About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Aug 31, 2021

(No. 820) Japanese Sea Bass at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にてスズキ)

As is often the case these days, I had time to spare only early afternoon. I drove to Kurauchi Bay, thinking I would end up enjoying swimming much more than fishing. It is said that you cannot expect very much to catch a big predatory fish, such as the Japanese sea bass or the yellowtail amberjack, at 2 or 3 p.m. in the daytime. Now I am proud to say it's not always the case. It was a few minutes before 3 p.m. and at my only 4th or 5th cast that a big fish struck my Roberts Whistler. It was so unexpected that I had to say to myself, "Don't panic.” The fish stuck its head out above the surface and shook it ferociously. I said to myself again, "Be very careful.” Because it was a Japanese sea bass. The fish is the master of shaking its head and becoming free from a lure (In addition, my hooks are all barbless). I might have been careful enough or I was just lucky. I successfully landed the fish. It was a beautiful fish of about 75 cm (30 in.) long.

Aug 30, 2021

(No. 819) No Fish at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor and Kurauchi Bay (恵曇港の南防および倉内湾にて釣果なし)

Although still undecided about which rocky shore I wanted to try, I left my place about 6 a.m. The rain started falling soon. The rainfall was so unexpected that it discouraged me from doing fishing this early morning. I came back home and started working. Then, I happened to have a brief free time in the morning. So I drove to Nanbo in Etomo Harbor and then to Kurauchi Bay. The memory of the exciting strike I had experienced the other day remained fresh enough to encourage me to keep throwing my Roberts Rangers. At neither fishing spot could I stay long. It was merely 20-minute fishing or so, but it was fulfilling as usual.

Aug 28, 2021

(No. 818) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

Encouraged by the strike that my Roberts Ranger produced at Kurauchi Bay yesterday, I tried Maruiwa this morning with eager anticipation. The sea was rather choppy, and I felt another splashy strike would happen at any moment. I kept throwing my favorite lures with my unwavering Field-of-Dreams-like conviction. “If You Cast It, Fish Will Come.” I kept casting for about two hours in vain. No regret.

Aug 27, 2021

(No. 817) One Splashy Strike at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて水しぶきのあがるストライク)

These days I am not as free in the morning as before. A series of international video conferences for which I am assigned as a translator have been scheduled in the morning. So I cannot go fishing early in the morning. Today was one of such days. It was only this afternoon that I became free. The weather was so fine that it made me feel the hot summer coming back. I went to Kurauchi Bay for not so much fishing but swimming. I couldn’t expect any response from predatory fish under the bright afternoon sun. I alternately swam and fish. After swimming around the fishing spot about several minutes, I kept throwing my lures for several minutes. I enjoyed this repetition at least few times without any response from fish. However, at the very first cast of the 4th or 5th round of fishing, a white streak quickly crossed my Roberts Ranger skipping on the surface. Although the fish was not hooked, I felt the impact. What an exciting impact it was!

Aug 23, 2021

(No. 816) Catch Me If You Can, or Casting Practice with PENN Battle III HS at Lake Shinji (捕まえられるもんなら捕まえてみろや、あるいは宍道湖にてPENNバトルIII HSのキャスティング練習)

I recently purchased the PENN Battle III 6000HS spinning reel. It is the first new PENN reel I have purchased since I bought the Torque 5 in 2011. I believe the “HS” means high speed. The recovery rate (inches per turn) of the reel is really high, 47″ (119 cm). It is almost 25% increase from that of Torque 5. And this fast speed is the biggest reason why I purchased it. I have wanted to do what they do in one of BlacktipH videos. In that video, Roberts plugs are skipping on the surface as if they were saying to the fish behind them, “Catch Me If You Can!” I have wanted to do the same at a rocky shore of the Shimane Peninsula, but I was concerned that my Torque 5 isn’t fast enough for me to do it comfortably and thoroughly. In the video, hugely provoked crevalle jacks managed to catch the plug after a few attempts. Of course, neither the crevalle jack nor giant trevally swim in the Sea of Japan, but I know the yellowtail amberjack should do the same chase as those fish. Am I right? Or not? Anyway, I can’t wait to do what I call “Catch Me If You Can!” fishing with my new reel and my Roberts plugs.
(先日、PENNのバトルIII 6000HSというスピニングリールを購入しました。2011年にトルク5を購入して以来、初めてPENNの新しいリールを購入したことになります。「HS」というのは高速という意味だと思います。このリールの回収率(ハンドル1回転あたりのインチ数)は実に高く、47インチ(119cm)です。トルク5と比べて25%近くアップしています。そして、この高速性こそが、私がこのリールを購入した最大の理由なのです。私は、BlacktipHのビデオの中で彼らがやっていることをやってみたかったのです。そのビデオでは、ロバーツのプラグが、まるで後ろの魚に「捕まえられるもんなら捕まえてみろや!」と言っているかのように、水面をスキップしています。私も島根半島の磯で同じことをしてみたいと思ってきたのですが、私のトルク5ではスピードが足りず、快適に、そして徹底的にやることができないのではないかと心配していました。ビデオでは、激しく挑発されたムナグロアジが数回のチャレンジの後、なんとかプラグをキャッチしています。もちろん、日本海にはムナグロアジもロウニンアジも泳いでいませんが、ヒラマサはそれらの魚と同じようにチェイスするのです。そうですよね? 違う? ともかく、新しいリールとロバーツのプラグを使って、この「捕まえられるもんなら捕まえてみろや!」釣りをするのが待ち遠しいです。) 

Aug 21, 2021

(No. 815) No Fish at Unknown Beach between Niregi-no-hato and Koidori-bana in Owashi (大芦の楡木の波止と越鳥鼻の間の無名の浜辺にて釣果なし)

Niregi-no-hato was already occupied when I arrived at Owashi Harbor about 8:30 a.m. this morning. I was not very sure where I would like to go. I just walked past Niregi-no-hato and climbed over the breakwater. I became alone at unknown rocky beach between Niregi-no-hato and Koidori-bana. The beach looked too shallow for any big fish to lurk or prowl. I didn’t think I would catch any fish, but I got satisfied. Sneaking into a new unknown fishing spot always thrills me without fail.

Aug 19, 2021

(No. 814) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

Some summer-loving people including me became sad because they were concerned that the summer had been already gone. It had been unseasonably cool for several days, and the heavy rain took a heavy toll on many regions in Japan. So they became sad, but I believe some Matsue residents returned to a happy state this afternoon. The glaring sun suddenly came back. I had to go to Kurauchi Bay. After throwing my lures for about 15 minutes in vain, I jumped into the relatively calm sea. There was no fish in the clear water. I took a picture of sea urchins.

Aug 16, 2021

(No. 813) Self-made Tool for My PENN Torque 5 Spinning Reel (PENNのトルク5スピニングリールのためのお手製ツール)

The PENN Torque 5 spinning reel has been one of my favorite reels. I love the reel so much that I even visited the PENN factory in Philadelphia to thank them before I left the United States in 2014 (No. 37). Since I came back to Japan I have often used the reel with two handles attached to it. As described in my past post (No. 244), I call it “double-handlization.” However, I was getting more and more tired of the extra weight of the double-handled reel. These days I often use the reel with just one handle attached to it. And I switch the position of the handle at a fishing spot as necessary. In order to change the position of the handle, first I have to change the positions of two bearing covers. As shown in two of the above photos, one bearing cover is open and the other is closed. And, here is the rub.
(PENNのトルク5スピニングリールは、私のお気に入りのリールのひとつです。すごく気に入っているので、米国を離れる前の2014年、フィラデルフィアにあるPENNの工場を訪れて、お礼を言ったこともありました(No. 37)。日本に帰ってきてからの私は、このリールに2本のハンドルを付けて使うことが多くなりました。過去の投稿(No. 244)で紹介したように、私はそれを「ダブルハンドル化」と呼んでいます。しかし、だんだんとダブルハンドル・リールの重量に嫌気がさしてきたのでした。最近では、ハンドルを1本だけ付けて使うことも多くなっています。そして、必要に応じて釣り場で、ハンドルの位置を変えているのです。さて、ハンドルの位置を変えるためには、まず、2つのベアリングカバーの位置を変えねばなりません。上の写真のように、1つは穴が空いていて、もう1つは穴が空いていません。そして、ここで問題が発生するのです。)
When the handle is attached to the left side of reel (i.e., I crank the reel with my left hand), if the open bearing cover is not appropriately tightened, the rubber seal attached to the handle can loosen the bearing cover and cause a problem. In order to avoid it, I have to tighten the bearing cover firmly, and, once it’s firmly tightened, I will need a proper tool to loosen it. I will need a large plier, preferably with plastic cushions attached to it in order to prevent any scratch on the cover. Obviously, I don't like to carry a large plier with me just to change the position of handle. So I made a tool from a strip of rubber and pieces of fishing line. Using this tool as a grip, I am able to loosen the bearing cover at ease. In addition to this tool, I have made a few improvements to the reel in order to lengthen the longevity of it. Probably I will write about them on my future posts.

Aug 15, 2021

(No. 812) No Fish at Koidori-bana in Owashi (大芦の越鳥鼻にて釣果なし)

Unlike the other day when I had no other choice but to fish at Koidori-bana, there was no fisherman at Mitoko this morning. So I could have fished for the first time at the fishing spot next to Koidori-bana. But I got frightened by the precipice that you have to climb down in order to reach Mitoko. As the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook” says, the precipice is so steep that you might want to scream, “No way!” In addition, due to the overnight rain, the precipice looked slipperier than usual. I chickened out. Instead of Mitoko, I took the safer path to Koidori-bana. The sea was choppier, and there was a moderate swell. It seemed better for my type of fishing, but nothing happened to my lures. I remembered the famous proverb, “Nothing ventured nothing gained.”

Aug 12, 2021

(No. 811) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay, Niregi-no-hato in Owashi, and Kaka Harbor (倉内湾、大芦の楡木の波止、そして加賀港にて釣果なし)

The weather forecast said yesterday that it would have already started raining hard by the time I woke up this morning. However, when I actually woke up about 7 a.m. this morning, no rain was falling. So I was headed for Kurauchi Bay, hoping I could reach the fishing spot and throw my lures before the rain started falling. It was a competition against the rain. It was a fierce battle between a man and nature, and I won. Before the hard rain finally started falling, I managed to throw my lures about 20 times in vain. On my way back to my place, somehow the rain suddenly stopped.
I decided to take a chance on the break, no matter how long or short it would last. I drove toward Niregi-no-hato in Owashi and defeated the rain again! Before the rain started falling again, I threw my lures enough times to know there was no fish around. Then, while I was driving back to my place, the hard rain suddenly turned into a drizzle. So I decided again to take advantage of it. I drove to Kaka Harbor, where I managed to throw my lures without being drenched (I won!) and to confirm there was no catchable fish around (I lost?). 
(それがどれぐらい続く晴れ間なのか分かりませんでしたが、私はその晴れ間に賭けてみることにしました。大芦の楡木の波止に向けて車を走らせた私は、またもや雨に打ち勝ちました! 雨が再び降り出す前に、私はしっかりルアーを投げることができ、魚がいないことを無事に確認したのです。そして自宅に向けて車を走らせていると、激しい雨が突然、霧雨に変わったのです。私はそのチャンスにも賭けてみることにしました。私は加賀港へ向かい、そこでも、ずぶ濡れになることなくルアーを投げることができました(私は勝ったのだ!)。そして、釣れる魚がいないことを確認したのです(私は負けたのか?)。)

Aug 8, 2021

(No. 810) Consecutively No Fish at Koidori-bana in Owashi (大芦の越鳥鼻にて引き続き釣果なし)

Today I wanted to try Mitoko, a fishing spot next to Koidori-bana in Owashi, but found it already occupied by a lure fisherman when I arrived at the top of the hill overlooking both the fishing spots. Unlike yesterday morning, the current along the rocky shore was slowly moving toward the east. In addition, there was a mild swell. The condition of the sea looked much better than yesterday, but still nothing happened to my lures. In order to find whether the fisherman at Mitoko had caught any fish, I swam to the neighboring fishing spot and said hello to him. “Catch anything?” I asked, and he answered, "Nothing." The unexpected showdown between my American lures and his probable Japanese lures resulted in a draw.

Aug 7, 2021

(No. 809) No Fish at Koidori-bana in Owashi (大芦の越鳥鼻にて釣果なし)

In order to go to Koidori-bana in Owashi, you have to walk through a small graveyard of Niregi hamlet. If it had been before dawn, I would have been spooked. But under the already bright summer sun at 6:30 a.m., nothing scared me. In addition, I found a lady taking care of one of gravestones.
"Good morning,” I said to her. "Please allow me to take this path." 
"Catch any fish these days?" She asked me dubiously.
"No. No fish at all," I cheerfully answered.
Then, passing through the bamboo woods, I reached Koidori-bana. The sea was very calm, and no fish responded to my lures. A small fishing boat sailed toward me. I made a bow toward the fisherman on it.
"Any fish?" He yelled at me.
Waving to him, I yelled back. ”Nothing at all!”
"Because no fish in the sea!" He joyfully yelled again.
The lady at the graveyard looked doubtful about the likelihood of my catching fish, and the fisherman seemed as if he were adamant that I wouldn't catch any fish. I felt proud because it was as if they strongly endorsed me as a great “non-fisherman."
「おはようございます」 私は彼女に言いました。「ちょっとこの道を通らせてもらいます」 
「魚は釣れちょうますかね?」 彼女は、怪訝そうに尋ねました。