About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Mar 31, 2019

(No. 437) Failure of Magging Plastic Spool of PENN Squidder (PENNスクイダーのプラスチックスプールのマグ化に失敗)

I have collected PENN conventional reels for a few months. They are for my potential use in the future. Currently I am happy with my lure fishing using a spinning reel, but when I get older I might not want to do it very much. Repeated casting and retrieving heavy lures needs stamina. I might want to use real bait instead of artificial one. These conventional reels are basically for the purpose. In addition, I used to use a conventional reel for almost every application when I was younger.
PENN’s old conventional reels are inexpensive. So I bought some, including Leveline 350M and three Squidders (140, 145, and 146). My 145 and 146 have a plastic spool. In order to install a magnetic braking system on a conventional reel, the spool should be aluminum according to the conventional wisdom (pun intended). However, some say an aluminum spool is not always necessary although it is indeed better. If you attach an aluminum or copper plate to a plastic spool, you can “mag” the reel with it.
I advanced this method further in a cheaper direction. Using styrene board and aluminum tape, I made up an aluminum “plate.” For Squidders, whose plastic spool has the Air Brake Fins, styrene board is a better option than a metal plate. Attaching a metal plate to the spool is almost impossible due to the projected fins. If you use styrene board, a soft material that can be cut easily, you can make slits in it for the fins. I have already tested the Squidder with this cheap system, and I am glad that the brake works fine. 
P.S. About a month after I posted this article, I found that a local home center sells a plate of aluminum at a reasonable price. Using the plate, I improved my cheap magnetic braking system as shown in the photo below.

P.P.S. Then I used the Squidder with the aluminum plates in actual fishing. One of the plates peeled off while I was using it, and some inner parts of the reel were damaged. I cannot recommend this method now. Obviously there is much room for improvement.
P.P.P.S. After several months of practice, I finally realized how to cast a lure with a PENN conventional reel such as the Jigmaster. Now I don’t think it is necessary to install a magnetic braking system on a reel at all. If you are interested, jump to the post of No. 555.
(さらにさらに追伸です。数か月に及ぶ練習を経て、ついに私は、例えばジグマスターのようなPENNの両軸リールを使ってルアーを投げる方法をつかみました。今では、磁石式のブレーキ・システムを両軸リールに搭載する必要はないと考えています。ご関心のある方は、No. 555へどうぞ。)

Mar 25, 2019

(No. 436) No Fish at Odo-no-hato in Shichirui Harbor (七類港の尾戸の波止にて釣果なし)

This afternoon I had to drive my father to the ferry terminal in Shichirui Harbor. The ferry runs between the harbor and the Oki Islands in the Sea of Japan. I took advantage of this opportunity and tried my luck at Odo-no-hato, one of breakwaters in the harbor. Although Shichirui Harbor is one of the biggest harbors in the Shimane Peninsula, it was much quieter today than I had anticipated. Unfortunately, the water inside the harbor was also very quiet. I did not see any baitfish around. I just enjoyed the peaceful ambience.

Mar 19, 2019

(No. 435) Experiment at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて実験)

This morning I carried three reels (PENN Leveline 350M, PENN Squidder 146, and Ohmori Factory Diamond Micro 7 No.6) and two rods (11’ Lamiglas Insane Surf and 8.6’ handmade two-way fiberglass rod) to Maruiwa in Owashi in order to experiment with several combinations of the fishing tackle. Since I obtained a Leveline 350M a few months ago I have been impressed with its unique level wind mechanism. This old conventional reel was discontinued a little over 20 years ago. According to PENN’s old catalogue, the Leveline is “A LEVEL WIND REEL with a BRAIN.” Now this mechanism seems disregarded except for the “Wave-Bar" technology of U.S. Reel, a fishing tackle company that is not familiar to me. For those who have not seen how this mechanism works, I uploaded a video on YouTube. Although no fish attacked my lures in any combination of my tackle today, I enjoyed doing some experiments.
(今朝、私は、3つのリール(PENNのレベライン350M、PENNのスクイダー146、そして大森製作所のダイヤモンドリール・マイクロ7 No.6)と2つの竿(11フィートのラミグラス・インセイン・サーフと8.6フィートの自家製グラスファイバー二刀流ロッド)を大芦の丸岩に持ち込み、いろいろな組み合わせを試してみました。数カ月前に手に入れて以来、私は、レベライン350Mのユニークなレベル・ワインド機構に感銘を受けてきました。この古い両軸リールの生産は、20年ちょっと前に終わってしまいました。PENNの古いカタログによると、レベラインは「頭脳をもつレベル・ワインド・リール」なのです。今ではこの機構は、私がよく知らない「U.S.リール」というメーカーの「ウェーブ・バー」テクノロジーを除けば、見向きもされなくなったようです。この機構がどのように働くのかをご覧になったことのない方のために、YouTubeにビデオをアップしました。今日は、どのタックルの組み合わせであっても、魚がルアーを襲うことはありませんでしたが、いくつかの実験を楽しみました。)

Mar 16, 2019

(No. 434) No Fish at Terashima-no-nishi in Tayu (手結の「寺島の西」にて釣果なし)

A little over two weeks ago I wrote that I felt the spring was just around the corner. How wrong I was! Why is it still so cold? A few days ago I even saw some snow falling for a brief moment. This evening I drove to Kurauchi Bay first, but all the fishing spots were occupied there. So I drove down to Tayu, a hamlet to the east of Etomo. I love Tayu for some reason. I had a nice chat with a friendly bait fisherman for squids and cast my favorite lures in vain at Terashima-no-nishi. The spring did not show up yet.
(2週間ちょっと前に、私は、春がもうすぐそこまで来ている気配があると書きました。何たる勘違いであったことでしょう! なぜいまだに、こんなに寒いのでしょうか? 数日前には、つかの間、雪が降るのを見たくらいです。今夕、私はまず倉内湾へ向かったものの、そこの釣り場にはすべて先客が入っていました。そこで私は、恵曇の東にある集落、手結へ向かったのです。どういうわけか私は、手結が大好きです。「寺島の西」で、イカを狙う友好的なエサ釣り師と楽しくおしゃべりをし、お気に入りのルアーを成果なく投げました。春はまだ姿を現しません。)

Mar 9, 2019

(No. 433) No Fish at Hatakejiri in Sanami and at Kobuiwa in Kaka (佐波の畠尻と加賀のコブ岩にて釣果なし)

I intended to go fishing as early as possible this morning, but it was too cold when I woke up about 6 a.m. So I changed the plan. I drove to Sanami area in the bright sunshine about 1 p.m. First, I tried Hatakejiri in Sanam. Nothing happened. Then, I drove to Kukedo-bana in Kaka. I looked down patches of sarashi (white churning water) around Kobuiwa. They looked promising. Standing carefully in the treacherous breaker, I kept casting my favorite lures, but unfortunately nothing happened.

Mar 7, 2019

(No. 432) No Fish at Etomo, Sanami, and Kaka Harbors (恵曇港、佐波港、そして加賀港にて釣果なし)

As soon as I got freed from my translation jobs this morning, I decided to do the run-and-gun style fishing today at some fishing spots between Etomo and Sanami. A strong onshore wind was blowing at the shore of the Shimane Peninsula this afternoon. As you might have noticed, I like to take a picture of a lure dangling from the tip of my rod. In particular, I like a picture of the lure and any long structure at a fishing spot, such as a lighthouse, lining up in a straight vertical line. Sometimes you cannot tell where the join is between the lure and the structure in my picture. Today it was difficult to take such a deceiving picture because the wing was too strong. The onshore wind had created nice patches of sarashi (white churning water) almost everywhere. So I anticipated a vicious strike by a Japanese sea bass, but nothing happened wherever I went. 

Mar 1, 2019

(No. 431) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

When I was walking along the shore of Susumi Bay toward Susumi-hana this afternoon, I found Mr. F walking back from Maruiwa. Mr. F is one of regular bait fishermen at the fishing spot. We exchanged greetings, and Mr. F told me that no small fish was around. That was not a good news, but I was not disappointed at all. Two months had passed since I caught my last legitimate fish. So I am accustomed to it. I cast my favorite lures toward the beautiful quiet sea. I was happy enough because I felt the spring was just around the corner.