The PENN Jigmaster 500 conventional reel, especially the one with a lightweight plastic spool, is becoming my all-time favorite fishing reel. It is succeeding to the throne that my PENN Torque 5 spinning reel has undertaken for about 10 years. Since I discovered and started using my second-hand Jigmaster this January, I have realized there are some misconceptions of the reel on the Internet. For example, some people say you cannot cast a lure with the Jigmaster as far as with a spinning reel. Or, the Jigmaster is a boat reel, not designed for surf casting. Or, you need to “mag” the Jigmaster in order to cast a lure comfortably without backlash. They are not exactly true. The truth is that I can cast a lure very far with the Jigmaster without installing any magnet on it. The Jigmaster can be a great surf reel, as one of the old PENN catalogues classifies it as a reel for surf fishing along with the Squidder or the Surfmaster.
How can I cast a lure with the Jigmaster? After about 50-day intense practice of the reel, now I can say that the key factor is where to place your thumb. Actually, if you read one of the old PENN catalogues carefully, it is not difficult to know where you should place your thumb on the spool when you are in the casting motion. The catalogue says that the Jigmaster has the “Easy-Thumb Spool Flanges.” Yes, you should place your thumb on the flange of the spool during your casting motion, and that’s it. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, some other PENN conventional reels have the similar flanges (in case of a plastic or aluminum spool), and I believe the same technique can be applied to those other reels (I am not sure whether the chrome-plated metal spool can be used the same way because it doesn’t seem to have wide flanges). This is how I can cast a lure with the Jigmaster as far as with a spinning reel (except for very light lures). My thumb does not get burned. I feel no frictional heat. No need to protect the finger with tape. No need to install any magnet on the reel. No need to use even the mechanical brake (tension brake). My spool is completely free. All that I needed was just practice.
(ジグマスターを使って私はどうやってルアーを投げているのでしょう? 50日間に及ぶ集中的な練習を経た今、私に言えるのは、重要なのは親指を置く位置だということです。実際のところ、PENNの古いカタログを注意深く読めば、キャスティングの動作をしている時に、スプールのどこに親指を置くべきか知るのは、難しくはありません。カタログによると、ジグマスターには“簡単な親指操作のためのフランジ”が付いているのです。そう、キャスティングの際には、親指をスプールのフランジに置くべきであり、それが全てなのです。以前の投稿の一つで触れたことがありますが、PENNの他の両軸リールの中には同様なフランジの付いているものがあります(プラスチックあるいはアルミ製スプールの場合)。これら他のリールにも同じテクニックが使えると思います(ただ、クロームメッキされたメタル製スプールにも同様に使えるかは分かりません。幅の広いフランジが付いていないようだからです)。私は、この方法でジグマスターを使い、スピニングリールと同じ飛距離を出すことができています(非常に軽いルアーを投げる場合を除く)。親指が火傷をすることもありません。摩擦熱は感じられないのです。テープで親指を守る必要はありません。リールに磁石を取り付ける必要もありません。メカニカル・ブレーキですら使う必要はないのです。私のスプールは完全にフリーです。私に必要だったのは、ただ練習のみでした。)
P.S. I realized lately that you can hold the spool more firmly if you place your thumb on the middle of it, not on the flange of it as I explained here, especially when you want to cast a heavier lure. As soon as you release the spool, you should place your thumb on the flange.