About this blog (このブログのこと)

My photo
After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Aug 31, 2022

(No. 987) No Fish at Susumi-hana and Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻と丸岩にて釣果なし)

My chase after a big mahi-mahi continues. I tried Susumi-hana  yesterday afternoon and Maruiwa this morning, neither of which spots produced any fish. The weather forecast says that it will keep raining probably for more than a week. I don’t like fishing in the rain very much, so I don't know when I can go fishing next. Sad.

Aug 30, 2022

(No. 986) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

I read an interesting blog post in the website of a local fishing tackle shop. It said that the mahi-mahi had been around the shore chasing the needlefish. It reminded me that I had caught a big mahi-mahi three years ago (No. 493). This morning I tried to reproduced the feat at Maruiwa but failed.
(地元の釣具屋さんのサイトで、興味深いブログを読みました。シイラが接岸し、ダツを追いかけているそうなのです。私は、3年前に大きなシイラを釣ったことを思い出しました(No. 493)。今朝、あの偉業の再現を丸岩で試みましたが、失敗しました。)

Aug 29, 2022

(No. 985) All That I can Catch These Days (この頃、私に釣れるものといったら)

I have been to Kurauchi Bay several times since my last post. I haven’t caught anything at all. All that I can catch these days are dirty stinky remains of meals at the shore of Lake Shinji. Now that it gets cooler with September approaching, I plan to go back to more serious fishing spots, such as Saruwatari and Safuki-bana, for the autumn yellowtail amberjacks.

Aug 23, 2022

(No. 984) My First Shimano Reel in More Than 40 Years (40年以上ぶりのシマノのリール)

My first reel for lure fishing was the Shimano Bantam 100. I caught snakeheads with that silver reel when I was a junior high school student. Since then I have used primarily Ryobi, PENN, and Daiwa reels. I haven’t had a chance to use any Shimano reels for a long time. Since I came back from the U.S. I have been searching for a most suitable reel, either a spinning or a conventional reel, for my peculiar fishing in the Shimane Peninsula. I feel I finally find it. Now I use the Scorpion MD 300/301 baitcasting reels. They are my first Shimano reels for the first time in more than 40 years. Before finding the Scorpion MD, I tried the Daiwa Tatula 400. It was a good reel, but I had to sell it because the reel was too difficult for me to disassemble by myself. I couldn’t open its body with my normal set of tools.
(私が初めてルアーフィッシングに使ったリールは、シマノのバンタム100でした。中学生の頃、あの銀色のリールで雷魚を釣りました。それ以来、主としてリョービ、PENN、ダイワのリールを使ってきました。シマノのリールは長いあいだ使う機会がなかったのです。アメリカから帰国してからは、島根半島で私が行う独特の釣りに最適なリールを、スピニングでも両軸でもどちらでもいいので、探してきました。それをようやく見つけたという気がします。今はスコーピオンMD300/301ベイトリールを使っています。40数年ぶりに使うシマノのリールです。スコーピオンMDに出会う前は、ダイワのTatula 400を試しました。いいリールでしたが、自分で分解することができず、手放さざるを得ませんでした。私が普段使っている工具では、本体を開けることができなかったのです。)
The Scorpion MD is much easier to take apart. When I was looking into the inside of it, I found a small hollow on the main frame. It is shown in the red circle on the above photos. I wondered what the purpose of this hollow was. Then, thanks to one of YouTube videos by Tackle Advisors, I realized the hollow is actually for Shimano Tranx 300/400, other Shimano reels available in the U.S. not in Japan. If you are interested, please watch the above video from 25:58 mark. The Scorpion MD and Tranx 300/400 seem to share the same main frame, but my Scorpion MD lacks those small parts Tranx 300/400 have. Hmmm.
(スコーピオンMDの分解はずっと簡単です。その内部を調べていた時、メインフレームに小さな空洞があるのを発見しました。上の写真の赤丸で示した部分です。この空洞は何のためにあるのだろうと思いました。すると、Tackle AdvisorsのYouTubeビデオのおかげで、この空洞は、シマノのトランクス300/400(日本では販売されていない米国シマノのリール)用であることが分かったのです。興味のある方は上のビデオを25:58からご覧ください。スコーピオンMDとトランクス300/400はメインフレームが同じようですが、私のスコーピオンMDにはトランクス300/400にある小さなパーツが欠けています。うーん。)

Aug 22, 2022

(No. 983) Strong Spicy Stink at Shore of Lake Shinji (宍道湖岸にて強烈なスパイスの臭い)

After enjoying the early-morning fishing at Kurauchi Bay even though no fish responded to my lures, I went to the northern shore of Lake Shinji in order to pick up the litter. As usual, there were some cigarette butts. In addition, I could smell something spicy this morning. It smelled very different from the faint salty scent of Lake Shinji. There was a cup of noodle on the bank with the red soup inside. Please be considerate of others. There might be people who wanted to visit Matsue but couldn't due to the pandemic. They might have managed to come here yesterday at last, and this morning might be their first morning in Matsue. Please don’t ruin their morning with your leftovers.

Aug 21, 2022

(No. 982) No Fish but Nice Reading and Swimming at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なしも、素敵な読書と水泳)

Three lure fishermen were throwing lures toward Kurauchi Bay when I arrived there about 1 p.m. I had hoped to swim in the bay as soon as possible, but I had to wait. After throwing one of my lures several times, I took out a book from my bag and started reading it. It was George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” Shortly afterward, one of three lure fishermen left, and I took over his spot and got able to swim without interfering with other people’s fishing. Reading a good book, swimming in the beautiful sea, and throwing my favorite lures although no fish responded. What more I could need on such a lovely Sunday?

Aug 19, 2022

(No. 981) Small Missed Strike at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて小さなストライクがあるも、針にかからず)

To my surprise, there were already a few fishermen at Kurauchi Bay when I arrived there about 6 a.m. In addition to them at Kurauchi Bay, I saw silhouettes of a few more fishermen standing at Nitaki in Tayu and Nazuna-bana in Kataku. Some fish must be around. Fortunately, I found a nice spot at Kurauchi Bay to stand between two fishermen and to throw my lures. On the third or forth cast of the Atom Striper Swiper, I got a small missed strike probably from a medium-sized Japanese sea bass.

Aug 13, 2022

(No. 980) Missed Big Japanese Sea Bass after Catching Small Barracuda at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて小さいカマスを釣った後、大きなスズキを逃す)

I felt I needed a short break from using a heavy tackle with a conventional or a baitcasting reel. So I carried a lighter spinning tackle this morning, the combination of Daiko Lancement LANJ-100MH rod and PENN Torque 5 spinning reel. On arriving at the parking space for Kurauchi Bay about 6 a.m., I noticed that the bay was full of life. Something big was causing ripples on the water. There were bevies of small fish along the shore, and they seemed occasionally intimidated by some predators. It didn't take much before I caught a small barracuda on the Hopkins Smoothie Shorty. At the following cast immediately after I released the poor fish, a much bigger one hit the lure.
The fish pulled so hard that at first I thought it was an amberjack, but then I saw the body of the fish and realized it was a big Japanese sea bass. The hook attached to my Smoothie Shorty was a bit too small for the fish of that size, so I tried to be careful. When the fish was just a few meters away from me, it shook its head furiously, and the small hook came off. The fish was gone, but I got satisfied with the brief encounter with the fish. Then, as part of my hot summer morning routine, I headed to Lake Shinji in order to pick up the litter on the lakeshore. I found some garbage as usual, such as cigarette butts and half-empty beverages. I didn’t understand why some people left half-empty drinks at the lakeshore. Did they think they do the offering?

Aug 12, 2022

(No. 979) Barracuda at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にてカマス)

Shortly after my Gator Casting Spoon landed at the bottom of the sea, I felt something hit the spoon. I was not sure if it was fish because I didn’t feel any resistance at all. I thought it might be some inanimate object, but actually it was a small barracuda. That catch raised my hopes, but nothing happened after that. Returning to my summer morning routine, I left Maruiwa about 7 a.m. and drove back toward Lake Shinji. While picking up the litter along the northern shore of lake, I had an opportunity to talk with a couple of tourists. I told them I was a self-appointed tourism ambassador for Matsue and explained to them how the difference of salinity among Lake Shinji (10%), Lake Nakaumi (50%), and the Sea of Japan (100%) contributes to the variety of inhabitants. That’s my favorite topic of conversation when I talk to tourists at the lakeshore.

Aug 11, 2022

(No. 978) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning I broke my recent summer morning routine. Namely, I fished at Susumi-hana for a longer time than I had fished at Maruiwa yesterday. Although no baitfish was sighted around the fishing spot, I somehow felt that predatory fish were around and were about to attack my lures. I was there for about 2 hours, but nothing happened at all.

Aug 10, 2022

(No. 977) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

I started throwing my lures from the tip of Maruiwa in Owashi about 6 a.m. No fish responded until I left the fishing spot about 7 a.m. Although I was tempted to stay at Maruiwa a bit longer, I left the fishing spot according to my original plan. I had decided to follow the hot summer morning routine, which I had explained on one of my earlier posts (No. 975). At the northern shore of Lake Shinji, I picked up some litter on the bank. There were a few cigarette boxes left, and one of them had unsmoked cigarettes inside. As I explained on No. 954, that was not necessarily rare.
(午前6時頃より、大芦の丸岩の先端からルアーを投げ始めました。午前7時頃に釣り場を離れるまでの間、魚からの反応はありませんでした。もう少し丸岩にいようかなと思ったものの、当初の予定通り、釣り場を後にしました。以前の記事(No. 975)で紹介した、ホットな夏の朝のルーチンに従うことにしていたのです。宍道湖の北岸では、土手の上のゴミを拾いました。タバコの箱が数個残されており、そのうちの一つには吸われていないタバコが入っていました。No. 954で説明したように、それは必ずしも珍しいことではないのです。)

Aug 7, 2022

(No. 976) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

This morning I realized that I had not visited Saruwatari since June 22. I got afraid the weeds along the trail might have become too rampant. I took out a pair of shears when I got off my car at the parking space in order to cut some thorny weeds, but I soon realized it was not necessary. It seemed that a good Samaritan had already cut some weeds. Even some obstructing thick branches along the trail had been cut. Whoever it was, I wanted to say “Thank you very much” from the bottom of my heart. As for fishing, I didn’t see any baitfish, and naturally no predators did attack my lures.

Aug 2, 2022

(No. 975) My New Hot Summer Morning Routine (ホットな夏の朝の新しいルーチン)

(1) Wake up about 5 a.m. without the help from an alarm clock.
(2) Drive to a relatively easy fishing spot, such as Senjojiki in Mitsu.
(3) Enjoy throwing American lures until about 7 a.m. but try not to get fatigued.
(4) Catch no fish.
(5) Drive back to the northern shore of Lake Shinji.
(6) Enjoy throwing American lures if I still want to.
(7) Walk on the bank along the shore with a plastic bag.
(8) Say “Good morning” to anyone whom I come across.
(9) Pick up the litter, especially cigarette butts, and put them in the bag.
(10) Go home before it gets too hot and avoid heatstroke.
(11) Have a nice breakfast at home and start writing this blog.

(1) 目覚まし時計の力を借りずに、午前5時ごろに起床する。
(2) 車で、御津の千畳敷など、比較的に楽な釣り場に行く。
(3) 午前7時頃まで、アメリカン・ルアーを投げて楽しむが、疲れを残さないようにする。
(4) 何も釣らない。
(5) 宍道湖の北岸まで車で戻る。
(6) まだやりたければ、アメリカン・ルアーを投げて楽しむ。
(7) ビニール袋を持って岸辺の土手を歩く。
(8) 出会った人全員に「おはようございます」と声をかける。
(9) ゴミ、特にタバコの吸殻を拾って、袋に入れる。
(10) 暑くなり過ぎる前に家に帰り、熱中症にならないようにする。
(11) 家で美味しい朝食をとり、このブログを書き始める。