much last Saturday that I decided to visit it again this morning. Today is Monday, and I woke up much earlier than the last time, so I wondered if I would have the fishing spot all to myself. My prediction turned out wrong. When I arrived at the parking space for the fishing spot, there was a car already left there. Unexpectedly, but not very surprisingly, the fisherman who had reached Tachigamo earlier than me was Shun-san, one of my fishing buddies and the person himself who had told me about Tachigamo. Unexpectedly, Japan vs U.S. lure competition began. Which one would catch more fish? My tackle was 11’ Lamiglas Insane Surf and PENN Battle III 6000HS, and his was one of the best combination of two Japanese manufacturers'. So it was also Japan vs U.S. fishing tackle competition. Shun-san and I shared the same fishing spot and fought a fierce battle fair and square. The competition ended up, unfortunately, a draw. Don’t ask me the score. I just wish the score were at least 1 to 1.
(先週の土曜日に訪れた立ちがもがとても印象的だったので、今朝も訪れてみることにしました。今日は月曜日であり、そして前回よりもかなり早起きしたので、釣り場を独り占めできるかな、と思いました。しかし、その予想は外れました。釣り場に行くための駐車場に到着してみると、そこにはすでに1台の車が残されていたのです。意外なことに、とはいえ、あまり驚きはしなかったのですが、私よりも早く立ちがもに着いていたのは、私の釣り仲間であり、立ちがものことを教えてくれた本人であるShunさんでした。期せずして、日本対アメリカのルアー競争の始まりです。どちらが、より多くの魚を釣るのでしょう? 私のタックルは、11フィートのラミグラス・インセイン・サーフとPENNのバトルIII 6000HSで、Shunさんのタックルは日本のメーカー2社からなる最高の組み合わせのものでした。つまり、日本対アメリカのタックル競争でもあったのです。Shunさんと私は、一つの釣り場を共有し、正々堂々と熾烈な戦いを繰り広げました。結果は残念ながら、引き分けでした。点数を聞いてはなりません。せめて1対1であってほしかったのですが。)

Sep 11, 2021

(No. 825) No Fish at Tachigamo in Miho (美保の立ちがもにて釣果なし)

Although I had not been to Tachigamo in Miho, I had heard of it several times since I came back to Japan. Shun-san, one of my fishing buddies, seems to often go to Tachigamo, and I had heard of it from him. This morning I visited the fishing spot for the first time. It was a wonderful rocky shore, as I had imagined. There was a pair of lure fishermen. After I asked them to allow me to do so, I threw my lures first from the east end of the fishing spot and then the west end of it. Neither I nor the pair were lucky today. But I am sure I will try Tachigamo again. As was often the case with any first fishing spot, I was impressed with the gorgeousness of it.