About this blog (このブログのこと)

My photo
After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Dec 20, 2017

(No. 336) One Reason Why I Do This Blog (私がこのブログをやっている一つの理由)

I would like to show the world that trying to catch as many fish as possible is not necessarily the most proper attitude and that it is possible to enjoy fishing even without catching fish. This is one of reasons why I am doing this blog. I am not very fond of fishermen that brag about how good their catches are (a large number of kept fish). I often feel bad when I see a photo of such a fisherman with a big catch. Natural resources are limited, and marine resources are not exception. The above photo shows a paper package of one of my old reels. The message printed on it remains important to me. “Do not try to catch many, but try to fish with fun.” This post is not a fishing report that I usually write. When I was browsing websites of one of tackle shops today, I happened to see a photo of a huge catch. It looked too many to my eyes.

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