About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Aug 26, 2019

(No. 477) Baby Barracuda at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて小さなカマス)

My stressful but ultimately rewarding mission was over. I successfully took three of my friends to Saruwatarijima in Owashi yesterday. With profound satisfaction, I went to Maruiwa by myself this morning (How stress-free being alone is!). Maruiwa lies on the eastern end of Susumi Bay, and on my way to Maruiwa I looked at Saruwatarijima over the bay. I felt grateful to the island because the friends of mine got no injury and naturally they had a good time around the island. At Maruiwa I caught a baby barracuda on one of the Shore Lures Glass Minnows. I bought these lures at a tackle shop in North Carolina in 2013 when I visited the south of the U.S. in order to catch the coveted false albacore (little tunny). I remember that I did not catch any false albacore then. Instead, I caught a lot of largehead hairtails on these small metal jigs. The largehead hairtail was so thick over there.

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