About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Oct 31, 2023

(No. 1137) No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

Unlike yesterday morning, I was alone at the spot beyond Safuki-bana this morning. Occasionally a small boil appeared on the surface. There were plenty of baitfish swimming around. They swam along the shore. Some of them got washed ashore, gasping for breath. Some of them got trapped in a tide pool. My lures are 4 or 5 times bigger than those baitfish. Although baitfish were plenty, I couldn’t feel the presence of big predatory fish.

Oct 30, 2023

(No. 1136) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

There was no “miracle” at Lake Shinji yesterday evening although I enjoyed a lot throwing my favorite lures toward the vast surface of the lake, over which the beautiful sun was slowly setting. I also had nice chats with some tourists and suggested them to visit the booth for Shinjiko Sunset Theater to pick up a few nice handouts. Anyway, I went to Safuki-bana in Nonami this morning, looking for another miracle. And I kind of found it. There was a lure fisherman standing at the farther spot beyond Safuki-bana. I had never seen any other fishermen beyond Safuki-bana and assumed I was the only fisherman who dared to go beyond it. I was wrong. I went beyond Safuki-bana too and had a nice chat with him. Unfortunately neither one of us caught any fish, but what a nice surprise!

Oct 28, 2023

(No. 1135) Near Miracle at Shinjiko Sunset Theater (宍道湖サンセットシアターにて、ほとんど奇跡)

Shinjiko Sunset Theater, which is so-called “the world’s biggest theater,” opens this weekend at Lake Shinji. My interview article about the Shinjiko Sunset Concierge seemed to have inspired the concierge herself. Shinjiko Sunset Theater is an experimental project that she conceived and did once before. This weekend it came back. Although I was a bit busy, I had to go to the theater to be a star of the sunset show. I meant to do just a fishing performance. My sole purpose was to give a bit of attraction to tourists. In other words, I didn’t expect any response from any fish at all. However, when I was maneuvering one of Guppy Lure’s pencil poppers, a sharp pop sound, which only a predatory fish could make, was heard. Not just once but even twice. I got so surprised that I shrieked each time. Tourists behind me didn’t realize what just happened. Shinjiko Sunset Theater opens tomorrow evening, too. I hope a real miracle would happen on Sunday. If you are around and free, come see me perform at the world’s biggest theater.

Oct 25, 2023

(No. 1134) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I got even more serious this morning than I had been yesterday. I woke up much earlier than I had done yesterday, so I was able to reach Saruwatari just after daybreak. However, the sea and fish didn’t seem to care about how serious I was. They didn’t respond to my seriousness at all. Nothing happened at all except when I saw a few weak boils in the distance. Although no fish has been caught yet, I believe we are during the best season for catching the yellowtail amberjack. I was not discouraged at all. I will try again and again.

Oct 24, 2023

(No. 1133) One Strike at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にてストライク1つ)

This morning I was a little bit more serious than usual. I woke up a little bit earlier and started fishing a little bit earlier at Safuki-bana in Nonami. Unlike yesterday’s fishing at Saruwatari, I didn’t see any boil this morning. However, just before 7 a.m., one fish hit one of Guppy Lure’s pencil poppers. Unfortunately, the fish was not hooked. The fish might have been a medium-sized Japanese Spanish mackerel or a record-breaking yellowtail amberjack of 80 inch (over 2 meters). Nobody knows.

Oct 23, 2023

(No. 1132) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The sea I was overlooking from the parking space for Safuki-bana looked calm, but if you looked closely at the shore, you would notice the white strip along it slowly moving up and down. There were no waves, but the swell seemed strong. So I changed my plans and went to Saruwatari. Paying careful attention to the timing of up and down of the swell, I managed to jump over the narrow channel that separated Saruwatari from the nearby rocks. There was a small-scale boil on the surface, and it was not very far although it was beyond my casting distance. I made myself ready for a strong strike of the yellowtail amberjack, but nothing happened.

Oct 18, 2023

(No. 1131) Frightening Big Frog at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて恐怖の巨大蛙)

Nothing seemed to have changed since my last fishing at Safuki-bana except for the increased number of super tiny baitfish. Every lure of mine frightened them so much that they got desperate to run away as fast as possible, making ripples on the surface. Poor baitfish... They don’t have a big brain to understand the simple fact that my lures are not predatory fish but just harmless plastic objects. Because no big fish seemed around, I quit today’s fishing earlier than usual. On my way back to my car, I found a huge frog lurking between rocks. It frightened me so much that I almost slipped. I have never seen such a huge frog. While trying not to provoke the frog, I ran away for my life.

Oct 14, 2023

(No. 1130) No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

Driving toward the parking space for Safuki-bana, I noticed a car already parked there. The view instantly made me happy. Because I love Safuki-bana as a fishing spot and want as many people as possible to go there. I wanted to have a chat with the person that left the car at the parking space as soon as possible. So I might have been walking down the path in the woods faster than usual. I said to myself, “Calm down. Otherwise you would hurt yourself.” I safely reached Safuki-bana, where a friendly guy was preparing for the largescale blackfish fishing. We exchanged greetings, and I passed Safuki-bana to go farther. Unfortunately the conditions of the sea was the same as yesterday. There were very few baitfish. On my way back, I had a nice chat with him again and encouraged him to join the Safuki-bana Conservation Committee, which I made up on the spot and whose members are just me and T-san, who I occasionally see at Safuki-bana and Saruwatari. I am afraid that, without us, the path in the woods would disappear.

Oct 13, 2023

(No. 1129) Fishing Demonstration in Front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe (宍道湖サンセットカフェの前にて釣りのデモンストレーション)

This is today’s second post. The other day I decided to go to the spot in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe on the eastern shore of Lake Shinji as often as possible before it gets too cold. I know it’s unlikely that I catch the Japanese sea bass there at this time of the year. My primary purpose is to attract people’s attention with my unique fishing style and encourage them to chat with me. Once the chat starts, I can talk a variety of things, such as, how brackish the water in Lake Shinji is, how fun fishing at Lake Shinji can be, and how unique the operation of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe is. I hand out some flyers including the one for my interview article about the cafe. This evening I had a very nice chat with a guy from Osaka. He got impressed with how my pencil popper, Guppy Lure’s Jobo Jr., moved on the surface. I explained him how to maneuver the lure the way American fishermen do in the Northeastern shore of the U.S. Then I had another nice chat with a young lady about my fishing. What a fun evening!
(本日、2回目の投稿です。私は先日、宍道湖東岸の宍道湖サンセットカフェ前の釣り場に、寒くなるまでの間、できるだけ頻繁に行くことに決めました。一年のこの時期に、そこでスズキが釣れる可能性が低いことはわかっています。私の主な目的は、私のユニークな釣りのスタイルで人々の注目を集め、私とのおしゃべりに持ち込むことなのです。おしゃべりが始まると私は、宍道湖の汽水の様子や、宍道湖での釣りの楽しさ、そして、宍道湖サンセットカフェの運営のユニークさなど、いろいろな話をすることができます。カフェについてのインタビュー記事などのチラシを配ったりもします。今夕は、大阪から来た男性と、とても楽しいおしゃべりをしました。彼は私のペンシル・ポッパー、グッピールアーのジョボ Jr.の水面上での動きに感銘を受けたようです。私は彼に、米国北東部沿岸の釣り人がやっているようにルアーを操る方法を説明しました。その後、若い女性とも、釣りについてのおしゃべりをしました。なんと楽しい夕べだったことでしょう!)

(No. 1128) No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

I was at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor yesterday afternoon. There were plenty of tiny baitfish swimming around the tip of it. Occasionally some small predators chased them on the surface. If I had been there until sunset, I might have caught a few of the small predatory fish, but I had to leave early. This morning I went to Safuki-bana with one of my smallest jigs, the Shore Lures Glass Minnow, which I had bought in North Carolina about 10 years ago. You can compare its size to the size of my standard lures on the above photo. I assumed that the same type of tiny baitfish as at Nanbo were plenty around Safuki-bana too. Unfortunately, I was wrong again. There were few baitfish at Safuki-bana and beyond.

Oct 11, 2023

(No. 1127) Small Predators Chasing Micro Baitfish at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にて、小さい捕食魚が超小型ベイトフィッシュを追いかける)

I wanted to go to Safuki-bana in Nonami this morning, but the weather forecast had said that the waves would be 2 meters high. So I chose Nanbo instead, a much safer fishing spot in Etomo Harbor. Around the tip of Nanbo, one of breakwaters in the harbor, there were plenty of micro baitfish. Scared of my big lure, they jumped out of the water. Then, they started doing so even when they were not threatened by my lures. Real fish had started chasing them. I threw my lures toward the predators which probably were either young Japanese Spanish mackerels or small barracudas. The problem was that even those predators looked smaller than my smallest lure. I gave up fishing. Instead, I started collecting garbage that other fishermen had left.

Oct 4, 2023

(No. 1126) Creating Stepping-Stones and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (飛び石づくりと、野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

Small slender fish jumped out of the surface. I was not sure whether they tried to run away from predatory fish or they were just having fun. I was ready for a sudden shock of powerful strike by the yellowtail amberjack, but nothing happened. Only the atmosphere felt promising all along. On my way back to my car, I spent additional energy in creating stepping-stones. There was one spot at the side of a gigantic seaside rock where you couldn’t walk over without wetting your foot. I carried some heavy stones and dropped them on the spot in the shallow. I hope now you can go to Safuki-bana without worrying about being wet.