About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Aug 28, 2024

(No. 1234) Cutting Weeds Completed for Ikesu in Etomo (恵曇の生須のための草刈り終了)

This is today’s second post. The weather forecast said that it would start raining tomorrow due to the Typhoon Shanshan slowly approaching Japan, so I went back to the point where I had stopped in the morning and resumed cutting weeds on the path toward Ikesu in Etomo. I was concerned that the path in the woods and then on the cliff had collapsed due to the heavy rain. Fortunately that’s not the case. The path was still there, and someone had even tied a rope to a tree along the path for safety. I removed all the troublesome weeds and got very tired. Now you can go to Ikesu more comfortably. Please watch not only its beauty but also your step.

(No. 1233) Cutting Weeds for Ikesu in Etomo (恵曇の生須のための草刈り)

I have never been to Ikesu, one of the most gorgeous fishing spots in Matsue, since January 2021 (No. 712). The reason is simple. The portion of seaside road in the Etomo area, along which there is an entrance to Ikesu, was closed due to a landslide or something caused by a heavy rain or a typhoon. Yesterday when I was escorting two of my friends from Tokyo around the area, I realized the long-closed portion was finally open. So this morning I went to the entrance to Ikesu and started cutting weeds. To my surprise, the entrance was not hugely covered with weeds. Black pipes had been installed along the path in the woods, and construction workers must have worked on the pipes. That’s why the weeds were not very rampant around the entrance. However, beyond the point where the pipes diverge from the path, it was like a jungle. Cutting the thick weeds, I remembered a local guy was maintaining the path and a garden along it. I worked very hard, but I couldn’t complete the job this morning. I became so close to the state of heatstroke that I had to quit and return to my car. The pipes run along the parking space, so now I recommend you to do the parallel parking. I would like to come back and complete the unfinished business.
(松江屈指の絶景の釣り場、生須には、2021年1月(No. 712)以来、一度も足を運んでいません。理由は簡単です。生須への入り口がある恵曇地区の海沿いの道路の一部が、大雨あるいは台風による土砂崩れか何かのせいで、通行止めになっていたのです。昨日、東京から来た友人2人を恵曇周辺に案内していた時、長らく通行止めだったその一部がようやく開通していることに気づきました。そこで今朝は、生須の入り口から草刈りを始めました。驚いたことに、入り口にはあまり雑草が生えていませんでした。林の中の小道沿いに黒い管が設置されており、工事関係者が作業をしていたのだと思います。そのため、入り口付近にはそれほど雑草が生い茂っていないのです。しかし、黒い管が小道から分岐してしまうと、そこから先は、まるでジャングルのようでした。繁茂した雑草を刈りながら、以前、小道と小道沿いの畑の整備をしてらっしゃった地元の男性のことを思い出しました。私は頑張ったものの、今朝のうちに仕事が終わらず、熱中症になりそうだったので、途中でやめて車に戻りました。黒い管は駐車スペースに沿っても設置されているため、縦列駐車をおすすめします。そのうちまた来て、やり残した仕事を終わらせたいです。)

Aug 25, 2024

(No. 1232) Have You Ever Taken Them Home? (君は彼らを家に連れ帰ったことはあるか?)

Not only usual seaweeds but also some plastic bags and pieces of styrene foam were staying on the surface around Saruwatari this morning. The rain falling until daybreak might have carried those things away from a nearby port. The current was barely moving, and no baitfish was around, so I have nothing to report on my fishing today. So I would like to ask a question. Because sometimes I take them home unintentionally. They like to hide. They like to get behind objects. If I leave my bag open on a rock, they crawl into it. If I put a towel on a rock, they sneak into between it and the rock. As a result, when I open my bag at home, a small black bullet comes out of it and sneaks into behind an object such as a wardrobe. And it doesn’t seem to come out until it’s about to die. I end up only finding its dead body when I am cleaning my room. Whenever it happens, I feel bad. Have you ever taken sea slaters home?

Aug 24, 2024

(No. 1231) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

When I started today’s fishing at 6:50 a.m., the sea around Saruwatari looked stagnant. There were floating seaweeds on the surface, and they were not moving at all. However, it didn’t take long until they started moving. Eventually there were no floating seaweeds as far as I could see. The current was moving. With elevated anticipations I kept throwing my favorite lures, but nothing happened. There were neither baitfish nor predators. Then, another group of floating seaweeds appeared from somewhere, and they liked to get caught with my lures.

Aug 21, 2024

(No. 1230) No Fish with “De-Magged” Avet Reel but Huge Jellyfish and Diver at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて、非マグ化したアベットのリールで釣果なしも、巨大クラゲとダイバー)

Since I “magged” my Avet MXJ6/4 reel two months ago (No. 1210) I had happily used it without any issue. However, a strange analogy occurred to me yesterday. It was as if I were struck by lightning. “Is this ‘magged’ reel like a tricycle? Thanks to the attached magnets, it's now foolproof. No backlash. Does it mean this reel is like a tricycle? You cannot fall with a tricycle. But, how many manly men do ride on a tricyle? None! A real man rides on a real bike!” So I removed all the magnets from my Avet reel and went to Kurauchi Bay in order to see how well I could ride on a real bike. Probably thanks to a lot of casting practice with the “magged” reel, I might have learned how to throw a lure with an Avet reel. There were fewer backlashes compared to before. A huge jellyfish appeared (these days they are almost everywhere), and then a diver too. They were as if celebrating my newly found manliness.
(2カ月前にアベットのMXJ6/4リールをマグ化して以来(No.1210)、私は、何の問題もなく楽しく使ってきました。しかし昨日、奇妙なたとえが頭に浮かんだのです。まるで雷に打たれたかのようでした。「このマグ化したリールは、三輪車のようなものなのか? マグネットが取り付けてあるので、もう絶対に確実なリールになっている。バックラッシュは起きない。つまり、このリールは三輪車のようなものなのか? 三輪車ならば転ぶことはない。しかし、三輪車に乗ってる男の中の男が、どれだけおるんや? おらんやろ! ほんまもんの男は、ほんまもんの自転車に乗っとるんや!」そこで私は、アベットリールのマグネットをすべて取り外し、どれだけ上手にほんまもんの自転車を乗りこなせるのか試すため、倉内湾へ出かけたのです。マグ化されたリールで何度もキャスティング練習をしていたおかげで、アベットのリールでルアーを投げる正しい方法が身についていたのかもしれません。以前と比べてバックラッシュは減っていました。巨大なクラゲが現れ(最近はどこにでもいますね)、続いてダイバーも現れました。まるで、私が新たに見出したほんまもんの男らしさを祝福してくれているかのようでした。)

Aug 20, 2024

(No. 1229) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

The weather forecast said that the thundershower was imminent. So I chose Maruiwa in Owashi this morning. Maruiwa could produce any fish, including the yellowtail amberjack, and was much easier to retreat from the potential rain to my car than other fishing spots, such as Saruwatari in Nonami. I started today’s fishing about 5:50 a.m. and kept throwing my favorite lures for one hour. Neither thundershower nor any fish did come.

Aug 18, 2024

(No. 1228) No Fish but Prayer for Success at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なしも祈願あり)

Fish might have gone somewhere else. Or fish have become too familiar with my lures to respond. My topwater plugs didn’t produce any results this morning even though I started fishing relatively earlier (6:10 a.m.). I almost gave up fishing and took out a book from my bag. It was “The Birth of Politicians,” an out-of-print book published 30 years ago by my late mentor, Tomiharu Tsukada. I am to hold an open seminar focusing on this book in Matsue next month, and I just wanted to pray to the deity of fishing for success of it. If you get interested, you can find more details of the seminar on the following dedicated site, although it’s all in Japanese.

Aug 16, 2024

(No. 1227) One Strike at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてストライク1回)

This morning I drove carefully not to run over any crabs. I believed I successfully avoided killing anything. So the curse of Obon must have been lifted. I started fishing about 6:50 a.m., and nothing interesting happened until T-san came to Saruwatari. T-san is one of my fishing buddies whom I sometimes meet either at Saruwatari or Safuki-bana. After he arrived, the current slowly started moving, and baitfish and a big jellyfish suddenly appeared along the shore. Then, I got one strike on the Line Stretcher’s Surface Tension. Nothing followed, but one strike and a nice chat with a fishing buddy was more than enough.

Aug 15, 2024

(No. 1226) Potential Curse of Sawagani at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてサワガニの祟りかも)

When I noticed a sawagani (Japanese small river crab) slowly crossing a country road in Nonami, it was already too late. All that I could do is to hope my car wouldn’t run it over. I didn’t feel any impact, of course. The crab was too small. I just prayed the crab could have escaped from humongous black revolving objects (my tires). I looked at the rear-view mirror. And I saw a tiny reddish object in it. Wondering if the crab was safe or not, I arrived at the parking space for Saruwatari and started fishing around 6:40 a.m., 20 minutes earlier than yesterday.
The sea looked the same as yesterday, but, whatever I did, there was no response from any fish today. I wondered if I got cursed because I just killed the sawagani during the annual Obon holidays. Probably I should have stopped fishing there, but I kept throwing my lures, and the knot between the braided line and the leader got somehow loose. One of my favorite lures was gone. As I reported last year (No. 1112), my mother is a believer of Obon tradition and has told me not to kill anything during Obon. On the last-year post I happened to use a photo of a sawagani. A strange thought occurred to me. Did I run over that exact crab in the photo? No way. Right?
(海は昨日と変わらない様子でしたが、何をしても魚からの反応はありません。お盆休みにサワガニを殺してしまったせいで、祟られたのだろうかと思いました。私は、おそらくそこで釣りをやめるべきだったのでしょう。ルアーを投げ続けた結果、PEラインとリーダーの結び目が、どうしたわけか緩んでしまいました。そして、お気に入りのルアーの一つが、なくなってしまったのです。昨年も報告したように(No. 1112)、私の母はお盆の伝統を重んじており、「お盆になったら殺生をしてはならない」と私に言い聞かせているのでした。ところで昨年のその投稿で私は、偶然、サワガニの写真を掲載していました。奇妙な考えが浮かびました。まさか私は、あの写真のカニを轢いてしまったのでしょうか? そんなはずはありませんよね。そうですよね?)

Aug 14, 2024

(No. 1225) Missed Yellowtail and Young Greater Amberjacks at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてヒラマサ及びアカビラを逃す)

I arrived at Saruwatari around 7 a.m., one hour earlier than the day before yesterday. As shown in one of the above photos, all lures that I brought this morning fell under the category called……?  I realize I don’t know what the category is. What are they called collectively? Anyway, there were two Roberts Rangers and two Line Stretcher’s Surface Tensions, and it was at the first cast of my orange-colored Ranger that a yellowtail amberjack snatched it. It was the very first cast. When the fish got hooked, what occurred to me was, strangely, Mr. Suguru Egawa’s dream.
(一昨日より1時間早い朝7時頃、猿渡に到着しました。上の写真の1枚にあるように、今朝持参したルアーは全部……何と言うカテゴリーに入るのでしょうか? カテゴリー名が分かりません。これらのルアーを、まとめて何と呼べばいいのでしょう? ともかく、ロバーツのレンジャーが2つと、ライン・ストレッチャーのサーフェス・テンションが2つあり、オレンジ色のレンジャーの第一投で、ヒラマサがそれをひったくったのです。正真正銘の第一投でした。その魚がフックにかかった瞬間、奇妙なことに、私の頭に浮かんだのは、江川卓氏の夢でした。)
Mr. Egawa is (in my opinion) the all-time greatest pitcher in the Japanese baseball (better than Nomo and Shohei). If my memory works fine, he once said that his dream was to complete a perfect game with just 27 pitches, which means he has to retire every hitter with a first pitch to each. It also occurred to me that I would quit today’s fishing with that one and only cast if I successfully landed the fish (because I would want to bring the delicious fish home as quickly as possible under this record-breaking heat). However, I made another usual blunder. The fish dashed toward the bottom and came off. Then, a few of young greater amberjacks hit one of those lures, but I couldn’t land any one of them. Who’s fault? My barbless hooks? or am I just a bad fisherman?
(江川氏は(私の考えでは)日本野球史上最高の投手です(野茂や翔平よりも凄い)。そして私の記憶が正しければ、彼はかつて、27球で完全試合を達成するのが夢だと語っていたと思います。つまり、すべての打者に初球を打たせてアウトにするわけです。また私の頭には、その魚を無事に釣り上げることができたら、今日はその最初の1投だけで納竿しようという考えも浮かびました(記録破りの猛暑の中、その美味しい魚をできるだけ早く家に持ち帰りたいからです)。しかし、またもや恒例のヘマをしてしまいました。魚は海底に向かって突進し、バレてしまったのです。その後、アカビラ(若いカンパチ)が数匹ルアーにヒットしたものの、1匹も釣り上げることはできませんでした。誰のせいなのでしょう? バーブレスフックのせい? それとも私が釣り下手なだけ?)

Aug 12, 2024

(No. 1224) Missed Yellowtail Amberjack at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてヒラマサを逃す)

Unlike the entrance to the woods for Safuki-bana yesterday, the entrance for Saruwatari was closed due to vigorous plants. If you had not been there before, you would not find where the entrance was. First I needed to do some weed cuttings not only around the entrance but also at some spots along the path in the woods. So I was already on the verge of heatstroke when I reached Saruwatari around 8 a.m. After throwing my lure just a few times, I had to dive into the sea to cool down my body temperature. What a refreshing sensation! When I got out of the sea, I felt something had changed.
(昨日のサフキ鼻へと至る林の入り口とは異なり、猿渡への入り口は、草木が生い茂り、ふさがっているのでした。以前行ったことがない人ならば、入り口がどこにあるか分からなかったでしょう。私はまず、雑草を刈らねばなりませんでした。入り口周辺だけでなく、林道沿いもところどころ刈りました。そのため、午前8時頃に猿渡に到着した時には、すでに熱中症寸前でした。ルアーをわずか数回投げてから、海に飛び込んで、体温を下げました。なんて爽快な気分なのでしょう! 海から上がると、何かが変化しているのを感じました。)
Blown seaweeds had vanished from the surface. And, the color of the sea had become a bit darker? Did the current start moving? I threw my Roberts Ranger and fast-retrieved it. I repeated it several times. Then, a sharp white stripe crossed just behind the topwater lure. A fish was chasing it! Another white stripe followed and struck the lure, and the fish got hooked. It felt like a yellowtail amberjack. The fish dashed toward the bottom of the sea. Then, I made a usual blunder. My barbless hook came off, and the fish was gone.
(茶色い海草が水面から消えていました。そして、海の色が少し濃くなっているでしょうか? 潮が動き始めたのでしょうか? 私は、ロバーツのレンジャーを投げて、高速で巻き取りました。それを数回繰り返しました。すると、トップウォーター・ルアーのすぐ後ろを、白い縞が、鋭く横切りました。魚のチェイスです! 別の白い縞がルアーを襲い、魚がフックにかかりました。それはどうやらヒラマサのようでした。海底に向かって突っ走りました。そして私は、恒例のヘマをしました。バーブレス・フックが外れ、魚は逃げてしまったのです。)

Aug 11, 2024

(No. 1223) Big Scorpion Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて大きなカサゴ)

When I woke up around 5:30 a.m., I noticed the heat was not as excruciating this morning as yesterday. I even felt I could notice the sign of autumn. Due to the lingering fatigue caused by the mysterious infectious disease a month ago and due to the heatstroke concern caused by the record-breaking heatwave, I had not been able to go to Safuki-bana in Nonami, one of my favorite and one of the most serious fishing spots in Matsue City. Encouraged by the uncertain sign of autumn, I decided to go to Safuki-bana for the first time since June.
Bracing myself for rampant weeds, branches, and thorny stems over the path in the woods, I carried a pair of shears but didn’t need to use it. It was as if those plants had also suffered from the summer heat. Around Safuki-bana, two small fishing boats were quietly floating, on which professional fishermen were working on something. I said hello to them, and they said back to me. The sea was quiet. I didn’t see a lot of baitfish. When I sank my Hopkins No=Eql to the bottom of the sea, the lure caught some seaweeds. All that I felt was its weight. I didn’t feel anything alive. I believed it was just a lump of seaweeds until I saw it. It was a big but lethargic scorpion fish. It was as if the fish had also suffered from the summer heat.
(林の中の小道には、きっと雑草や枝、トゲのある茎が生い茂っているだろうと覚悟し、草刈りハサミを持っていきましたが、使う必要はありませんでした。こうした植物たちも、夏の暑さにやられたかのようでした。サフキ鼻周辺に、小さな漁船が2隻静かに浮かんでいて、船上では漁師さんたちが作業をしているのでした。挨拶すると、彼らも挨拶を返してくれました。海は静かで、ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)はあまり見かけませんでした。ホプキンス No=Eqlを海底に沈めると、海草が引っ掛かりました。感じられるのはその重さだけであり、生命感はありませんでした。私はずっと、海草のかたまりだと思っていました。それを目にするまでは。実際は、大きくて元気のないカサゴでした。その魚もまた、夏バテに苦しんでいるかのようでした。)