About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jun 29, 2024

(No. 1213) “Is This a Plastic Tube?” “No, It's a Compostable Straw” (「これってプラスチックのチューブ?」「いや、堆肥化可能なストローだよ」)

This is today’s second post and a sequel to the first one. As soon as I posted the first one, I informed Mr. Scott Johnson at Roberts Lures about it. When I placed the order on the Roberts Lures website several days ago, I had a nice chat with him. So I wanted to make sure that he would know I got amazed with the new packaging. He replied me back immediately with a surprising piece of information. On the first post, I mentioned “a small plastic tube” which covers the hook. Mr. Johnson kindly corrected my wrong assumption. It’s not a plastic tube but a “compostable straw that's made of vegetable matter.” Regarding the packaging, he said, “Everything is 100% natural and recyclable” and “If there's any packaging trash that is left on a boat or the beach, it dissolves into the environment. There's really too much plastic packaging here in the US and I really don't like that!” Thank you, Scott. Now I have one more reason to love Roberts Lures. 

(No. 1212) Another Impressive New Package of Roberts Lures (ロバーツ・ルアーの新パッケージがまたもや印象的)

(After reading the following post, you should read the next post immediately.)
I love to use Roberts Lures. For some anglers, especially Japanese anglers surrounded with an army of realistic plugs, Roberts Lures might look too simple. Indeed they look simple, but I know they work fine, and, most importantly, it’s so fun to use them. On this post I would like to report that Roberts Lures made another drastic change in their package. When I reported three years ago (No. 798), the package had already changed from a transparent plastic bag with a rectangle piece of thick paper inside to an open box of thick paper. I ordered some Roberts Lures several days ago, and they arrived today. Strangely, the parcel looked too small for the number of lures I had ordered. The reason was simple. They changed the package again. Now it’s not even a box. It’s just a small rectangle of thick paper, and the lure is tied to the paper with a small piece of wire. And there are a rubber band and a small plastic tube which holds and covers the hook, respectively. I remember what their original paper package said. “Be Considerate of Your Fishing Environment… Don’t Pollute!” I got impressed again with the decision that people at Roberts Lures made. The less material we use, the better we can preserve nature.
(私はロバーツのルアーを愛用しています。一部のアングラーにとっては、とりわけリアルなプラグ軍団に囲まれた日本人アングラーにとっては、ロバーツのルアーはシンプル過ぎるように見えるかもしれません。確かにシンプルに見えますが、しっかり働きますし、それに何より、使うのが楽しいのです。今回の投稿では、ロバーツのルアーのパッケージがまた大幅に変わったことを報告したいと思います。3年前に報告した時(No.798)、パッケージは既に、透明なビニール袋に長方形の厚い紙片が入ったものから、開いた厚紙の箱に変わっていたのでした。先日注文したロバーツのルアーが、今日届いたのです。不思議なことに、注文したルアーの数に対して小包が小さ過ぎるように見えました。その理由は簡単でした。パッケージがまた変わっていたのです。今は、箱ですらありません。ルアーは、小さな針金で一片の厚紙にくくりつけられています。そして輪ゴムと小さなプラスチックのチューブが、フックを固定し、カバーしています。オリジナルの紙パッケージに書かれていたメッセージを思い出しました。「釣り場の環境に配慮して…汚さないで!」。 私はロバーツ・ルアーの人たちが下した決断にまたもや感銘を受けました。使用する材料が少なければ少ないほど、より良い自然保護につながるのですから。)

Jun 23, 2024

(No. 1211) My “Magged” Avet Reel Works Fine Even during Typhoon-like Rain (マグ化したアベットリールは、台風のような雨の中でもよく働く)

In my last post, I reported that I “magged” my Avet MXJ6/4 reel. Since then I have added a few more magnets and coated them with two-part epoxy adhesive. Now I have no difficulty in throwing my 2 to 3 oz. lures with full force. The casting distance is wonderful, and I barely have a backlash. The rainy season, which is called “Tsuyu” in Japanese, has started. People say that we used to have much gentler rainfalls during “Tsuyu.” Now every rain feels like a typhoon probably due to the climate change. I went to Lake Shinji against such strong wind and rain. The lake had quickly swollen with heavy rains. The water was too muddy and too choppy. The crosswind was getting heavier and heavier, but I enjoyed throwing my favorite lures. My “magged” Avet won against the elements.
(前回の投稿で、アベットのMXJ6/4リールをマグ化したと報告しました。あれから私は、マグネットを数個追加し、2液性エポキシ接着剤でコーティングしました。今は、2 〜 3 オンスのルアーを全力で投げるのに何の問題もありません。飛距離は素晴らしく、バックラッシュもほとんどありません。日本語で「梅雨」と呼ばれる雨期が始まっています。梅雨の雨は、昔はもっと穏やかだったと言われています。今では気候変動のせいか、雨が降るたびに台風のように感じられます。私は、そんな強い風と雨の中、宍道湖に行きました。湖は大雨で急速に増水しています。水はひどく濁り、波立っています。横風はどんどん強くなっていきましたが、お気に入りのルアーを投げるのは楽しかったです。マグ化したアベットは、風雨をものともしませんでした。)

Jun 21, 2024

(No. 1210) How I “Magged” Avet MXJ6/4 Reel (アベットのMXJ6/4リールをいかにマグ化したか)

My Avet MXJ6/4 reel is not equipped with the magnetic braking mechanism so-called “M.C. Cast Control System.” In addition, Avet reels don’t have flanges on the edges of their spools. If the spool had flanges like Newell reels, it might be a bit easier to tame the often uncontrollable spin of the spool even without the “M.C. Cast.” Anyway I practiced a lot and managed to learn how to tame it with my naked thumb (I like to touch the spin directly). But I have to be maximally careful whenever throwing a lure. Otherwise I would get a backlash. If I am on a sandy beach or an artificial shore of Lake Shinji, a backlash is not a big problem, but I am often standing on a rugged rocky shore. When I am mending a backlash, a loose fishing line tends to be caught in rocks and potentially damaged. So I gave up trying to tame the spin only with my thumb. I attached some magnets on the left side of the reel with superglue. Now the spin of the spool is considerably slowed down so that my naked thumb can enjoy controlling the spin without worrying about burn.
P.S. Two months after I "magged" My Avet MXJ6/4 Reel, I changed my mind and removes all the magnets. See No. 1230.
(私のアベットMXJ6/4リールには、いわゆる「M.C. キャスト・コントロール・システム」と呼ばれるマグネット式ブレーキ機構が装備されていません。また、アベット・リールのスプールの端にはフランジがありません。ニューウェルのリールのようにフランジがあれば、たとえ「M.C. キャスト」がなくても、しばしば制御不能になるスプールの回転を抑えるのが少しは楽になるのですが。ともかく私はいっぱい練習して、親指でじかに回転を抑える方法をなんとか身につけました(親指が裸である理由は、回転にじかに触れるのが好きだからなのです)。しかし、ルアーを投げるときは常に、最大限の注意を払わねばなりません。そうでないと、バックラッシュが発生しかねないのです。砂浜や、整備された宍道湖の岸辺にいる時、バックラッシュは大きな問題にはなりませんが、私はしばしば、ゴツゴツした磯に立ちます。ですので、バックラッシュを直しているとき、緩んだ釣り糸は岩に引っかかりがちで、損傷する可能性があるのです。だから私は、親指だけで回転を抑えようとすることは断念しました。私は、リールの左側に、瞬間接着剤でマグネットをいくつか取り付けました。これでスプールの回転がかなり遅くなり、火傷を心配することなく、裸の親指で回転をコントロールできるようになりました。
追伸:MXJ6/4リールをマグ化してから2カ月後、私は心変わりをし、マグネットをすべて取り外してしまいました。No. 1230を御覧ください。

(No. 1209) No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami but Successfully “Magged” Avet Reel (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なしも、マグ化に成功したアベットのリール)

Nothing exciting has happened in my fishing in Lake Shinji except when I saw a bait fisherman continuously catching the Japanese black porgies on the northern shore of the lake the other day. I should be in the middle of the best season for the Japanese sea bass fishing, but no fish has responded to my lures. So this morning I tried the other side of Shimane Peninsula again. According to the fishing reports on today’s newspaper, the yellowtail amberjacks have started being caught along the shore. So I went to Safuki-bana. Whatever I tried, nothing happened there either, but I enjoyed today’s fishing more than usual. I succeeded in “magging” my Avet reel. There was no backlash all along without losing any casting distance. I am going to report how I “magged” the reel on my next post.

Jun 15, 2024

(No. 1208) No Fish at Maruiwa but First Swimming This Year at Susumi Bay in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なしも須々海湾にて今年の初泳ぎ)

No fish has been generous enough to respond to my lures in Lake Shinji. So this morning I decided to go to the other side of Shimane Peninsula, namely the Seas of Japan. The water was very calm around Maruiwa in Owashi, and I saw tiny baitfish swimming along the shore. I started fishing around 7 a.m., but the heat became almost unbearable even before 7:30 a.m. The summer seemed getting hotter and hotter by the year. I realized I should have started fishing at least one hour earlier. I gave up fishing and climbed over the hill behind Maruiwa to swim in Susumi Bay. It was my first swimming this year.

Jun 9, 2024

(No. 1207) Impromptu Casting Lesson for Lovely Girls from Nepal (ネパールの愛らしい彼女たちに即席のキャスティング・レッスン)

When the cloud prevents a beautiful sunset from being seen, I don’t go to the shore in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe. The cafe opens only when viewers can enjoy a beautiful sunset, and my primary purpose for fishing in front of the cafe is to give them some extra entertainment. It was very cloudy this afternoon, so I was fishing at a different shore of Lake Shinji. As soon as I started throwing lures, the rain got harder. I was the only person there except for two girls sitting behind me. They didn’t seem to care how hard the rain became. Wearing raincoats, they seemed to watch me throwing my lures. Soon afterward one of them came closer to me and asked in Japanese, “Would you please let me try it?” To my surprise, they had become interested in my fishing. Even during the hard rain. Unfortunately my tackle was one of the most hard-to-learn combinations; the Newell G235-F reel and the Gamakatsu Pop Shaft 83 rod. The conventional reel is without any modern braking system and any level-winding mechanism. The rod is not even an appropriate one. It is a spinning rod, which means no trigger is attached to it.
So I said to them, “I hope I could let you guys try it, but I can’t, because this is too difficult for you. You need experience.” Then I explained why it was so difficult. I was sure they would get a heavy backlash (bird's nest) on the reel. At worst, they couldn’t hold the rod tightly enough due to the lack of trigger and would throw the rod and reel into the lake. So I had absolutely no intention of allowing them to try it. However……, they have such lovely round eyes!! No man in this world can keep saying “No” to girls with such lovely eyes. I decided to let them do it. I said to myself, “However hard to come by and precious, the reel and the rod are just inanimate objects! I shouldn't care!” So I gave them impromptu lecture on how to use the tackle. Then I crossed the Rubicon and let them use it. To my very surprise, both of them made successful casts. Although they couldn’t throw the lure far, there was neither a backlash nor the submerged fishing tackle. More importantly, they smiled and enjoyed it. They are lovely two students from Nepal, and I am proud of myself giving up my precious tackle in order to give them more precious opportunities.
(私は彼女たちに言いました。「やらせてあげたいとは思うんだけど、難しすぎるから無理だよ。経験が必要なんだ」と。そして、なぜ難しいのかを説明しました。ひどいバックラッシュ(糸のもつれ)が起きるに決まっているのです。最悪の場合、トリガーがないのでロッドをしっかり握れず、ロッドとリールを湖に投げ捨ててしまうかもしれません。だから私は、絶対に彼女たちにやらせるつもりはありませんでした。しかし……、なんてつぶらな、愛くるしい瞳なのでしょう! あんなにつぶらな瞳をした女の子たちに「ダメ」と言い続けることが出来る男は、この世に存在しません。私は彼女たちにやってもらうことにしました。私は自分にこう言い聞かせました。「どんなに入手困難な貴重品だとしても、リールもロッドも、ただの無生物に過ぎん! 気にすんな!」と。私は、そのタックルの使い方について即席のレクチャーをしました。そして清水の舞台から飛び降りて、彼女たちに使ってもらったのです。驚いたことに、2人ともキャストに成功しました。ルアーは遠くにこそ飛ばなかったものの、バックラッシュもなければ、釣り具が水中に没することもありませんでした。何より彼女たちは、笑顔で楽しんでいました。ネパールから来た素敵な二人の学生さんでした。より大切な機会を彼女たちに楽しんでもらうため、大切なタックルを手放した自分を誇りに思います。)

Jun 7, 2024

(No. 1206) No Fish in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe but Nice Chat with Young Lure Fisherman (宍道湖サンセットカフェの前にて釣果なしも、若いルアー釣り師と楽しいおしゃべり)

I didn’t recognize another lure fisherman throwing a big plug from the shore in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe until he got close. So I felt as if he suddenly appeared from nowhere. Fortunately he was such a friendly decent fisherman that he listened to what I was saying without the slightest look of annoyance. He was using a jointed “big bait,” and how he moves it is very different from how I move my American pencil popper. So I explained what I was doing: “My style is from the Northeastern part of the U.S., where the sandy beach is so shallow that fishermen have to use a long rod to gain as much casting distance as possible and to move a topwater lure with such a long rod.” I hope he got interested.

Jun 4, 2024

(No. 1205) Missed (Probably Big) Japanese Sea Bass in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe (宍道湖サンセットカフェの前にて(おそらく大型の)スズキを逃す)

According to the concept by the Shinjiko Sunset Concierge, Shinjiko Sunset Cafe is the concession stand of the theater called “Shinjiko Sunset Theater.” Every show on the theater is unique because there aren’t two sunsets that are the same. Whenever I am fishing in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe, I am a performer on the show as well as a fisherman. I believe I gave today’s sunset show some unusual stuff; a surprise and an excitement. When I was making huge splash on the surface with the Tsunami TS Popper, a fish snatched it. I felt the weight of the fish. It was never a small fish. I heard some sunset viewers behind me saying something in excitement, but the fish came off instantly. "Next time!" I shouted to the viewers and shared my disappointment with them.

Jun 3, 2024

(No. 1204) Small Personal Achievement Although No Fish at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なしも、小さな個人的達成あり)

Since I returned from the trip to deliver the “Collected Prefaces,” I have been to Lake Shinji and the Ohashi River several times for the Japanese sea bass or the flathead. I have not caught any so far, but I achieved a different kind of feat this evening. I was in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe and was using one of American pencil poppers. A pair of local residents got curious about what I was doing. They seemed to mistake my lure for a real fish. So they stopped in order to look at it more closely. The biggest reason for my using an American pencil popper is not to catch fish but to get people curious. Then I can talk to them, explain what I am doing, and have a nice chat with them. When I just started talking to the pair, another pair came up to me. They were not Japanese but Bangladeshi. So I got into a difficult position. If I spoke Japanese, the Bangladeshi probably might not understand. If I spoke English, the Japanese pair might not. I didn’t like to let either one of the pairs feel left out. So I had to speak English and Japanese alternately. I think I did a good job. Because I remember their expressions on their faces when I said goodbye to both the pairs. They were smiling.