About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jul 30, 2022

(No. 973) No Fish at Uomiyama in Mitsu (御津の魚見山にて釣果なし)

One of my old classmates and I wanted to go to Senjojiki in Mitsu this afternoon, but the parking space for the fishing spot was already full when we arrived about 4:30 p.m. It was unfortunate, but I was happy because my weed cutting the other day might have helped revive the popularity of Senjojiki. Instead, We went to Uomiyama because it was vacant. The old classmate of mine caught two baby barracudas, but he declared he would not count them as today’s catch because they were too small. So neither he nor I caught any fish at Uomiyama today.

Jul 27, 2022

(No. 972) Young Greater Amberjack after Cutting Weeds for Senjojiki in Mitsu (御津の千畳敷のための草刈りをした後、アカビラ)

This is today’s second post. I returned to Mitsu this afternoon in order to cut weeds growing over the path to Senjojiki. When I visited Senjojiki this morning, I got very surprised to find that no one had cut the weeds. Senjojiki is the most popular fishing spot in the area, so I assumed that someone had already taken care of the weeds. Senjojiki is not a fishing spot that I have often visited, but I felt I needed to take care of the weeds, some of which were dangerously thorny. So I returned with a pair of shears. It took me about an hour to take care of them. I got drenched in sweat. I was on the verge of suffering heatstroke. As soon as I completed the task, I jumped into the beautiful sea. How refreshing it was! Then I caught a young greater amberjack on my Roberts Ranger. What a reward I got!
(本日2回目の投稿です。午後、私は御津に戻り、千畳敷への小道を覆う雑草を刈りました。今朝、千畳敷に行った私は、誰も草刈りをしていないことに気づいて、とても驚いたのです。千畳敷はこのあたりで最も人気のある釣り場なので、てっきり誰かが手入れをしているものと思い込んでいたのでした。私自身はあまり千畳敷には行かないのですが、雑草の中には、棘のある危険なものもあるので、手入れをしなければいけないと思いました。なので、草刈りハサミを携えて戻ったのです。1時間くらいかかったでしょうか。汗びっしょりになりました。ほとんど熱中症になりかけていました。作業が終わるやいなや、きれいな海に飛び込みました。なんと爽快だったことでしょう! その後、ロバーツのレンジャーで、アカビラ(若いカンパチ)が釣れました。なんというご褒美だったことでしょう!)

(No. 971) World’s Nicest Person in Mitsu (御津にて世界でいちばんナイスな人)

When I arrived at Senjojiki in Mitsu around 6 a.m. this morning, there was one fishing boat floating around the fishing spot. The fisherman on the boat was picking turban shells from the bottom, using an equipment specially designed for that purpose. I didn’t like to interfere with him. So I tried to keep a certain distance from the slowly moving fishing boat. But apparently I was too focused on my fishing. Several minutes later I suddenly found the boat much closer to me than I had assumed. The fisherman on the boat was all smiles.
“Good morning!” I said to him, and the fisherman replied, “I am sorry for interrupting your fishing!”
“No. No. That’s what I should have said.”
“You can fish wherever you want. We can do this anywhere.”
“How is the catch of turban shells this year?”
“They are cheap.”
All the professional fishermen I have seen around Mitsu Harbor are very amicable. If you want to see the nicest person in the world, all that you have to do might be to visit one of fishing spots around Mitsu Harbor in midsummer and talk to one of professional fishermen picking turban shells from the bottom of the sea.

Jul 25, 2022

(No. 970) Mysterious Hole of Daiwa LEXA-CC 400 (ダイワのレグザ-CC400の不思議な穴)

This morning I was at Maruiwa in Owashi for one hour from 6 a.m. The sea was choppier than the weather forecast had said. No fish responded to my lures. Regarding today’s fishing, I don’t have much to say. So I would like to write about the mysterious hole of Daiwa LEXA-CC 400 baitcasting reel. As I mentioned on my previous post (No. 969), I can throw a lure farther with this reel than with normal LEXA 400 at least when the lure is relatively heavy (more than 2 oz.) and the centrifugal brake is 100% off. I believe the key is its synchronised levelwind. Like some PENN reels such as the 320GTi and 210, the synchronised levelwind of LEXA-CC acts as a brake, and you don’t necessarily need to use its centrifugal brake. If you are good at using your thumb as an additional brake, your lure can fly very far. That’s how I use my LEXA-CC.
(今朝は午前6時から1時間、大芦の丸岩にいました。海は、天気予報で言っていたよりも波立っていました。私のルアーに反応する魚はいません。今日の釣りについては、特に言うことはありません。そこで、ダイワのレグザ-CC 400ベイトキャスティングリールの不思議な穴について書いてみたいと思います。前回の投稿(No. 969)でも触れましたが、少なくとも、ルアーが比較的重く(2オンス以上)、遠心ブレーキを100%オフにした状態であれば、レグザ-CC 400を使うと、通常のレグザ400よりも遠くにルアーを投げることができます。私は、シンクロ・レベルワインドが鍵だと思っています。レグザ-CCは、PENNの一部のリール、例えば320GTiや210などと同様、シンクロ・レベルワインドがブレーキとして機能するので、必ずしも遠心ブレーキを使う必要はないのです。親指で上手にブレーキをかけられるのであれば、ルアーをとても遠くまで飛ばせます。私はこのようにしてレグザ-CCを使っています。)
When I was looking at this beautiful reel, I found a mysterious hole close to the spool. It penetrates through the main frame of the reel. First I thought a screw or some part was missing because the hole was threaded. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t catch up with any use of the hole. It was just there with seemingly no function. I looked into the schematics of the reel and found the hole is drawn there but seems completely irrelevant to any other parts. After careful observation of the reel, I felt I realized what it was. It might be a vestige of the normal LEXA, which has the magnetic brake system. The location of the hole seems to match up that of the screw to hold the magnetic brake adjustment knob. The LEXA-CC 400 might have been quickly cooked up from the normal LEXA, and the hole somehow remained. Thanks to this meaningless hole, I got more fond of LEXA-CC 400. I love this kind of oversight.
(この美しいリールを眺めていた私は、スプールの近くに謎の穴が開いているのに気づいたのです。穴は、リールのメインフレームを貫通しています。最初は、ネジか何かの部品が紛失してしまったのかと思いました。ネジの筋が刻まれている穴なのです。しかし、いくら頑張って考えても、その穴の用途が思い浮かびません。穴は、ただそこにあるだけで、何の機能も果たしていないように見えます。リールの展開図を調べてみると、穴はそこに描かれてはいるものの、他の部品とは全く関係がなさそうです。リールをよくよく観察してみると、その正体が分かったような気がしました。マグネット式ブレーキを搭載しているノーマルのレグザの痕跡なのかもしれません。その穴の位置は、マグネット式ブレーキ調整ノブを固定するためのネジの位置と一致しているようなのです。もしかするとレグザ-CC 400は、ノーマルのLEXAから急造されたものであり、そのため、この穴が残ってしまったのかもしれません。この無意味な穴のおかげで、なんだか、レグザ-CC 400がいっそう好きになりました。私は、こういう手抜かりが大好きなのです。)

Jul 24, 2022

(No. 969) No Fish at Kumomi in Hinomisaki and at Mouth of Kando River (日御碕の「くもみ」と神戸川河口にて釣果なし)

This morning I went to Izumo City for a change. I was thinking first about going to the Ketakake Peninsula, but I decided not to go. It could be very tiring, and I was not sure if it would be a good idea especially in the height of summer. So I chose Kumomi, an unfamiliar small fishing spot to the north of Taisha-chiku Harbor. No fish responded to my lures there, so I drove to the mouth of Kando River. I thought I might catch a fluke there, but no fish responded either. Still I enjoyed a lot because I was using the Daiwa LEXA-CC 400 low-profile baitcasting reel that I had recently gotten.
(今朝は、ちょっと気分を変えて、出雲市に行ってきました。まずは桁掛半島に行こうかと思ったのですが、やめました。とても疲れるかもしれないですし、特に夏の盛りに行くのはどうかと思ったのです。そこで、大社築港の北にある「くもみ」という、馴染みのない小さな釣り場を選びました。しかし、ルアーに魚からの反応がないため、神戸川の河口に移動しました。ヒラメが釣れるかもしれないと思いましたが、こちらでも反応はありません。とはいえ、とても楽しみました。なぜなら、最近手に入れたダイワのレグザ-CC 400ベイトキャスティングリールを使っていたからです。)
There is a huge difference between the LEXA-CC and almost all the other LEXAs. The brake mechanism?  Indeed the former has the centrifugal brake while the latter has the magnetic brake. It wasn’t a small difference, but the biggest difference in my opinion is the synchronised levelwind of LEXA-CC. Whenever the spool rotates, the line guide keeps moving accordingly. The line guide moves rapidly from side to side when a lure is flying in the air. This morning I was able to throw my lures farther than I had done with the LEXA 400H, which I used to use. It may sound unreasonable to some of you, but I believe it was thanks to the synchronised levelwind.
(レグザ-CCには、他のほとんどのレグザと大きく違うところがあるのです。ブレーキの仕組みでしょうか? 確かに、前者は遠心式ブレーキ、後者はマグネット式ブレーキです。それは小さな違いではないものの、私が思う最大の違いは、レグザ-CCのシンクロ・レベルワインドです。スプールが回転すると、それに合わせてラインガイドも動き続けます。ルアーが空中を飛んでいる時、ラインガイドも左右に高速で移動するのです。今朝は、以前使っていたレグザ400Hよりも遠くまでルアーを投げることができました。不合理と思われる方もいらっしゃるでしょうが、シンクロ・レベルワインドのおかげだと思っています。)

Jul 18, 2022

(No. 968) No Fish at Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の高鼻と先高鼻にて釣果なし)

Today is Marine Day (Umi no Hi), a Japanese national holiday for celebrating the sea surrounding this island nation. I happened to wake up this morning earlier than usual. I might have wanted to go to the sea as soon as possible and give thanks to it. When I arrived at Sanami Harbor about 5:30 a.m., no one was around. There were just the sea, nature, and me. I hoped that the sea would recognize me as the first fisherman to arrive today and reward me with nice fish. I just ended up realizing again the harsh truth that the sea hardly acts as we hope.

Jul 16, 2022

(No. 967) No Fish at Sandy Beach in Yonago City (米子市の砂浜にて釣果なし)

This morning I had some business to attend to in Yonago City. So I decided to take advantage of the opportunity. Yonago City, located in Tottori Prefecture, has a large beautiful sandy beach facing Miho Bay. I envy Yonago City in this regard. Matsue City, where I live, is located in Shimane Prefecture, and most parts of its coast facing the Sea of Japan are rugged rocky cliffs. It’s difficult to find an expansive sandy beach in Matsue. Throwing my lures from the sandy beach in Yonago this morning, I remembered how much I had enjoyed fishing in the sandy beaches of New York City. I missed Brighton Beach, Rockaway Beach, and Breezy Point.
( 今朝は米子市内で用事がありました。そこで、その機会を利用することにしたのです。鳥取県にある米子市には、美保湾に面した大きな美しい砂浜があります。この点で私は、米子市がうらやましいのです。私の住む松江市は島根県にありますが、日本海に面したその海岸は、ほとんどがゴツゴツとした岩壁です。松江で広大な砂浜を見つけるのは困難なのです。今朝、米子の砂浜からルアーを投げながら、ニューヨークの砂浜で釣りを楽しんでいたことを思い出しました。ブライトンビーチ、ロッカウェイビーチ、そしてブリージーポイントを懐かしく思いました。)

Jul 15, 2022

(No. 966) No Fish at between Uomiyama and Akaiwa in Mitsu (御津の魚見山と赤岩の間にて釣果なし)

I started today’s fishing at the tip of Uomiyama late in the afternoon, but the waves were unexpectedly strong, so I decided to go to a safer spot. Walking toward Akaiwa, a fishing spot to the west of Uomiyama, I found a safer spot between them. Still the sea was quite choppy. But the floating seaweeds on the surface didn’t move at all. Getting perplexed, I started swimming carefully. I felt the waves along the shore but didn’t feel them at all away from the shore. How come?

Jul 11, 2022

(No. 965) No Fish at Uomiyama in Mitsu (御津の魚見山にて釣果なし)

The rain was supposed to start falling this morning, but nature seemed to change its mind, and I woke to find it was a lovely morning. So I went to Uomiyama in Mitsu. Although no fish responded to my lures there, I got very satisfied with using my PENN 535 MAG2 conventional reel. I felt I had become fully accustomed to casting lures with the reel. I got so happy that I went straight to Lake Shinji after leaving Uomiyama in order to enjoy the wonderful feel of throwing lures with the reel.
(今朝は雨が降り出すはずでしたが、自然が気持ちを切り替えてくれたようで、朝起きたら良い天気だったのでした。というわけで、御津の魚見山に行ってきました。そこで魚の反応はありませんでしたが、PENNの両軸リール、535 MAG2を使うことに大満足しました。このリールでルアーを投げることに、すっかり慣れたような気がしています。あまりの幸福感に、魚見山を離れた後、宍道湖に直行して、ルアーを投げる気持ち良さを堪能しました。)

Jul 10, 2022

(No. 964) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

This is today’s second post. The weather forecast said it would rain tomorrow and probably on the following several days. So I decided to take advantage of today's fine weather as much as possible and went to Kurauchi Bay this afternoon. The most popular spot at the bay was occupied, so I had to go to the second most popular spot. That was fine with me, but I had to cut weeds first. The path to the spot was overgrown with weeds, some of which were thorny. It took me 30 minutes to cut all the nuisance, and I got drenched with sweat. I felt so hot that I wanted to dive into the sea first, but, as I mentioned on one of my recent posts, there might be fish or other malevolent creatures, so I threw a lure first.

(No. 963) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

I have been a bit tired due to the excessive heat and the recent national tragedy, so I decided not to go to Saruwatari in Nonami this morning. Whenever you go to Saruwatari or Safuki-bana, you should be 100% both physically and mentally. I instead went to Maruiwa. The sea was unexpectedly choppy when I started fishing about 5:30 a.m. and it was getting choppier and choppier until I quit about 7 a.m. The choppier the sea got, the higher my expectations got. However, nothing happened to my lures all along.

Jul 6, 2022

(No. 962) No Fish but Swimming with Lots of Comb Jellies(?) at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なしも、たくさんのクシクラゲ(?)と水泳)

It was so hot that the first thing I thought when I arrived at Kurauchi Bay this afternoon was that I wanted to swim, not that I wanted to fish. However, the first thing I have to do is always to throw lures. There could be a big fish just below my feet, and it might attack one of my lures. Or there could be some malicious creatures lurking in the water, and my big and loud lures might be able to scare them away. So I threw my lures first, and nothing happened to them. I officially became ready for swimming. However, when I was about to dive in the sea, I found lots of transparent jellyfish floating along the shore. I though they might be comb jellies, a species different from jellyfish. If so, they were harmless, but I was not sure. So I hesitated for a while, but they didn’t look very dangerous, and the heat was getting excruciating. So I took a chance. Fortunately, the creatures were completely harmless. We swam happily together.