About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Mar 9, 2025

(No. 1286) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The sea around Saruwatari was super calm and clear this morning. I felt I could see through all the water to the bottom of the sea, and, as far and deep as my eyes could reach, there was nothing in the water. There were neither baitfish nor predators. Still, I kept throwing my favorite lures until I got too tired. Then, I said goodbye to nori (black tasty seaweed), which was about to vanish from the surface of rocks.

Mar 8, 2025

(No. 1285) Casting Practice at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にてキャスティング練習)

I was planning to go to Saruwatari in Nonami this morning for the yellowtail amberjack (although I knew it was too early for the fish), but my mother suffered a attack of angina pectoris in the early morning, so I had to cancel my plans and take her to her primary practitioner. Fortunately the attack was mild and she was OK. Although I had cancelled my plans, an urge to throw lures toward the vast water lingered in me. So I went to the shore of Lake Shinji to throw lures (although I knew it was too early for the Japanese sea bass). To my surprise, there was a lure fisherman on the shore. I talked to him and found he was just like me. He knew well there was no fish around but, nevertheless, enjoyed throwing lures. He said, “This is also fishing.” I completely agreed with him.

Mar 1, 2025

(No. 1284) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The weather forecast said that the sea would be calm today, especially in the morning, but I was busy driving my father to one place and my mother to the other in the morning. I couldn’t go fishing until the afternoon. I wished I could have gone fishing earlier, but my parents are more important, of course. So, when I arrived at Saruwatari, it was already around 1 p.m. I threw my favorite lures, but the sea was too quiet. There were neither baitfish nor predators. Fishing-wise, it wasn’t worth staying. But it was worth, weather-wise. It was so much warmer than yesterday that I felt the long winter had been finally over and today was the first day of spring. But the weather forecast also said that it would start raining tonight and the bad weather would linger for several days. I had to make full use of the nice weather today. Under the nice and warm sun I read a book sitting at the tip of Saruwatari and then started writing this piece on my iPhone. 

Feb 23, 2025

(No. 1283) Another Snow Shoveling for Not Only Exercise But Also Movie Screening (また雪かき。エクササイズのためだけではなく、映画上映のためにも)

The weather has been too tough for me to go fishing. All that I do these days is to work on my translation assignments and to service my fishing equipment, the former of which usually results in making money, but the latter of which occasionally results in losing money because I sometimes tinker around my lures or reels so much that I damage them. So, I love going out and shoveling snow. At least I won’t need to worry about damaging my tackle. I can get some good exercise and keep fit to go fishing at a rocky shore. I might be even helpful for others. Carrying a big yellow shovel over my shoulder, I went out farther than usual this morning. I went across one of bridges over the Ohashi River. I wanted to shovel snow around Izumo Building, one of the oldest modern structures in Matsue City. Today, a few of my friends are holding a monthly movie-screening event at the building. If you are interested, check their website
(天候が厳し過ぎて、釣りに行けません。近頃の私は、翻訳の仕事と釣り道具の手入ればかりをしています。前者は、たいていお金を得ることにつながりますが、後者は、ルアーやリールをいじり過ぎて壊してしまうことがあるので、たまにお金を失うことにつながります。だから私は、外に出て雪かきをするのが大好きです。少なくとも道具を壊す心配はありません。磯で釣りをするのに必要な体調管理のための良い運動にもなります。さらに、他の人の役に立つかもしれないのです。大きな黄色いシャベルを肩にかつぎ、今朝の私は、いつもより遠くまで出かけました。大橋川にかかる橋の一つを渡りました。松江市で最も古い近代建築の 1 つである、出雲ビルの周囲の雪かきをしたかったのです。今日は、数人の友人がそのビルで、月例の映画上映会をやっています。ご興味のある方は、彼らのウェブサイトをご覧ください。)

Feb 15, 2025

(No. 1282) No Fish around Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻周辺にて釣果なし)

I didn’t expect to encounter other fishermen at Susumi-hana in Owashi this morning. Indeed, there was a car left at the parking space, but somehow I assumed they were at Maruiwa, not Susumi-hana. So I got a bit surprised to see a pair of fishermen throwing their lures from Susumi-hana. While moving around them, I threw my lures from several different spots. I was also waiting for an opportunity to talk to them, but they were so focused on throwing their lures from the tip of slippery rocks, which are obviously not a very suitable place for having a chat, that I couldn’t find the opportunity to talk to them. I only murmured to them from a distance. “Good luck and be safe.” 

Feb 11, 2025

(No. 1281) Not Able to Give Word of Warning at Tayu Harbor (手結港にて注意できず)

I am a weak person, and I love Tayu Harbor. Tayu is one of the tiniest fishing villages in the Shimane Peninsula. It is a cozy small village, but, as far as I can see, it still has everything that any small village should have, such as a temple, a shrine, a graveyard, and a grocery store. I love Tayu Harbor, and it is one of primary destinations when I guide guests from outside Shimane Prefecture, but I don’t go fishing there as often as I did before. I hesitate to go fishing there. Why? Because Tayu Harbor reminds me of the fact that I am a weak person, as it did today.
(私は弱い人間ですが、手結港が​​大好きです。手結は島根半島で最も小さな漁村の一つだと思います。こぢんまりした漁村ではあるものの、私が見る限り、寺、神社、墓地、そして食料品店など、小さな村に必要なすべてのものがまだ残っています。私は手結港が大好きであって、島根県外からのお客様を案内する際の主な目的地の一つでもあるのですが、以前ほど頻繁には、釣りに行かなくなりました。手結港に釣りに行くのを躊躇してしまうのです。なぜでしょうか? 手結港に行くと思い知らされるからです。自分は弱い人間である、ということを。まさに今日のように。)
After I completed one of my translation assignments this morning, I felt I needed a break. So I went fishing. It’s a national holiday today. Popular fishing spots might have been already crowded. So I decided to go to Tayu Harbor. As I had expected, there were only a few anglers there, but here’s the rub. They had parked their cars in the most convenient area of the harbor, but It’s not allowed to park there unless you are a professional fisherman belonging to Tayu Harbor. I parked my car in another slightly remote area open to the public and took a walk to the fishing spot. When I was wondering if I should scold the anglers who had parked their cars in the prohibited area, another car was arriving.
I finally decided to take action. I hoped the new arrival would be a cocky sullen punk with only fashionable fishing equipment. If so, it would be much easier for me to scold him. If they were a pair of ignorant hooligans, it would be even better. But that was not the case. A gentle young man with a friendly smile got out of the car. In addition, it was he who started the conversation with me. I am usually the one who starts a conversation at a fishing spot, but at that time I had fallen into a silence, wondering if I should warn him or not. He respectfully asked me, “Did you catch any fish?” His voice was so gentle and affable that I had to reply to it with a most tender smile on my face. “Nothing.” Then we chatted happily about the amberjack fishing, and I realized I had missed an opportunity to scold him. Tayu Harbor made me realize again. I am a weak person who can scold probably only the most wicked villain.

Feb 8, 2025

(No. 1280) Tour of Heavy Snow Shoveling as Exercise for Heavy Fishing (ヘビーな釣りをするためのエクササイズとしてのヘビーな雪かきツアー)

Not only physical but also mental toughness are essential for my kind of fishing. What is my kind of fishing? In short, it is "non-fishing." What is "non-fishing?" In "non-fishing," although you are almost 100% sure you won’t catch any fish, you have to keep going fishing and enjoy it from the bottom of your heart. You have to find your own way to enjoy fishing even when you don’t catch any fish. That’s "non-fishing," and that’s my kind of fishing. In order to be a good "non-fisherman," you have to be tough not only physically but also mentally. If you want to be tough, I recommend you to embark on a tour of snow shoveling, as I did today.
(私がやっているような釣りにおいては、体力だけでなく、精神力も重要です。私がやっているような釣りとは何でしょうか? 一言で言えば「無魚釣り」です。「無魚釣り」とは何でしょうか? 「無魚釣り」とは、魚などほぼ100%釣れないと分かっていたとしても、釣行を重ね続け、それを心から楽しむことなのです。たとえ釣れなくても、自分なりの釣りの楽しみ方を見つけなければなりません。それが「無魚釣り」であり、それこそが、私がやっているような釣りなのです。そして、良い「無魚釣り師」になるためには、体力だけでなく、精神力も強くなければなりません。もしもあなたがタフになりたいのなら、今日私がやったような、雪かきツアーを行うことをお勧めします。)
Carrying a translucent yellow big shovel on your shoulder, you start your tour around your home. Then, you keep expanding the scope of your tour. Whenever you find a lady struggling to deal with snow dumped by the cold wave, you ask her to allow you to help her. If you are allowed, you just do your best, but you should be careful not to stay too long at one place. Otherwise, the lady might want to give your reward (Today I felt I kind of failed because I couldn’t refuse to accept a can of beer and two croquettes). You keep continuing your tour until you get too exhausted to continue it. Only then can you be ready for the hard-core “non-fishing.”
(半透明の黄色い大きなシャベルを肩に担いで、あなたはまず、自宅の周りから巡回します。そして、どんどん巡回の範囲を広げていくのです。寒波が残していった雪に対処できず苦しむ女性を見かけたら、あなたは、手伝わせてくださいと頼みます。手伝うのを許してもらえたら、あなたは、ただ全力を尽くします。しかし、一か所に長く留まらないよう注意したほうがいいでしょう。さもなければ、その女性があなたにご褒美をあげたくなってしまうかもしれないからです(今日の私は、ちょっと、しくじってしまいました。なぜなら、缶ビール 1 本とコロッケ 2 個を断れなかったのです)。あなたは、疲れ果てて続けられなくなるまで、この雪かきツアーを続けます。疲れ果てるまでやって初めて、ハードコアな「無魚釣り」をするための準備が整うのです。)

Feb 3, 2025

(No. 1279) Repairing Rope along Path to Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の高鼻と先高鼻に行く小道沿いのロープの修繕)

The weather has worsened since my last post, and I am not sure if I am going to have an opportunity to go fishing at any rocky shore this week. So I assigned myself a different kind of task today. When I went to Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana last time, I found one rope along the path in the woods torn at the middle of it. I decided to repair it. My plans were as follows; (1) Find a rope washed up on a beach, (2) Carry it to the path in the woods, and (3) Replace or reinforce the severed rope with it.
(前回の投稿以来、天候が悪化し、今週は磯釣りに行けるかどうか分かりません。そこで今日は、別の課題に取り組みました。前回、高鼻と先高鼻に行った時、林中の小道沿いのロープが真ん中で千切れているのを発見したのです。それを修繕することにしました。計画は以下の通りです。(1) どこかの浜辺に打ち上げられているロープを見つける、(2) それを拾って林の中へと運ぶ、(3) そのロープで、千切れたロープを交換または補強する。)
I easily found a few tangles of ropes washed up on the beach of Susumi Bay, although it’s not very easy to separate one good rope from the tangle because the ropes were entangled so tightly with each other. Then, I successfully repaired the torn rope with the new rope. Now the path gets much safer. After I completed the mission, I gave myself a reward. I allowed myself to enjoy a bit of fishing at Sanami Harbor, using my Seigler SGN Signature reel, which I had recently obtained and been impressed with because of its lightness and beauty.

Feb 1, 2025

(No. 1278) No Fish at Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の高鼻と先高鼻にて釣果なし)

The waves had remained too high for several days, but the weather finally got better this morning. I wanted to go to Saruwatari in Nonami, but the waves were still a bit too high, and there was also an unexpected swell along the shore. I was not sure if I would be able to jump over the narrow channel to reach Saruwatari. After due consideration, I gave up my original plans. Instead, I drove to Sanami Harbor to try Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana. At the harbor I saw only one angler. He was preparing an inflatable boat. I said to him, “How is fishing these days?” He said, “It’s slow at this time of year.” I said to myself, “That’s totally fine because for me it’s slow all year around.” Then, we had a pleasant conversation. As he kind of predicted, there was no fish around Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana. On my way back to my car, I talked to a professional fisherman working on a small boat. He was picking something from the bottom of the sea. “What are you picking?” It looked like he was picking turban shells, but they are produce of the summer. He replied, “Sea cucumbers.”

Jan 23, 2025

(No. 1277) No Reward at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて褒美なし)

“I might be rewarded with a good catch.” That’s what I was thinking when I was climbing down the slope of the woods to Saruwatari in Nonami this morning. On behalf of the stupid husbands, I had taken care of the abandoned square tubes in the woods surrounding Susumi-Bay. I took the tubes home and cut them into several smaller pieces of plastic. Then, I disposed of them appropriately. I hoped the deity of fishing to reward me for my good deed, but the sea around Saruwatari was too quiet as was often the case these days. I remembered the fact that only when reward is not expected can good deed be good deed.

Jan 21, 2025

(No. 1276) Petition to All Fishermen’s Wives (すべての釣り人の妻たちへの嘆願)

I have been translating a long English medical article since last week. Needless to say, any translation work requires utmost attention, and this afternoon I reached a point where I got mentally too fatigued to keep working on it. I needed a break. Fortunately, the sea was calm, so I decided to go to one of rocky shores. I chose Susumi-hana because I knew just seeing the beauty of Susumi Bay could revive my psyche. Indeed, I got refreshed by seeing the view and also throwing my favorite lures from the tip of Susumi-hana, but I also got baffled because I found two plastic square tubes for brand-new rods left along the path on the slope of the woods surrounding the bay. I wondered why they had reached such a decision to leave the square tubes in the woods. One hypothesis occurred to me.
Those who do such stupid conduct are married men, and their wives are good women who love their husbands. Their married life is almost perfect. But sometimes the wives think how wonderful it would be if their husbands were not fishermen. Fishermen tend to forget about household chores. Fishermen tend to spend too much money on fishing tackle, all of which look the same from the wives’ perspective. The wives get angry when they see their husbands coming home with another new rod packaged in a plastic square tube. The husbands want to maintain their happy marriages, of course. So the husbands have to keep the square tubes away from the eyes of their wives. If without the square tube, if a rod alone, the wives might not notice their husbands have bought another rod. So the square tubes have to be left in the woods…… That’s my hypothesis, and I would like to make a petition to all fishermen’s wives on the basis of it. Please do not get angry if your stupid husbands couldn't resist buying new rods. Please forgive them and allow them to dispose of the square tubes appropriately. Because preserving the natural environment might be as important as preserving your happy marriage.

Jan 19, 2025

(No. 1275) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

It is Sunday today, and the ocean was predicted to be calm with the expected wave height just 1 meter. So I was anticipating I would see a car already parked at the parking space for Saruwatari when I was driving on Cherry Road, the seaside winding road in Nonami. Indeed I saw the car, and there was a pleasant bonus: the driver was there, too. So I stopped my car and got off. They say that there are fewer and fewer anglers who go to serious rocky shores, such as Saruwatari. So I just wanted to say hi to him in order to help maintaining such a small “community” of anglers. I said, “Good luck and be safe.” First he looked a bit baffled but then smiled. Then I drove to Safuki-bana. Even when Saruwatari is taken, Safuki-bana is often vacant. The sea around Safuki-bana was not very calm. There was an unexpected swell. Although there was no fish, the swell thrilled me.

Jan 14, 2025

(No. 1274) No Fish at Etomo and Mitsu Harbors (恵曇港と御津港にて釣果なし)

The rough sea has long prevented me from going to any rocky shores facing the ocean. In addition, I have been a bit too busy thanks to some community activities and a series of translation assignments. This morning I finished the first one of the translation, and I felt I needed to go fishing. The sea remained rough, so options were very limited; either Etomo Harbor or Mitsu Harbor. First I went to Etomo Harbor. I started at Nanbo, one of the breakwaters in the harbor, and then I tried between the ice plant and Edabo, another breakwater. There were much fewer anglers than usual. All the anglers I had talked to lamented, “No fish.” So I gave up Etomo Harbor and tried Mitsu Harbor next. No one was there. No fish, either.

Jan 5, 2025

(No. 1273) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I vaguely remember. A short while after I started this blog 10 years ago, I was told that I couldn’t catch the yellowtail amberjacks in January. “The fish would be around only until December.” That might have been true until several years ago, but now that’s not the case anymore. It might be due to the ongoing climate change. According to the most recent fishing report provided by one of local tackle shops, it is now that the fish are around. They say the fish are being caught along the shore of Shimane Peninsula, especially the shore of Izumo City such as the Ketakake Peninsula. So I was very motivated when I started throwing my lures from the tip of Saruwatari this morning. The sea was moderately choppy, and the current seemed running. I felt a hard strike could happen at any moment, but I soon realized there were no baitfish around. The sea was actually empty. Nothing happened. Maybe it would happen tomorrow.