As is often the case these days, I had time to spare only early afternoon. I drove to Kurauchi Bay, thinking I would end up enjoying swimming much more than fishing. It is said that you cannot expect very much to catch a big predatory fish, such as the Japanese sea bass or the yellowtail amberjack, at 2 or 3 p.m. in the daytime. Now I am proud to say it's not always the case. It was a few minutes before 3 p.m. and at my only 4th or 5th cast that a big fish struck my Roberts Whistler. It was so unexpected that I had to say to myself, "Don't panic.” The fish stuck its head out above the surface and shook it ferociously. I said to myself again, "Be very careful.” Because it was a Japanese sea bass. The fish is the master of shaking its head and becoming free from a lure (In addition, my hooks are all barbless). I might have been careful enough or I was just lucky. I successfully landed the fish. It was a beautiful fish of about 75 cm (30 in.) long.