About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

May 30, 2022

(No. 946) One Small Bite at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて小さなバイト1回)

I went to Lake Shinji four times today. It was overcast all along. The light rain occasionally fell. The surface was moderately choppy. The lake seemed to present me best opportunities to catch a big Japanese sea bass, but nothing happened except when a small one came and gently kissed my CCW Jetty Swimmer.

May 27, 2022

(No. 945) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

This morning I brought my new fiberglass rod, a Goture 8.6’ Catfish Rod, to Saruwatari in Nonami for the first time. As soon as I made my first cast with the rod, I felt invincible. To be precise, the rod felt invincible. It felt powerful enough for hooking and lifting any large yellowtail amberjacks. "Come try my new orange rod! You cannot break it!” I proudly declared war on the fish that must have been in the sea. One hour later, I was begging the invisible fish. “Please. Why don’t you try it? What can I do to get you to try it?”
(今朝、新しいグラスロッド、ゴチュールの8.6フィート・ナマズ用を初めて野波の猿渡に持ち込みました。このロッドで最初のキャストをした瞬間、私は無敵だと感じました。正確には、このロッドは無敵だと感じました。どんなに大型のヒラマサであってもフッキングさせて釣り上げることができるパワーを感じたのです。「さあ、俺の新しいオレンジ竿を試してみやがれ! お前に折られたりなんかしねぇぜ!」私は、海中にいるはずの魚に向かって堂々と宣戦布告したのです。1時間後、私は見えない魚に懇願していました。「お願いです。どうして試してくれないのですか? 君に試してもらうために、ぼくは何をしたらいいのですか?」)

May 26, 2022

(No. 944) Still No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてまだ釣果なし)

I love my new fiberglass rod, a Goture 8.6’ Catfish Rod. When my lure is heavy enough (e.g., 3 oz.), I don’t need much power to throw it far. The rod enables me to take full advantage of the weight of the lure itself. I don’t need to add any extra force to make my lure fly as far as possible. The rod is like a spring-loaded rocket launcher. I have enjoyed throwing my lures with the rod very much, though no Japanese sea bass has responded to any of my lures.

May 21, 2022

(No. 943) No Fish at Lake Shinji and My New Favorite Fiberglass Rod (宍道湖にて釣果なし、そしてお気に入りの新しいグラスロッド)

I have been to Lake Shinji several times since my last post. Neither the Japanese sea bass nor the needlefish have responded to my lures. As far as I know, not only my American lures but also other fishermen’s Japanese lures have not been very productive. Nevertheless, I have enjoyed throwing my lures as usual. I recently purchased an inexpensive fiberglass baitcasting rod. I have used one of my spinning rods (Gamakatsu Pop Shaft 83) for my conventional or low-profile baitcasting reels. I was satisfied with that odd set-up. However, a few days ago I suddenly realized I had wanted to use a proper baitcasting rod with a trigger handle. I started searching for a rod appropriate for my fishing but didn’t want an expensive one. 
Fortunately I found an interesting one online. It was an inexpensive fiberglass rod designed by Goture for the catfish fishing, but something of it made me feel it would work for my fishing, too. Maybe it was because of its bright orange color. On throwing one of my lures using the new rod, I instantly realized I was right. A few years ago I built 8.6’ fiberglass spinning rod on my own. This new rod reminded me of that hand-made one. According to the spec printed on the rod, it can throw a heavy lure up to 15 oz. (425 gram). It seemed that I was not the only one who got impressed with this rod. This afternoon I had a nice chat with one fisherman at the shore of the lake, and he got so amazed at my tackle that he asked me, "Can I throw it?” Of course I was happy to let him do so. The first thing he said after throwing my lure with the rod was “Kore-yabai,” which might be translated into “Wow.”
(幸い、興味深いものがネットで見つかりました。ゴチュール社が設計した安いグラスファイバー製ロッドで、ナマズ釣り用なのですが、その何かが、私の釣りにも使えそうな気にさせたのです。たぶん、鮮やかなオレンジ色のせいでしょう。実際、そのロッドでルアーを投げてみると、これが大当たり。数年前、私は8.6フィートのグラスファイバー製スピニングロッドを自作しました。今回のロッドは、その自作ロッドを思い出させるのです。ロッドに記されたスペックによると、15オンス(425グラム)までの重たいルアーを投げることができます。このロッドに感銘を受けたのは私だけではなさそうです。今日の午後、湖岸で一人の釣り人とおしゃべりをしたのですが、彼は私のタックルに驚いて「投げさせてもらっていいですか?」と言うのでした。私はもちろん喜んで、投げてもらいました。私のルアーをこのロッドで投げた彼が最初に口にしたのは、英語にするなら「Wow」となりそうな、 「これ、やばい」でした。)

May 17, 2022

(No. 942) Cutting Weeds for Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡のための草刈り)

Unlike yesterday, there was no boil this morning. The sea was much quieter. I started fishing at 6:30 a.m. and quit it before 7:30. I needed to conserve my energy because I was going to cut weeds along the trail in the woods. Those weeds were covering some gaps between stones, and a fisherman unfamiliar with the trail might trip over those stones. So I wanted to make all those stones and rocks well visible. It took me about one hour to remove all the weeds. Now the trail to Saruwatari was safer. There was another reason behind the weed cutting. I may go to Saruwatari with one of my fishing buddies next week, and he says he doesn’t like snakes. So I wanted to get rid of bushes in which a snake can hide. As for myself, I don’t have a phobia of snakes except for venomous ones. Only snake I have seen in the woods is the Japanese keelback, which is non-venomous. I saw it only once a few years ago. I want to see it again because it is a very tiny and cute snake.

May 16, 2022

(No. 941) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

It was about 6 a.m. There was a boil. It was just in front of me. The boil was the first thing that came into my view when I completed the rigging of my fishing tackle and took a look at the sea before today’s first cast from Saruwatari in Nonami. A school of baitfish was making splashes on the surface. If you hadn't been a seasoned veteran like me, you would've been so excited with the boil, but I knew a noisy boil couldn't necessarily result in a good catch. I knew it too well. After taking a deep breath, I threw one of my lures toward the boil. The lure flew over the boil and landed on the water beyond it. I couldn't keep my anticipation and excitement from reaching all-time high. Then, the lure swam back to me, making splashes and trying to entice the fish. Nothing happened. I repeated the whole process again. Nothing happened. I repeated the whole process again. Nothing happened. Nothing happened until I quit at 7 a.m.

May 15, 2022

(No. 940) Nice Chat with Reader of This Blog Though No Fish at Gotton and Safuki-bana in Nonami (ブログの読者さんと素敵なおしゃべり、野波のゴットンとサフキ鼻にて釣果なしも)

It was about 6 a.m. this morning that I arrived at the parking space for Saruwatari in Nonami. There was already one car parked there. I was glad that Saruwatari apparently got more popular than before. Shortly afterward I arrived at the parking space for Safuki-bana, where I found one car left too. I was glad again because someone was using the new trail I had created in the woods. I kept driving and arrived at the much smaller parking space for Gotton. It was vacant, and I started throwing my favorite lures about 6:30 a.m. The current was not moving at all, and the sea was too quiet. So I got bored with the fishing and got more and more interested in the person who must have used the new trail to Safuki-bana. I cut my fishing at Gotton short and decided to go back to Safuki-bana. 
There was one lure fisherman at Safuki-bana, and, to my surprise, he was a reader of this blog. He knew that I had created the new trail. I enjoyed a nice chat with him about, for example, difference in fishing between Japan and the U.S. Then, the current finally started moving, so we resumed our fishing at Safuki-bana together. Before I left the fishing spot about 10 a.m., neither he nor me caught any fish, but I enjoyed his company a lot. Thank you, T-san!

May 12, 2022

(No. 939) Needlefish Chasing Lure at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてダツがルアーを追う)

A familiar stick-like face has returned to Lake Shinji. When I was retrieving CCW’s Jetty Swimmer this afternoon, I saw something very slender chasing the lure vigorously just below the surface. It was a needlefish. The arrival of needlefish could indicate that the Japanese sea bass were already in the lake too or that they would soon be coming to the lake. Seeing the needlefish chasing my lure brought me the feeling of summer.

May 11, 2022

(No. 938) Cutting Weeds for Gotton in Nonami and Wild Strawberry (野波のゴットンのための草刈りと野いちご)

I felt I had completed the maintenance of the trail to Safuki-bana in Nonami. So this afternoon I went to Gotton, one of other fishing spots in the area, in order to cut weeds and bamboos along the trail to it. To my surprise, the weeds were much less rampant than I had anticipated. I also realized that some bamboos had been cut down in order to widen the trail. Someone must have maintained the trail. So I didn’t need to do much. I just cut some thorny weeds. However, when I finished cutting all the weeds along the trail, I got very tired. I had planned to do some fishing after the maintenance, but I got too tired to do so. On my way back to my car, I enjoyed the fresh taste of wild strawberries.

May 8, 2022

(No. 937) No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なし)

I wanted to try either Saruwatari or Safuki-bana in Nonami this morning but had to give them up when I saw the waves crashing on the shore. They were much higher than I had expected. So I turned my car around and headed for Lake Shinji. Yesterday I had seen a big dead body of a flathead fish at the shore of the lake, and it had reminded me that it was already May. Some seasonal migratory fish, such as the flathead and the Japanese sea bass, were coming to the lake. There were several bait fishermen along the shore of the lake this morning as if they had been a proof of my assumption. My lures were not productive this morning, but I was sure I would catch some Japanese sea bass very soon.

May 6, 2022

(No. 936) Consecutively No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて引き続き釣果なし)

Unlike yesterday, the parking space for Saruwatari in Nonami was empty when I arrived about 6 a.m. I was about to park my car there but changed my mind at the last moment and decided to keep driving to Safuki-bana. I realized that I liked Safuki-bana much more than I was aware. Yesterday I had added another improvement to the trail in the woods. There was a black rope along the trail, and it was not very visible. So I had attached some pieces of yellow tape and red ribbons to the rope. As for fishing, nothing exciting happened except when I saw two splashes on the surface. They were far beyond the reach of my lures. Some fast-swimming predators might have chased baitfish.

May 5, 2022

(No. 935) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

I wanted to go to Saruwatari this morning, but there was a car left at the parking space when I arrived around 6:30 a.m. Saruwatari had been already taken. So I passed the parking space and headed for Safuki-bana, which I would find vacant. I got glad to know Safuki-bana was vacant, but at the same time I got a bit disappointed. As I reported the other day, I created the new route in the woods to Safuki-bana, and I wanted someone to take advantage of it. I started throwing my lures about 7:30 a.m. Shortly afterward one wonderful idea that had nothing to do with fishing occurred to me, and I felt I needed to send an e-mail about it. How eccentric it was to write a formal business e-mail standing at Safuki-bana, one of the most exhausting fishing spots in Nonami!

May 3, 2022

(No. 934) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

Thanks to the new route I created yesterday, to get to Safuki-bana became easier. This morning I didn’t spend as much time and energy as before reaching Safuki-bana, one of the most exhausting fishing spots to reach in Nonami according to the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook.” I was able to use that saved energy and time for throwing my lures more than before, though it didn't result in any catch.

May 2, 2022

(No. 933) Creating New Route to Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻へ行く新しいルートづくり)

I returned to the woods in Nonami this afternoon just for improving the detour I had created yesterday. I cut not only weeds but also some branches of trees this time in order to make using the detour more comfortable. Then, I realized that it became more than a detour. It became a new, better route. So I loosened one of the ropes along the original trail and tied it to different trees along the new route. Now no one needs to walk through the slippery, bushy, thorny, and brittle area of the original trail. To get to Safuki-bana became a bit easier.