About this blog (このブログのこと)

My photo
After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jun 25, 2023

(No. 1095) Sweet Fruit, and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (甘い果実、そして野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところで釣果なし)

The end of June is approaching, and the heatstroke warning is already familiar. If you stay at Safuki-bana in Nonami too long, like until 9 a.m., you might suffer heatstroke in the woods on your way back to your car. I stayed at Safuki-bana until 8 a.m. this morning. I didn’t suffer anything in the woods, but I got a little bit more tired today than usual. I found small bright red fruits in the summer grasses. First, I thought they were wild strawberries, but I remembered I hadn’t seen them for some time. The season of wild strawberries seemed already over. So what were those beautiful red fruits? I was not sure, but I picked and threw a few of them into my mouth. The sweet and sour taste cheered me up. A quick Google search would tell me what kind of fruit it is, but I decided to leave it unknown. I didn’t eat too many of them because I knew those fruits were for wild animals who would help the spreading of the seeds in the woods. Unfortunately, I, as a civilized human being, use a modern toilet, which would destroy the seeds in my waste. So I pondered. I ate wild fruits, so I probably should take a shit in the wild, right?
(6月も終わりに近づき、熱中症警報がすっかりおなじみになっています。野波のサフキ鼻に長く留まりすぎると、例えば午前9時まで留まったりすると、車に戻る途中の林の中で、熱中症になる可能性があります。今朝の私は午前8時まで留まりました。林の中で苦しくなったりはしませんでしたが、今日は、いつもより少し疲れていることに気づきました。夏草の中に、赤い輝きの小さな実を見つけました。最初は野イチゴかと思いましたが、野イチゴはしばらく見ていません。野イチゴの季節はもう終わったようです。では、この美しい赤い果実は何なのでしょうか? よくわかりませんでしたが、いくつか摘んで、口に放り込みました。甘酸っぱい味が私を元気づけてくれました。Googleで検索すれば、なんという果物か分かるわけですが、不明のままにしておくことにしました。これらの果物は、林の中で果物の種をばらまいてくれる野生動物のためのものであると知っていたので、私はあんまりたくさん食べませんでした。あいにく私は、文明化された人間であり、近代的なトイレを使用しているため、排泄物に含まれる種子は破壊されてしまうでしょう。そこで私は、林の中で考え込んだのです。野生の果物を食べたんだから、やはり野糞すべきなんだよね?)

Jun 24, 2023

(No. 1094) No Fish at Uomidaishita, Taka-hana, and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の魚見台下、高鼻、先高鼻にて釣果なし)

I was standing at the parking space for Safuki-bana in Nonami this early morning. Carefully watching how the ocean swell was rising and falling. I was indecisive for a while but in the end decided not to walk down to Safuki-bana. Safety always comes first. I instead went to Sanami Harbor to try three rocky shores beyond the harbor. The first one was Uomidaishita. It was rather deep inside the bay, so the water around it was not choppy, and there was no fish at all. The second one was Taka-hana, which was closer to the open sea. The water got choppy. The Japanese sea bass love the rough water, so my anticipations got raised, but there was no fish at all again. The third one was Sakitaka-hana, which lied at the mouth of the bay. The water got rougher, and my anticipations got raised again, remained high for a while, and gradually fell down.

Jun 21, 2023

(No. 1093) No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なし)

The weather forecast said it would keep raining all day, but the rain stopped before 1 p.m. So I went to Lake Shinji. Today I used my Newell G332-F conventional reel for the first time in about a month. I had been using a spinning reel in order to move the American pencil poppers effectively, but I had not caught any fish since May 6, so I brought in a different tackle for a change. Throwing my Roberts Ranger, I got impressed again how far the lure could go when using the conventional reel. Although I got skunked again, I enjoyed a nice chat with one young lure angler on the shore. He said he was on a business trip. So I gave him some local tips on fishing at Lake Shinji. Shortly afterward I noticed his rod bending nicely. He caught a Japanese sea bass. I got proud because I felt like I had helped him catch the nice one.

Jun 19, 2023

(No. 1092) Maintenance of Path for Safuki-bana in Nonami and Repeated Practice for Going beyond it (野波のサフキ鼻に行く小道の整備と、サフキ鼻を越えて行くための反復練習)

I feel I have become a caretaker of Safuki-bana in Nonami. Yesterday and today I did the regular maintenance of the path in the woods leading to Safuki-bana. First, I cut weeds including dangerously thorny ones. Then, I rearranged some ropes that had been tied to trees. They are helpful for our climbing up and down the path. However, heavy rains and small landslides have changed the topography of some areas in the woods, making some of the ropes a bit less useful. I untied such ropes and tied them to different trees. At Safuki-bana, I repeatedly practiced going beyond it. If the sea is calm enough, you can go over Safuki-bana and enjoy throwing lures from a more comfortable spot, as shown in the photos above.

Jun 17, 2023

(No. 1091) First Swimming in 2023 and Practice for Going over Safuki-bana in Nonami (2023年の初泳ぎと、野波のサフキ鼻を越えて行くための練習)

The sea around Safuki-bana was quiet. There was no baitfish or predatory fish this morning, but I didn’t get bored because I jumped into the sea. It was my first swimming in this year. The water was a bit colder than I had anticipated but was refreshing. Nothing ever happened to my lures, so I quit fishing and instead practiced going over Safuki-bana. If you would like to go over the spot designated as “Safuki-bana” in the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” you have to climb down the cliff on the east of it, cross the ragged crack, and climb up the opposite cliff. It’s not an easy task. I went back and forth over the crack in order to learn the safest steps, such as where to put my which foot and where to hold with my which hand.
(サフキ鼻周辺の海は静かでした。今朝はベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)も捕食魚もいませんでしたが、海に飛び込んだので、退屈はしませんでした。今年の初泳ぎです。海水は思ったより冷たかったものの、爽快でした。私のルアーにはずっと何も起きないので、釣りはやめて、サフキ鼻を越えて行く練習をしました。とても役に立つ『山陰の釣り場総覧』において「サフキ鼻」と記されている地点を越えて行きたい場合、その東側の崖を下り、ゴツゴツした亀裂を渡り、 反対側の崖を登る必要があります。それは簡単なことではありません。どちらの足をどこに置いて、どちらの手でどこをつかめばよいか、最も安全な手順を覚えるため、亀裂の上を行ったり来たりしました。)

Jun 15, 2023

(No. 1090) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

The woods through which I climbed down in order to reach Safuki-bana in Nonami got much greener than the last time. I remembered Japan was in the rainy season. The trees, the bushes, and the shrubs got livelier. On the other hand, the sea seemed as if it had died.

Jun 9, 2023

(No. 1089) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi and at Lake Shinji (大芦の丸岩そして宍道湖にて釣果なし)

Suddenly I got too busy. Translation assignments that I can’t reject keep coming. Though, I have been able to go fishing. I just didn’t have enough time to write a piece for this blog. Yesterday I fished at Maruiwa in Owashi, and today I went to Lake Shinji a few times. It was as if all fish in this world became extinct.

Jun 5, 2023

(No. 1088) Under Watch of Parent Cat, No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (親猫の監視の下、野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

This is my second post today. I am getting unsure why I keep going to Safuki-bana in Nonami. Do I want to do fishing and get skunked? Or do I want to see some cats? While I was preparing at the parking space for walking down to Safuki-bana this morning, I suddenly felt I was being watched. I looked around the bush surrounding the parking space and found a cat quietly sitting there and watching me. I wondered if the cat was a parent of those five kittens I had seen the other day. I took several steps toward the cat, but it remained calm. The cat was just watching over me. I wondered if those kittens had reported their encounter with me to the parent cat and caused the mama or papa cat to check me out. I like to think those kittens are taken good care of. As for fishing, nothing has happened yet.
(本日2回目の投稿です。私は、なぜ野波のサフキ鼻に通い続けているのか、分からなくなってきています。釣りをしてボウズになるためでしょうか? それとも猫に会いたいからでしょうか? 今朝、駐車場で、サフキ鼻に降りて行くための準備をしていると、ふと、誰かに監視されているような気がしました。周囲の茂みを見回すと、一匹の猫が、静かに座って茂みの中から私を見ているのです。もしかすると、先日見かけた5匹の子猫の親なのでしょうか。私は数歩、近づいてみましたが、猫は落ち着いたままでした。その猫は、ただ私を見守っているのです。もしかしたら、子猫たちが私との遭遇を親猫に報告し、パパ猫あるいはママ猫が、私のことをチェックしに来たのかもしれません。あの子猫たちはしっかり大事にされているのだと、思いたいところです。釣りの方はというと、やはり何も起きません。)

(No. 1087) Lost Lure Info (CCW Darter) and Idea for New Bulletin Board (ロストしたルアー情報(CCWダーター)と新しい掲示板のアイデア)

I would like to share a piece of information on my lost lure. Yesterday, while I was fishing at the northern shore of Lake Shinji, my CCW Darter got stuck with something suspending in the water. It was rare for my fishing at Lake Shinji. Unfortunately the suspending object seemed firmly anchored to the bottom of the lake. My rod and line was very strong, but I couldn’t haul the object, resulting in the breakage of my line. I suppose the plug remains stuck there for now, but it might be free sooner or later. The CCW (Couch’s Cedar Works) wooden lures are one of my favorites. Sadly Mr. Bill Couch, the owner and creator of the CCW lures, passed away a few years ago, and there isn’t new production of the CCW lures anymore. I remember I exchanged e-mails with Mr. Couch. Even from those casual exchanges I could easily tell how gentle and kind he was. His creations are special for me. So if you find the lost darter somewhere, would you please do one of the following?
(ロストしたルアーに関する情報を共有したいと思います。昨日、宍道湖北岸で釣りをしていたとき、水中で浮遊している何かに、CCWダーターが引っかかってしまいました。宍道湖の釣りでは珍しいことです。残念なことに、その浮遊物体は湖底にしっかりと固定されているようでした。私のロッドとラインは非常に強力なものでしたが、その物体を引きずり上げることができず、ラインが切れてしまいました。今のところ、そのプラグはそこに引っかかったままだと思いますが、遅かれ早かれ、そこから離れて自由になるかもしれません。CCW (Couch’s Cedar Works) の木製ルアーは、私のお気に入りの一つです。悲しいことに、CCWルアーのオーナーであり制作者であるビル・カウチさんは数年前に他界され、CCWルアーの新規生産はもう行われていません。私は、ビルさんとメールでやりとりした時のことを覚えています。そうした何気ないやりとりからも、彼がいかに穏やかで優しい人であるかが容易に伝わってきました。彼の制作物は私にとって特別なものなのです。したがって、もしも読者の皆さんが、私がロストしてしまったダーターを見つけたのなら、次のいずれかを行っていただけないかと思います。)
(a) Keep it and use it. If you kindly let me know you have kept it, I would appreciate it, but, if you like to use it, you don’t need to return it to me. I would be happy to know someone is using it. (b) Sell it to one of local second-hand lure shops. If I am lucky enough, I can buy it at one of the shops as I actually did before. Writing this post, one idea occurred to me. Would someone please create an online bulletin board where lure anglers can post and share information of their lost lures? It might enable us to find our lost lures again thanks to the kindness of fellow anglers. It would also raise our awareness about how much damage we might cause to the environment and help us to be more responsible. It could become a new informative network of us, lure anglers. I believe we should post and share not only our triumphant catches but also our lost lures. I believe we need a space where we can be humbled more than we need a space where we can be boastful.
((a) 自分のものにして使ってください。拾われた旨をご一報いただければ喜びますが、もしも使っていただけるのであれば、ご返却には及びません。どなたかが手に入れて使用されているのだと分かるだけで、満足なのです。(b) 地元の中古ルアーショップに売ってください。運が良ければ、どこかの店で私が買い戻すことができます。以前、実際にそういうことがあったのです。さて、この記事を書いていて、あるアイデアを思いつきました。ロストしてしまったルアーの情報を、ルアー釣り師が投稿・共有できるようなオンラインの掲示板を、誰か作ってくれないでしょうか? そうすれば、釣り仲間の優しさのおかげで、ロストしたルアーを再び見つけることが可能になるかもしれません。また、私たちが環境にどれだけの損害を与えているかについての意識も高まり、より責任を負いやすくなるかもしれません。私たちルアー釣り師にとって有益な、新たな情報ネットワークになるかもしれないのです。私は、立派な釣果だけでなく、ロストしてしまったルアーについても、投稿して共有すべきだと思います。今は、勝ち誇るための空間よりも、釣り人が謙虚になれる空間の方が、より必要だと思うのです。)

Jun 4, 2023

(No. 1086) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

I couldn’t find any kittens at the parking space for Safuki-bana in Nonami this morning. I wish I had the ability to describe how deeply lonely but at the same time optimistic I felt… Completely alone standing at the parking space in one of the most remote seaside areas, I was thinking of Ben Affleck. I felt I could understand how he felt when his knocks at the familiar door got no response and he learned Matt Damon had finally departed. I wished those kittens good luck as Ben Affleck did for Matt Damon all along in the movie, “Good Will Hunting.” Speaking of luck, I seriously need it too. I got skunked again at Safuki-bana.

Jun 1, 2023

(No. 1085) Ten-eyed Fluffy Creature and No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (10の目をもつフワフワ生物と、野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

When I found a fallen tree blocking Cherry Road in Nonami this early morning, I had a premonition that something unusual would happen to me today. Fortunately the fallen tree was light enough for me to remove. I drove to the parking space for Safuki-bana more slowly than usual and found a fluffy animal quietly sitting there. It was a monster with a lot of small eyes. Taking a closer look at it, I realized it was five kittens cuddled up together. They had turned themselves into one cute animal with a total of ten eyes. I thought I would only scare them away if I approached them, but one of them got out of the fluffy aggregation and walked over to me. The remaining four followed suit.
The five kittens wanted something nice from me, such as food or protection. They were so adorable that I decided I would give a fish to them if I caught any, although I knew it was not a good idea. People often say, “Don’t give cats any food unless you take full responsibilities as their owner.” I was succumbed to their loveliness. I found myself even whispering them one of Prince’s hit songs, “I Would Die 4 U.” At Safuki-bana I did my best to catch fish. Any fish would be fine, but nothing happened to my lures. I apologized to the kittens in my heart. “Sorry, my lovely pussycats. Please don’t wait for this useless human being to come back.” On my way back to the parking space, I prayed I would find they had already gone to somewhere nicer. Several minutes later I was singing for them, “I would die 4 U, yeah, darling if you want me to…”
(5匹の子猫は、食べ物や保護など、何か素敵なものを私に求めていました。あまりにも可愛らしいので、良くないことだと思いつつも、魚が釣れたら子猫たちに与えることにしました。「飼い主としての責任を果たすつもりがないなら、猫に餌を与えてはいけない」とよく言われます。私は、彼らの愛らしさに屈服してしまったのです。気がつくと私は、プリンスのヒット曲「I Would Die 4 U」(君のためなら死ねる)をささやいてあげていたりするのでした。サフキ鼻では、何とか魚を釣ろうとがんばりました。どんな魚でもかまわなかったのですが、私のルアーには何も起きません。私は、心の中で子猫たちに謝りました。「ごめんね、ぼくの可愛い子猫ちゃんたち。どうか、こんな役立たずの人間が戻ってくるのを、待っていないでね」。駐車スペースに引き返しながら、私は、子猫たちが既にどこか素敵な場所に移動していることを祈りました。数分後、私は彼らに歌ってあげていました。「君たちのためなら死ねるんだ。ああ、ダーリン。もしも君たちがそう望むのならね…」)