About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Apr 30, 2020

(No. 589) Casting Hookless Lure as Daily Exercise at Lake Shinji (日々の運動として針のないルアーを宍道湖でキャスティング)

The temperature has risen considerably, and I am afraid that my chance to catch the Japanese sea bass at Lake Shinji has also risen. As I mentioned half jokingly in my last post, now I don’t like to catch the fish because I might be ended up with showing it off on this blog. The best solution might be to stop walking to Lake Shinji once and for all. On the other hand, I feel I need to do daily exercise in order to remain sane especially under this state of emergency. Before this crisis reached us in this region, I often visited fishing spots at the beautiful rocky shores of the Shimane Peninsula. Most of those trips were strenuous exercise, and that’s one of reasons why I love fishing here.
Now that all regions in Japan are under the state of emergency, I believe many fishermen are unable to do fishing as they did before the crisis. As a small token of solidarity with them, I have refrained from going to a great spot such as Saruwatari in Nonami. However, I need to go to Lake Shinji, which is five minutes away from my place on foot, and do some casting practice with the PENN Jigmaster as daily exercise. After giving some consideration to this tricky situation, I decided to remove all hooks from my lures. Now there is completely NO chance for me to catch any fish. In addition, I will stop posting an article about my each trip to Lake Shinji except when something interesting happens. Instead of writing about my casting of a hookless lure, I am planning to write about my impression on American lures until the situation changes.

Apr 29, 2020

(No. 588) No Fish at Lake Shinji on Day 14 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言14日目、宍道湖にて釣果なし)

The so-called ‘Golden Week’ holidays, a series of national holidays in Japan, began today. Standing at the shore of Lake Shinji this morning, I reminded myself that I had to avoid catching any fish at least until May 6th, the final day of the ‘Golden Week.’ Why? The government had asked us not to cross borders between prefectures during the holidays in order to prevent a coronavirus outbreak. If I catch a fish during the holidays and this blog becomes attractive accordingly, some of you who live outside Shimane Prefecture might want to come over here. That’s why I firmly prohibited myself from catching any fish this morning. I wondered how to achieve this goal. How could I escape from a good catch? A wonderful solution suddenly occurred to me. I just have to do what I usually do!
(祝日が連続する、いわゆるゴールデン・ウィークが今日、始まりました。今朝、宍道湖岸に立ちながら、私は自分に言い聞かせました。少なくともゴールデン・ウィークが終わる5月6日までは、魚が釣れるのを避けねばならないと。なぜかって? コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐため、休日中は県境を超える移動はしないで欲しいと、政府が私たちに頼んだからです。もしも休日中に魚が釣れてしまえば、当然このブログは魅力的なものになるでしょうから、県外に住んでいる皆さんの中には、島根県にやって来たいと思う人も出てくるかもしれません。なので私は今朝、魚を釣ってしまうことを強く自分に禁じたのでした。私は思案しました。どうすれば、魚を釣らないという目標を達成できるのか。どうすれば、釣果を上げずにすむのか? 突然、素晴らしい考えが浮かびました。私は、いつも通りにやればいいのだ!)
It was pleasantly warm and sunny this morning, and more people than usual enjoyed walking along the shore. No wind was blowing, and the lake was very calm. In other words, it was the best opportunity of maneuvering an American pencil popper the way American fishermen do. I took out Guppy Lure’s Jobo Junior. In addition to avoiding catching a fish, I had to avoid any conversation with others. I had to be careful especially when I was using the pencil popper. Making a conspicuous splash on the surface, the topwater lure could catch people’s attention and entice them into talking to the fisherman. Fortunately, neither fish nor people responded to my lures this morning. I just enjoyed maneuvering the pencil popper and lost track of time. I found I had kept doing it for almost 2 hours.

Apr 27, 2020

(No. 587) No Fish at Lake Shinji on Day 12 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言12日目、宍道湖にて釣果なし)

This afternoon I used CCW’s FJ Swimmer with a spinning tackle. The FJ Swimmer is a smaller version of CCW’s Jetty Swimmer, which proved very effective in catching the Japanese sea bass in Lake Shinji. I am sure the FJ Swimmer will be effective too, but nothing happened today. As for interaction with others, I finally had one this time, but you don’t have to worry. There was an enough distance between the person and me. He was a local fisherman working on a small fishing boat on the water. I was the initiator of the conversation. I said to him, “What a sunny day today!” He replied, “For the Japanese sea bass? I think it’s a bit too early.” Agreeing with him, I said, “I think so, too.”
(今日の午後は、スピニング・タックルでCCWのFJスイマーを使いました。FJスイマーは、宍道湖のスズキに非常に効果的であることが証明されたCCWのジェティー・スイマーの小型版です。私は、FJスイマーもまた効果的であると確信しているのですが、今日は何も起きませんでした。他者との接触に関しては、今回はついに接触があったのです。しかし、心配には及びません。その人物と私との間には十分な距離があったからです。彼は、湖上の小さな漁船の上で作業をしていた地元の漁師でした。会話を始めたのは私でした。「今日は天気がよて、いいですね!」と私は言いました。「スズキかね? まんだちょんぼ早いわ」と彼は応えます。同感でしたので、私も言いました。「ほんにそげですわ」)

Apr 26, 2020

(No. 586) No Fish at Lake Shinji on Day 11 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言11日目、宍道湖にて釣果なし)

This morning I took out CCW’s Small Danny plug, which is a smaller version of its Classic Danny. I believe the latter will be more effective once the so-called “Konoshiro-pattern” begins in Lake Shinji in May or June, but the former has to be more effective now because the number of the fish called konosirus punctatus is limited in the lake. The strong crosswind was still blowing from the west. I started to wonder if it would ever stop someday. Whether fishermen or joggers, I had no interaction with others.

Apr 25, 2020

(No. 585) No Fish at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor on Day 10 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言10日目、大芦港の小具の波止にて釣果なし)

I got a bit tired of walking to Lake Shinji during a break from my job. In addition, I have successfully met the deadlines of my current translation assignments so far. So I gave myself the liberty of going to a fishing spot along the seashore of Shimane Peninsula this afternoon. I drove to Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor. The primary reason why I chose the breakwater was that I thought I was less likely to have a conversation with other fishermen at Ogu-no-hato. Looking a small fishing spot, it would give an impression that it was occupied if only one fisherman was standing at it. Feeling as if surrounded by the sea, I enjoyed casting my favorite lures.

(No. 584) No Fish at Lake Shinji on Day 10 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言10日目、宍道湖にて釣果なし)

The temperature had risen seasonably when I walked to Lake Shinji this morning. It was much more comfortable compared to a last few trips although the strong crosswind was still blowing from the west. In addition to my perennial Roberts Whistler, I took out the Super Strike Zig Zag. It is one of my favorites in which I have greater confidence for the ability to catch a fish. As I mentioned in my last post, any good catch would go to one of nearby eateries, but no fish attacked the lure this morning. I found at least one bait fisherman at the shore. I was careful not to get close enough to him for a conversation with him to be initiated.

Apr 23, 2020

(No. 583) No Fish at Lake Shinji on Day 8 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言8日目、宍道湖にて釣果なし)

Today’s break that I took this late afternoon was not an ordinary break. It felt more like a temporary liberation from work because it was immediately after I had successfully submitted one of my translation assignments to my customer. The Gator Casting Spoon was one of two lures that I took out today. I thought I was more likely to catch a Japanese sea bass in Lake Shinji on the spoon at this time of the year than on my other lures. Local eateries in my neighborhood seemed struggling due to the current coronavirus crisis. So I wanted to help them by supplying them with a fresh Japanese sea bass straight out of the lake. Unfortunately the water was a bit too muddy today for me to catch the fish. Needless to say, there was no interaction with other people at the shore.

Apr 22, 2020

(No. 582) Casting Practice at Lake Shinji on Day 7 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言7日目、宍道湖にてキャスティング練習)

The lake was made choppy by the strong crosswind this morning. In the storm-like wind there were fewer walkers on the bank along the shore. Obviously, I had no interaction with them. It was unseasonably chilly, so that I had to leave the shore after I cast my lures about only 10 times.

Apr 21, 2020

(No. 581) No Fish at Lake Shinji on Day 6 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言6日目、宍道湖にて釣果なし)

I believe Danny plugs are one of the most legendary lures in the world. They were created originally by Mr. Danny Pichney, and now a variety of lure makers make similar lures in homage to him. Danny plugs are famous for its ability to attract fish, especially big ones (It had happened to me in the past). This early morning I used CCW’s Classic Danny. I had no interaction with other walkers but just nodded as I did last time. On the other hand, the lure was about to have an interaction with others. It attracted a bird, not fish. Intrigued by the surface lure, a sea-gull like bird hovered above it. I had to be careful not to allow the bird to attack the lure.

Apr 19, 2020

(No. 580) No Fish at Lake Shinji on Day 4 under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言4日目、宍道湖にて釣果なし)

I had no interaction with other walkers except for exchanging nods with a safe distance from each other. I saw one gray mullet jumping from the water, which must have been a harbinger of the spring. There was no bait fishermen at the shore early this morning. Was it an effect of the state of emergency?

Apr 17, 2020

(No. 579) Casting Practice or No Fish at Lake Shinji under State of Emergency (緊急事態宣言の下、宍道湖にてキャスティング練習あるいは釣果なし)

Amid the coronavirus crisis, Japan’s state of emergency was expanded nationwide yesterday. Now that Matsue City is under it, I gave consideration to whether I should stop visiting Lake Shinji during a break from my work. I felt I didn’t have to stop it because generally there are very few interactions with other people at the shore of the lake. Indeed, there are always bait fishermen at this time of the year, but I have kept certain distance from them in order to prevent a delightful but potentially infectious conversation from happening with them. This afternoon, at the quieter shore under the overcast, I felt more alone than ever.

Apr 15, 2020

(No. 578) I May Not Need a Spinning Reel Any More (もうスピニングリールは必要ないかも)

My swampy situation has not changed. I am still unable to go out and do serious fishing due to my tight work schedule. Instead, I keep visiting Lake Shinji just for refreshing myself during a break. As a result of it, I made a breakthrough in how to move an American pencil popper with the PENN Jigmaster 500 conventional reel. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, my PENN Jigmaster 500 became my most favorite fishing reel, surpassing my PENN Torque 5 spinning reel. To put it simply, the joy of using the conventional reel is much greater than that of the spinning reel. Even so, I could not part with the PENN Torque 5. I thought I would have to use it when I wanted to move a pencil popper the way American fishermen do.
Unlike with a spinning reel, which is situated under a rod, it is not easy to keep shaking a rod almost uprightly with a conventional reel, which is situated on top of it. In addition, the Jigmaster is not a level wind reel. It is difficult to maintain the balance necessary for shaking the rod while using my own finger to level the line. However, by a subtle but fundamentally new method that I recently thought up for using my fingers to level the line, I became able to maintain the balance and create the same movement of the pencil popper as with a spinning reel. Now I can happily declare that I don’t need to use a spinning reel any more.

Apr 9, 2020

(No. 577) Casting Practice or No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてキャスティング練習あるいは釣果なし)

As I had expected, I became swamped with my translation assignments and some neighborhood duties. I have not been able to do serious fishing, which means going fishing to any rocky shore of the Shimane Peninsula facing the Sea of Japan in my case. Instead, I walk to Lake Shinji almost every day as a break from work. I am always with one of Roberts Lures. Today I cast the Roberts Bounder (1.75 oz.), the lightest among my Roberts topwater plugs. Although I had not expected to catch any Japanese sea bass and I didn’t today, I cannot rule out the likelihood of my catching one soon. I saw a few bait fishermen along the shore. Their presence indicated that the fish were already, or would be shortly, around.
(予測していた通り、翻訳の仕事と町内会の責務で多忙になってしまいました。本格的な釣り、つまり私の場合は、日本海に面する島根半島の磯に釣りに行けなくなっています。代わりに私は、ほとんど毎日、仕事の合間に宍道湖まで歩きます。私はいつもロバーツのルアーと一緒です。今日は、ロバーツのバウンダー(1.75 oz.)という、私が所有するロバーツのトップウォーター・プラグの中では最軽量のものを投げました。スズキが釣れることは期待していませんでしたし、実際に今日は釣れませんでしたが、そのうち釣れる可能性が皆無であるとは言えません。湖岸に数人のエサ釣り師の姿があったからです。彼らがいるということは、スズキが既にそこにいるか、あるいはそのうちやって来る、ということを意味するのです。)

Apr 4, 2020

(No. 576) No Fish at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の小具の波止にて釣果なし)

This morning I drove to Owashi Harbor because I wanted to see the sea again before I might get too busy to go fishing to any rocky shore of the Shimane Peninsula. I chose Ogu-no-hato, one of breakwaters in Owashi Harbor, as my destination because I was not allowed to get very tired after I quit fishing. I did not want to get too tired to fulfill my obligations today. Unlike more serious fishing spots such as Saruwatari in Nonami, the access to Ogu-no-hato is so easy that you cannot get tired. Basically, I enjoyed just casting my favorite lures from the breakwater this morning. There was no fish around, and that was OK. Because that was exactly what I had anticipated. I just wanted to see the beautiful sea again.

Apr 3, 2020

(No. 575) Casting Practice or No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてキャスティング練習あるいは釣果なし)

Although it is reported that the world economy is slowing down due to the coronavirus crisis, somehow I am getting busier. More translation jobs as well as some obligations of my neighborhood association came to me these days, and I am getting swamped little by little. Because I am not sure when I can do serious fishing next, I walked to Lake Shinji during a break this late afternoon with the simplest and most favorite set of my fishing tackle; one rod (Gamakatsu Pop Shaft 83), one reel (PENN Jigmaster 500), and one lure (Roberts Whistler).
I went out of my place and started walking toward the lake counterclockwise. Several minutes later I arrived at the shore of the lake. While casting the topwater lure, I kept walking along the shore counterclockwise. A freshman that recently arrived at Matsue to start a student life at a local university talked to me. He said he was also a fisherman from Hyogo Prefecture. I gave him some information about fishing in Shimane Prefecture. Then, I left the lake at an appropriate point during the course and kept walking counterclockwise. Several minutes later I got back to my place. I think I will enjoy this round trip more often at least until the beginning of May. I hope someday I may catch a big Japanese sea bass.