When I found a fallen tree blocking Cherry Road in Nonami this early morning, I had a premonition that something unusual would happen to me today. Fortunately the fallen tree was light enough for me to remove. I drove to the parking space for Safuki-bana more slowly than usual and found a fluffy animal quietly sitting there. It was a monster with a lot of small eyes. Taking a closer look at it, I realized it was five kittens cuddled up together. They had turned themselves into one cute animal with a total of ten eyes. I thought I would only scare them away if I approached them, but one of them got out of the fluffy aggregation and walked over to me. The remaining four followed suit.
The five kittens wanted something nice from me, such as food or protection. They were so adorable that I decided I would give a fish to them if I caught any, although I knew it was not a good idea. People often say, “Don’t give cats any food unless you take full responsibilities as their owner.” I was succumbed to their loveliness. I found myself even whispering them one of Prince’s hit songs, “I Would Die 4 U.” At Safuki-bana I did my best to catch fish. Any fish would be fine, but nothing happened to my lures. I apologized to the kittens in my heart. “Sorry, my lovely pussycats. Please don’t wait for this useless human being to come back.” On my way back to the parking space, I prayed I would find they had already gone to somewhere nicer. Several minutes later I was singing for them, “I would die 4 U, yeah, darling if you want me to…”
(5匹の子猫は、食べ物や保護など、何か素敵なものを私に求めていました。あまりにも可愛らしいので、良くないことだと思いつつも、魚が釣れたら子猫たちに与えることにしました。「飼い主としての責任を果たすつもりがないなら、猫に餌を与えてはいけない」とよく言われます。私は、彼らの愛らしさに屈服してしまったのです。気がつくと私は、プリンスのヒット曲「I Would Die 4 U」(君のためなら死ねる)をささやいてあげていたりするのでした。サフキ鼻では、何とか魚を釣ろうとがんばりました。どんな魚でもかまわなかったのですが、私のルアーには何も起きません。私は、心の中で子猫たちに謝りました。「ごめんね、ぼくの可愛い子猫ちゃんたち。どうか、こんな役立たずの人間が戻ってくるのを、待っていないでね」。駐車スペースに引き返しながら、私は、子猫たちが既にどこか素敵な場所に移動していることを祈りました。数分後、私は彼らに歌ってあげていました。「君たちのためなら死ねるんだ。ああ、ダーリン。もしも君たちがそう望むのならね…」)
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