About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Feb 28, 2021

(No. 726) Fluke-like Plastic Bag at Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の楡木の波止にてヒラメのようなビニール袋)

It was Sunday today. Niregi-no-hato was a bit too crowded. In addition, the sea was very calm. There was no current moving. The water was extraordinary clear. I couldn’t find any favorable conditions for catching a big predatory fish, and not only I but also the other fishermen couldn’t catch any fish, but I enjoyed myself a lot at Niregi-no-hato. First I had a nice chat with a local resident in Owashi. He said to me that he used to be an avid fishermen about 40 years ago. Then I had another nice chat with one of younger fishermen who got interested in my American lures and my unusual fishing style. Lastly one of older fishermen talked to me when I was on my way back to the parking space. “You caught a good one!” I got baffled because I didn’t catch anything. Then I realized that he mistook a dirty plastic bag I had accidentally hooked for a fish such as a fluke. I took out the bag from my pocket and showed it to him. Then we laughed out loud.

Feb 25, 2021

(No. 725) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

It was almost windless this morning, and therefore, the waves had calmed down around Susumi-hana in Owashi. However, occasional strong swell beat on the rocky shore and almost swept me away once. The water was super clear. The condition of the sea felt the most suitable for catching some tropical pelagic fish, but the water temperature was too low for me to believe there was a serious likelihood of it.

Feb 23, 2021

(No. 724) No Fish at Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の楡木の波止にて釣果なし)

The winter coldness came back, and the unseasonably warmth vanished this morning. Because today was a national holiday, I thought I would find Niregi-no-hato occupied with fishermen. Contrary to expectations, there was only one fisherman at the breakwater. With a vain hope of coming across some migratory fish, I kept throwing my favorite lures from the tip of Niregi-no-hato for about one hour.

Feb 21, 2021

(No. 723) No Fish at Uomiyama in Mitsu, Kaka Harbor, and Sanami Harbor (御津の魚見山、加賀港、そして佐波港にて釣果なし)

My plan was to complete the wide-area run-and-gun style fishing before it got too windy this morning. According to my dictionary, “the wide-area run-and-gun style fishing” means trying at least three different fishing spots in at least three different areas in succession. I started at Uomiyama in Mitsu, where I was hardly affected by the wind. I don’t think I stayed there for more than 20 minutes. Then I drove to Kaka Harbor. There were much fewer fishermen there than usual although it was Sunday today. I didn’t stay there for more than 10 minutes. Finally I tried Sanami Harbor. When I arrived, there was one bait fisherman. I didn’t stay there for more than 15 minutes, and when I decided to quit, there was nobody left except me.

(No. 722) Another New Reeling Method I am Acquiring (またもや新しい巻き方を習得中)

In the past I invented the revolutionary “X-Reeling Method” (No. 603). Currently I am trying to acquire another new reeling method. As I mentioned on one of my recent posts (No. 700), I am an ambidextrous fisherman, but it is essentially impossible to get my dream reel, which is a “double-handled” conventional reel. Several days ago an alternative idea occurred to me. “How about turning my conventional reel upside down?” So I tried it. I attached my PENN 320 GTi reel to a rod and turned it upside down. Tada! I became able to turn the handle with my left hand! I am not sure if this method is as revolutionary as the “X-Reeling Method” because I know there used to be a type of conventional reels that should be attached to the bottom of the rod, not to the top. First I felt very awkward because the direction of the handle turning is the reverse, but now I am getting accustomed to it. I believe there are some advantages in this method. First of all, when my right arm gets tired from turning the handle, I can switch the arm to the other. In addition, it opens up a new possibility that I could use my PENN 320 GTi reel with any spinning rods.
(過去に私は、革命的な「X巻きメソッド」を発明しました(No. 603)。私は今、またもや新しい巻き方を習得しようとしています。最近の投稿(No. 700)で触れたように、私は両利きの釣り師なのですが、夢のリール、つまり「ダブルハンドル化」された両軸リールを手にするのは実質、不可能です。数日前、代替のアイデアが浮かんだのでした。「両軸リールをさかさまにしてはどうだろうか?」。さっそくやってみました。PENN 320 GTiリールをロッドに取り付け、ひっくり返してみたのです。するとどうでしょう! 左手でリールが巻けるようになったではありませんか! このメソッドが「X巻きメソッド」と同様に革命的なものであるのかどうかは分かりません。なぜなら過去に、ロッドの上ではなく下に取り付ける両軸リールが存在していたことを知っているからです。最初、私は非常にぎこちなく感じました。なぜなら、ハンドルが回転する方向が逆になるからです。しかし今は、だんだん慣れてきました。このメソッドにはいくつか利点があると思います。まず何よりも、ハンドルを巻いていて右手が疲れたら、左手に変えることができます。さらには、PENN 320 GTiを、どんなスピニング用ロッドでも使える可能性が生じたのです。)

Feb 19, 2021

(No. 721) No Fish at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の小具の波止にて釣果なし)

I went to Owashi Harbor and caught none this morning. I just wanted to make up a good reason to write this post. One of my good old friends and a collaborator on some of my rap songs recently passed away, and I wanted to mourn for him in my own way. So I put one of our songs up here. He played guitar and bass as well as rapped the second verse for this song, which is called “Is the Summer Coming?” Rest in peace, HE&SHE.

Feb 14, 2021

(No. 720) Consecutively No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて引き続き釣果なし)

As I explained yesterday, I can say today's fishing at Safuki-bana in Nonami was perfect from the viewpoint of an athletic competitor of the sport called fishing (or non-fishing). I was able to focus on my practice without being bothered by fish! I was able to practice casting and retrieving my lures to the fullest! It’s because I was never interrupted with a nuisance called a strike from a rogue fish! What a perfect day for a fisherman!
(昨日ご説明したように、釣り(あるいは“無魚釣り”)と呼ばれるスポーツの競技者としての観点から見れば、野波のサフキ鼻における今日の釣りはパーフェクトだったと言えるでしょう。私は、魚に邪魔されることなく練習に集中できたのです! ルアーを投げて巻くという練習を、心ゆくまで行うことができました! なぜなら、たちの悪い魚からのストライクという、迷惑千万なものに決して邪魔されることがなかったからです! 釣り師にとって、なんてパーフェクトな日だったことでしょう!) 

Feb 13, 2021

(No. 719) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

I like to consider myself as an athlete especially when I am at a serious rocky shore such as Safuki-bana in Nonami. I would like to consider myself as a competitor. A competitor in the sport of fishing (or what I call “non-fishing”). As an athletic competitor, I have to practice continuously as marathoners keep running every day. Going to a serious fishing spot and throwing my lures toward the ocean is everyday practice for me. That's why I don't usually care about trends, tips, or hot information on fishing. I don't care very much where to catch fish, what kind of fish are caught, or even whether fish are around or not at this time of year. I am an athlete that just likes practicing.

Feb 9, 2021

(No. 718) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and Etomo Harbor (倉内湾と恵曇港にて釣果なし)

Taking advantage of a short free time this evening, I started the run-and-gun style fishing at Kurauchi Bay. I feel a long time has passed since I last caught the Japanese sea bass at the bay. I feel I used to catch the fish more often in the past. These days I feel as if there were completely no fish inside the bay. After throwing three of my favorite lures (Roberts Whistler, Gator Casting Spoon, and CCW’s Darter) alternately for about 5 minutes, I gave up the spot and drove to Etomo Harbor. Starting from in front of the ice plant, I resumed the run-and-gun style fishing. Throwing and retrieving my lure, I walked toward the tip of Edabo, one of breakwaters in the harbor. I started to feel as if there were completely no fish inside Etomo Harbor, too.

Feb 7, 2021

(No. 717) No Fish at Mitsu Harbor, Uomiyama in Mitsu, Ogu-no-hato in Owashi, and Kurauchi Bay (御津港、御津の魚見山、大芦の小具の波止、そして倉内湾にて釣果なし)

I intended to go to Safuki-bana or Saruwatari in Nonami this morning, but the sea was a bit too rough for me to feel safe at either spots. So I embarked on the “wide-area run-and-gun style fishing.” According to my dictionary, it means trying at least three different fishing spots in at least three different areas in succession. This morning I tried a total of four fishing spots for the Japanese sea bass, but my lures failed to deliver a strike from the fish. At the mouth of a tiny river flowing into Mitsu Harbor, I found a big mass of tangled fishing lines and several egis (traditional lures for squids). The mass must have been at the bottom of the sea, and, probably due to a strong current or a storm, it was washed ashore. I could not collect the tangled fishing lines because somehow they were embedded in the soil and its volume was too much. Instead, I collected all the egis. Pieces of lead were attached to some of them, and I knew abandoned lead could harm nature.

Feb 5, 2021

(No. 716) No Fish at between Ice Plant and Edabo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の製氷所と枝防の間にて釣果なし)

As soon as I submitted my assignment of English-to-Japanese translation before the deadline this evening, I jumped in my car and drove to Etomo Harbor. I felt an enormous sense of release. The quay in front of the ice plant was dotted with many fishermen for spear squids. One of my old friends was waiting for me at a much less crowded quay between the ice plant and Edabo. He had tried in vain a fishing spot in Mihonoseki before he came to Etomo Harbor. Among ever-increasing fishermen for spear squids, we kept throwing our respective lures for about one hour without moving to another spot. Nothing happened to our lures, but having a nice chat with the familiar face refreshed me a lot.

Feb 1, 2021

(No. 715) Broken Reel at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にてリールが故障)

I try not to believe in any conspiracy theories. I don’t believe in any supernatural things. It is extremely difficult to believe in such things when I am home with my family or somewhere urban with my friends. However, when I am alone at any rocky shore of the Shimane Peninsula, I easily believe. When I was driving on Cherry Road in Nonami on my way to Safuki-bana this morning, my iPhone 4S suddenly stopped working and automatically rebooted itself. I felt something strange, but I attributed it to the fact that the iPhone was very obsolete. When I arrived at the parking space for Safuki-bana, I realized that I had not seen any fisherman at any fishing spots so far. I felt something strange again and said to myself, “The weather is nice and the sea is calm. Yet, no fisherman?” I left my car there and climbed down the path in the woods. Soon I reached the rocky shore and started walking toward Safuki-bana along the shoreline. Strangely, the rocks felt more slippery than usual, although they were completely dry.
(私は、いかなる陰謀論も信じないように心がけています。また、いかなる超自然現象も信じていません。家族と一緒に家にいる時、あるいは、街のどこかで友人と一緒にいる時、そうしたことを信じるのは極めて困難です。しかし、島根半島の磯にひとりぼっちでいる時には、私は容易に信じてしまいます。今朝、サフキ鼻に行くために野波のチェリーロードを運転していると、私のiPhone 4Sが突然動きを止め、自動的に再起動したのでした。何か奇妙だと感じたものの、そんなことが起きるのはそのiPhoneが非常に古い型のものだからだと私は思うことにしました。サフキ鼻へ行くための駐車スペースに到着した私は、ここに来るまでの間、どの釣り場にも、釣り人の姿がなかったことに気づきました。私は、またもや奇妙に感じました。「天気も良く、海も穏やか。それなのに、なぜ釣り人がいないのだ?」。車をそこに残した私は、林の中の小道を下っていきました。まもなく磯に到達し、サフキ鼻に向かって海岸線沿いに歩き始めました。奇妙なことに、磯は完全に乾いているにもかかわらず、いつも以上に滑りやすく感じました。)
Still I was able to safely reach Safuki-bana, one of the most exhausting fishing spots to reach in Nonami. Shortly after I started throwing my lures, my PENN 320 GTi reel stopped working. I became unable to move the free-spool lever of it. The spring inside the reel must have snapped. It was impossible to fix the problem on the spot, and I didn’t have an alternative reel. So I couldn’t keep fishing. “How unlucky I am!” That’s how I felt first, but then I reconsidered the situation from a different viewpoint. Maybe I was lucky. A good-natured supernatural entity might have warned me not to go to the sea this morning. The entity might have known that something bad would happen to me if I kept fishing. When I returned to my car at the parking space, a black dog appeared and started sniffing the road surface of Cherry Road. I felt it strange too because I had never seen a dog on Cherry Road before. After sniffing around a few minutes, the dog walked into the woods, and I could no longer see it. Was it really a dog? Or…
(とはいえ私は、野波の磯の中でも屈指のしんどさを誇る釣り場、サフキ鼻に無事に到達することができました。ルアーを投げ始めてすぐ、私のPENN 320 GTiリールが使えなくなりました。スプールを操作するレバーが動かなくなったのです。リール内部のバネが折れたのに違いありません。その場で修理するのは無理ですし、代用のリールもありませんでした。私は釣りを続けられなくなったのです。なんて不運なんだろう! 私はまずそう感じたものの、違う観点から状況を再検討してみたのです。もしかすると私は幸運なのかもしれない。善良な超自然的存在が、今朝は海に行かないよう、私に警告してくれていたのかもしれない。私が釣りを続けていたら、何か悪いことが私の身に起きるだろうと、知っていたのかもしれない。駐車スペースの車のところまで戻ってみると、黒犬が現れ、チェリーロードの路面をくんくん嗅ぎ始めました。私はこれも奇妙に思いました。これまで、チェリーロードで犬を見たことはありませんでした。犬は数分間くんくんやっていましたが、そのうち林の中へと入っていき、姿が見えなくなりました。あれは本当に犬だったのでしょうか? それとも…)