It was before 6 a.m., earlier than
yesterday, when I arrived at the parking space overlooking Ohtoko-bana in Izumo
City. I was sure I would be the first today, but there
was a car already parked at the space. I climbed down to the spot before daybreak
and chatted with the lure fisherman in the dark. I told him it had not been very
good at Ohtoko-bana at least for a few days. He looked a bit amazed when he
knew I came all the way from Matsue City. After a while another lure fisherman
came to the spot, an acquaintance of mine whom I have seen whenever I was at
Ohtoko-bana lately.
The conditions seemed the same as
yesterday, which means nobody caught any fish whether with bait or with lures. There was a tangled line left at the tip of the spot. I
picked it up and put it in my bag ostentatiously, hoping the god (or spirit) of
fishing to see my good deed. If my “Those who pick up the litter will be
rewarded” theory is not familiar to you, please see my past posts No. 85 and 86.
Unfortunately, the god (or spirit) might have watched another fisherman at
another spot, or simply they may not like a deliberate act.
(状況は昨日と同じようでした。つまり、ルアーだろうがエサだろうが、誰も何も釣れません。釣り場の先端に、もつれた釣り糸が放置されていました。私はその釣り糸を、これ見よがしに拾い上げ、釣りの神様(もしくは精霊)が善行に気づいてくれるよう願いながら、バッグに仕舞いました。私の釣り理論、「ゴミを拾った者にはご褒美がある」をご存知ない方は、No. 85と86の投稿を御覧ください。あいにく今回、釣りの神様(もしくは精霊)は、別の場所にいる別の釣り人を見守っていたのかもしれません。あるいは単に、わざとらしい行為が好きではないのかもしれません。)
P.S. One of the lure fishermen who were with me today made a comment below about what happened after I left. A few boils appeared. Sorry it is only in Japanese.
P.S. One of the lure fishermen who were with me today made a comment below about what happened after I left. A few boils appeared. Sorry it is only in Japanese.
(追伸 今日ご一緒したルアー釣り師のお一人が、私が帰った後に起きたことを、以下にコメントしてくださっています。ナブラが立ったとのこと。日本語のみとなり恐縮です。)