About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jul 31, 2021

(No. 806) No Fish at Unchanged Safuki-bana in Nonami (変わっていなかった野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

After I put up a warning note about Saruwatari the other day, the object of my interest shifted from Saruwatari to Safuki-bana, another favorite fishing spot in Nonami. The route to Saruwatari had been destroyed probably by a landslide. I was concerned that Safuki-bana suffered a similar fate. Before I started climbing down the path toward Safuki-bana this morning, I placed a cup of coffee in front of a small jizo standing at the side of the parking space. A jizo is a stone statue in the form of a Buddhist monk, and you often see them by the roadside in Japan. The cup of coffee was my offering to the jizo, and I prayed for my safe return. Then, I started climbing down the path overgrown with weeds and full of cobwebs.
Although some soils were washed away at some points, I didn’t find anything unusual. To my surprise, not only the path in the woods but also the rocky shore was full of cobwebs. It seemed that no one had gone to Safuki-bana for some time. It was with maximum carefulness that I moved toward Safuki-bana. I was concerned that some rocks might have become fragile due to the heavy rains. Fortunately, I managed to reach Safuki-bana without a scratch. It seemed that anything had not changed. Saruwatari might have been gone as a fishing spot for me, but Safuki-bana was all right. I was glad.

Jul 30, 2021

(No. 805) Nomura’s Jellyfish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて野村さんのクラゲ)

“Echizen Kurage” is one of the largest jellyfish in the world, and I didn’t know that the English name of it is “Nomura’s Jellyfish” until I started writing this post. According to the Japanese Wikipedia, the jellyfish was named after Mr. Kanichi Nomura, who identified it in 1921 (centennial!). This afternoon I went to Kurauchi Bay. The purpose was not so much as fishing but swimming. However, I couldn't enjoy swimming very much. As soon as I started swimming, I found an Echizen Kurage gently floating (or swimming?) along the shore. It was not very big for Echizen Kurage but still more than 10 times larger than other common jellyfish. It was too eerie, and I got a bit too scared to stay long in the water comfortably.
(エチゼンクラゲは世界最大級のクラゲですが、私は、その英語名が「Nomura's Jellyfish」であるということを、この記事を書き始めるまで知りませんでした。日本語版ウィキペディアによると、この英語名は、1921年(100周年!)にこのクラゲを確認した野村貫一氏にちなんで付けられたのだそうです。今日の午後、私は倉内湾に行きました。その目的は、釣りというよりは、海水浴でした。しかし、あまり楽しく泳ぐことができなかったのです。泳ぎ始めてすぐに、エチゼンクラゲが岸辺に静かに浮かんでいる(泳いでいる?)のに気づいたのです。エチゼンクラゲにしてはそれほど大きいわけではありませんが、それでも他の一般的なクラゲの10倍以上の大きさです。あまりの不気味さに、ちょっと怖くなってしまい、ゆっくりと水に浸かってはいられませんでした。)

Jul 29, 2021

(No. 804) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

A certain portion of my job is translation at an international video conference although I am not a professionally trained interpreter. Due to time difference between Japan and other countries, some of the conferences tend to end late at night, such as 10 or 11 p.m. My brain remains excited even long after a conference is over. Sometimes I am not able to get to sleep for a few hours. That’s what happened yesterday. That's why I couldn’t wake up early enough today to start fishing in the early morning. It was about 11 a.m. that I left my place for Kurauchi Bay. First, I had to cut weeds along the path toward the fishing spot. It was almost at noon that I started throwing my lures. No baitfish was around, and no predatory fish responded to my lures, as I had anticipated. I quit fishing and started swimming around the fishing spot.

Jul 25, 2021

(No. 803) No Fish at Takasaki-bana in Mitsu (御津の高崎鼻にて釣果なし)

Although it was still early in the morning, the glaring sun made my body temperature hot very quickly. I felt I needed to cool my body down, but I held myself back from jumping in the sea as long as possible. Only when I could not bear the heat anymore did I jump into the sea. It was so refreshing, and the still cold water revived my body and spirit. Then I climbed up the rock again and resumed throwing my lures. Then the glaring sun made… I repeated it many times. Fish must have been watching the Olympics or Shohei Otani at home. The sea was completely empty. 

Jul 24, 2021

(No. 802) Farewell to Saruwatari, My Favorite Fishing Spot (大好きな釣り場、猿渡よ、さらば)

6 weeks have passed since I posted the following on July 24. I tried to go to Saruwatari again on September 4. As a result, I found that actually the path toward the fishing spot was not closed. The fact might be that I was just unable to locate the path on July 24 because of the deceptive change of the topography. Now you can go to Saruwatari, but please be careful. The brook along the path was more like a torrential river, and it even diverted at some points. A small landslide occurred here and there, and more seemed to follow.
Torrential rains caused floods and landslides in the Chugoku district about two weeks ago. I had since then avoided going to Saruwatri in Nonami. In order to reach Saruwatari, you have to walk through the woods. There is a brook along the path in the woods. I was afraid that a large amount of water had run through the brook and made the stable configuration of rocks along it unstable. So I had to be extremely careful this morning when I was climbing down the path toward Saruwatari. The extreme power of nature amazed me. Or I should say, the extreme nature of climate change terrified me. Some parts of the path were completely destroyed. Soils were washed away, and slippery rocks got exposed. Still, I managed to get down to a point where you can see the sea. However, I was not able to advance anymore.
I am not sure what had happened there. The big whitish tree was snapped and fallen. An enormous rock seemed to have slid over and blocked the path, completely changing the topography. I was not able to reach Saruwatari. Now you may have to climb down the almost vertical cliff in order to reach the fishing spot. Or you may have to use a boat to reach it, but I don't like very much to use a boat to reach any fishing spot. I was dumbfounded for a while. Then, I said farewell to Saruwatari, my favorite fishing spot that had allowed me to catch my first yellowtail amberjack since I returned from the U.S. I put up a warning note at the monument standing around the entrance to the woods leading to Saruwatari.

Jul 21, 2021

(No. 801) No Fish at Senjojiki in Mitsu (御津の千畳敷にて釣果なし)

The temperature remained so hot that I drove to Mitsu again this afternoon. I planned to fish and swim around Uomiyama, but I found a few schoolchildren swimming around the area when I arrived. I didn’t like to ruin their pleasure. So I drove to Senjojiki. Fortunately, there was no one at Senjojiki. I had the large area all to my self. Complete monopoly. I enjoyed swimming, and then tried to catch some fish. Unfortunately, the sea was as empty as Senjojiki.

Jul 20, 2021

(No. 800) No Fish at Uomiyama in Mitsu (御津の魚見山にて釣果なし)

The temperature rose to so high this afternoon that I had to go to the sea, taking advantage of a brief break between jobs. I didn’t have much time, so I couldn’t go to a serious fishing spot, such as Saruwatari in Nonami. I chose Uomiyama in Mitsu, one of the safest spots for casual fishing and swimming in spare time. However, the recent unusual heavy rainfall had made the spot pretty dangerous. To be precise, the fishing spot itself remained safer. It was the route to the spot that became treacherous. There were falling rocks at one point of the route, and the rocky wall above the point looked rather fragile. Please be careful, my fellow fishermen and swimmers.

Jul 18, 2021

(No. 799) No Fish at Takasaki-bana in Mitsu (御津の高崎鼻にて釣果なし)

When I was walking along the rocky shore toward Takasaki-bana this morning, I had a chance to greet a professional fisherman. A small fishing boat floated motionlessly at one point of the very calm inlet, and he was on it. He was picking up turban shells from the bottom of the sea. “Good morning,” I said, and he replied, “Gokurousamadesu.” It was a common Japanese expression, but I feel it is very difficult to translate it to English. I suppose he didn’t expect to see a fisherman like me at such a remote shore. I suppose he was surprised at the fact that some amateur fishermen are willing to go anywhere just for catching fish. His “Gokurousamadesu” might have been his own way to show his surprise. After saying it, he asked “What are you gonna catch?” So I answered, “I won’t catch any. Just throwing is fun.” And that’s exactly what followed then. In addition to being a “non-fisherman,” I might be a fortune-teller, too.

Jul 16, 2021

(No. 798) Roberts Ranger’s Impressive New Package (ロバーツ・レンジャーの印象的な新パッケージ)

Roberts Lures, such as the Ranger and the Whistler, are one of my favorite lures. They are as simple as any lures and fun to use. Recently I placed an order for the Rangers online, and today they successfully arrived. The package of the Ranger was impressively redesigned. The previous package was a transparent plastic bag with a lure and a rectangle piece of thick paper inside. The new package is basically a box made of paper, as shown in the above photo. The front of the box is widely open, and the lure inside is exposed and can be touched. The lure is tied to the box with a few pieces of soft wire. No plastic bag is used. Only paper and wire. Any plastics are not used. I remember the message printed in the thick paper used for the previous package of Roberts Lures. “Be Considerate of Your Fishing Environment… Don’t Pollute!” Plastic waste has been a huge environmental problem. I believe the new package is reflective of Roberts Lures’ environmental consciousness. I often find a plastic box for a new lure left at fishing spots. I wish other lure makers would follow Roberts and eliminate any plastics from their packages.

Jul 13, 2021

(No. 797) No Fish at Mouth of Sada River on Lake-Shinji Side (宍道湖側の佐陀川河口にて釣果なし)

The Sada River is a river connecting Etomo Harbor, which faces the Sea of Japan, and Lake Shinji. Since my last post I have been to the mouth of the Sada River on Lake-Shinji side a few times for the Japanese sea bass. As shown in the above photos, the water level fluctuated widely due to the unusual heavy rain falling before the Japanese rainy season “Tsuyu” was over.

Jul 10, 2021

(No. 796) No Fish at Still Swollen Lake Shinji (依然増水中の宍道湖にて釣果なし)

Although the water level remained the same as yesterday, the water had became considerably clearer this morning. The ancient city that had once disappeared reappeared again under the water. Rocks along the shore at which I usually stand when throwing my lures were submerged. This morning I threw my lures from the bank above the submerged rocks, overlooking the underwater city and paying careful attention to people jogging or walking on the bank. 