About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Dec 26, 2017

(No. 337) No Fish at Sensui Island in Hiroshima (広島の仙酔島にて釣果なし)

I returned from a small trip in the Sanyo Region. The annual book discussion event, where a few of my old university classmates and I get together to discuss a book, was held in Tomonoura in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. This year we had chosen Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall, the first collection of short stories by Kazuo Ishiguro. In a cozy room of a seaside hotel we discussed which story should be considered the best or the worst in the book. One of my classmates argued that the last story “Cellists” was the worst, but I argued actually it was the best. The ensuing discussion brought about an unexpectedly lively revelation. The following morning we took the ferry to Sensui Island. While my old classmates enjoyed sightseeing of the small island, I cast some of American lures from one of the beaches. Not only I but also a few other fishermen didn’t catch any fish, but I enjoyed casting my lures toward the Seto Inland Sea of Japan.
(山陽地方での小旅行から戻りました。大学時代の同級生数人が集って本について議論する毎年恒例の読書会が、広島県福山市の鞆の浦で開かれたのです。私たちは今年、カズオ・イシグロの第一短編集となる『夜想曲集: 音楽と夕暮れをめぐる五つの物語』を課題図書に選んでいました。海辺のホテルの居心地良い部屋で、私たちはどの短編がベストであり、どの短編がワーストであるか議論したのです。同級生の一人が、最後に収録されている「チェリスト」がワーストであると言ったかと思えば、私は、いやいや「チェリスト」こそがベストであると言い、続く議論のおかげで、予想以上に生き生きとした新発見がもたらされたりしました。翌朝、私たちはフェリーに乗って仙酔島へ渡りました。同級生たちが小さな島での観光を楽しむ一方で、私は岸からアメリカのルアーを投げました。私だけでなく、他の釣り人にも何も釣れませんでしたが、瀬戸内海へ向けてルアーを投げることを楽しみました。)

Dec 20, 2017

(No. 336) One Reason Why I Do This Blog (私がこのブログをやっている一つの理由)

I would like to show the world that trying to catch as many fish as possible is not necessarily the most proper attitude and that it is possible to enjoy fishing even without catching fish. This is one of reasons why I am doing this blog. I am not very fond of fishermen that brag about how good their catches are (a large number of kept fish). I often feel bad when I see a photo of such a fisherman with a big catch. Natural resources are limited, and marine resources are not exception. The above photo shows a paper package of one of my old reels. The message printed on it remains important to me. “Do not try to catch many, but try to fish with fun.” This post is not a fishing report that I usually write. When I was browsing websites of one of tackle shops today, I happened to see a photo of a huge catch. It looked too many to my eyes.

Dec 18, 2017

(No. 335) No Fish at Etomo Harbor and Owashi Harbor (恵曇港と大芦港にて釣果なし)

Catching young Japanese sea bass is not what I really want to do. I needed to take some fish to a party held by one of my friends last weekend. That’s the only reason why last time I used the Sea Striker Got-Cha plugs, which I usually don’t like to use very much because of its ability to catch too small fish. So this morning I returned to my former self. I primarily used big American plugs. Fortunately, young Japanese sea bass didn’t attack the plugs. Unfortunately, any big fish didn’t attack the plugs, too.

Dec 14, 2017

(No. 334) Young Japanese Sea Bass at Etomo Harbor (恵曇港にてセイゴ)

It was about 4 p.m. When I started casting one of my Sea Striker Got-Cha plugs from Nanbo in Etomo Harbor, I hoped I would catch young Japanese Spanish mackerels at last. Soon I found it was young Japanese sea bass, not Japanese Spanish mackerels, that persistently attacked the small lure. There seemed lots of them around the tip of Nanbo. It was easy to hook them but very difficult to land them. When it comes to young Japanese sea bass, the hook easily comes out. I probably hooked seven or eight of them until sunset but caught just two.

Dec 10, 2017

(No. 333) No Fish at Etomo Harbor and Owashi Harbor (恵曇港と大芦港にて釣果なし)

About 7 a.m., before I started today’s fishing at Nanbo, one of breakwaters in Etomo Harbor, I talked to a friendly lure fisherman at the nearby parking space. He said he fished for flukes today, and he gave me some useful information on current conditions of Etomo Harbor. Some fishermen had already caught young Japanese Spanish mackerels, but they had been sporadic. The water was as cloudy as yesterday. I expected the Japanese sea bass might be interested in my big American plugs, but the fish seemed totally lethargic again. Although the lure fisherman was at rather distant place from mine, he and I left the spot almost simultaneously. Both of us were without any catch. I drove to Owashi Harbor. The water in the harbor was clearer than that in Etomo Harbor. I fished at from Ogu-no-hato, through an unknown small jetty, to Niregi-no-hato. While I enjoyed casting my plugs from those perfectly open spaces, no fish attacked my lures.

Dec 9, 2017

(No. 332) No Fish at Etomo Harbor, Mitsu Harbor, and Susumi Bay and Maruiwa in Owashi (恵曇港、御津港、そして大芦の須々海湾と丸岩にて釣果なし)

About this time last year I had already seen some fishermen catch young Japanese Spanish mackerels at Etomo Harbor. Something might have happened to the fish this year. It seems that not only I but also other many fishermen have not caught the fish yet. I switched over from young Japanese Spanish mackerels to Japanese sea bass this morning because the sea was rough. The latter loves the white churning water. About 7 a.m. I started the run-and-gun style fishing from the spot in front of the Ice plant in Etomo Harbor. Then, I moved to Edabo and Nanbo, two breakwaters in the harbor. Nothing exciting happened except when I had a nice chat with a friendly fisherman at Edabo. I gave up Etomo Harbor and drove to Mitsu Harbor. Neither fisherman nor fish were found there. Then I drove to Susumi Bay and Maruiwa in Owashi. There were nice patches of sarashi (white churning water), but I got soaked to the skin by the wild waves before catching any fish. I had to leave right away in order to avoid catching a cold.

Dec 3, 2017

(No. 331) No Fish in Ketakake Peninsula (桁掛半島にて釣果なし)

I have visited Etomo Harbor a few times since my last post in order to see whether young Japanese Spanish mackerels were around. I expect to introduce a few of my female friends, all of which are almost beginners, to fishing for the fish before the weather gets too harsh. Unfortunately there seemed no big school of the fish at Etomo Harbor yet. Meanwhile, I heard that big yellowtail amberjacks were still swimming around along the shore of Taisha in Izumo City. So this morning I drove to Uryu Harbor with one of my heaviest rods. I thought I might catch a yellowtail amberjack of over 100 cm (about 40 in.) long.
To my surprise, the parking space for the Ketakake Peninsula was almost full when I arrived about 5:30 a.m. Today is Sunday and the weather forecast had said the waves would not be very high. I guessed that’s why many fishermen ventured out today. I fished at several spots in the huge and gorgeous Ketakake Peninsula. As far as I could see, no fisherman caught any big fish. I called it a day about 8:30 a.m. When I returned to the parking space, one bait fisherman talked to me. He was on his way to another fishing spot around Uryu Harbor. He was such a talkative guy that I changed my mind and went to the spot with him. He introduced Ushirodako to me. I walked such a long distance today that I am a bit tired now, but the peninsula was as gorgeous as before, and talking to a fisherman like him is always refreshing.

Nov 27, 2017

(No. 330) No Fish but Helping a Fisherman at Potentially Super Dangerous but Tranquil Sinsinbo in Etomo Harbor (潜在的には超危険であるものの静謐であった恵曇港の新々防にて釣果なしも釣り人をお手伝い)

It was before 7 a.m. that I arrived at the tip of Sinsinbo, the biggest and highest breakwater in Etomo Harbor. In my opinion, Sinsinbo is one of the most treacherous man-made structures along the shore of the Shimane Peninsula. As I have mentioned in my blog several times before, many tragic events happened there, one of which I got rather directly involved with. However, it felt unseasonably tranquil this morning. There was no one at the tip of it except me, and the wind and waves were very weak. Because I had heard that young Japanese Spanish mackerels had been caught there a few days ago, I primarily used metal lures, such as the Acme Kastmaster and Deadly Dick, instead of using big plugs probably more suitable for catching the Japanese sea bass. Even though it felt tranquil, I had to be careful because I knew the sea and Sinsinbo could be deceptive.
Unfortunately I got no strike when I fished from Sinsinbo for about 45 minutes. I gave up Sinsinbo and walked down to Edabo, a much safer nearby breakwater. When I started casting lures from Edabo, I saw one fisherman climbing the stairs to the tip of Sinsinbo. I returned there to talk to him. He became slightly disappointed when I informed him of my previous lack of luck, but he told me he would be satisfied with just casting lures. I left him at Sinsinbo and got to Edabo again. I turned around toward Sinsinbo when I was about to start casting a lure. To my surprise, his rod bent parabolically like a moon. He must have hooked a nice fish! I run up the stairs and found he successfully landed a beautiful young Japanese amberjack. He used a metal lure like I did, but his was much smaller than mine. I helped him to drain the blood from the fish (This treatment would make the fish more delicious and fresh). Then, through a casual conversation, I knew he had come to a crossroads in his life. I was glad to know that even the super dangerous structure such as Sinsinbo could be kind when it receives a fisherman stuck in a troubled situation like him.
新々防で45分間ほど釣りましたが、あいにく何も釣れませんでした。私は新々防をあきらめて、ずっと安全な近くの防波堤、枝防へ降りていきました。枝防からルアーを投げ始めた時、新々防の先端へ至る階段を上る一人の釣り人の姿が目に入りました。私はその男性に話しかけるために、新々防へと引き返しました。私がそこで釣っていた時は幸運に恵まれなかったことを知ると、彼は少しだけ残念そうになりましたが、自分はただルアーを投げられるだけで満足だと言いました。私は彼を新々防に残し、枝防に戻りました。そして、ルアーを投げ始める直前、新々防の方を振り向いたのです。すると驚いたことに、彼の竿が、まるで月のように丸く曲がっているではありませんか。きっと良い型の魚がかかったに違いない! 階段を駆け上がった私は、彼が無事に、美しいワカナ(若いブリ)を釣り上げたことを知りました。彼が使っていたのも、私と同様、メタル・ルアーでしたが、私のよりもサイズがずっと小さいのでした。私は血抜きのお手伝いをしました(この処置により、魚はより美味しく、新鮮になるのです)。そして、何気ない会話を通して、この男性が人生の岐路に立っていることを知りました。難しい状況に陥ってしまった彼のような釣り人を迎えた時には、新々防のような超危険な建造物であっても親切になれることを知り、私は嬉しく思いました。)

Nov 24, 2017

(No. 329) No Fish at Etomo Harbor (恵曇港にて釣果なし)

Unlike yesterday, which was a national holiday in Japan, there were few fishermen at Etomo Harbor today. Actually there was only one bait fisherman when I arrived at the harbor about 4:30 p.m. The sea outside the harbor had been so rough for a few days that I thought I would catch a nice Japanese sea bass inside it at last. I found the bait fisherman had caught a few Aji fish (Japanese horse mackerel) that were as big as my American plugs. I said to him, “I came here, hoping to catch big Japanese sea bass that are chasing these Aji fish. The ocean is so rough that some Japanese sea bass should be inside the harbor.” He replied, “Indeed. They should be inside it.” My expectations were raised, but I could not entice any real fish into strike however hard I tried. Instead, I hooked a giant flying fish that spoke fluent Japanese. This kindhearted fish kept asking me, “Hey! Do you wear a life jacket?” The color of my life jacket I wore as always was bright orange, the same color of the fish’s jacket. This fish’s eyesight was not as good as its Japanese.
(祝日であった昨日と異なり、今日の恵曇港には、ほとんど釣り人の姿がありませんでした。私が到着した午後4時30分頃には、エサ釣りの男性が一人、いらっしゃるだけでした。ここ数日、港の外側の海が荒れているので、ついに港内でスズキが釣れるのではないかと私は考えました。エサ釣りの男性が釣られた数匹のアジを拝見すると、私のアメリカのプラグと同じくらいの大きさに見えます。私は彼に言いました。「こぎゃんアジを狙っちょう大きいスズキが釣れんかと思って来ました。海が荒れちょうけん、港の中に入ってきちょらんかと思って」。すると彼は言いました。「そげですわ。きっと入っちょうますわ」。私の期待は高まりましたが、どれだけ頑張っても、本物の魚をストライクに持ち込むことはできません。代わりに私は、流暢な日本語を話す巨大なトビウオを釣りました。この魚は「あっ! ライフジャケット着けた?」と親切にも尋ねてくるのです。いつもと同様、私が着ていたライフジャケットは、このトビウオが着ているのと同じ、鮮やかなオレンジ色でした。トビウオの視力は、その日本語ほどは優れていないようです。)

Nov 23, 2017

(No. 328) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay, Etomo Harbor, and Mitsu Harbor (倉内湾、恵曇港そして御津港にて釣果なし)

As I had expected, the waves were high and nice patches of sarashi (white churning water) were formed at Kurauchi Bay when I arrived about 6 a.m. However, when I was switching lures after the first few casts, an unexpectedly strong swell attacked the rock where I had been at a few moments earlier. I had retreated to a place a bit higher than the rock to switch lures, but the top part of the swell run up the rock and caught me. I was soaked with the cold sea water. I gave up fishing at Kurauchi Bay and drove to Etomo Harbor, where I saw many young and old fishermen enjoying safe fishing toward inside the harbor. I started the run-and-gun style fishing for Japanese sea bass. The sea outside the breakwaters was rough, and not only I but also some of other fishermen expected nice Japanese sea bass to be inside the harbor, but no real fish attacked my lures. Instead, I hooked an incredibly giant pink fish joyfully swimming in a breakwater. Then, I drove to Mitsu Harbor, where I saw no fisherman. I made several casts from a vacant breakwater. The chill wind was blowing hard, and I realized the harsh winter arrived at last.

Nov 19, 2017

(No. 327) Defeat at KSB in Autumn 2017 (2017年秋のKSBにて敗北)

My fierce and sacred battle against nature was over, and I was completely defeated as usual. I started the battle around the Sakai-suido waterway in Tottori Prefecture at 5 p.m. yesterday. Then I was forced into an unconditional surrender at one spot along the Ohashi River about 10:30 p.m. Before conceding defeat, I considered going to Etomo Harbor as a last resort, but by then I had already tried a total of 7 spots from the Sakai-suido waterway, through Nakaumi Lake, to the Ohashi River in bad weather. I might have been too tired to wake up this morning. So I conceded defeat with good grace and went home to get some sleep.
I woke up at 4:20 a.m. this morning without the help of my alarm, and started making useless efforts again. I fished at 3 spots until the competition was over at 8 a.m. There was nothing, neither strike, nor bite, nor chase at all. I conceded defeat again. At the last spot I talked to a friendly lure fisherman. He was not a participant in the KSB (Kameya Sea Bass Battle) but successfully caught some nice Japanese sea bass. He told me that the fish’s current staple food in Lake Nakaumi was small fish such as the spotnape ponyfish. My American plugs are much bigger than the average of this fish. Before the battle began, all the participants were given a Japanese lure as a free gift from one of sponsors of the KSB. Obviously I could not use it, so I happily gave it to the friendly fisherman.

Nov 15, 2017

(No. 326) Practice for KSB / No Fish at Lake Nakaumi (KSBに備えた練習 / 中海にて釣果なし)

The water system from the Hii River to the Sea of Japan in the Sanin Region is unique. The Hii River flows into Lake Shinji, and Lake Shinji is connected to Lake Nakaumi by the Ohashi River, and Lake Nakaumi is connected to the Sea of Japan by the Sakai-suido waterway. The Hii River (the west end of the water system) is 100% freshwater, and the Sea of Japan (the east end) is 100% saltwater. Those between them are brackish water of varying degree of saltwater. The Japanese sea bass, the target fish in KSB competition, can live anywhere in this water system. However, the Japanese sea bass are fish of seasonally migratory nature. In the winter they are in the Sea of Japan and in the summer they are in Lake Shinji.
Right now most of them seem to be in the Ohashi River and Lake Nakaumi. I suppose that the main battlefield in the next KSB should be Lake Nakaumi all the more because the participants are supposed to exercise self-restraint on fishing around the three bridges across the Ohashi River. I am familiar with Lake Shinji, from which my place is just a few minutes away on foot, but I don’t know very much about Lake Nakaumi. So today I drove to Lake Nakaumi in order to try a few fishing spots I had not tried before. During the course of it, I talked to a Brazilian lure fisherman at a river mouth. He was very friendly and kind. I did not catch any fish, but it was refreshing to talk with a fisherman like him, as always.

Nov 14, 2017

(No. 325) Practice for KSB / No Fish at Lake Shinji (KSBに備えた練習 / 宍道湖にて釣果なし)

I have participated in the Kameya Sea Bass Battle (KSB) two times before, in 2015 and 2017. Both of them were held in spring. The next KSB scheduled for this weekend will be the first competition I have joined in autumn. It starts 5 p.m. this Saturday and ends 8 a.m. the next morning. The days in autumn are considerably shorter than in spring, which means I may have to do a long night fishing this weekend in order to catch a fish. I usually don’t do it because I don’t like it very much. I have very limited experience in night fishing, and I feel I need to get accustomed to it. So I went to Lake Shinji this evening to do some practice. I arrived at the shore along Shirakata Park about 4:30 p.m. When the sky got gloomy about 5 p.m., I started wanting to go home already. In order to keep fishing, I had to remind myself that I had come there to do night fishing. Then I managed to stay there until 6 p.m. I did not catch any Japanese sea bass, but now I feel that how to catch the fish is a relatively minor problem compared to how to endure night fishing.

Nov 7, 2017

(No. 324) KSB is Less Than Two Weeks Away (KSBまであと2週間足らず)

The Kameya Sea Bass Battle (KSB) in Autumn 2017 is coming soon. The KSB is a semiannual one-night competition, where lure fishermen compete against each other in length of each Japanese sea bass they catch. During a break from work today, I took pictures of my lures that I would like to use for the competition scheduled for November 18-19. Of course I will take a chance on some of my biggest lures. For this autumn competition, the organizer of it asks its participants to exercise self-restraint on fishing around the three bridges across the west end of the Ohashi River due to past troubles with pedestrians and passing cars. I feel this request should favor my fishing with big lures. In addition, the organizer will give bags to the participants and ask them to clean up the litter. I think it is wonderful. That is what I always do while fishing. Way to go, the organizers!
(「かめやシーバス・バトル in オータム2017」(KSB)が近づいてきました。KSBは、半年ごとに開かれる一晩だけの競技会であり、ルアー釣り師たちが、自分の釣った一匹のスズキの体長を競うのです。今日は、11月18〜19日に予定されているその大会で私が使いたいと思うルアーの写真を、仕事の手を休めて、撮影してみました。もちろん私は、自分の持っている最大級のルアーで勝負を賭けるのです。この秋の大会では、主催者から競技参加者に対し、大橋川西端にかかる3つの橋周辺での釣り自粛の要請が行われています。通行者および通行車両との間で過去にトラブルがあったからだそうです。この要請は、大きなルアーを使う私の釣りに有利に働くのではないかという気がします。加えて主催者は、競技参加者にゴミ袋を配り、釣り場でのゴミ拾いのお願いもされるそうです。素晴らしいと思います。私もいつも、釣りをしながらゴミを拾っているのです。主催者の皆さん、よくやった!)

Nov 1, 2017

(No. 323) No Fish at Maruiwa and Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の丸岩と須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

There seemed still a lack of baitfish around Susumi Bay in Owashi. The sea was not calm but choppy with a swell, which looked promising for fishing, but nothing interesting happened this morning. I might want to temporarily suspend chasing big yellowtail amberjacks using big plugs. Instead, I would spare more time for catching young Japanese Spanish mackerels using small metal jigs. I might have to be a guide for some fishing beginners this fall and winter. Unlike the amberjack, the mackerel can be caught more easily at a much safer spot such as inside a harbor. I will recommend the beginners to chase the mackerel.

Oct 27, 2017

(No. 322) Have Been Skunked at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にてボウズ続き)

All baitfish seemed to vanish from the shore of the Shimane Peninsula or they were just avoiding me. Recently I did not see any one of them wherever I went. I tried Maruiwa in Owashi yesterday and today. I had to leave the spot as early as 8 and 7:30 a.m. respectively because I had undertaken a translation job with a tight deadline. So I am not sure if baitfish were absent all day or it was a temporary thing happening only in the morning. Anyway they were absent early in the morning, the time when yellowtail amberjacks are supposed to be active. The sea has remained disappointedly quiet.