About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jun 30, 2022

(No. 959) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

I knew I would be busy today due to some obligations, so that I had to give up going to a tiring fishing spot, such as Safuki-bana or Saruwatari in Nonami. I needed to save my energy. So I went to Maruiwa in Owashi. I started throwing my lures about 6 a.m., and the heatstroke warning had already been issued. I had to quit fishing shortly after 7 a.m. and dive into the sea to lower my body temperature. What a heat!

Jun 27, 2022

(No. 958) Strong Sense of Liberation and No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (強烈な解放感そして倉内湾にて釣果なし)

I have been working on a website for the past two month. The website contains only one article, an interview that I had with a local editor. He is going to publish a book written by the owner of Toeisha, a small secondhand bookstore and a cafe in my neighborhood. This afternoon I published the website. You can read the interview here though it is available only in Japanese. As soon as I published it, I drove to Kurauchi Bay. I was feeling a strong sense of liberation, and I knew only one way to express that feeling: to jump into the sea. What a liberating feeling that was!

Jun 26, 2022

(No. 957) No Fish at Saruwatarijima in Owashi (大芦の猿渡島にて釣果なし)

What a strange morning! There was no fisherman at either Senjojiki in Mitsu and Maruiwa in Owashi, two of the most popular fishing spots in those areas. It was so unusual that I even wondered whether today was not Sunday but Monday. I didn't go to either of them but instead went to the in-between, Saruwatarijima in Owashi. The reason why I went to that small island was the fact that the water behind Saruwatarijima was calmer and suitable for swimming. Those fishermen who were absent today might have known in advance that there would be no fish at all this morning.
(なんて不思議な朝でしょう! 御津の千畳敷も大芦の丸岩も、人気の釣り場なのに、釣り人の姿がないのです。あまりの珍しさに、今日は日曜日ではなく月曜日なのだろうかとさえ思いました。私はそのどちらにも行かず、それらの中間にある大芦の猿渡島という小島に行きました。猿渡島の裏の海は穏やかで、泳ぐのに適しているというのがその理由です。今日お休みしていた釣り人たちは、今朝は海に魚が全くいないことを、あらかじめ知っていたのかもしれません。)

Jun 23, 2022

(No. 956) No Fish but Second Swimming of This Year at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なしも今年2回目の水泳)

Today I want to quote. I quote from my own song. "Putting my job aside, I cheerfully went fishing at the shore of Shimane Peninsula. Walking over the steep hill, I saw a dangerous rocky shore. Catching no yellowtail amberjack, I swam instead and got tired. Wondering why I came to the shore all the way, I knew I would do it again.”

Jun 22, 2022

(No. 955) No Fish but First Swimming of This Year at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なしも今年の初泳ぎ)

Even though Lake Shinji had treated me unkindly, there is always the sea and the summer. Tired of trying to catch a big Japanese sea bass at the lake, I decided to go to Saruwatari in Nonami this morning. I didn’t expect to catch a big fish at all but wanted to feel like such a fish. The water temperature was warm enough for me to swim for the first time this year. 

Jun 19, 2022

(No. 954) “Clean Matsue” and Evil Invitation at Shore of Lake Shinji (「クリーン松江」と宍道湖岸の邪悪な勧誘)

Today is the semiannual “Clean Matsue” day. The citizens are encouraged to clean up the litter and cut weeds on this day. For me, almost everyday is “Clean Matsue” day. As I explained in one of my earlier posts (No. 750), I pick up the litter along the shore of Lake Shinji and the rocky shore of the Sea of Japan for my own selfish reason. One of the photos above shows what I picked up at Lake Shinji this morning. There were two boxes of cigarettes, and one of them was not empty. Several unsmoked cigarettes were intact inside the box, and I wondered why. Surprisingly it had happened before. If my memory works fine, it had happened four or five times since I started picking up the litter along the shore of the lake several years ago. I used to be a smoker but quit it more than 20 years ago. Is something evil trying to drag me back into the bad habit again?
  (今日は、半年に一度の「クリーン松江」の日です。この日は、市民がゴミを片付けたり、雑草を刈ったりすることが奨励されています。私にとっては、ほぼ毎日が 「クリーン松江」です。以前の記事(No. 750)で説明したように、私が宍道湖岸や日本海の磯のゴミを拾うのは、利己的な理由によるものです。上の写真の1つは、今朝、宍道湖で拾ったものです。タバコの箱が2つあり、そのうちの1つは空っぽではありませんでした。箱の中には吸われていないタバコが何本かそのまま入っていて、私は、なぜだろうと思いました。驚くべきことに、以前にも同じことがあったのです。記憶が確かなら、数年前に湖岸のゴミ拾いを始めて以来、4〜5回、同じことがありました。私はかつて喫煙者でしたが、20年以上前にタバコをやめました。何か邪悪なものが、私を再び、悪しき習慣に引きずり込もうとしているのでしょうか?)

Jun 15, 2022

(No. 953) No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なし)

The Japanese rainy season, “Tsuyu,” has begun. The sky over the Sanin Region got cloudier and wetter. It seems like a good condition for the Japanese sea bass fishing in Lake Shinji, but nothing has yet happened to my lures.

Jun 13, 2022

(No. 952) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The crosswind was very strong when I started fishing this morning at Saruwatari. However, the surface was moderately calm. In general, the stronger the wind, the higher the waves. Strangely, however strong the wind got this morning, the height and strength of the waves remained the same. What was even stranger was that the direction of the wind kept changing. It was the crosswind first, then it became the adverse wind, and then the favorable wind, and then the crosswind again. The waves remained unchanged. I felt something off. So I tried to be more careful than usual and didn’t stay long there.

Jun 12, 2022

(No. 951) No Fish at Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の高鼻と先高鼻にて釣果なし)

All fishing spots along the rocky shore beyond Sanami Harbor were occupied or even overcrowded except for two farthermost spots, Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana. I had no idea why they didn’t want to go to either one of them, which looked more productive when you wanted to catch a big fish. Anyway, I kept Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana all to myself this morning. The sea was moderately choppy, but no baitfish were in sight. Naturally, I didn’t catch any predatory fish.

Jun 11, 2022

(No. 950) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I just obtained a kind of rare PENN conventional reel, the 535 MAG2, which was available only in the UK and Europe. After investigating some schematics found in the mysticparts.com, I confirmed that the reel was the Squall 25N with an adjustable magnetic brake installed. At Saruwatari in Nonami this morning, my new reel fitted well with my new fiberglass rod, the Goture 8.6’ Catfish Rod. The combination was so powerful that I felt I could stop any run of any big fish. The reel and the rod were ready, and I was ready too, but nothing happened. No baitfish was sighted.
(ちょっとレアなPENNの両軸リール、535 MAG2を入手しました。イギリスとヨーロッパでのみ販売されていたリールです。mysticparts.comで見つけたいくつかの展開図を調べた結果、このリールは、スコール25Nに可変式マグネット・ブレーキを取り付けたものであることが確認できました。今朝、野波の猿渡で、この新しいリールは新しいグラスロッド、ゴチュールの8.6フィート・ナマズ用によくフィットしていました。どんな大物の走りも止められそうに思える強力な組み合わせです。リールもロッドも準備万端、私も準備万端、しかし何も起きません。ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)の姿がありません。)

Jun 10, 2022

(No. 949) No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なし)

Regarding the Japanese sea bass fishing in Lake Shinji, I wonder whether this year is one of the worst years after I came back to Japan in 2014. Nothing has happened so far. This afternoon I had an opportunity to chat with one kayak angler who had just returned to the shore. I asked him, “Did you catch any fish?” He said, “Yeah, I caught three.” This year might not be the worst? I might have been just unfortunate or practicing the so-called “non-fishing.”
(宍道湖のスズキ釣りについて言えば、2014年に帰国して以来、今年は最悪の年なのかなと思っています。今のところ何も起きていないのです。今日の午後は、岸に戻ってきたばかりのカヤック・アングラーと話をする機会がありました。私は彼に「釣れました?」と尋ねました。すると彼は「ええ、3匹」と言うのでした。今年は最悪の年ではないのかも? 私が不運なだけか、あるいは、いわゆる「無魚釣り」を実践しているのかもしれません。)