About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jan 31, 2021

(No. 714) No Fish at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

I drove to Kurauchi Bay this late morning because I believed there was nice sarashi (white churning water) along the shore of the bay and I might catch a Japanese sea bass. However, the spot was already occupied when I arrived about 10 a.m. So I drove to Etomo Harbor. I decided to try Nanbo, one of the breakwaters, which was not very crowded. Nobody seemed to have caught any fish when I arrived, but all of them seemed to enjoy fishing under the sunny sky. I enjoyed throwing my lures, too. I felt my enjoyment was enhanced thanks to my second-hand PENN 320 GTi reel I recently obtained. This old conventional reel has a level-wind feature. Nonetheless, it casts very well. I used to say my favorite reel was the PENN Jigmaster 500, but now I feel 320 GTi is the one.
(今日は朝ゆっくりと、倉内湾へ行きました。湾の岸沿いにはきっとサラシ(かき混ぜられた白い水)ができていて、スズキが釣れるのではないかと思ったのです。しかし午前10時頃に到着してみると、既に先客があったのでした。そこで私は恵曇港へ行きました。そこの防波堤の一つ、あまり混んでいなかった南防を試すことにしました。私が到着した時、誰にも何も釣れていないようでしたが、陽光の下、誰もが釣りを楽しんでいるようでした。私も、ルアーを投げるのを楽しみました。最近入手した中古のPENN 320 GTiリールのおかげで、いっそう楽しく感じられました。この古い両軸リールにはレベルワインド機能が付いています。にもかかわらず、よく飛ぶのです。一番のお気に入りのリールはPENNのジグマスター500だと言っていたものですが、今は320 GTiがお気に入りです。)

Jan 26, 2021

(No. 713) “A Scene at the Sea” in This Winter (この冬、いちばん静かな海)

“A Scene at the Sea” is one of my favorite Takeshi Kitano (a.k.a. Beat Takeshi) movies. The English title “A Scene at the Sea” is for overseas audiences who don’t speak Japanese. In Japan, it is called “Ano Natsu, Ichiban Shizukana Umi,” which means “the most quiet sea in that summer.” This morning I remembered this masterpiece when I was at Machigahana in Owashi. I said to myself, “It is as if the Most Quiet Sea in This Winter.” As is often the case with such a quiet sea, nothing happened to my lures.
(『A Scene at the Sea』は、北野武(またの名をビートたけし)監督の映画の中で、好きなものの1つです。『A Scene at the Sea』という英語タイトルは、日本語を話さない海外の観客向けのものです。日本では『あの夏、いちばん静かな海』と呼ばれます。今朝、大芦の待ケ鼻にいた私は、この傑作映画を思い出していました。「まるで『この冬、いちばん静かな海』だな」と私は思いました。海がそのように穏やかな時はだいたいそうなのですが、私のルアーには何も起きませんでした。)

Jan 25, 2021

(No. 712) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and at Ikesu in Etomo (倉内湾と恵曇の生須にて釣果なし)

I did the run-and-gun style fishing again this afternoon. I wanted to start it around Saruwatarijima in Owashi, but I decided not to walk down to the small island as I had done yesterday. I saw someone, probably a local fisherwoman, crouching on the surrounding rocky shore. She seemed picking up nori (black tasty seaweed), and I didn’t like to bother her. So I drove to Kurauchi Bay, where I saw a bait fisherman continuously catching some small fish. Unfortunately, there seemed no larger predatory fish around. Lastly, I went to Ikesu in Etomo. The water around Ikesu was probably too calm for any Japanese sea bass to get interested in my lures. I found one red float staying on the surface. Taking advantage of the strength of my tackle (PENN 25GLS conventional reel with 90lb braided line on it and Gamakatsu Pop Shaft 83 rod), I hooked the float, cut the weaker line attached to it, and retrieved it successfully. 

Jan 24, 2021

(No. 711) No Fish at Ogu-no-hato and Saruwatarijima in Owashi and at between Ice Plant and Edabo in Etomo Harbor (大芦の小具の波止と猿渡島、そして恵曇港の製氷所と枝防の間にて釣果なし)

After watching McGregor vs Poirier 2, I drove toward the Sea of Japan in order to begin the run-and-gun style fishing. On my way to the first destination, Ogu-no-hato in Owashi, I remembered that McGregor vs Poirier 1 happened in 2014, the same year I started this blog. Since then 6 years have passed. Poirier lost in the first matchup but won this time. Throwing my lures from the tip of Ogu-no-hato, I was still amazed with his brilliant performance. The passage of that 6-year period impressed me so strangely that I felt something special might happen to my fishing, too. After spending about 10 minutes at Ogu-no-hato, I went to Saruwatarijima and then to Etomo Harbor. Anything special didn’t happen to my fishing this afternoon, but I still felt deeply encouraged. Thank you, Dustin. Thank you, Conor. I can’t agree on what Meryl Streep said a few years ago. As a film can be an art, I believe MMA can be an art, too.

Jan 21, 2021

(No. 710) No Fish at Hikotare in Owashi (大芦のヒコタレにて釣果なし)

This afternoon I struggled to find an available fishing spot in Owashi, Kaka, and Nonami areas. It’s not surprising that Maruiwa in Owashi was taken. However, it’s very surprising that the parking space for fishing spots at Kukedo-bana in Kaka was crowded with cars. In addition, the parking space for Gotton in Nonami was taken. I got bewildered and even wondered whether I should give up fishing and come home, but I decided to turn a misfortune into a blessing. I decided to try a new fishing spot and chose the Machigahana Peninsula, a small peninsula in Owashi, as my destination. Although I didn’t know where to find the entrance to the peninsula, it was not difficult to find it. After getting out of the path in the woods, I reached a sloping rocky shore, which is called Hikotare. Although no fish responded to my lures, the new fishing spot refreshed me.

Jan 19, 2021

(No. 709) Casting Practice at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてキャスティング練習)

When I primarily used a spinning reel, I didn’t feel I needed casting practice very much. On the other hand, I feel I need it now when I primarily use a conventional reel. It’s because not only all of my conventional reels don’t have any braking mechanisms, such as an installed magnet, but also I feel each of my conventional reels has its own casting characteristics. In other words, I feel each of them requires me to use an independently optimum casting motion in order to make full use of it. Probably that’s why I am able to enjoy casting practice with a conventional reel more than with a spinning reel. What I did this afternoon was just to walk to Lake Shinji and keep throwing one of my favorite lures to the empty water for several minutes, but what a fun it was!

Jan 17, 2021

(No. 708) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and Etomo Harbor (倉内湾と恵曇港にて釣果なし)

The weather had started deteriorating by this afternoon. When I arrived at Kurauchi Bay about 4 p.m., the waves were high enough to create nice sarashi (white churning water) along the shore. It looked as if something special could happen at any moment. I was fully prepared for a vicious strike from a big Japanese sea bass, but nothing happened. Then I went to Etomo Harbor and, while slowly walking to Sinsinbo, threw my lures toward the water between the ice plant and Edabo. Lastly I tried the tip of Sinsinbo, which is probably the most productive breakwater in the harbor. The sea was moderately choppy and looked promising, but still nothing happened.

Jan 15, 2021

(No. 707) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I just came back from Saruwatari. Checking my past posts, I realized I had not visited it since November 25th last year. I realized a few things had changed since my last visit. There was a big fallen tree on the path in the woods. Fortunately, It did not block the path. Some ropes along the path had been tightened up for some reason. I am not sure if it was a good idea or not. At some points I had to let the rope go because it was too tightened. Otherwise, everything remained the same. No baitfish. No response from predatory fish. Still, I was able to enjoy throwing my favorite lures to the ocean.

Jan 14, 2021

(No. 706) No Fish at Maruiwa and Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の丸岩と須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

I tried Maruiwa and Susumi-hana this afternoon. The water around the fishing spots was moderately choppy, and the wind was not very strong. In addition, the temperature had risen considerably. So I was able to throw my lures comfortably. I did not see any baitfish at all, and nothing happened to my lures, but I enjoyed a lot. Not only casting my favorite lures toward the vast ocean but also chatting nicely with a fisherman at the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay gave me enough pleasure today.

Jan 13, 2021

(No. 705) Attempt to Reach Shirataki-bana in Nonami (野波の白滝鼻へ行く試み)

In the “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” a very useful book published 8 years ago, the author said that Shirataki-bana in Nonami was a super difficult fishing spot to reach and the path toward it through the seaside woods had disappeared at the midpoint. However, one day about a year ago when I went to Saruwatari, which is about 400 meters to the east of Shirataki-bana, I saw someone fishing there. On the same day I found one car left at the parking space for the spot. So I concluded that it was possible to reach Shirataki-bana without using a boat. Today I attempted to reach it. As you might remember, I became almost lost in the same woods in the summer of 2019 when I intended to go to Naka-bana but couldn’t find the correct path (No. 479). At that time I was about to reach Shirataki-bana by accident, but weeds were so rampant that the path to it became invisible and I couldn’t take a risk. Compared to the summertime, the weeds must be less rampant at this time of the year. So I hoped I could find the path more easily this time.  
(『山陰の釣り場総覧』という、8年前に出版されたとても役に立つ本の中で、野波の白滝鼻は「超難関地磯」と位置づけられており、そこに至る海岸沿いの林の中の小道は、途中で「消滅していた」と書かれています。しかしながら、約1年前のある日、白滝鼻の東方約400メートルに位置する猿渡へ出かけた私は、誰かが白滝鼻で釣っているのを目撃したのです。同じ日、駐車スペースには1台の車が残されていたため、私は、渡船を使わずとも白滝鼻に行けるのだと結論づけました。そして今日、私は白滝鼻行きに挑戦しました。覚えていらっしゃるかもしれませんが、2019年の夏、中鼻に行こうとした私は、正しい小道を見つけることができず、同じ林の中で危うく遭難しそうになりました(No. 479)。あの時、私は図らずも白滝鼻に到達する直前だったのですが、雑草がはびこっていて小道が見えなかったため、その危険を冒すことが出来ませんでした。夏に比べると、今の時期は雑草もそんなに生えていないはずです。今回は、ずっと容易に小道が見つかるのではないか、と私は期待しました。)
As I had expected, weeds were not issues at all because most of them had withered. In addition, kind-hearted fishermen had attached red ribbons to some trees in order to indicate the correct path and yellow ropes in order to help a fisherman climb up and down steep slopes. I was able to reach Shirataki-bana this time, but I decided again not to do it. From a spot on the cliff overlooking Shirataki-bana, I noticed a fisherman standing there. I didn't think it was a good idea for me to keep climbing down the cliff and talk to him. Because there was no way he expected someone to appear from behind at a remote fishing spot such as Shirataki-bana. So I just took a picture of it quietly and turned back. On my way back to the parking space, I found a mysterious tree that looked as if it had developed a human face. Two years ago I compared my experience in the woods to the horrific event happened in The Evil Dead (No. 483). The human-faced tree reminded me again of the infamous 1981 American horror film.
(期待通り、雑草はほとんど枯れていて、まったく問題になりませんでした。加えて、どこかの親切な釣り人が木に赤いリボンを結わえて、小道が分かるようにしてくれていましたし、急な斜面には黄色いロープが結わえてあって、上り下りを容易にしてくれました。今回、白滝鼻に到達することは可能だったわけですが、しかし私は今回もまた、そうしないことにしました。崖の上から白滝鼻を見下ろしてみると、そこに立つ釣り人の姿があったのです。このまま崖を下っていって彼に話しかけるのが良い考えだとは思えませんでした。なぜなら、白滝鼻のような辺鄙な釣り場で、背後から誰か現れるかもしれないと、彼が思っているはずはなかったからです。私は写真を静かに撮ってから、引き返しました。駐車スペースへ戻る途中、不思議な木を見つけました。まるで人間の顔に見えるのです。2年前に私は、その林の中での自分の経験を、『死霊のはらわた』で起きた恐ろしい出来事と比較したのでした(No. 483)。その人面木は、あの悪名高き1981年の米国ホラー映画を、またもや思い出させてくれました。)

Jan 10, 2021

(No. 704) Snow Shoveling as Training for Fishing (釣りのためのトレーニングとしての雪かき)

Due to the heavy snowfall, I have not been able to go fishing for some time. I am not sure when to go fishing again, but I want to stay fit. You have to be in good shape if you want to go to any rocky shore of the Shimane Peninsula. If you are not, you might not be able to come back safely. That’s how tough the rocky-shore fishing could be. So I cannot stay indoors too long even with the snowfall. If I did, I might be out of shape. This early morning I walked out with a large shovel on my shoulder. I walked around in my neighborhood and removed snow from here and there. I know which houses and small stores are without male help. Before they woke up or started their businesses, I removed snow from around their entrances. Because of this snow-shoveling training, I remain fit for fishing.

Jan 5, 2021

(No. 703) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

The anticipated cold wave might not arrive at least until tomorrow. So I decided to try Safuki-bana again this morning. To be exact, I decided to try again the nearby, much safer rock that I had tried yesterday. I had not wanted to reach Safuki-bana yesterday due to the strong swell. According to the weather forecast, the waves would be a bit higher this morning than yesterday, so I believed there would be no way for me to feel like reaching Safuki-bana this morning. However, when I reached the nearby rock, I noticed the swell was not stronger than yesterday.
I got tempted to try Safuki-bana. While throwing lures from the nearby rock, I spent enough time in examining the frequency and strength of the swell. Because no fish had responded to my lures, I decided to try Safuki-bana. There was a treacherous point where I had to jump without hesitation at a rugged cliff as soon as the swell temporarily receded. I thrillingly did it and managed to reach Safuki-bana safely. I felt I would surely catch a nice fish because I overcame the hardship in order to reach Safuki-bana. Unfortunately, my great conquest did not have anything to do with my ability of catching fish.

Jan 4, 2021

(No. 702) No Fish around Safuki-bana in Nonami and at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi (野波のサフキ鼻の周辺と大芦の小具の波止にて釣果なし)

The weather forecast said another cold wave would come to our region soon. It might be harsher than the last one around New Year's Day. I am not sure when I could go fishing again once the cold wave arrives. So I drove to Safuki-bana in Nonami this early afternoon. Usually I don’t start fishing around noon, but today I started it about 12:30 p.m. I intended to go to Safuki-bana, but I had to take a safer option because the strong swell broke against the shore continuously. Instead of trying to reach Safuki-bana, I stayed at a nearby, much safer rock. I kept throwing my favorite lures for about 2 hours, but nothing happened. So I gave up the no-name fishing spot and then drove to Owashi Harbor just to enjoy throwing lures from Ogu-no-hato, one of breakwaters in the harbor. Although I have not caught any fish at Ogu-no-hato, I love casting lures from the tip of it because I can feel as if I were standing on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean.

Jan 3, 2021

(No. 701) No Fish at Sinsinbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の新々防にて釣果なし)

I had stayed at well-heated home since New Year's Day. That might be the reason why I miscalculated the coldness of a shore of the Shimane Peninsula this afternoon. Shortly after I started throwing my lures toward the water between the ice plant and Edabo in Etomo Harbor, one fisherman talked to me. He seemed interested in my big out-of-place American plug. I had seen him standing at the tip of Sinsinbo, the largest and scariest breakwater in the harbor. He said he had been there for the young Japanese Spanish mackerels but unable to catch any. After enjoying a chat with him, I decided to take over the tip for the Japanese sea bass. I returned to my car in order to wear a helmet just in case. I knew the strong wind was blowing on Sinsinbo. I also knew that some unlucky people had fatally fallen from the tip in the past. With the helmet on I felt ready for Sinsinbo, but I miscalculated the coldness. In addition, the wind was too strong for me. I threw my lure only 4 times, and I had to give up.

Jan 1, 2021

(No. 700) My Dream Reel (夢のリール)

Happy New Year! At the very beginning of the year I feel like talking about my dream reel. As some of you already know, I am an ambidextrous fisherman. I can throw lures either right-handed or left-handed. That’s the reason why I attach two handles to my PENN Torque 5 spinning reel. I call it “double-handlization” as I explained on one of my older posts (No. 244). Recently I have given some serious consideration to another kind of “double-handlization.” Can I “double-handlize” a conventional reel, such as the PENN Jigmaster? That’s my question, and I already know the answer. It is much more difficult than a spinning reel. For a spinning reel, all that you have to do is to obtain a right/left interchangeable-handle reel and attach one more handle to it. You can “double-handlize” most spinning reels except for non-interchangeable-handle reels, such as Van Staal and ZeeBaas.
(明けましておめでとうございます。新年に当たり、夢のリールについて語りたいと思います。何人かの皆さんは既に御存知だと思いますが、私は両利きの釣り師です。ルアーを、右手でも左手でも投げることができます。そのため私は、PENNのトルク5スピニングリールに2つ、ハンドルを付けています。過去の投稿(No. 244)で説明したように、私はこれを「double-handlization」(ダブルハンドル化)と名付けました。ここしばらく、私は別種のダブルハンドル化について真剣に検討しています。例えばPENNのジグマスターのような、両軸リールをダブルハンドル化できるのだろうか? それが私の問いであり、私は既にその答えを知っています。スピニングリールの場合と比べ、格段に困難なのです。スピニングリールの場合、ハンドルの左右入れ替えが可能なリールを入手し、追加のハンドルを取り付けるだけで済みます。Van StaalやZeeBaasのような左右入れ替え不可のスピニングリールを除き、ほとんどのスピニングリールのダブルハンドル化が可能だと思います。)
For a conventional reel, you will need both right- / left-handed handle-side plates. Let’s take my Jigmaster as an example. I have a normal right-handed Jigmaster and a rare left-handed jigmaster. One of the above photos shows my special Jigmaster that has the handle-side plates on each side. Now I need a spool that can fit. The spool has to be symmetric, and here is the rub. Naturally, all spools for the Jigmaster are asymmetric as shown above. I need a symmetric one, which I don't believe exits in this world. Anyway, that’s my dream reel. BTW, do you like rap music? I just released my annual New Year’s rap. It doesn’t have to do with fishing, but if you are interested, click here.
(両軸リールの場合、右巻き用と左巻き用の2つのハンドル側プレートが必要となります。私が所有するジグマスターを例に取りましょう。私は、通常の右巻き用ジグマスターと、珍しい左巻き用ジグマスターを所有しています。上の写真に写っているのは、両側にそれぞれのハンドル側プレートを取り付けた特別なジグマスターです。ここまで来た私に必要なのは、これに合うスプールです。そのスプールは左右対称でなければならないのですが、そこが問題なのです。当然ながら、ジグマスターのスプールはすべて左右非対称なのです。私に必要な左右対称のスプールはこの世には存在しないと思われます。ともかく、これが私の夢のリールなのです。ところで話は変わりますが、ラップ音楽はお好きですか? 毎年恒例の年賀ラップをリリースしたばかりなのです。釣りとは全く関係がないのですが、もしもご興味があれば、ここをクリックしてお楽しみください。)