About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Dec 29, 2020

(No. 699) No Fish but Korean Cooler at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なしも韓国製クーラーボックス)

According to the weather forecast, a cold wave was approaching, and it would start snowing tomorrow. So today’s fishing trip would most likely be my last one in 2020. For the glorious final stage of my 2020 fishing, I chose Safuki-bana. It is one of the most exhausting fishing spots to reach in Nonami, as the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook” says. In my opinion, reaching Safuki-bana is not only exhausting but also treacherous because you have to overcome many big rocks and gaps. Going to and coming back from Safuki-bana feels rewarding itself. And that’s exactly how I felt this morning. No fish responded to my lures, but I felt satisfied when I safely came back from Safuki-bana to my car without any injuries. On my way back to my car, I found a cooler with Korean descriptions on it washed ashore. It seemed still usable. I doubted whether I would need it, but I took it because it would have remained there as a big chunk of plastic waste if I had not taken it. Anyway, this is probably my last post in 2020. Thank you for reading my blog. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.

Dec 28, 2020

(No. 698) No Fish at Gotton in Nonami (野波のゴットンにて釣果なし)

There were thick thorny plants along the path to Gotton in Nonami. The strong and sharp thorns gave my pants ragged holes and cuts yesterday. This morning my pants were safe. It got only some smudges of mud, because I had cut all the thorny plants after yesterday’s fishing. The sea was much calmer than yesterday. I enjoyed the serene view from Gotton. As for fishing, there were no baitfish, let alone any predatory fish.

Dec 27, 2020

(No. 697) Potential Art on Cherry Road and No Fish at Gotton in Nonami (チェリーロードにてアートかもしれないもの、そして野波のゴットンにて釣果なし)

It was about 7 a.m. this morning that I arrived at the entrance of Cherry Road, the long and winding seaside road in Nonami. I thought I was early enough to be the first at either Saruwatari or Safuki-bana, but I was wrong. There were already a few cars left at the parking spaces for either fishing spots. So I decided to try Gotton, one of unfamiliar spots along Cherry Road. I was not very sure where the entrance to Gotton was. Cruising on Cherry Road, I tried to remember the description of Gotton in the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook” and found something strange hanging from a branch of a tree along the road. It was a bra. I had to stop my car. Investigating it with the Columbo-like keen powers of observation, I said to myself, “Is this meant to be a piece of art or something?” I was not sure, but I decided to consider it as a piece of litter and confiscated it.
Then I resumed searching for the entrance to Gotton with the same Columbo-like keen powers of observation. After cruising back and forth on the suspected area of Cherry Road, I took a guess and started climbing down the bushy hill. Some thorny branches bothered me and made me unsure of whether I was taking the correct path. I was on the verge of giving up and turning back. The path was so bushy and thorny that I might have given up in a normal situation, but I was able to move on this morning. I felt somehow encouraged by the encounter with the potential art, namely the brassiere hanging from the tree. I kept moving on and finally reached Gotton for the first time. Although no fish responded to my lures, I was satisfied when I quit today’s fishing. I was so pleased with Gotton that I came back with a pair of shears in order to cut the thorny plants.

Dec 23, 2020

(No. 696) No Fish at Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の先高鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning I arrived at Nonami area earlier than usual. It was still too dark for me to see the sea clearly from the winding road on the hillside. Feeling the waves were not as strong as yesterday, I decided to try Safuki-bana and started climbing down the bushy hill. When I reached the flat ground halfway down the hill, I saw the strong swell rolling to Safuki-bana. I had to give it up. I climbed up the hill and drove to Sanami Harbor to try Taka-hana or Sakitaka-hana. Taka-hana was taken by two bait fishermen aiming for the largescale blackfish. I kept throwing my favorite lures from Sakitaka-hana for about 2 hours. No fish responded.

Dec 22, 2020

(No. 695) Short Strong Bite at Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の先高鼻にて短くて力強いバイト)

I felt as if I were repeating yesterday. Just like yesterday, I felt I might be able to fish comfortably at Saruwatari or Safuki-bana this morning, but I took a safer option again. Just like yesterday, no other fisherman was around when I started fishing about 7:20 a.m. What was not like yesterday was that my Super Strike Little Neck Popper delivered a short strong bite although it did not end up anything. There was one more thing that was not like yesterday. On my way back to the parking space, I found one bait fisherman at the breakwater of Sanami Harbor. When I returned to my car, he also called it a day. He was a good talkative fisherman. He said he had tried in vain to catch the Japanese black porgy inside the harbor. I shared my own unlucky story with him. We shared stories, and that exchange was enough for me to feel rewarded.

Dec 21, 2020

(No. 694) No Fish at Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の高鼻と先高鼻にて釣果なし)

The cold wave was gone, and the weather forecast said the height of waves would be 1.5 meters. I might be able to fish comfortably at Saruwatari or Safuki-bana in Nonami, but I decided to take a safer option this morning. You cannot be too cautious about the Sea of Japan especially in wintertime. I drove to Sanami Harbor in order to try Taka-hana. I intended to try Sakitaka-hana too, if it looked safe enough. I started throwing my lures from the former about 7:40 a.m. and stopped doing so at the latter about 10 a.m. From start to finish there was neither fish nor fisherman except me.

Dec 18, 2020

(No. 693) No Fish at Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の楡木の波止にて釣果なし)

The cold wave still lingers over the Japanese Islands. Although some regions in Japan are snowbound, the Shimane Peninsula has become largely snow-free by this afternoon. So I drove to Owashi Harbor in order to try Niregi-no-hato for the Japanese sea bass. However, it turned out much colder at the breakwater than I had expected. In addition, occasional blasts of wind wanted to push me over it. So I could not stay very long. Actually, I just made probably only 20 to 30 casts. Still, throwing my favorite lures toward the ocean had the supernatural power to revive me. 

Dec 13, 2020

(No. 692) No Fish from Dawn till Dusk at Owashi Harbor (大芦港にて朝から晩まで釣果なし)

The weather forecast said a cold wave was coming to our region. It would rain and might start snowing tomorrow. So I planned to make full use of the last fine day before the cold wave arrived. I went to Owashi Harbor twice today, first at sunrise and then about two hours before sunset, and stayed there for about 2 hours each. I primarily used Niregi-no-hato, the biggest and most popular breakwater in the harbor. Not only I but also all the other fishermen, including ones used bait, seemed out of luck when I was at the breakwater with them. You may think I was disappointed. Actually not at all. Because I enjoyed a chat with one lure fisherman at Niregi-no-hato when I was about to call it a day. Chatting with a nice fisherman is always a great refreshment.

Dec 12, 2020

(No. 691) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

I usually carry only one set of fishing tackle to any rocky shore. I rarely use two sets at one fishing trip, but this morning I took out two sets. One set was the PENN Torque 5 spinning reel and 11’ Lamiglas Insane Surf, and the other was the PENN Jigmaster 500 conventional reel and Gamakatsu Pop Shaft 83 (though this is actually a spinning rod). I really wanted to catch a fish this morning, and I believed these two outfits could get me ready for any situation. I wanted to try Saruwatari or Safuki-bana in Nonami, but, to my surprise, I found a car left at both the parking spaces although it was before 7 a.m. So I drove back to Owashi in order to try Maruiwa. When I reached Maruiwa, I felt relieved not to have gone to Saruwatari or Safuki-bana. Then I got concerned about the fishermen that must had gone to the spots. I felt the wind much stronger and the waves much higher than the weather forecast had said, and I didn’t feel it safe to try either Saruwatari or Safuki-bana in such bad conditions. I prayed for the safety of the fishermen.

Dec 10, 2020

(No. 690) 2nd Chance Tackle’s Wonderful Videos & Missed Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (セカンド・チャンス・タックルの素晴らしいビデオ & 野波のサフキ鼻にて魚を逃す)

Unlike the last two opportunities, the sea around Safuki-bana was very calm this morning. While throwing my favorite lures toward the ocean, I felt much safer because basically I didn’t have to pay attention to dangerous waves and swell. This calmness might have affected something in the water. Only smaller predatory fish seemed active this morning. Until I left the fishing spot about 10 a.m., small-scale boils kept appearing on the surface and then disappearing a few minutes later. A total of two small- or medium-sized amberjacks hit my Roberts Whistler when such a boil was on the surface. Both fish came off shortly, probably because the single hook of the lure was barbless and, more importantly, too large for those fish. Then, I came home and, to my surprise, I found…
I found Dennis at 2nd Chance Tackle talking about me! Before explaining why he was doing so, I would like to recommend you to check out 2nd Chance Tackle’s YouTube videos. If you love tinkering with fishing reels, especially PENN conventional reels, you will love them. Dennis has shown us how to take apart and service those old reels. Even if you are not very interested in PENN reels, you are likely to love his videos. Because his soft-spoken demeanor itself is very soothing.
(私が発見したのは、私のことを話している2ndチャンス・タックルのデニスさんでした! なぜ彼がそうしているのか説明する前に、皆さんに、2ndチャンス・タックルのYouTubeビデオをお勧めしたいと思います。もしもリールいじりがお好きなのでしたら、とりわけPENNの両軸リールがお好きなのでしたら、デニスさんのビデオが好きになると思います。デニスさんは、そうしたリールの分解とメンテのやり方を教えてくれているのです。PENNリールに特に関心がない方でも、彼のビデオを好きになる可能性は高いでしょう。なぜなら、デニスさんのソフトな語り口と物腰そのものが、とても心を穏やかにしてくれるからです。)
So here is why he was talking about me. I used to own a PENN 545GS reel and always felt it a bit too large for me. So I sent it to Dennis as a gift from a fan of his videos. I knew he loves the GS series. It was about three months ago (due to the COVID-19, only sea mail was available then). I was glad to know that he had successfully received it. He created a new video on the reel, and he even mentioned my name. What an honor! Thank you, Dennis!
(さて、なぜ彼は私のことを話しているのでしょう? 私はかつてPENNの545GSリールを所有していましたが、ちょっと自分には大き過ぎるなと思っていました。そこで私は、彼のビデオのファンとして、リールをデニスさんに贈呈したのです。デニスさんがGSシリーズを好きなことは知っていました。それが約3カ月前のことです(当時、コロナのせいで船便しか使えませんでした)。デニスさんが無事にリールを受け取ることができて私は安堵しました。彼はこのリールについて新しいビデオを作り、私の名前にまで言及してくれたのです。なんて名誉なことでしょう! ありがとう、デニスさん!)

Dec 7, 2020

(No. 689) Japanese Sea Bass at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にてスズキ)

I was supposed to work this morning, but I went to Safuki-bana again. I had hooked but eventually missed an apparently big yellowtail amberjack yesterday morning, and my excitement lingered. So I had worked very hard last night in order to be free this morning. With the stronger swell, the water around Safuki-bana looked even better than yesterday. In eager anticipation I started throwing my favorite lures about 7:30 a.m., but my excitement was gradually dying down. I had completely no response for about 2 hours. Just when I was about to call it a day, my Gator Casting Spoon produced a strong strike at almost the same point as yesterday. First I thought it was a yellowtail amberjack, but the fish did not pull as strong as the one I missed yesterday. It was not an amberjack but a Japanese sea bass of 65 cm (26 in.) long. Although it did not pull as hard as the one yesterday, it was a heavenly beautiful fish.

Dec 6, 2020

(No. 688) Missed Yellowtail Amberjack at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にてヒラマサを逃す)

I arrived at the parking space for either Saruwatari or Naka-bana before 7 a.m. this morning. Two cars were already parked on the Saruwatari side, so I believed Saruwatari was taken by two fishermen. I decided to go to Naka-bana. When I was entering into the bushy hill leading to Naka-bana, I heard someone murmuring around the top of the hill. It was a fisherman who struggled to find the path to Naka-bana. I helped him to find it. Because Naka-bana would be occupied, I decided to go to Safuki-bana for the first time in 12 months. About 30 minutes later, I managed to reach Safuki-bana, one of the most exhausting fishing spots to reach in Nonami according to the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook.”
The water around Safuki-bana looked very good. After throwing my favorite lures for about one hour in vain, finally a yellowtail amberjack attacked my Tsunami XD Talkin Popper. It happened just several meters away from where I was standing. The fish dashed to the bottom, and all that I could do was just hold my rod while believing in the PENN Jigmaster’s drag ability. Soon the fish became immovable. Then I realized the lively feel was lost. The fish escaped successfully, and somehow my lure was stuck at the bottom. It was an unfortunate ending, but on my way back I found a can of WD-40 on the shore. It had Korean and English descriptions on it. The can must have been from the Korean Peninsula. Fortunately, the content was still intact.

Dec 3, 2020

(No. 687) No Fish at Niregi-no-hato in Owashi Harbor and Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦港の楡木の波止、そして大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

When I got out of my car at the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay, I felt the winds too strong for me to fish comfortably at Maruiwa. So I got back inside the car and drove to Niregi-no-hato, the biggest breakwater in Owashi Harbor. As soon as I started throwing my lure, I found one colorful float staying on the surface. Obviously the float was attached to a piece of broken fishing line, and something at the end of line got stuck at the bottom. In general, if you accidentally catch such a float or a line with your rig, your rig can get tangled up in them and stuck too. Probably that’s the reason why other fishermen were not in the vicinity of the float. I decided to retrieve the float. My fishing line was so thick and strong that I felt I could break the supposedly much thinner line to which the float was attached. At the second try, I managed to hook the line with my lure and retrieved the float without breaking the line. Then, as if nature rewarded me, the winds started to wane, and I drove back to Maruiwa.
Unlike at Niregi-no-hato, I was alone at Maruiwa. The surface was choppy, and the swell was strong. The water around the fishing spot looked so good. A powerful strike from either the yellowtail amberjack or the Japanese sea bass seemed to happen at any moment. The sea looked so promising that I kept throwing my favorite lures in spite of the intermittent rain. When it rained harder, I took refuge in a gap between big rocks. When a beautiful rainbow appeared on the horizon, I tried to catch it on my lure. Then, when I was using my Roberts Ranger on the surface, I saw a white streak crossing twice just behind the lure. Unlike the last time I saw the similar streak at Maruiwa a week ago, this time I was sure it was a fish. Now I am wondering whether I should replace the default single hook of the lure with a treble hook. 

Dec 1, 2020

(No. 686) No Fish at Susumi-hana, Susumi Bay, and Owashi Harbor (須々海鼻、須々海湾、そして大芦港にて釣果なし)

The waves were high enough to create patches of sarashi (white churning water) along the northern shore of the Shimane Peninsula this morning. Expecting to catch a nice Japanese sea bass under sarashi, I started fishing at Susumi-hana in Owashi. Indeed there was nice sarashi around the fishing spot, I had to keep a watchful eye on the swell as well as the waves. The swell was a bit too strong for me to cast my favorite lures comfortably. So I retreated to Susumi Bay, which was much safer, and threw my favorites and retrieved them under sarashi. No fish responded. Then I drove to Owashi Harbor. I tried Niregi-no-hato, the biggest breakwater in the harbor, and then tried a small rocky shore adjacent to the breakwater after it got a bit too crowded. Unfortunately no fish responded either, but I enjoyed the run-and-gun style fishing very much.