About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Sep 30, 2019

(No. 493) Big Mahi-mahi at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて大きなシイラ)

First of all, I would like to thank a person or people who cut all the weeds along the path to Saruwatari. I don’t know whether the person or people are fishermen or just local residents. What they did was a total annihilation of weeds. I also had cut the weeds before, but their job was much more thorough. Thanks to the effort, today I reached Saruwatari more conveniently and safely than before. The sea was very calm this morning. The water was clear and there was almost no current. I became kind of pessimistic about the possibility of catching any big fish.
At 7:45 a.m. when I was retrieving the Tady 45, a type of lure called “surface iron,” I felt something. It was not strong. So I even wondered if it was a floating seaweed, but it jumped out of the water and shook its head in order to be free. Still I did not think it was a big fish. I thought it might be a medium-sized Japanese sea bass because I reeled it in without much resistance. Only when the fish came very near to me did I recognize it was a big mahi-mahi, and when I recognized the type and size of the fish, the fish realized something, too. It started running toward the ocean. It was so strong. The drag of my reel started screeching. I just pulled through its tenacious fight. Several minutes later I successfully landed the fish. It was a mahi-mahi of 100 cm (39 in.) long. As a token of my gratitude to the people and the fish, I dived into the still warm sea and danced in the water.

Sep 28, 2019

(No. 492) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

Because I am a freelance translator and not a nine-to-fiver, I get sometimes financially unstable but can go fishing on weekdays. I assume that most of other fishermen are not like me. They must have a job with regular daytime hours. Which means, they can go fishing only on weekends. That’s why I don’t like to occupy a famous fishing spot such as Saruwatari on weekends. I would like other fishermen to get the enjoyment, too. So this morning I left my place intentionally later than yesterday. If any avid fisherman wanted to go to Saruwatari, I would find his or her car left at the parking space and would be happy to give up the fishing spot. No car was found when I arrived. I walked down to Saruwatari and found the sea was calmer than yesterday. I kept casting my favorite lures for 30 minutes until the rain started falling. No fish responded to my topwater lures this morning. The weather app on my phone said that a thunderstorm might come shortly. Safety always comes first. I left the spot.

Sep 27, 2019

(No. 491) A Few Thrilling Strikes at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてスリル満点のストライクがいくつか)

Unlike the last time, I successfully started fishing at 6 a.m. this morning. In other words, I did not oversleep today. Although the sea was much calmer today compared to the last time, I felt stronger resistance when retrieving a lure. There seemed a current running in the water. At 6:30 a.m. when I was retrieving my Super Strike Zig Zag just below the surface, there was a short but sharp bite. Unfortunately for me but fortunately for the fish, it was not hooked. At 7:10 a.m. when I was popping my Super Strike Little Neck Popper on the surface, there was a splashing strike just behind the lure. The fish was not hooked. At 7:45 a.m. when I was retrieving my Roberts Ranger on the surface, there was a larger splashing strike just behind the lure. Once again, the fish was not hooked. I did not see those fish clearly, but my guess is that they were amberjacks.

Sep 25, 2019

(No. 490) Japanese Spanish Mackerel at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてサワラ)

I wanted to start fishing at 6 a.m. this morning, but I couldn’t. I overslept. It was already 7 a.m. when I arrived at the parkings space for Saruwatari in Nonami. I had to push my way through a lot of spiderwebs hanging over the path in the woods. The spiderwebs were large and thick. No one had used the path for some time. I started casting my favorite lures toward the ocean about 7:30 a.m. The winds were not very strong, and there was a light swell. For me, the autumn is the best season for catching the yellowtail amberjack. Actually I have not caught the fish in other seasons since I came back to Japan. 
I tenaciously cast some of my bigger lures for a big yellowtail amberjack. About 8:30 a.m. I saw a silver flash of something running just below the blue surface. I wondered it might have been a predatory fish. Then, when I was retrieving the Tady 45, a type of lure called “surface iron,” some slender fish attacked the lure. First I thought it was a needlefish, but actually it was a Japanese Spanish mackerel of 70 cm (28 in.) long. Later I gave the fish to B-Bridge, a restaurant in my neighborhood. The chef told me that he would cook the fish for today’s pasta. If you want to try the fish, you should hurry up to B-Bridge (10 Higashichamachi, Matsue).

Sep 21, 2019

(No. 489) Fluke at Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の枝防にてヒラメ)

Another typhoon was coming, and the weather forecast said that the waves were 2.5 meters high this afternoon. So I expected the water in Kurauchi Bay to be choppy enough for my lures to draw a strike from the Japanese sea bass, but the reality fell short of my expectation again. The water in Kurauchi Bay was very calm. After making only a few casts, I gave up the bay. I drove to Etomo Harbor. I did not think I would catch any fish there. I just wanted to enjoy casting my favorite lures.
There was one lure fisherman at the tip of Edabo, one of the breakwaters in the harbor. Seeing my Northbar Bottledarter plug, he said to me, “Are you trying to catch a bluefin tuna?” He seemed surprised at the size of it. He kindly told me that all he had caught were small Japanese Spanish mackerels. I switched the big plug to the Gator Casting Spoon because there was no response to the plug. At the first cast of the spoon, I felt a sharp bite at the bottom. I successfully landed the fish. It was a beautiful fluke of 45 cm (18 in.) long.

Sep 20, 2019

(No. 488) Chance Meeting at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて偶然の出会い)

The weather forecast said that the waves were 2.5 meters high this afternoon. So, until I arrived at the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay at 3 p.m., I believed that I would see the choppy sea. Actually, the sea was very calm. I walked down to Susumi-hana, the eastern tip of the bay, and found the water around the tip was calm enough for me to swim in it. So I swam after I made several casts from Susumi-hana. The water was not only calm but also clear. I had hoped that the Japanese sea bass would attack one of my lures under sarashi (white churning water), but there was no sarashi around the fishing spot. While I kept casting my lures in vain, I found one fisherman walking toward to me. He asked me if I had caught any fish and then called my name. To my surprise, he was the reader of this blog who had e-mailed me just before I got almost lost in the woods in Nonami 13 days ago. We enjoyed a nice chat for a while. Sometimes a chance meeting of this kind is more precious than catching a fish.

Sep 16, 2019

(No. 487) No Fish at between Mizushiri and Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の水尻と須々海鼻の間にて釣果なし)

This afternoon I went to Susumi Bay in Owashi. The weather forecast had said that the waves would be 2 meters high today. Indeed, the sea was considerably choppy when I arrived. There was a fisherman standing at Mizushiri. So I passed by Mizushiri and cast my lures from spots between Mizushiri and Susumi-hana. Big waves washed the shore intermittently and then created nice patches of sarashi (white churning water). It looked to me as if the Japanese sea bass could attack one of my lures at any moment. I was waiting for a vicious strike all along, but unfortunately nothing happened.

Sep 14, 2019

(No. 486) Casting Performance at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてキャスティング演技)

After I became free from a self-imposed obligation this late afternoon, I walked to Lake Shinji with two of my favorite American lures, Roberts Ranger and Lemire’s Plugworks’ Sea Fly. I did not expect to catch fish at all. I just wanted to cast those lures only for refreshing myself. Because my sole purpose was just enjoying casting lures, I used the PENN Squidder reel. This conventional reel may not be best suited for lure fishing because the gear ratio is just 3.3:1, which is much slower compared to most reels currently on the market. However, the enjoyment you can obtain from casting a lure successfully with the reel is almost second to none. When I was casting the Sea Fly, the movement of it on the surface attracted attention from one family that were strolling along the shore of the lake. I enjoyed giving a casting performance for them, too.

Sep 13, 2019

(No. 485) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

This morning I focused my mind on my fishing more than usual. The weather forecast had rightly said that the waves would be about 2 meters high, and that’s why swimming around Maruiwa in Owashi was never an option. All I could do this morning was to keep casting my favorite lures toward the vast ocean while keeping a careful watch on the sporadic strong swell. The lures I had taken out this morning were for big yellowtail amberjacks. I hoped that big ones were swimming along the shore and would come across one of my lures sooner or later. Although I did not lose the hope to the end, there was no response from fish.

Sep 9, 2019

(No. 484) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

I decided to put off taking my revenge on the evil woods which you have to enter in order to reach Naka-bana in Nonami. Now the weeds are rampant, and they are a big disadvantage to me. I have to wait for the troublesome weeds to die. Then, I might explore for the right path leading to Naka-bana. I might also want to search for the lost rucksack. Anyway, I decided to forget my revenge and rucksack for some time, and this morning I fished at Susumi-hana in Owashi. Although no fish attacked my lures, I was in high spirits all the time.

Sep 7, 2019

(No. 483) Failed Revenge and Almost Lost Again at Naka-bana in Nonami (野波の中鼻にてリベンジ失敗、またもや危うく遭難)

I hope you remember that 6 days ago I failed to reach Naka-bana in Nonami, a fishing spot to the west of Saruwatari, and ended up almost lost in the woods. This morning I stepped into the woods again. Why? I wanted to take my revenge. It was 6:15 a.m. and it was shortly after I received an e-mail from an unfamiliar sender. The woods reminded me of the evil woods in The Evil Dead, an infamous 1981 American horror film, but I managed to avoid falling into the trap at the treacherous fork. Unlike the last time, I did not take the wrong path leading to Shirataki, a much farther fishing spot to the west of Naka-bana. This time I certainly took the right path to Naka-bana.
(皆さんは覚えてらっしゃるでしょうか。6日前、猿渡の西にある釣り場、野波の中鼻に到達することのできなかった私が、危うく林の中で遭難しかけてしまったことを。今朝、私は再び、その林の中へ入っていきました。なぜかって? リベンジがしたかったからです。その時、時刻は午前6時15分、馴染みのない人物から一通のメールが届いた直後のことでした。その林は、悪名高き1981年の米国ホラー映画『死霊のはらわた』に出てくる邪悪な林を思い起こさせましたが、私はなんとか、厄介な分岐点の罠に落ちないですみました。前回とは異なり、中鼻の西方、はるか遠くにある別の釣り場、白滝へと続く道を、私は選ばなかったのです。今回は確実に、中鼻へと至る道を私は選んだのでした。)
However, about 25 minutes later, I somehow reached the same dead end that I had reached 6 days ago. Although my head was filled with a lot of question marks, I did not give up easily. I tenaciously looked for the right path and thought I finally found it, but that path just led to another dead end. It might not have been a dead end at all, but it was so overgrown with weeds that I could not take a chance. I was standing at a scary point on a cliff where I saw the sea below. I was so exhausted that I gave up fishing and decided to turn back. I had to take a few breaks on my way back. At one of the breaks I laid myself down around the bottom of a tree on a steep slope. I was so tired that I could not put down my rucksack carefully.
The rucksack slid down the slope and was gone. The slope was so slippery and dangerous that I decided not to chase the rucksack but to concentrate on recovery from exhaustion. Lying on my back, I took out my iPhone 4S from my pocket and read the e-mail I had received shortly before I had stepped into the woods. It was from one of readers of this blog. I felt it had been sent to me as a heartfelt encouragement. While reading the e-mail, I sensed the tough spirit of Bruce Campbell (Ash in The Evil Dead) coming back to me. I composed a reply to the e-mail. Then, I gave a cry and stood up. I resumed climbing up the slope toward the parking space. It was about 7:45 a.m. when I reached my car. I realized that I had no choice but to leave a big piece of garbage (my rucksack) in the woods today. So I declared to myself. From now on I would double my effort to clean up fishing spots.
(リュックサックは斜面を転がり落ち、見えなくなりました。その斜面はとても滑りやすく危険だったので、私はリュックサックを追うのを断念し、疲労回復に努めました。仰向けに寝て、ポケットからiPhone 4Sを取り出し、林の中へ入っていく直前に受信したメールを読みました。それは、このブログの読者からのメールでした。そのメールは、心のこもった励ましとして送られてきたものだと私には思えました。メールを読みながら、ブルース・キャンベル(『死霊のはらわた』のアッシュ)のタフな精神が蘇ってくるのが感じられました。私は返信を書きました。そして一声叫んで、立ち上がりました。駐車スペースを目指して、私は再び、斜面を登り始めました。車に戻ったのは午前7時45分頃でした。私は今日、大きなゴミ(リュックサック)を林の中に残していかざるを得ませんでした。そこで私は、自分に宣言したのです。釣り場で拾うゴミの量を、これからは2倍にしよう、と。)

Sep 6, 2019

(No. 482) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

The water around Maruiwa was as quiet this morning as it had been 3 days ago. It was as if everything around the fishing spot had not changed at all for the last 3 days except that there were fewer small fish this morning. I might have felt a bit more alone than I did 3 days ago.

Sep 5, 2019

(No. 481) Missed Baby Barracuda at Ikesu in Etomo (恵曇の生須にて小さなカマスを逃す)

This morning I took one of my friends to Ikesu in Etomo. I believe Ikesu is one of the most gorgeous fishing spots along the shore of Shimane Peninsula. However, the access to it is getting difficult gradually due to the reason I mentioned in a few of my previous posts (No. 430 and No. 469). That’s why I would like to introduce as many friends of mine as possible to fishing and swimming at Ikesu before the path to it gets closed or too dangerous to take. The friend of mine alternately fished and swam this morning. He seemed to hook one baby barracuda on the Crippled Herring. Unfortunately the fish came off very shortly, but I was glad that he had a good time at Ikesu.
(今朝は、友人の一人を恵曇の生須に案内しました。生須は、島根半島の沿岸にある釣り場の中でも有数の美しさをもつ釣り場だと思います。しかし、以前のいくつかの投稿で触れた理由のせいでNo. 430No. 469、釣り場までのアクセスは徐々に悪くなっています。そのため私は、釣り場への道が閉ざされたり、危険になり過ぎて通行不可になってしまう前に、なるべく多くの友人を、生須での釣りや水泳に案内したいと思っているのです。今朝、私の友人は、釣りと水泳を交互に行いました。そしてどうやら、クリップルド・ヘリングを使って小さなカマスをかけたようです。あいにく、その魚はすぐにバレてしまいましたが、彼が生須で楽しい時を過ごせたので、私は嬉しく思いました。)

Sep 3, 2019

(No. 480) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

Probably this is the calmest and quietest sea I have seen since I came back to Japan in 2014. That’s how I felt this morning at Maruiwa in Owashi. The water was super clear, and the current was not moving at all. Some objects, such as seaweeds, floated on the surface and did not move an inch. Two types of small fish, one is brown and the other is bright blue, swam peacefully around the fishing spot. I was absorbed in taking pictures of them more than casting lures toward the unresponsive sea.

Sep 1, 2019

(No. 479) Almost Lost in Woods and No Fish at Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (危うく林で遭難、そして佐波の先高鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning I woke up one hour earlier than yesterday. I wanted to reach a fishing spot before dawn and start fishing at daybreak. Originally I wanted to go to Maruiwa in Owashi, but there was a car already left at the parking space for the fishing spot. So I drove to Saruwatari in Nonami instead. On my way to it, I found one small black animal sniffing around at one point of the dark shoulder on Cherry Road. My car did not scare away the animal. It was such a cute baby boar. Although I was tempted to get out of my car and take a picture of it, I did not stop. I just passed by it. The mother boar hiding somewhere in the woods might have dashed to me in order to protect the baby.
Unfortunately, there was another car already left at the parking space for Saruwatari too. I decided to try Naka-bana, the neighboring fishing spot of Saruwatari. Although Naka-bana is pretty close to Saruwatari, you have to take a different route from the shared parking space in order to get to Naka-bana. I had been to Naka-bana just once, about 8 months ago, but I was optimistic that I would not get off the right track in the woods and could easily reach Naka-bana. I was wrong. Shortly after I stepped into the woods, I took a wrong path. Thanks to the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” now I know that the path I took at the first fork was not for Naka-bana but for Shirataki, a much farther fishing spot to the west of Naka-bana. I followed old red ribbons tied to trees at some key locations in the woods. Thanks to the ribbons serving as breadcrumb trails in the woods, I managed to reach the point where I could not advance anymore. The path was closed as described in the guidebook. I finally realized that I had taken the wrong path. I had to turn back. I had to go back to the fork at which I took the path to Shirataki by mistake.
25 minutes had already passed since I left the parking space. I was getting exhausted, but I did not allow the exhaustion to take over my body. It was as if the tough spirit of Nate Diaz had gotten into me. Surviving a few minor crises, I finally reached the fork and took the right path leading to Naka-bana. I believed that I would reach the fishing spot shortly. I planned to swim first in order to refresh myself before casting any lures. At the same time I noticed that I had not heard the sound of the sea for a while. “Am I supposed to get closer to the sea?” That was my thought immediately before the original parking space unexpectedly and suddenly appeared in front of me. I had believed I was inching toward the destination, but actually I was moving back to the starting point. I was so exhausted that I had to give up walking down to Naka-bana. Instead, I drove to Sanami Harbor in order to try Sakitaka-hana. I managed to reach the fishing spot this time, but no fish attacked my lures.