About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Nov 30, 2021

(No. 876) No Fish at Ohashi River (大橋川にて釣果なし)

Last time when I was fishing at the eastern end of the Ohashi River, I was rewarded with a strike from a Japanese sea bass (No. 874). I felt the deity of fishing rewarded me for my cleaning up litters. This morning when I was walking on the bank along the northern shore of Lake Shinji, I found two plastic bags full of garbage left at the shore. So I picked them up and then disposed of them properly. I felt how lucky I was because the deity of fishing would reward me again. I became free before noon and drove to the eastern end of the Ohashi River. Although I was sure that I would catch a big fish, nothing happened. I might have to pick up more litters.
(前回、大橋川の東端で釣りをしていた時に、スズキのストライクというご褒美があったわけです(No. 874)。ゴミをきれいにしたご褒美として、釣りの神様がご褒美をくれたのだと私は思いました。今朝、宍道湖の北岸の土手を歩いていると、ゴミが詰まったビニール袋が2つ放置されていました。私はそれを拾い、適切に処理しました。私は、なんて幸運なんだろう、と思いました。釣りの神様がまた私にご褒美をくれるに違いないからです。昼前に自由の身となり、車で大橋川の東端に向かいました。きっと大物が釣れるだろうと思っていましたが、何も起きませんでした。どうやら、もっとたくさんゴミを拾わないといけないようです。)

Nov 29, 2021

(No. 875) No Fish at Gotton in Nonami (野波のゴットンにて釣果なし)

Saruwatari was already occupied before I arrived at the parking space around dawn. I drove by the parking space and headed for Gotton, to which I had cut the weeds overgrown on the path last time. Boils had appeared on the surface around Gotton last time, but nothing interesting or encouraging happened this morning. I just kept throwing my favorite lures as if it were my daily exercise. On my way back to the parking space, I found many eggs of the praying mantis (Tenodera aridifolia) and brought one of them home. If you would like to raise them and are able to pick it up at my place, contact me.

Nov 28, 2021

(No. 874) Missed Japanese Sea Bass around Eastern End of Ohashi River (大橋川東端付近にてスズキを逃す)

One of my good fishing buddies told me the other day that he as well as other fishermen had caught some Japanese sea bass at fishing spots between Lake Nakaumi and Mihonoseki. So this morning I decided to try the eastern end of the Ohashi River, which flows into lake Nakaumi. I carried three CCW wooden plugs, which had proven to be effective for the Japanese sea bass especially between Lake Shinji and Lake Nakaumi. There were two lure fishermen on the northern shore of the river and four fishermen including myself on the southern shore. Before starting to throw my lures, I had to pick up a lot of cigarette butts. While I was there, no fish seemed to hit anyone’s lures except when an apparently medium-sized Japanese sea bass hit my CCW Darter. The deity of fishing might have rewarded me for my picking up the litters. However, it had been so long since I last caught any fish that I couldn’t quickly recognize it was really a fish, neither floating weeds nor some garbage. In other words, I couldn’t hook the fish firmly. The fish shook its head just once and broke free.

Nov 26, 2021

(No. 873) No Fish at Etomo Harbor (恵曇港にて釣果なし)

The waves were too high for me to stand at one of rocky shores facing the Sea of Japan this morning. Instead, I did much safer fishing at Etomo Harbor for flukes. Sometimes you can catch a big fluke inside the harbor. I used two slow-moving plugs (Northbar’s Bottledarter and Montauk Darter) and one ball jig (Tsunami Ball Jig). I used to use the ball jig very often when I was in New York in order to catch flukes and sea robins, the latter of which is as tasty as the former, by the way. The ball jigs were rarely stuck at the bottom of the sea in New York because most of the fishing spots I went to were sandy beaches. On the other hand, most fishing spots here are very rocky. The lures are easily stuck at the bottom. So I hadn’t used the ball jigs very often since I came back to Japan. I realized this morning that I used to love the bottom fishing as well as the topwater fishing.

Nov 23, 2021

(No. 872) No Fish at Etomo, Mitsu, and Sanami Harbors (恵曇港、御津港、そして佐波港にて釣果なし)

High wave and gale advisories were in effect. There was no way for me to get down to the shore of Kurauchi Bay, so I decided to start today’s fishing at Etomo Harbor. When the sea is rough with high waves, big Japanese sea bass often come into a harbor. Chilly rain kept falling when I started throwing my lures at Etomo Harbor, but my expectations remained high. There was only one lure fisherman at the harbor, and I had a nice chat with him. No fish responded to my lures there, but I enjoyed my short staying at the harbor thanks to his friendly talkativeness. Then I drove to Mitsu Harbor and tried there in vain. Finally I drove to Sanami Harbor just to know the result didn’t change. The wind had been chilly all along. The harsh winter finally arrived.

Nov 21, 2021

(No. 871) No Fish but Mantis at Gotton in Nonami (野波のゴットンにて釣果なしもカマキリ)

Major fishing spots in Nonami, such as Saruwatari and Safuki-bana, had been occupied by dawn except for Gotton. At the small parking space for Gotton I got baffled because I couldn’t find the trail to it. The weeds had grown so much since the last time I tried Gotton that the entry point to the trail was completely obstructed. I had to remove those thorny vines with a pair of shears in order to walk down to Gotton. To my surprise, there was one fisherman at the fishing spot. He said to me later that he had come there by walking along the shore, not by climbing down the hill as I had done. He was for squids and caught a few of them. On the other hand, I couldn’t catch anything although boils appeared on the surface a few times. On my way back I had to cut weeds again. I found a big praying mantis and its eggs among Japanese pampas grasses. The mantis didn’t try to intimidate me with its dangerous legs. It might have just laid the eggs and been tired.

Nov 20, 2021

(No. 870) No Fish at Gusty Saruwatari in Nonami (強風吹きすさぶ野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

As far as I remember, the weather forecast hadn’t mentioned it at all, but it was gusty at Saruwatari this morning. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing sideways. To make matters worse, I didn’t carry heavy lures today. I carried only lighter lures. So the casting distance was not good, and the strong crosswind rapidly robbed me of my energy. It felt as if the harsh winter had arrived in one leap.

Nov 17, 2021

(No. 869) No Fish at Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor and at Kurauchi Bay (大芦港の楡木の波止、そして倉内湾にて釣果なし)

I got a translation assignment this early morning, and it ended at 8 a.m. Although I knew I might have already missed the prime time for catching any predatory fish, I drove toward the sea. First, I tried Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor. There were few fishermen at the breakwater. The water around it was incredibly clear, and the current was not moving. I felt a dead tranquility. Next, I tried Kurauchi Bay. The water in the bay was also super clear although it was a bit choppier. Only very tiny fish were swimming around.

Nov 15, 2021

(No. 868) Casting Practice at Izumo Airport Park (出雲空港公園にてキャスティング練習)

It was the first time I had thrown my lures from the shore of Izumo Airport Park. In fact, until this morning, I didn’t know there was a proper park next to the Izumo Airport. Since I had been asked to drive my father to the airport this morning, I looked up places around the airport where I could fish. After dropping him off at the airport entrance, I drove along the runway, which was separated from the road by a fence, and arrived at the park. I enjoyed throwing lures with my PENN SEA-BOY 85 reel, and I realized again that using an old PENN conventional reel with a plastic spool and no ball bearings was the most enjoyable way to cast.
(出雲空港公園の岸辺からルアーを投げたのは初めてでした。実は今朝まで、出雲空港の隣にちゃんとした公園があることを知らなかったのです。今朝、父を空港まで送るように頼まれていたので、私は、空港周辺で釣りができる場所を調べてみたのでした。空港の入り口で父を下ろすと、道路とはフェンスで区切られた滑走路沿いに走り、公園に到着しました。PENN SEA-BOY 85でルアーを投げるのを楽しみました。そして私は、スプールがプラスチックでボールベアリングのないPENNの古い両軸リールを使うのが、一番楽しいキャスティング方法だと再認識しました。)

Nov 14, 2021

(No. 867) Me, My Childhood Friend, SEA-BOY 85, and Sunset of Lake Shinji (僕と幼なじみとSEA-BOY 85と宍道湖の夕日と)

This is today’s second post. Originally I didn’t intend to write this article because I was just enjoying throwing my lures with my PENN SEA-BOY 85 reel at the northern shore of Lake Shinji. However, I found someone waving his hand to me. It was one of my childhood friends, whose nickname is “Kome.” “Kome” means rice in Japanese, and his face used to be so oval that it reminded anyone of a grain of rice (Now it reminds us more of a peanut shell). Although he doesn’t do fishing, he seemed to notice how old-fashioned my PENN SEA-BOY 85 was. He took some pictures of me throwing lures and pretending I was fighting a super big fish, but I still had no intention of writing this article. I changed my mind when his photos arrived. Because they are beautiful, aren’t they? By the way, if interested, you can listen to Kome’s voice. He once participated in one of my rap songs as a vocalist. In that song he chants, “Boku-wa too shy, too shy, Boku-wa too shy.”
(本日2回目の投稿です。もともとは、宍道湖の北岸でPENN SEA-BOY 85を使ってルアーを投げて楽しんでいただけなので、この記事を書くつもりはありませんでした。しかし、そんな私に、誰かが手を振ってくるのです。それは“コメ”というニックネームの幼なじみでした。“コメ”とは米のことで、以前は彼の顔は、誰が見ても米粒を連想させるような完璧な楕円形をしていたのでした(今はむしろピーナツの殻を連想させます)。彼は釣りをしませんが、私が持っているPENN SEA-BOY 85の古さに気づいたようでした。彼は、ルアーを投げた私が大魚と戦う演技をしている写真を撮ってくれましたが、それでも私は、この記事を書くつもりはなかったのです。しかし、彼の写真が届くと、気が変わりました。だって、美しい写真でしょう? ところで、興味があれば、コメの声を聴くことができます。以前、私のラップ曲にボーカルとして参加してくれたことがあるのです。その曲で彼は「僕はtoo shy、too shy、僕はtoo shy」と唱えています。)

(No. 866) No Fish at Naka-bana in Nonami (野波の中鼻にて釣果なし)

As soon as I woke up about 5:30 a.m., I checked the Weather App on my iPhone 6s. It said that the rain might be falling very soon, so I got indecisive and wasted some precious time before I headed for the sea. No rain was falling about 7:30 a.m. when I arrived at the parking space for Saruwatari and Naka-bana in Nonami. A car was left on the Saruwatari side of the space. So I went to Naka-bana. I thought I carried 3 lures with me but actually there were only 2 lures in my bag (I found later that I had left the 3rd one in my car). Instead, my bag had 2 reels inside, the PENN SEA-BOY 85 and the Daiwa LEXA 400H. The former series was put on sale before 1941 according to mysticparts.com, and the latter in 2010s. They were more than 70 years apart! Whether I used the modern reel or the old reel didn’t affect the results.
(午前5時半頃に起きてすぐ、iPhone 6sの天気予報アプリをチェックしました。もうすぐ雨が降るかもしれないとのことだったので、私は優柔不断になってしまい、海に向かうまでの貴重な時間を浪費してしまいました。野波の猿渡と中鼻の駐車スペースに到着した午前7時30分頃には、雨は降っておらず、猿渡側のスペースに1台の車がありました。そこで私は、中鼻へ行きました。ルアーは3つ持ってきたつもりでしたが、実際にはバッグに2つしか入っていないのでした(3つ目は車に置き忘れたことが後で判明)。その代わりリールは、PENNのSEA-BOY 85とダイワのレクザ400Hの2台が入っていました。mysticparts.comによると前者は、1941年以前に発表されたシリーズです。後者は2010年代に入ってから発売されました。その年齢差、70歳以上! モダンなリールを使おうが、古いリールを使おうが、結果は変わりませんでした。)

Nov 13, 2021

(No. 865) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and Etomo Harbor (倉内湾そして恵曇港にて釣果なし)

I had to admit that the winter had arrived. When I got down to Kurauchi Bay this morning, I realized that I had miscalculated. It was unexpectedly chilly, and I wished I had bundled up. Kurauchi Bay was choppy, and I expected a Japanese sea bass to attack my lures, but nothing happened. Next I tried Etomo Harbor but didn’t stay there for a long time. It was so chilly that I had to come home and wear thick layers of clothing. Then I repeated the same fishing, first at Kurauchi Bay and then at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor. Although nothing happened that time either, I was able to keep standing at those chilly fishing spots comfortably.

Nov 10, 2021

(No. 864) My Errand Runner Who Has Greater Mission; Promoting Ramen Film “Come Back Anytime” (ラーメン映画「Come Back Anytime」を宣伝するという、より大きな使命を負った私の使者)

This post is about one of my old friends, Yamamo, who is visiting New York City now. He has been one of my colleagues in the publishing world and recently entered into the film industry. He is credited as producer of “Come Back Anytime,” a new documentary film directed by John Daschbach. The film is about one ramen restaurant in Tokyo, and I made a modest contribution to it as one of its translators. The film has been awarded at some international film festivals, and Yamamo is now busy promoting the film as well as doing Q&As after the screenings at DOC NYC, an annual documentary film festival in NYC. After completing his major mission in NYC, he plans to head north to Boston. So I asked him to do errands for me. His minor mission is to drop by one of fishing tackle shops during the trip and buy a few nice American-made lures for me. I didn’t and won’t give him very specific instructions about which lures he should buy. It would be a greater fun. Anyway, if you are interested in real ramen in Tokyo and people around it, check out the film’s website.
(この投稿は、今ニューヨーク市を訪れている私の旧友、ヤマモーについてのものです。彼は出版業界における私の同僚の一人なのですが、最近、映画業界に参入したのでした。彼は、ジョン・ダッシュバック監督の新しいドキュメンタリー映画「Come Back Anytime」のプロデューサーなのです。この映画は、東京にある一軒のラーメン屋に関するもので、私も翻訳者の一人としてささやかな貢献をしています。既にいくつかの国際映画祭で賞を受けており、ヤマモーは現在、ニューヨーク市で毎年開催されるドキュメンタリー映画祭「DOC NYC」において、宣伝をしたり上映後の質疑応答をしたりで、忙しくしています。ニューヨークでの大きな使命を果たした後、彼はボストンに向けて北上する予定です。ですので私は、彼に用事を頼みました。彼の小さな使命は、旅行中に釣り具屋に立ち寄り、私のためにいくつか、素敵なアメリカ製ルアーを購入すること。私は彼に、どのルアーを買うべきかについて、あまり細かい指示をしませんでしたし、これからもしません。その方が楽しいからです。ともかく、東京の本物のラーメンとその周囲の人々に興味があるのなら、映画のウェブサイトをチェックしてください。)