Unlike the last time, no cold wind was blowing at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu this morning. The sea was even calmer. When I started casting my lures from the tip of Nagasaki-bana, one of small fishing boats came closer to me. They were picking turban shells from the bottom of the quiet sea. As I had done in the summer of 2017, I took off my cap and made a polite bow to the local fisherman on it. Then, I asked, “Good catch?” The fisherman replied with smile, “Nah. Too calm.” That conversation felt like a repetition of a past event, too. I remembered I had enjoyed basically the same conversation with probably the same fishermen in 2017.
About this blog (このブログのこと)

- Masahiro
- After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)
Mar 30, 2020
Mar 29, 2020
(No. 573) Soaked to the Skin at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦港の須々海鼻にてずぶ濡れ)
To keep tenaciously casting lures toward Susumi Bay and to catch a Japanese sea bass somewhere between Mizushiri and Susumi-hana. That was my plan for this morning. The strong and unseasonably chilly wind was blowing from the east, and the sea outside Susumi Bay was pretty rough, so I hoped baitfish took refuge inside the bay and the predatory sea bass were chasing them under sarashi (white churning water). I started from Mizushiri and slowly moved toward Susumi-hana while casting my favorite lures with greater caution. I had to be careful because the sporadic big waves wanted to catch me.
Without any response from the fish, I finally reached Susumi-hana, the eastern end of Susumi Bay. It was when I was climbing up a big rock at Susumi-hana. I sensed a big wave coming toward me. My view was obstructed with the big rock, but I noticed the coming wave was a particularly big one. Instinctively I hunkered down behind the rock and successfully avoided a direct attack of the wave. However, the considerable part of the wave easily climbed over the rock and got me soaked to the skin. What a cold shower!
Mar 28, 2020
(No. 572) Cartoon Fish at Etomo Harbor (恵曇港にてマンガフィッシュ)
No coronavirus case has been confirmed yet in Shimane Prefecture, in which I have lived since my return to Japan in 2014, and its neighboring Tottori Prefecture. I don’t know why. Both the prefectures are among the least populated ones in Japan. Maybe that’s the reason why. Anyway, I went to Etomo Harbor this morning. Strangely, there were much fewer fishermen in the harbor today. In general, the wharf between the ice plant and Edabo is crowded with older fishermen lining up at some regular intervals, but it was completely vacant this morning. I got bored. So I tried to catch colorful cartoon fish swimming just below the surface of Shinsinbo, one of the breakwaters in the harbor.
Mar 26, 2020
(No. 571) No Fish at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu (御津の長崎鼻にて釣果なし)
I had not been to Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu since the summer of 2017. I don’t know why there had been such a long hiatus, given the fact that I have happy memories of the fishing spot. I had caught a nice Hong Kong grouper last time I had been there. In addition, I had often enjoyed nice chats with some professional fishermen around it. This morning I was back at Nagasaki-bana. Nothing seemed to have changed since the last time. The sea was pretty calm today, but the cold wind started blowing about 7 a.m. To my surprise, it became too cold rather shortly. I had to quit fishing before 8 a.m.
Mar 25, 2020
(No. 570) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)
I went to Saruwatari in Nonami this morning, but I am not sure whether fishing was my primary purpose of it. The main reason why I decided to go to Saruwatari might have been listening to the sound of frogs again. As detailed in my last post, at this time of the year you can hear the dog-like sound coming from the gaps between the rocks along the brook running in the woods of Nonami (If you are interested, you can listen to it here). Today I looked in one of the gaps because I wanted to see the frogs which I think are Tago frogs. Unfortunately I couldn’t see any one of them. It was too dark inside the gap. I could have seen them if I had used a flashlight to illuminate the inside, but I decided not to use it because I didn’t want to bother them. To be honest, I was a bit scared of a likelihood that those unseen creatures were not frogs at all, that they were some ghost or goblins, or that they were actually minuscule dogs.
Mar 23, 2020
(No. 569) Dog-like Sound of Frogs in Woods of Nonami (野波の林間で犬のような蛙の鳴き声)
There is a tiny brook along the path in the woods that you have to walk through to reach Saruwatari in Nonami. The brook is so tiny that it almost dries up in the period of a dry spell. Luckily, it held a considerable amount of water this morning. While enjoying the refreshing sound of the babbling brook, I also noticed there was another type of sound. A sound of growling dogs? Actually It was a sound of frogs. I am not very sure what kind of frog it is. Is it the Tago frog? Anyway, at this time of the year they make a dog-like sound inside a gap of rocks along the brook. You cannot see them but only hear their sound. After enjoying the sound of frogs early in the morning, I climbed down to Saruwatari for amberjacks. Unfortunately, no fish responded to my lures, but I remained more excited than the last time. Because I was sure that Spring had come, as the frogs announced it with the sound. I recorded a video of the brook and uploaded it onto my YouTube Channel. If interested, listen to it.
(野波の猿渡へ行くために通る必要のある林の中には、小道沿いに小川が流れています。その小川はとても小さいので、日照りが続くと、ほとんど干上がってしまいます。幸運なことに今朝は、かなりの水量がありました。その爽やかなせせらぎを聞きながら、私は、別の種類の音がしていることにも気づきました。犬の唸り声でしょうか? 実はそれは、蛙の鳴き声なのです。どういう種類の蛙なのか、よくは知りません。タゴガエルという蛙なのでしょうか? いずれにしても、一年のこの時期、小川沿いの石の隙間で、蛙たちが犬のような鳴き声を上げるのです。姿は見えず、鳴き声だけが聞こえます。早朝、蛙の鳴き声を楽しんでから、私は、青物を狙って猿渡に降りていきました。あいにく、魚はルアーに反応しませんでしたが、私は前回の釣行時よりもワクワクしていました。なぜなら、蛙たちがその鳴き声で告げてくれている通り、春の到来を確信したからです。私は小川のビデオを撮影し、YouTubeにアップしました。ご興味があれば、お聞きください。)
Mar 20, 2020
(No. 568) No Fish at Ui Harbor and Odo-no-hato in Shichirui Harbor (宇井港、そして七類港の尾戸の波止にて釣果なし)
One of my old classmates, who also became one of my fishing buddies after I came back to Japan in 2014, persuaded me to go to Mihonoseki Harbor with him this morning. He told me that he had caught some young Japanese Spanish mackerels and squids the other day when he had fished alone at the harbor. It was about 7 a.m. that we arrived at the harbor this morning. We hoped it would be early enough, but actually it was too late. The harbor was already so crowded with avid fishermen that we had to find another fishing spot. So we drove to Ui Harbor, where we found the crosswind too strong for us to keep fishing comfortably.
Without staying at Ui Harbor very long, we decided to try Shichirui Harbor, which is located on the opposite side of the Shimane Peninsula. After scouting around and trying a few spots in Shichirui Harbor, we ended up at Odo-no-hato, one of productive breakwaters in the harbor. We kept casting our lures until about noon, but no fish responded. Although not only we but also most of other fishermen at Odo-no-hato got skunked, there was a great opportunity to use the net that my old classmate brought. There was a group of cheerful fishermen next to us, and, due to a blast of wind, one of their belongings fell from the breakwater. Using the net, we retrieved it successfully.
Mar 19, 2020
(No. 567) No Fish at between Uomiyama and Akaiwa in Mitsu (御津の魚見山から赤岩の間にて釣果なし)
I saw a swell along the rocky shores of Mitsu and Owashi areas on my way to either Maruiwa in Owashi or Saruwatari in Nonami, both of which fishing spots could be dangerously affected by the swell. So I decided to explore Uomiyama and Akaiwa in Mitsu, instead of going to Maruiwa or Saruwatari. Uomiyama and Akaiwa were less affected by the swell, so I was able to cast my favorite lures more comfortably. It became so comfortable in the warm and bright sunlight that I soon lost track of time. I suddenly noticed that I had kept casting and retrieving only my green Roberts Ranger for about 30 minutes. Casting Roberts plugs with PENN Jigmaster seems strangely addictive.
Mar 18, 2020
(No. 566) No Fish around Omisaki Bridge (大海崎橋にて釣果なし)
This afternoon I visited one small local company in Matsue City in order to help them to open some files attached to an e-mail sent from abroad. After helping them successfully, I dropped in at Omisaki Bridge, which lies in the western shore of Lake Nakaumi. I wanted to know if they had already started catching the Japanese sea bass around the bridge. There was one lure fisherman when I arrived about 4 p.m., and a pair of lure fishermen came to the spot shortly before I quit fishing about one hour later. Although they and I did not catch any fish, the warm weather and the presence of lure fishermen made me happy.
Mar 15, 2020
(No. 565) No Fish at Odo-no-hato in Shichirui Harbor, Ui Harbor, and Moriyama Quay (七類港の尾戸の波止、宇井港、そして森山岸壁にて釣果なし)
This afternoon I explored fishing spots in the eastern part of Matsue City. Expecting there was a migration of Japanese sea bass in the Sakai-suido waterway in Mihonoseki, I drove to Moriyama Quay first and then to Ui Harbor. I found some lure fishermen casting metal vibration plugs from both the fishing spots. Although intrigued, I decided not to stay at either one of them because the crosswind was too strong. I drove to Shichirui Harbor and found a few fishermen trying to catch a squid around Odo-no-hato in the harbor. The wind was as strong as at Moriyama Quay and Ui Harbor, but I decided to fish from the breakwater because a favorable wind was blowing. After casting my lures in vain for about 30 minutes, I drove back to Ui Harbor and then to Moriyama Quay. I did my best at both the spots despite the strong crosswind, but nothing happened.
Mar 13, 2020
(No. 564) No Fish at Etomo Harbor (恵曇港にて釣果なし)
When I became free from my translation assignments around 4 p.m., I remembered the weather forecast had said that a cold rain or snow would fall this weekend. So I decided to go to Etomo Harbor, although I did not feel I would catch any fish. I took out my two favorite reels today, one of which was the PENN Jigmaster 500 conventional reel and the other was the PENN Torque 5 spinning reel. At Etomo Harbor I happened to see one of my old classmates who was trying to catch a squid in vain. As I had expected, I did not catch any fish, either. Actually, not only I but also all the other fishermen at the harbor seemed to be unlucky this evening. I just enjoyed chatting with the old friend and casting with the two different reels, comparing the casting distance of them.
Mar 9, 2020
(No. 563) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)
I did not recognize any swell along the rocky shore of Owashi area when I overlooked the sea from the winding road on the hillside this morning. So I drove to Nonami area in order to fish from Saruwatari, a popular fishing spot which I had given up last time. The water around Saruwatari was quiet without a swell. Only the surface was a bit choppy due to the unexpectedly cold wind. I kept casting my lures tenaciously. In particular, I repeatedly cast two of Roberts Lures (Ranger and Whistler) without getting tired of them. I love the Roberts topwater lures because of their extreme simplicities and complete lack of a good likeness of fish. Although I have not yet caught any fish on any Roberts lure since I came back to Japan in 2014, I have a hunch that I will catch a good one on it this year.
Mar 7, 2020
(No. 562) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)
Originally I intended to go to Saruwatari in Nonami this morning, but I had to change the plan as soon as I saw the condition of the sea from the parking space above Susumi Bay. There was a swell along the shore. Instead of going to Saruwatari, which is not an easy spot to reach when there is a swell, I climbed down to Susumi Bay and fished from Maruiwa. Being considerably choppy, the water around Maruiwa looked good for lure fishing, but there was no baitfish around. While I kept casting my lures for 2 hours, nothing happened.
Mar 4, 2020
(No. 561) No Fish(erman) at Etomo Harbor (恵曇港にて釣果/人なし)
Unusually for Etomo Harbor, there was no fisherman when I arrived about 3 p.m. today. Was it due to the coronavirus? In general, there are always some regular bait fishermen, most of which are older people, between the ice plant and Edabo at this time of year. Looking around at the completely empty harbor, I said to myself, “I will get fish all to myself.” Shortly after I started casting my lures, my happy anticipation disappeared. Even so, I kept casting my lures for one hour and a half. Not unusually for me, there was no fish that responded to my lures.
(午後3時に到着してみると、恵曇港にしては珍しいことに、まったく釣り人の姿がないのでした。コロナウイルスのせいなのでしょうか? いつもであれば、製氷所と枝防の間に必ず、数人の常連さん(その多くがご高齢)がおられるのです。私は、完全に無人の港を見回しながら、心の中で言いました。「魚はぜんぶ、俺が独り占めだぜ」。ルアーを投げ始めるとすぐに、その幸せなワクワク感は消えてしまいました。とはいえ私は、1時間半ほどルアーを投げ続けました。私にしては珍しくないことに、ルアーに反応する魚はいませんでした。)
Mar 1, 2020
(No. 560) No Fish at Maruiwa, Susumi-hana, and Mizushiri in Owashi (大芦の丸岩、須々海鼻、水尻にて釣果なし)
Unlike yesterday, the sea around Maruiwa was rough this morning. The waves were unexpectedly high. In addition, there was a treacherous swell. I was not able to stand at the tip of Maruiwa as I had done yesterday morning. I had to retreat to a safer place where I could narrowly avoid the attack of the wave and swell. There was a patch of sarashi (white churning water) in front of me. I hoped to catch a Japanese sea bass under the sarashi, but nothing happened. After doing my best at Maruiwa, I moved to Mizushiri and then to Susumi-hana. I did my best at the both of them too, but still nothing happened. Because I had found an interesting Russian product (a portable heater) yesterday, lastly I looked for another Russian product on the shore of Susumi Bay. Unlike yesterday, I could not find any interesting stuff this morning.
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