About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Aug 31, 2019

(No. 478) Missed Needlefish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてダツを逃す)

There might be plenty of big needlefish swimming along the shore of the Shimane Peninsula now. I arrived at Saruwatari in Nonami about 6 a.m. today, and as soon as I made today’s first cast and started retrieving the Gator Casting Spoon, a needlefish was hooked. A few seconds later, the fish jumped out of the water and shook its head. The hook of the lure easily came out. Other than that, all of my lures failed to draw another strike until I left the fishing spot about 9 a.m.

Aug 26, 2019

(No. 477) Baby Barracuda at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて小さなカマス)

My stressful but ultimately rewarding mission was over. I successfully took three of my friends to Saruwatarijima in Owashi yesterday. With profound satisfaction, I went to Maruiwa by myself this morning (How stress-free being alone is!). Maruiwa lies on the eastern end of Susumi Bay, and on my way to Maruiwa I looked at Saruwatarijima over the bay. I felt grateful to the island because the friends of mine got no injury and naturally they had a good time around the island. At Maruiwa I caught a baby barracuda on one of the Shore Lures Glass Minnows. I bought these lures at a tackle shop in North Carolina in 2013 when I visited the south of the U.S. in order to catch the coveted false albacore (little tunny). I remember that I did not catch any false albacore then. Instead, I caught a lot of largehead hairtails on these small metal jigs. The largehead hairtail was so thick over there.

Aug 24, 2019

(No. 476) No Fish at Wada in Owashi (大芦のワダにて釣果なし)

Some of my friends asked me to take them to a safer rocky shore along the Shimane Peninsula in order to have a good time in the beach. I plan to take them tomorrow to the area around Saruwatarijima, a small island at the western end of Susumi Bay in Owashi. I wanted to make sure that they could enjoy the beach safely, so this morning I made a preliminary inquiry into the area. Usually you can walk on the shallows to the island. However, because the tide was a bit higher this morning than usual, I found I could not get to the island without taking a short swim. Other than that, everything seemed all right. After being satisfied with the result of my inquiry, I walked to Wada, a fishing spot to the west of the island. Unfortunately, no fish attacked my lures.

Aug 19, 2019

(No. 475) Big Needlefish and Baby Mahi-mahi at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて大きなダツと小さなシイラ)

The fish around Maruiwa seemed to become active immediately after the current started moving about 7 a.m. this morning. Because I caught baby barracudas yesterday, first I thought I just hooked one of their parents. It was a big slender fish. It repeatedly jumped out of the water while shaking its head to be free from my Hopkins Shorty. Obviously it was not their parent. It was a big fat needlefish, and I managed to land the powerful fighter. It was 95 cm (37 in.) long. Then, I also caught a baby mahi-mahi on the same lure. The mahi-mahi or common dolphinfish can be more powerful than a big needlefish, but this one was so tiny and so immediately after I caught the big one that I felt as if I had hooked a seaweed.

Aug 18, 2019

(No. 474) Baby Barracuda at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて小さなカマス)

This morning I felt I did not want to get very tired. That’s why I drove to Maruiwa in Owashi first. The access to Maruiwa from its nearby parking space is easier, and you cannot get very tired. However, when I arrived at the parking space about 6 a.m., there was a car already parked. It was very likely that Maruiwa was occupied. So I changed my mind. I also had to give up trying not to get very tired. I drove to Saruwatari in Nonami. The access to Saruwatari is much harder than that to Maruiwa. I aimed to catch a big yellowtail amberjack there, but no big fish attacked my lures. I just caught two baby barracudas on my Hopkins Shorty (2.25 oz.). If you use a smaller metal jig, I am sure you will catch more of them.
(今朝は、へとへとに疲れるのは避けたいと思ったのでした。なので最初に、大芦の丸岩へと向かいました。丸岩は、最寄りの駐車スペースからのアクセスが比較的容易なので、ひどく疲れることはないのです。しかし駐車スペースに到着してみると、既に1台の車が残されていました。丸岩には先客のいる可能性が高そうです。私は考えを変えました。へとへとに疲れないように務めるのも、あきらめざるを得ませんでした。私は野波の猿渡へと向かったのです。猿渡へのアクセスは、丸岩へのアクセスよりもずっと大変です。私は大型のヒラマサを狙いましたが、小さなカマスが2尾、ホプキンス・ショーティー(2.25 oz.)で釣れただけでした。小さなメタルジグを使えば、もっと釣れると思います。)

Aug 17, 2019

(No. 473) No Fish at Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor (大芦港の小具の波止にて釣果なし)

Typhoon Krosa, the 10th of the year, passed Matsue without much damage to the city. Still, according to the weather forecast, the wind would remain stronger and the waves would remain higher this morning. So I decide not to go to a rocky shore that could be directly affected by a dangerous swell. Instead, I went to Ogu-no-hato in Owashi. It is in the much safer harbor. In addition, it is with a tiny shrine. You might feel you are more protected than in other fishing spots. I had expected that there would be some sarashi (white churning water) around the tip of Ogu-no-hato and I would catch a Japanese sea bass. Unfortunately the sea was much calmer than I had expected, and no fish attacked my lures.

Aug 12, 2019

(No. 472) Seeking Swedish Lure at Nazuna in Kataku (片句のナズナにてスウェーデンのルアーを探して)

After writing the previous post and waiting for the blazing sunshine to weaken, I returned to Nazuna in Kataku about 5 p.m and started a search for my Holme Baits Linestrecther Jerk. For me, it was a precious lure that went missing. For people in Kataku, it was just a piece of garbage that was thrown away by a fisherman. I am a proud fisherman who never litter. I searched for the lure carefully but could not find it. I became a pitiable fisherman who littered. So sad that I decided to pick up a piece of garbage at least as big as the Swedish lure. I had found an abandoned shoe on the rocky slope to Nazuna-no-oshima. I picked it up and later disposed of it properly. I recommend you to do the same. If your lure is lost, you should get rid of at least one piece of garbage. The sea remains as clean as before.

(No. 471) Missing Lure and Near Heatstroke at Nazuna-no-oshima in Kataku (片句のナズナの大島にてルアー行方不明で危うく熱中症)

Located between Etomo and Mitsu, Kataku is not farther from my place than other fishing spots I have regularly visited. However, I had not been to Nazuna in Kataku for a long time. According to this blog, I had not been to the fishing spot since the end of the year 2015. When I reached Nazuna-no-oshima about 7 a.m. this morning, I found other fishermen already standing at Takashiro-bana and Nazuna-bana. Fishing spots around the Kataku hamlet are very popular. Maybe that’s the reason why I do not visit those fishing spots very often. I did not catch any fish this morning and left the spot about 8 a.m. after I had a nice chat with another lure fisherman. 
When I returned to my car, I realized that I did not have my Holme Baits Linestrecther Jerk, one of three lures I had taken out today. It is a beautiful handmade plug that I bought at Stockholm last year. Searching for the Swedish plug, I walked back to Nazuna-no-oshima. The plug was not found. When I returned to my car again, I found myself on the verge of heatstroke. I managed to drive to Kurauchi Bay and dived into the sea. The water cooled me down instantly and I felt I was saved. By the way, If you find the lure, you don’t necessarily need to return it to me. You can use it. Although I have not caught any fish on it, it swims very well.

Aug 9, 2019

(No. 470) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

Japan is suffering from an annual heatwave (Is it true that we will hold the Olympics at this time of next year?). There have been some warnings issued, and some people are already dead. Most people seem to stop being very active due to the fear of heatstroke. When I reached Susumi-hana in Owashi this morning, it seemed as if the Sea of Japan were also afraid of heatstroke. It was incredibly quiet. It was as calm as an indoor swimming pool. What seemed as active as before were only the sea slater a.k.a. the sea roach and probably I.

Aug 8, 2019

(No. 469) No Fish at Ikesu in Etomo (恵曇の生須にて釣果なし)

This morning I went to Ikesu in Etomo. I believe Ikesu is one of the most beautiful fishing spots in the Shimane Peninsula. However, as I explained on one of my past posts (No. 430), the path to the fishing spot has been unattended for some time. So first I had to cut weeds along the path. Nobody can win against the forces of nature. If nobody cuts the weeds and tries to maintain the path, sooner or later it will be covered with the weeds and eventually it will disappear. The sea was very calm when I climbed down to the fishing spot. I got soaked with sweat. The sea might have been too calm for fishing. I enjoyed swimming around the fishing spot.
(今朝は、恵曇の生須に行きました。生須は、島根半島にある釣り場の中で、最も美しい場所の一つだと思います。しかしながら、以前の投稿(No. 430)で説明した通り、釣り場へ行くための小道は、ここしばらく誰も世話しておらず、放置されているのです。そのため私は、まず最初に、小道に沿って草刈りをする必要がありました。自然の力には誰も勝てません。もしも、雑草を刈って小道を維持しようと務める人がいなければ、遅かれ早かれ、小道は雑草に覆われ、最終的には、消滅してしまうでしょう。釣り場に降りてみると、海はとても穏やかでした。私は汗びっしょりでした。釣りをするには穏やかすぎる海であったかもしれません。私は、釣り場の周囲で水泳を楽しみました。)

Aug 4, 2019

(No. 468) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

As I have reported on my recent posts, my friends and I have caught relatively small fish such as scorpion fish at Saruwatari in Nonami. In general, I don’t like catching small fish very much. I felt I had caught more than justifiable number of scorpion fish. So I took out a much heavier tackle this morning, including big American topwater/surface plugs. My rational inner voice told me that I would not catch any fish on these plugs, but my another voice also told me that I never know unless I try.