About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Oct 31, 2022

(No. 1012) Missed Amberjacks at Saruwatari n Nonami (野波の猿渡にて青物を逃がす)

Only after I jumped over the narrow channel and reached Saruwatari did I realize the swell around the fishing spot was stronger than I had noticed. I reminded myself that I had to pay attention to the swell and if I sensed it would be further stronger I had to quit immediately and leave Saruwatari. I started throwing my lures about 7 a.m., and nothing happened until 7:45. When I started to think whether I should call it a day or not, a white streak ran sharply in the wake of my Super Strike Little Neck Popper. It happened twice in quick succession, but the fish didn’t touch the lure. It must have been an amberjack although I was not sure whether it was a yellowtail, Japanese, or greater amberjack. Then, until I finally called it a day at 9 a.m., there were two strikes, the first one on Gator Casting Spoon and the second one on Roberts Ranger. In both cases, the fish were hooked but somehow (or, as usual) they came off. Anyway, amberjacks had finally come to Saruwatari.

Oct 30, 2022

(No. 1011) No Fish around Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻周辺にて釣果なし)

I arrived at the parking space for Saruwatari in Nonami about 6:30 a.m. There was a car already left there. Saruwatari had been already taken. My option for this morning was narrowed down to either giving up fishing and going home or going to Safuki-bana because not only Saruwatari but also other fishing spots had been already taken. I decided to try Safuki-bana. Fortunately, there was no car at the parking space for Safuki-bana, but it was almost certain that I would not be able to reach the fishing spot due to the swell. Anyway, after praying to the small jizo (a stone statue in the form of a Buddhist monk) by the parking space for my safe return, I started walking down the path toward Safuki-bana. As I had expected, the swell prevented me from going over the last cliff to reach Safuki-bana. So I started throwing my lures from one of nearby rocks. I kept throwing my lures from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., but neither a Japanese sea bass nor a yellowtail amberjack responded to my lures.

Oct 27, 2022

(No. 1010) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I heard that the yellowtail amberjack has been plenty along the shore of western part of the Shimane Peninsula, such as Taisha in Izumo City. It didn’t seem the case in the eastern part yet. There were very few baitfish around Saruwatari in Nonami this morning. The sea was very quiet. I kept throwing my lures from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., but nothing happened. I just saw a few spooked baitfish jumping out of the sea due to my lures. That’s all happened around Saruwatari today.

Oct 26, 2022

(No. 1009) Consoled by Rainbow at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて虹に慰められる)

The weather forecast said that the waves would reach as high as 2 meters this morning. So going to Saruwatari or Safuki-bana in Nonami for the yellowtail amberjack was not an option. It would be too dangerous. Instead of trying to catch the yellowtail amberjack, I decided to catch a Japanese sea bass at Kurauchi Bay. However, as soon as I saw the view of the ocean beyond the bay, I regretted my decision. The sea was not rough. I said to myself, “I wasted one precious October morning. I should have gone to Saruwatari.” It was too late to do so. I started throwing my lures with the lingering regret. The deity of fishing might have felt pity for me. A big and beautiful rainbow appeared as if it had tried to console me.

Oct 23, 2022

(No. 1008) No Fish at and around Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡及びその周辺にて釣果なし)

Unlike yesterday morning, the parking space for Saruwatari was empty today. The swell around Saruwatari was unexpectedly strong. The height of waves had been forecasted to be 1 meter, and actually there was no waves around Saruwatari. There was only a swell coming and going around it. Only after I jumped over the narrow channel and reached Saruwatari did I realize it was deceptively dangerous. I realized that if the swell became a bit stronger or its cadence became a bit shorter, I might ended up being stranded on Saruwatari. So I didn’t stay long. Before it became too late, I was out of Saruwatari and kept fishing from one of the nearest rocks. Strangely there were no baitfish, and naturally there was no big predator.

Oct 22, 2022

(No. 1007) Missed Japanese Sea Bass at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にてスズキを逃す)

Saruwatari was already occupied when I arrived at the parking space for it this morning. After some consideration, I decided to go to Safuki-bana. Safuki-bana was not occupied. Actually there were a lot of big spiders with many sticky webs on the path in the woods leading to the fishing spot. Safuki-bana might not have been visited by anyone for some time. The swell was so strong around the fishing spot that I was not able to try to reach it, so I threw lures from one of the nearby rocks. A Japanese sea bass hit my Hopkins Shorty with a characteristically strong short strike. The fish was not very big and I was there for the yellowtail amberjack, so I was indecisive about whether I wanted to catch and keep the fish or not. Taking advantage of my wishy-washiness, the fish shook its head and came off. Later I tried to reach Safuki-bana and succeeded, but no fish responded there.

Oct 21, 2022

(No. 1006) Young Greater Amberjack at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてアカビラ)

Unlike at Maruiwa in Owashi yesterday morning, there was no bait fish around Saruwatari this morning. I started throwing my lures toward the apparently empty sea about 7 a.m. for a big yellowtail amberjack, but nothing happened until about 8:30 a.m. It was when I was thinking to quit today’s fishing after a few more casts. A young greater amberjack hit my Hopkins No=Eql on the surface. The fish was not very big, and somehow I felt it was kind of the fish to come up and play with me. So I couldn't keep it. I released the fish with gratitude.
(昨日の朝の大芦の丸岩と違って、今朝の猿渡周辺にはベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)がいないのでした。私は、大きなヒラマサを狙って、午前7時頃から、空っぽに見える海に向かってルアーを投げ始めたのですが、8時半頃まで何も起きませんでした。もう数投したら今日の釣りは終わりにしようと思っていた時でした。アカビラが水面のホプキンス No=Eqlにヒットしました。魚はそれほど大きくなかったですし、それに、親切な魚が私と遊ぶために出てきてくれたような気が何となくしました。だから、持ち帰りませんでした。感謝しながらリリースしました。)

Oct 20, 2022

(No. 1005) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

My early-morning translation assignment was canceled without notice. So I became suddenly free at 7:00 a.m. this morning. I decided to go fishing and headed for Maruiwa. There were a lot of baitfish there, and I saw some boils caused by them, but they were a bit too far away. I was ready for a big strike all along, but nothing happened.

Oct 19, 2022

(No. 1004) Casting Practice at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてキャスティング練習)

I have so many assignments now that I am not able to go fishing. From my career standpoint, that's great. But, from my fishing perspective, it might not be very good. Because October is one of the best months to catch a big yellowtail amberjack from the shore. It’s not too much to say I have been waiting for this month since as soon as last year’s October was over. In order to console myself and taking a necessary break from my work, I walk to Lake Shinji and throw a lure. I often have an opportunity to chat with a tourist. So I can’t complain anymore.

Oct 12, 2022

(No. 1003) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami, at Sanami Harbor, and at Uomidaishita, Taka-hana, and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (野波の猿渡、佐波港、そして佐波の魚見台下、高鼻、先高鼻にて釣果なし)

The waves were higher than I had expected this morning. Although I was not sure if I could jump over the narrow channel in order to reach Saruwatari in Nonami, I decided to go there to take a look. The waves turned out too high there. I threw my lure from one of the nearest rocks, but the waves were so menacing that I had to give up before making my third cast. I left Saruwatari and was headed for Sanami Harbor. There were no other fishermen around the harbor. I threw my lures a few times toward the inside the harbor, but no Japanese sea bass responded. I found a discarded package for a squid fishing rod. I picked it up for proper disposal. Then I entered into the woods along the shore to start the run-and-gun style fishing from Uomidaishita, through Taka-hana, to Sakitaka-hana. I hoped the deity of fishing happened to see me picking up the long plastic garbage and would reward me with a nice fish, but the deity seemed too busy doing some more important things under such a rough sea condition.

Oct 9, 2022

(No. 1002) Missed Unidentified Fish at Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の先高鼻にて未確認の魚を逃す)

When I arrived at the parking space for Saruwatari in Nonami about 6:30 a.m., there was a car already parked there, so I turned back toward Sanami Harbor. I wasn’t disappointed. Actually I felt the opposite. As some of you already know, I don’t like to keep a good fishing spot all to myself. I want to share the blessing of nature with as many people as possible. So I felt happy on my way to Sanami Harbor. First I tried at Taka-hana and then Sakitaka-hana, both of which are beyond the harbor. When I was retrieving the Roberts Ranger from the tip of Sakitaka-hana, a fish struck it. The fish ran a bit and came off moments later. The pull was weak, so I decided it was probably a small fish.

Oct 7, 2022

(No. 1001) Elegant Gear Drive System of Newell Reel (ニューウェル・リールの洗練されたギア駆動システム)

As I reported on No. 993, I got one of Newell reels. I had heard the story of the late Mr. Carl Newell. According to Dennis-san at 2nd Chance Tackle, Mr. Newell started as a provider of upgraded parts for PENN conventional reels and then went on to produce reels under his own brand. Now that Newell reels have been out of production, they have “the cult following” and are coveted as “the holy grail.” When I took apart my Newell G447-F, I could see why they are so popular. The design and manufacturing are both excellent. In particular, its gear drive system is probably the most beautiful and strong one among all conventional reels I have ever used. If you are interested, check the 2nd Chance Tackle video above. 
No. 993でご報告した通り、ニューウェルのリールを一つ手に入れました。故カール・ニューウェル氏の話は聞いたことがあったのです。2ndチャンス・タックルのデニスさんによると、ニューウェル氏はまずPENN両軸リールのアップグレード・パーツを作ることから始め、その後、自社ブランドのリールを製造するようになったそうです。その生産が終了してしまった今、ニューウェル・リールは「ホーリー・グレイル」(聖杯/価値があるのに見つけられないもの)と呼ばれるほどの「カルト的な人気」を誇っています。私のニューウェル・リール、G447-Fを分解してみて、その人気の理由が分かるような気がしました。デザインも製造も素晴らしいのです。特にギア駆動システムは、私がこれまで使ってきた両軸リールの中で、最も美しくかつ強力なものだと思います。興味のある方は、上の2ndチャンス・タックルのビデオをご覧ください。)