About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jul 30, 2019

(No. 467) Scorpion Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてカサゴ)

This morning I took a friend of mine, who is a young bookish teacher at a nearby private-tutoring school, to Saruwatari in Nonami. Originally coming from the Kansai district in Japan, he seems interested in the fishing and swimming on the shore of Shimane Peninsula. Almost immediately after we started fishing about 6 a.m., he managed to catch a scorpion fish with my Hopkins Smoothie No=Eql. He said it was the first marine fish he had caught in the sea of Shimane Prefecture. Although I myself did not catch any fish and I even lost the very productive Hopkins Smoothie No=Eql afterward, I was happy.
(今朝は、近くの塾で教える本好きの若い教師である友人の一人を、野波の猿渡へと案内しました。もともと関西地方出身の彼は、島根半島沿岸での釣りと水泳に興味があるようです。午前6時頃から釣り始めたのですが、ほとんどその直後に、私のホプキンス・スムーズィー No=Eqlを使って、彼は見事にカサゴを釣りました。彼にとっては、島根県の海で釣れた最初の魚だそうです。私自身には魚が釣れず、さらには、よく魚を釣ってきてくれたホプキンス・スムーズィー No=Eqlを、その後、失ってさえしまったのですが、私は嬉しく思いました。)

Jul 26, 2019

(No. 466) Flathead Fishing at Lake Shinji (宍道湖でのマゴチ釣り)

The number of flathead fish caught in the summer in Lake Shinji might have increased for recent years. I myself caught the bottom-dwelling flat fish in 2017. Since then I have seen a few fishermen catch the fish as a by-product of their Japanese sea bass fishing. So I have wondered for some time. What will happen if I focus only on the flathead?  If I completely forget the Japanese sea bass and try to catch only the flathead? This evening I started the experiment. I took out a selection of lures which I thought should work best for catching the flathead, namely, CCW’s Darter plug, on which I had caught the fish in 2017, and the Hopkins Shorty, which I would bounce on the bottom of the lake. I started this experiment about 6:30 p.m. and finished it one hour later. My first experiment did not produce any good result. The Hopkins Shorty often picked up a Shijimi mussel from the bottom.
(近年、宍道湖で夏に釣れるマゴチの数が増えているのかもしれません。私自身は2017年に、この平たい底生の魚を釣りました。以来、スズキ釣りの外道として、数人の釣り人がこの魚を釣るのを目撃してきました。私はしばらく考えていたのです。もしも、マゴチに狙いを絞ったらどうなるだろうか? スズキのことは完全に忘れて、ただマゴチのみを狙ってみたら? 今夕、私はこの実験を開始しました。マゴチを釣るのに最適だろうと私が考えたルアーたち、つまり、2017年にマゴチを釣ったCCWのダーター・プラグ、そして、湖底で弾ませて使うつもりのホプキンス・ショーティーを持ち出しました。私はこの実験を午後6時半から開始し、1時間後に終えました。この最初の実験は良い結果を生みませんでした。ホプキンス・ショーティーは、しばしば湖底のシジミを拾ってきてしまいました。)

Jul 25, 2019

(No. 465) Scorpion Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてカサゴ)

One of my old classmates recently purchased new fishing tackle for the  yellowtail amberjack, and he asked me to take him to Saruwatari in Nonami. So I led the way to the fishing spot this morning. When we arrived, the sea was very calm. He did not catch any amberjacks but caught one Aji fish (Japanese horse mackerel), and I caught three scorpion fish on my Hopkins Smoothie No=Eql. Completely satisfied with the catch, I also enjoyed swimming.
(昔の同級生の一人が最近、ヒラマサ用のタックルを購入したので、野波の猿渡まで案内してほしいと言うのでした。そこで今朝、釣り場までの道を案内しました。私達が到着した時、海はとても穏やかでした。ヒラマサなど青物は釣れなかった彼ですが、アジを釣りました。私には、ホプキンス・スムーズィー No=Eqlで、カサゴが3匹釣れました。この釣果に完全に満足した私は、水泳も楽しみました。)

Jul 19, 2019

(No. 464) Big Japanese Sea Bass at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて大きなスズキ)

At last! Finally I caught a big Japanese sea bass in Lake Shinji. Until the fish attacked CCW’s Classic Danny around 6 in the evening, I had not anticipated that I would catch any fish today. I was just enjoying casting American plugs with one of my PENN Squidder reels. I was also enjoying chats with people coming to the refreshing shore of the lake. I talked with one young man who told me that he had been hitchhiking in order to accomplish a round-Japan trip, and I also talked with a young bookish teacher at a nearby private-tutoring school.
(ついにやりました! とうとう宍道湖で、大きなスズキが釣れたのです。夕方の6時頃、その魚がCCWのクラシック・ダニーを襲うまでは、今日、魚が釣れるような気はしていませんでした。私はただ、PENNスクイダーを使って、アメリカのプラグを投げることを楽しんでいたのです。私はまた、爽やかな湖岸を訪れる人々とのおしゃべりも楽しんでいました。ヒッチハイクをしながら日本一周中だと言う若い男性と話しました。近くの塾で教える本好きの若い教師とも話しました。)
Then, I had a chat with one of regular lure fishermen. He told me he had no luck today, either. A few minutes after we consoled each other, the fish quietly attacked the lure that was swimming slowly just below the surface. The catch drew the attention of another young man who had kept speaking an unfamiliar foreign language on the bank along the shore. He said he had come from Bangladesh in order to study in Matsue. The fat fish that delighted him was 75 cm (30 in.) long.

Jul 16, 2019

(No. 463) Hong Kong Grouper and Scorpion Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にてキジハタ及びカサゴ)

I have been to Saruwatari for four consecutive mornings, and today I managed to catch fish at last. When I woke up this morning, I found myself got tired of carrying a heavy set of fishing tackle for a strong yellowtail amberjack. So today I took out one of my lightest sets, a combination of Daiko Lancement LANJ-100MH and Ohmori Factory’s Tackle-Auto No.4. I also took out small metal jigs, which I don’t use very often. At Saruwatari I let a jig sink to the bottom of the sea. Then, I lifted it up from the bottom. I repeated this routine until I caught any fish. The Hopkins Smoothie No=Eql brought one Hong Kong grouper and two small scorpion fish to me.
(この4日間、毎朝、野波の猿渡へと出かけた私は、ついに今日、魚を釣ることができました。朝、起きてみると、力の強いヒラマサを釣るための重量級タックルを持ち運ぶのが嫌になっている自分がいたのでした。そこで今日は、私のタックルの中でも最も軽量な組み合わせの一つ、ダイコー・ランスマンのLANJ-100MHと大森製作所のタックル・オート No.4を持ち出しました。私はまた、ふだんはあまり使わない小さなメタルジグも持ち出しました。猿渡では、ジグを海底まで沈めてから、持ち上げます。この手順を、魚が釣れるまで繰り返しました。ホプキンス・スムーズィー No=Eqlが、キジハタを1匹、小さいカサゴを2匹、もたらしてくれました。)

Jul 15, 2019

(No. 462) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I have been to Saruwatari in Nonami for three consecutive mornings. Yesterday I cut all the troublesome weeds along the path to the fishing spot. So I felt more comfortable today with climbing down the path in the woods. If anyone had measured how long it took me to get down to the fishing spot from the parking space, today’s record would have been the best. Also, my body seemed more adapted to climbing up the steep path. The time I spent returning to the parking space after I quit fishing this morning must have been the shortest, too. These results of my cutting weeds were satisfactory, but unfortunately they had nothing to do with the results of my fishing.

Jul 14, 2019

(No. 461) Cutting Weeds and No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて草刈りするも釣果なし)

Yesterday I found that the path to Saruwatari in Nonami is getting overgrown with a variety of weeds. The weeds started to cover potentially dangerous objects such as a rock or a tree stump. So today I took out a pair of shears and cut the deceptive weeds along the path. This task took me about 45 minutes. I got exhausted and soaked with sweat when I finished it. The golden combination of fishing and swimming revived and refreshed me, although no fish attacked my lures.

Jul 13, 2019

(No. 460) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

About 7 weeks have passed since I last visited Saruwatari in Nonami. Naturally, the path to the fishing spot is getting overgrown with a variety of weeds. Owing to the thick weeds, I got almost lost at one point on my way to Saruwatari this morning. The forces of nature cannot be controlled. The water around the fishing spot was not very calm when I arrived. The swell was heavier than I had anticipated. A heavy swell can be beneficial for a lure fisherman like me, but nothing exciting happened to my American lures this morning. I just caught some floating sea weeds. I realized again that the forces of nature cannot be controlled.

Jul 10, 2019

(No. 459) No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なし)

As far as my Japanese sea bass fishing in Lake Shinji is concerned, 2019 has been the worst year since I came back from the U.S. in 2014. I have managed to catch one or two huge Japanese sea bass every past year, but now I am not confident that I will have the same fortune this year because this year’s poor catch seems universal in many fishermen aiming for the fish in the lake. Today I walked to the lake three times, namely, in the morning, around noon, and in the afternoon. Each time I took out a different set of American lures, and none of them worked. Now I feel that I might have to give up Lake Shinji once and for all. Instead, I should return to the Sea of Japan for the yellowtail amberjack.

Jul 3, 2019

(No. 458) Casting Practice with PENN Squidder at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてPENNスクイダーのキャスティング練習)

As I detailed before on the post No. 437, I badly failed to install a magnetic braking system on my PENN Squidders. As a result, I decided not to install it. In other words, I decided to use the reels without any optional braking system except for my thumb. It requires practice. Otherwise, you will get the backlash and bird's nest. So I have been to Lake Shinji to do the casting practice. After many backlashes and some fatal bard’s nests, I become able to use the reel without any trouble at last and realize how wonderful this conventional reel is. What a distance! What a fun!
(以前の投稿No. 437で詳述した通り、PENNスクイダーに磁石式のブレーキ・システムを搭載する試みにひどく失敗しました。その結果、私は、ブレーキの搭載を断念しました。言い換えれば、自分の親指を除けば、ブレーキ・システムは一切用いずに、このリールを使うことにしたのです。そのためには練習が必要です。さもなければ、バックラッシュが起き、釣り糸が鳥の巣のようにもつれてしまうのです。私は、キャスティング練習をするために宍道湖へと足を運びました。たくさんのバックラッシュを起こし、取り返しのつかない鳥の巣をいくつか作った後、ついに私は、なんの問題もなくこのリールを使うことができるようになり、そして、スクイダーがいかに素晴らしい両軸リールであるか悟ったのでした。何たる飛距離でしょう! なんて楽しいのでしょう!)