About this blog (このブログのこと)

My photo
After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jul 31, 2020

(No. 632) No Fish at between Uomiyama and Akaiwa in Mitsu (御津の魚見山から赤岩の間にて釣果なし)

The rainy season was officially over in my region yesterday, and the hot glaring summer has just begun. This afternoon I went to Mitsu Harbor. As is often the case, the water was almost stagnant around Uomiyama and Akaiwa, two popular fishing spots on the west of the harbor. The condition of the sea made me feel I could not catch any amberjacks at all. So I just enjoyed casting my favorite lures with my PENN 545GS and shooting pictures and a video with my GoPro Hero (2014). I felt happy because I got more and more accustomed to using these new tools.
(私の住む地域では昨日、公式に梅雨が明け、暑くてギラギラの夏が始まりました。今日の午後は、御津港に行きました。ありがちなことですが、港の西にある人気のある2つの釣り場、魚見山と赤岩の周りの水はほとんど淀んでいました。そういう海の状況だったので、とても青物は釣れないだろうと思いました。そこで、PENNの545GSを使ってお気に入りのルアーを投げたり、GoPro Hero (2014)で写真やビデオを撮影することを、ただ楽しみました。これら新しい道具を使うことにますます慣れてきており、嬉しく思いました。)

Jul 26, 2020

(No. 631) No Fish but Successful Shooting Practice at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なしも撮影練習は成功)

My GoPro Hero (2014) turned out to be just fine. As I mentioned on the last post, I believe it is the simplest GoPro. It is so simple that it doesn't seem to have the auto power-off function. Yesterday I couldn’t switch it on at Kurauchii Bay. The battery was empty. I might have left the camera on, and that might be the reason why the battery went dead. This morning I was at Saruwatari in Nonami in order to do shooting practice with the camera. All the above photos were taken with my GoPro Hero (2014). I am satisfied with them. I also did casting practice with my PENN 545GS. Casting a lure with the conventional reel was not very easy but so fun that I lost track of time. I kept doing the casting practice for more than 3 hours this morning. I am an ambidextrous fisherman. I can make a cast either right-handed or left-handed. That’s why my casting practice takes twice more than that of a normal fisherman.
(私のGoPro Hero (2014)は、問題のないことが判明しました。前回の投稿で触れたように、このカメラは、GoProの中でもいちばんシンプルな機種だと思います。とてもシンプルなので、自動電源オフ機能が付いていないようです。私は昨日、倉内湾でカメラの電源を入れることができませんでした。電池が切れていたのです。もしかすると電源を入れたままにしていたのかもしれず、そのせいで電池が空になったのかもしれません。今朝は、カメラの撮影練習をするため、野波の猿渡に行きました。上の写真はすべてGoPro Hero (2014)で撮影したものです。私はこれらの写真に満足しています。私はまた、PENNの545GSを使ったキャスティング練習もしました。この両軸リールでのキャスティングは、非常に簡単というわけではありませんが、とても楽しく、時間が経つのを忘れてしまいました。今朝は3時間以上もキャスティング練習をしてしまったのです。私は両利きの釣り師です。右手でも左手でも投げられます。なので、キャスティング練習をするにも、一般の釣り人の2倍の時間が必要になるのです。)

Jul 25, 2020

(No. 630) Successful and Failed Practices at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて成功および失敗した練習)

I love swimming in the ocean, especially at the rocky shore of Shimane Peninsula. When I am in the sea, I often take a picture of it. Since I started this blog I have used several waterproof cameras. Sadly, all of the cameras have ended up either broken or lost. My last one, a cheap action camera I had bought at a nearby secondhand shop, did stop working a few days ago. I found a part of the power switch was chipped off when I took it apart. I recently bought another used camera. It was a GoPro, arguably the most famous brand of action cameras. Mine is GoPro Hero (2014), one of the simplest and cheapest GoPro cameras ever. In order to do a shooting practice with it in the water, I went to Kurauchi Bay this morning. After doing a casting practice with my recently obtained PENN 545GS, I set about doing the shooting practice with my new camera. I took my clothes off and switched on the camera… But I couldn’t switch it on… Why… It indicated that the battery was empty… It must have been on full charge… Why…
(海で泳ぐことが、とりわけ島根半島の磯で泳ぐことが、好きです。そして海中では、よく写真を撮っています。このブログを開始して以来、これまでに数台の防水カメラを使ってきました。悲しいことに、それらはすべて、最後には壊れるか、紛失してしまいました。最後の1台は、近所の中古屋で購入した安物のアクション・カメラだったのですが、数日前に動かなくなりました。分解してみると、電源スイッチの一部が欠けていました。そこで最近、中古のカメラをまた買ったのです。アクション・カメラのブランドとしては、おそらく最も有名な、GoProです。購入したのはGoPro Hero (2014)、これまでに作られたGoProの中でも、いちばんシンプルかつ安価な機種でしょう。水中での撮影練習をするため、私は今朝、倉内湾に行きました。まずは、最近購入したPENNの545GSを使ったキャスティング練習をしてから、新しいカメラによる撮影練習に着手です。私は服を脱ぎ、カメラの電源を入れました…。が、電源は入りません…。はて、なぜでしょう…。電池が空だと表示されています…。フル充電してきたはずなのに…。なぜだ…。)

Jul 23, 2020

(No. 629) Casting Practice at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてキャスティング練習)

My most favorite conventional reel is the PENN Jigmaster 500, but sometimes I feel its gear ratio (4:1) is a bit too slow although it’s faster than that of the PENN Squidder etc. In order to get rid of this frustration, I recently obtained the PENN 545GS, whose gear ratio is 6:1. This morning I walked to Lake Shinji to do a casting practice with this used conventional reel. I found the casting method that I had mastered with the Jigmaster was equally effective with the 545GS. I felt this new addition would hep me catch a big yellowtail amberjack.
(私のいちばんお気に入りの両軸リールは、PENNのジグマスター500なのですが、時々、そのギア比(4:1)が、PENNのスクイダーなどより速いとはいえ、遅すぎるように感じます。この不満を解消するため、先日、ギア比が6:1であるPENNの545GSを入手しました。今朝は、この中古の両軸リールをもって宍道湖へ行きました。ジグマスターを使ってマスターしたキャスティング方法が、 545GSでのキャスティングにも同様に効果的であることが分かりました。この新戦力のおかげで大きなヒラマサが釣れるだろうと感じました。)

Jul 21, 2020

(No. 628) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

I could not write a post yesterday probably because I got fatigued with too much swimming in the ocean. It was so hot and humid last weekend that I drove to Susumi Bay in Owashi twice. I wanted to swim in the calm water inside the bay in order to cool down my heated body. Of course, I did some fishing around Susumi-hana, the eastern tip of the bay. Due to the high temperature, I felt as if I were fishing at a southern island such as Okinawa. I daydreamed about catching a tropical fish such as GT.

Jul 19, 2020

(No. 627) No Fish at Setokaze-bana in Mitsu (三津の瀨戸風鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning I took one of my friends to Setokaze-bana in Mitsu, Izumo City, primarily for swimming. He is originally from Shiga Prefecture and now lives in Matsue City in Shimane Prefecture. He likes to swim in the ocean and has already visited some rocky shores in Matsue, such as Saruwatari in Nonami. Today I wanted to introduce him to one of rocky shores in Izumo, which is on the west side of Matsue. I chose Setokaze-bana in Mitsu, where I hoped he would enjoy the landscape different from those he had already seen in Matsue. As I had anticipated, he seemed amazed at the view. We also did some fishing, but there was nothing interesting on that front.

Jul 18, 2020

(No. 626) No Fish but Nice Chat at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なしも素敵なおしゃべり)

I felt something at the back of me when I was casting my lures from Saruwatari in Nonami this morning. Turning around without thinking, I found a fisherman on the rocky hill behind Saruwatari. It was the first time I had seen another fisherman trying to get to Saruwatari when I was fishing at the spot. Regular fishermen like me know that Saruwatari is not a large spot. That’s why generally there is only one fisherman standing on it. However, I don’t like any monopoly. So I beckoned him to climb down to where I was standing. Fortunately he turned out to be a nice talkative fisherman. He told me it was his first time to try Saruwatari. He also said that, thanks to visibility of one rope, he had narrowly found how to advance to Saruwatari at one confusing point on the way. When he said that, I felt proud. 10 days ago I cut weeds along the path in the woods because some tricky rocks and useful ropes were covered with those thick weeds. Good for me!

Jul 17, 2020

(No. 625) No Fish at Ikesu in Etomo (恵曇の生須にて釣果なし)

I fished at Ikesu in Etomo this afternoon. It was the first time I had visited the beautiful and slightly scary fishing spot since I cut the weeds along the path to the rocky shore 5 days ago. Because there was no interfering weeds and plants, I reached Ikesu with ease, but the blessing of the deity of fishing seemed to have already expired. I kept casting my favorite lures in vain for one hour and a half.

Jul 13, 2020

(No. 624) Missed Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてスズキを逃す)

The result of my experiment was indecisive. As detailed in my last post, some of my friends considered my latest catch at Lake Shinji to be a reward for my cutting weeds for Saruwatari in Nonami. In order to verify the existence of the deity of fishing, I embarked on an experiment. After cutting weeds on the path to Ikesu in Etomo, I fished at Lake Shinji yesterday. As a result, I hooked one Japanese sea bass on the same Roberts Ranger by the same method! However, the fish shook the lure out of its mouth and was gone a few seconds later. I am wondering whether this incident proved the existence of the deity of fishing or not.
(実験の結果は、どっちつかずのものとなりました。前回の投稿で詳しく書いた通り、友人たちの何人かは、宍道湖での私の最近の釣果を、私が野波の猿渡で草刈りをしたご褒美だと考えているのです。そこで私は、釣りの神様の存在を確認するための実験に乗り出しました。まず私は、恵曇の生須に続く小道の草を刈り、そして昨日、宍道湖で釣ってみたのです。その結果、前回と同じ使い方をしていたロバーツのレンジャーに、スズキがかかりました! しかし数秒後、スズキは口にかかっているルアーを振り払うと、どこかへ消えてしまいました。この出来事は、果たして釣りの神様の存在を証明しているのかいないのか、考えています。)

Jul 12, 2020

(No. 623) Cutting Weeds for Ikesu in Etomo (恵曇の生須のために草刈り)

“Congrats! You were rewarded!” That’s what some of my friends have told me since my last post of three days ago. They connected a fact that I caught a nice Japanese sea bass to another fact that I cut the weeds on the path to Saruwatari in Nonami the day before I caught the fish. They think I was rewarded with the fish for my hard work. Indeed, there might be a deity of fishing somewhere in the sky, and it saw my good deed and rewarded it with the fish. So I decided to do an experiment. Yesterday I cut the weeds on the path toward Ikesu in Etomo.
(「おめでとう! いいことしたご褒美だね!」。3日前に前回の投稿をして以来、友人たちからそう言われます。彼らは、私に良型のスズキが釣れたという事実と、その前日に私が野波の猿渡に至る小道の雑草を刈ったという事実を、結びつけているのです。彼らは、私がよく働いたので、そのお返しとして魚が釣れたと考えているわけです。たしかに、どこか上空にいる釣りの神様が私の善行を見ていて、そのご褒美に魚を釣らせてくれたのかもしれません。私は実験をすることにしました。昨日、恵曇の生須に至る小道の雑草を刈ったのです。)
Ikesu is one of the most beautiful fishing spots in the area, but the path to it has not been maintained very well for recent years. I used to see one local old man who had worked in his field along the path. He was such a generous and kind guy that he took care of not only his field but also the path for fishermen. However, the path is getting overgrown with a variety of plants these days, and there is even a dangerous point along the path where a small landslide keeps happening. Yesterday I cut all the troublesome weeds, though I could not do anything for the landslide. The deity of fishing must have seen my good deed. I will catch a nice fish again today!

Jul 9, 2020

(No. 622) Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji on Roberts Lure (宍道湖にてスズキ、ロバーツのルアーで)

Since I came back to Japan in 2014, I had not caught any fish on the Roberts Lures, although the uniquely simple lures had drawn several exciting strikes from predatory fish both in Lake Shinji and the Sea of Japan. I started feeling bad for the lures at the beginning of this fishing season. It is not too much to say that I had used the Roberts Lures exclusively since then. My dedication to the lures finally paid off today.
It was just before sunset. I was about to call it a day. At whim I tried a completely different method of maneuvering the Roberts Ranger. As soon as the movement of the lure changed on the surface, something hit it, and I felt the weight of the fish. It was not a small fish. I said to myself, “Please keep your composure.” Trying to be free from the lure, the fish shook its head ferociously. Every time the fish did it, I tried not to loosen the tension of the line. I think I can say I did not make any mistakes because I managed to land the fish. It was a fat Japanese sea bass of 73 cm (29 in.) long. At last I did it!

(No. 621) Cutting Weeds for Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡のために草刈り)

Torrential rain hit Japan, and some regions were devastated. My hometown escaped from the disaster largely unharmed. Taking advantage of the fortunate rift in the clouds, I felt like working for the common good. So I drove to Saruwatari in Nonami yesterday afternoon. It was not for fishing but for cutting weeds on the overgrown path toward the fishing spot. Some weeds concealed tricky rocks and dips on the path. They were dangerous especially for a fisherman that would try Saruwatari for the first time. It was about 3 p.m. that I started the work around the entrance to the path. It was about 4 p.m. that I wondered whether I should stop the work halfway through the path because I felt I started suffering heatstroke. After taking a sufficient rest and water, I decided to move on while avoiding overheating my body. It was about 5 p.m. that I reached the rocky shore of the sea at last. I swam around Saruwatari in order to cool down my almost overheated body.

Jul 7, 2020

(No. 620) Enigmatic Chinese Character at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて不可解な漢字)

I met Mr. A again this afternoon. He told me he had caught a medium-sized Japanese sea bass yesterday after I left the shore of Lake Shinji. He said the length of the fish was about 60 cm (24 in). The size was far from satisfactory, given the fact that you have a bigger chance to catch a big one of more than 90 cm (35 in) long at this time of the year. I kept casting my favorite lures for about one hour, but nothing happened. Or I should say something strange happened. I found a Chinese character “元” floating on the water among rocks. It can mean many things such as an origin, root, source, cause, basis, or beginning. What does it mean for a poor “non-fisherman” like me?

Jul 6, 2020

(No. 619) No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なし)

With regard to the Japanese sea bass fishing that we do at the shore of Lake Shinji, we thought last year was the worst. We were wrong. Today I finally met Mr. A at the shore of the lake. Being a specialist in trying to catch the Japanese sea bass, he is one of the regulars to the lakeside. He is also one of the most avid lure fishermen as far as I know. Somehow I had not gotten a chance to see him this year. Today I found that even Mr. A had not caught any big Japanese sea bass this year. We consoled each other and wondered. What happened to the lake?

Jul 5, 2020

(No. 618) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

There are almost always some lovely small fish staying around Saruwatari in Nonami at this time of the year. They are not very afraid of me when I swim around the fishing spot. So it’s not difficult to take pictures of them. Strangely, there are no small fish around this morning. The sea around Saruwatari looked 100% empty. I kept casting my favorite lures from 6:30 a.m to 9 a.m., and nothing happened except for a school of super tiny fish jumping out of the water once when one of my lures scared them. That was an only action I managed to notice this morning. What happened to the sea?

Jul 4, 2020

(No. 617) No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なし)

I have been to Lake Shinji four times so far this weekend. It’s been overcast all along. It's been drizzling on and off. The water has been moderately choppy and not very clear. The overall condition has looked so good that I have cast only my beloved Roberts Ranger and Whistler for the Japanese sea bass. I cannot believe I have not gotten even one strike from the fish. I am slightly consoled by the fact that not only I but also other lure fishermen seemed skunked as far as I could see.

Jul 2, 2020

(No. 616) No Fish at Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor and Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (大芦港の楡木の波止、そして恵曇港の南防にて釣果なし)

Taking advantage of a short free time between two assignments, I drove to Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor this afternoon. Standing among a few other fishermen, I had to cast my lures carefully so that my big and noisy lures would not interfere with their fishing. Although nobody caught fish, I enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere at the breakwater. Next, I drove to Nanbo in Etomo Harbor. There were two lure fishermen around the tip of the breakwater. Unfortunately nobody was lucky enough to catch any fish. Before leaving the fishing spot, I got a chance to chat with one of them. He said they came from Hiroshima, and I was happy to give him some local information around Etomo.