About this blog (このブログのこと)

- Masahiro
- After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)
Aug 30, 2020
(No. 648) No Fish at Aonori in Inome (猪目の青のりにて釣果なし)
I wanted to fish at Uppurui-bana in Izumo City this morning, but all fishing spots around it seemed already crowded when I arrived at the area about 7 a.m. I could tell it from how crowded the parking spaces were. So I kept driving westward, searching for a less crowded fishing spot. I remembered Aonori, a huge fishing spot in Inome. I felt I could secure sufficient space at Aonori. Bingo! There were already four fishermen at the fishing spot, but I found a sufficient space at the eastern end of Aonori. Shortly after I started casting my lures, I found three of the four fishermen had been already gone. Probably the heat was unbearable for them. Unlike them, I had a countermeasure against the heat. Swimming. Floating in the water around the fishing spot when it was necessary to cool down my body, I kept casting my lures in vain until about 9 a.m
(今朝は、出雲市の十六島鼻で釣りたいと思ったのですが、同地区に午前7時頃に到着してみると周辺の釣り場は既に混雑しているようでした。駐車スペースの混み具合から分かるのです。そこで私は、あまり混んでいない釣り場を探しながら、西に向かって運転を続けました。猪目にある巨大な釣り場、青のりを思い出しました。青のりであれば、十分なスペースを確保できそうに思えました。それが大当たり! 青のりには既に4人の釣り人がいたものの、その東端に十分なスペースがあったのです。ルアーを投げ始めてすぐに、4人のうち3人が既にいなくなっていることに気づきました。彼らには暑さが耐え難かったのかもしれません。彼らと異なり、私には暑さへの対抗策がありました。水泳です。体を冷やす必要がある時は釣り場の周囲に浮かび漂って、9時頃までルアーを投げ続けたものの、成果はありませんでした。)
Aug 29, 2020
(No. 647) Surrounded with Summer Fish at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu (御津の長崎鼻にて夏の魚に囲まれて)
When I arrived at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu about 7:30 a.m., it was already excruciatingly hot. Although being exposed to the direct sunlight, I tried to keep throwing my favorite lures toward the calm sea. No predatory fish responded, so I gave up fishing quickly. Instead, I enjoyed swimming around the fishing spot. When I just floated in the sea, I realized a school of small blue fish suspending just below me. I started taking pictures and videos of them. Then, other types of fish came up to me as if they wanted to be photographed too. I remembered a baby gecko had appeared in my room on the previous night. Both on land and at sea I was loved by small creatures.
Aug 27, 2020
(No. 646) Mantis at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu (御津の長崎鼻にてカマキリ)
It got becoming already hot about 7 a.m. today at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu. When I retreated to the shade temporarily in order to escape from the direct sunlight, I noticed there was something on the rock of Nagasaki-bana. It looked as if it were a chartreuse-colored lure in the water. I thought it was a grasshopper, but actually it was a praying mantis. A mantis at the rocky shore? How come? Was it blown away by the strong wind? Or It had chased a sea slater a bit too far away? Anyway, the mantis was so conspicuous on the rock that I felt it could be the prey of the seagull at any moment. I gently picked the fascinating insect and escorted it to an area of plants where it should survive more easily.
(御津の長崎鼻は、午前7時頃にはもう既に暑くなりつつありました。直射日光を一時的に避けようとして日陰に引っ込んだ私は、長崎鼻の岩の上に何かあるのに気づきました。それはまるで、水中にあるチャートリュース色のルアーのようでした。バッタかと思いましたが、カマキリでした。磯にカマキリ? いったいなぜ? 強風に吹き飛ばされたのか? それともフナムシを追いかけ過ぎた? いずれにせよ、そのカマキリは岩の上では目立ちすぎていたので、今にもカモメの餌になってしまいそうでした。私は、その魅惑的な昆虫をやさしくつまみ上げ、植物が生えているところまでエスコートしました。そこなら生き延びるのは、もっと容易なはず。)
By the way, I added some information to one of my older post, No. 555. The additional information is based on my recent realization that you can hold the spool of PENN Jigmaster more firmly if you place your thumb on the middle of it, not on the flange of it as I explained on No. 555, especially when you want to cast a heavier lure. As soon as you release the spool, you should place your thumb on the flange.
(ところで、以前の投稿、No. 555に加筆をしました。この加筆は、私の最近の気づきに基づいています。PENNジグマスターで重たいルアーを投げたい時には、私がNo. 555で説明したようにスプールのフランジに指を置くのではなく、スプールの中央に指を置いたほうが、よりしっかりとスプールを固定できます。スプールをリリースすると同時に、親指をフランジに置くのです。)
Aug 24, 2020
(No. 645) What Scared Small Fish Away at Saruwatari in Nonami? (野波の猿渡にて小魚を追い払ったものは何?)
In my last post I wondered why all the small summer fish disappeared from around Saruwatari. In order to find whether they had come back or not, I visited Saruwatari again this morning. When I arrived at the fishing spot about 7 a.m., the situation looked the same as yesterday. There was no small fish around it. However, a short while after I started casting my lures, a few schools of small fish appeared. Then, some time later, I noticed they were all gone again. I also noticed something like a stick was on the surface. It was a needlefish! The needlefish might be the culprit. The toothy predator was patrolling around to find its prey. It chased my lure once and then disappeared. Then, the small fish happily came back.
(前回の投稿で私は、猿渡周辺から夏の小魚たちが一斉に消えたのはなぜだろう、といぶかりました。今朝、小魚たちが戻っているかどうか確認するため、私は再び猿渡を訪れました。午前7時頃に到着してみると、昨日と状況は変わっていないようでした。小魚たちの姿はありません。しかし、ルアーを投げ始めてしばらくすると、小魚たちの群れが戻ってきました。そしてまたしばらくすると、小魚たちは再び姿を消しているのでした。何か棒のようなものが水面にいることに気づきました。ダツです! ダツが犯人だったのかもしれません。鋭い歯をもつこの肉食魚は、獲物を求めて周囲をパトロールしていました。私のルアーを一度追いかけてきましたが、そのうち、どこかへ消えてしまいました。すると、小魚たちが、幸せそうに戻ってきました。)
Aug 23, 2020
(No. 644) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)
Where did all the small summer fish go? Normally a few types of small summer fish swim around Saruwatri at this time of the year, but this morning they were all gone. The water around the fishing spot was completely empty. What happened to them? Were there any scary creatures in the dark place of sea? The small fish were scared away?
(夏の小魚たちはどこへ行ってしまったのでしょう? 通常であれば、一年のこの時期、夏の小魚たち数種が、猿渡の周辺を泳いでいるのです。しかし今朝は、姿が見えませんでした。釣り場周辺の海は完全に空っぽでした。小魚たちに何が起きたのでしょう? 海の暗がりに何か怖い生き物でも潜んでいたのでしょうか? 小魚たちは脅え、逃げ出してしまったのでしょうか?)
Aug 22, 2020
(No. 643) No Fish at Uomiyama in Mitsu and at Nameless Breakwater in Owashi Harbor (御津の魚見山と大芦港の名のない波止にて釣果なし)
I felt like seeing the beautiful blue button jellyfish again, but the waves around Uomiyama in Mitsu were unexpectedly high this morning. I could not throw my lures safely, let alone find the small fragile jellyfish. So I left Mitsu and headed out to Owashi Harbor. I hoped I could fish from the tip of Ogu-no-hato, but the breakwater was already occupied. Because Niregi-no-hato, the biggest breakwater in Owashi Harbor, looked crowded, I walked to the nameless smaller breakwater between those two breakwaters. The water around it was pretty shallow. So I didn’t expect to catch any fish, but I enjoyed casting my favorite lures. By the way, I just released a new rap video in collaboration with hIVERNAGE, a local duo of a designer and an amateur photographer. It’s not related to fishing at all, but you may enjoy some images of Matsue. If interested, click the third image shown above.
(あの美しいギンカクラゲをまた見たいものだと思いましたが、今朝、御津の魚見山周辺は、意外なほど波が高かったのでした。安全にルアーを投げることもできなかったのですから、小さくて儚いクラゲを探すことなど無理でした。そこで私は御津を離れ、大芦港に向かいました。小具の波止の先端から釣りたいと思いましたが、そこには既に先客がいたのでした。大芦港で最大の防波堤、楡木の波止は混んでいるようだったので、これら2つの防波堤の中間にある、名のない小さな防波堤に向かいました。その周囲はかなりの浅瀬でした。なので魚が釣れる気はしませんでしたが、お気に入りのルアーを投げることを楽しみました。話は変わりますが、地元のデザイナーとアマチュア写真家からなるユニット 「hIVERNAGE」と共同で、新しいラップのビデオを発表しました。釣りには全く関係ない内容ですが、松江の映像を楽しんでいただけるかもしれません。ご興味があれば、上にある画像の3つ目をクリックしてください。)
Aug 18, 2020
(No. 642) Beautiful Blue Button Jellyfish at Uomiyama in Mitsu (御津の魚見山にて美しいギンカクラゲ)
I felt I had never seen such a beautiful creature. First, I thought it was a bottle cap. It looked like a bottle cap floating on the surface. Then, I noticed it had tentacles. They were translucent bluish tentacles. I decided that it was a kind of jellyfish. It was so beautiful that I had to tell myself, “Be careful.” I knew colorful creatures were often poisonous. Still, I could not resist the temptation to swim along with that beautiful creature.
Aug 17, 2020
(No. 641) Consecutively No Fish at Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の高鼻と先高鼻にて引き続き釣果なし)
I did not go straight to Taka-hana this morning. The path through the woods from the parking space at Sanami Harbor to the fishing spot had a few areas that were almost covered with rampant weeds and branches. They might spoil visibility of the path and could cause some accidents. So I stopped at such areas and cut all of the nuisances on my way to Taka-hana. When I arrived at the destination, I was already soaked in sweat. I was tempted to dive into the water immediately, but I resisted the temptation and threw my lure a few times. Nobody could be sure what kind of creatures are hiding in the water when I arrive at an empty shore, especially in an age of global warming. If I had dived into the water without any cautionary action, I might have encountered an exotic creature such as a shirk or a merman.
Aug 16, 2020
(No. 640) No Fish at Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の高鼻と先高鼻にて釣果なし)
I arrived at Taka-hana in Sanami about 6:30 a.m. It’s already hot when I started throwing my favorite lures toward the moderately choppy sea. By 7 a.m. the temperature went up considerably, so I had to dive into the water in order to avoid suffering heatstroke. Then I walked to Sakitaka-hana, which I felt could be more productive than Taka-hana because I had caught a young Japanese amberjack last time I tried it. Unfortunately there were few baitfish around Sakitaka-hana this morning, and no predatory fish attacked my lures. The stronger waves washed to the shore of Sakitaka-hana, so I walked back to Taka-hana and swam safely.
Aug 14, 2020
(No. 639) No Fish at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の小具の波止にて釣果なし)
This morning I arrived at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi about 6 a.m., one hour earlier than I did yesterday. It was about 7 a.m. yesterday morning that I got one and only bite from a fish at my second cast. I had since wondered whether I might have gotten more responses from fish if I had started fishing earlier. That’s why today I started one hour earlier. Toward the calmer ocean I threw the same lure as yesterday with much greater anticipation than yesterday. At my first cast, nothing happened. At my second cast, nothing happened, either. Then I kept casting my lures happily but in vain for about 2 hours.
Aug 13, 2020
(No. 638) One Bite at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の小具の波止にてバイトあり)
I started throwing my Roberts Whistler toward the ocean from Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor about 7 a.m. this morning. At my second cast, as soon as I started sliding the lure on the surface, I felt one short bite. I was sure it was a fish, but it was not hooked. Because it happened at my just second cast, I assumed there were plenty of active fish around Ogu-no-hato. As a result of that false assumption, I kept casting my lures tenaciously and ended up staying in vain at the breakwater until 9:30 a.m.
Aug 10, 2020
(No. 637) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)
The weather forecast said it would be excruciatingly hot today. So this morning I woke up earlier than usual in order to start fishing earlier and avoid the heat. I arrived at Saruwatari in Nonami about 6 a.m., and it was already getting hot. Whenever the sun came out from behind the clouds, I felt like swimming around the fishing spot and actually I did so. Bevies of baitfish also swam around the fishing spot. I threw my Roberts Ranger over the bevy and retrieved the topwater lure across it. Most of the time nothing happened, but once I saw a school of medium-sized greenish fish chasing it. That was the only time I got excited this morning.
Aug 9, 2020
(No. 636) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)
It became so hot this afternoon that I couldn't think of anything else to do but swim in the ocean. I headed out to Susumi Bay as soon as I had time to spare. After casting my favorite lure only a few times in a perfunctory fashion, I dived into the bay. It was very refreshing though the water was rather warm. Then, I had a chat with one lure fisherman who was fishing at Susumi-hana. He said it was his first time he had come to the fishing spot and he had not caught anything. I gave him some advice on fishing around the area. Then, I also cast my favorite lures from Susumi-hana. I did not catch anything, either.
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