About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jul 31, 2023

(No. 1105) Small Fish Coming Back at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて小魚復活)

“Good morning, sir!” I screamed out at a professional fisherman working on a small fishing boat floating by Safuki-bana, without knowing whether he was the fisherman whom I had seen at the same spot last time. He got surprised at my sudden appearance and said, “Did you come here from over the mountain? Was there still the path?” I wanted to say to him, “Yes I did because I am a disciple of Karl Gotch,” but I was not sure if he was a Puroresu-mania, so I just said, “Yes. I'm maintaining it, so it's still there.” Although I didn’t catch any fish, I pleasantly found some small fish having come back to the shore. 
(「おはようございます!」と私は、サフキ鼻のそばに浮かぶ小さな漁船で作業中の漁師さんに向かって叫びました。前回、同じ場所で見かけたのと同じ漁師さんかどうかは分からぬまま。すると彼は、私の突然の出現に驚いて、「あの山の向こうから来たかね? まだ道はあ〜かね?」と言いました。私は「はい。私はあの山の向こうから来たのです。なぜならカール・ゴッチの弟子なので」と言いたかったのですが、その漁師さんがプロレス・マニアかどうか分からなかったので、「はい。道は私が整備しているので残っていますよ」とだけ言いました。魚は釣れませんでしたが、嬉しいことに小魚が少し、沿岸に戻ってきていました。)

Jul 24, 2023

(No. 1104) No Fish at Very Quiet Kurauchi Bay (とても静かな倉内湾にて釣果なし)

Where all the summer fish are gone? Normally you should see a lot of small fish in the shallow water along the shore of Shimane Peninsula at this time of the year, or am I just mistaken? I don’t see any of them except when I was at Kukedo-bana in Kaka a week ago. Has the ever-worsening global climate change finally dispersed those small fish? Or they are just late than usual, and this is just a blip and not the beginning of an ominous long-term trend? Anyway, I didn’t see any small fish at Kurauchi Bay this morning, either. it was very quiet in the sea. It was almost eerily quiet.
(夏の魚たちはどこへ行ってしまったのでしょうか? 本来ならこの時期、島根半島の海岸沿いの浅瀬には小魚がたくさん見られるはずなのですが、私は勘違いしているのでしょうか? 1週間前に加賀の潜戸鼻に行った時を除けば、小魚たちを見かけません。悪化の一途をたどる地球規模の気候変動が、ついに、あの小さな魚たちを追い払ってしまったのでしょうか? それとも、例年よりやって来るのが遅いだけであって、つまりこれは一時的な変調に過ぎず、不吉な長期的傾向の始まりではないのでしょうか? ともかく、今朝の倉内湾にも、小魚の姿は見当たりませんでした。海中はとても静かでした。ほとんど不気味なほど静かなのです。)

Jul 22, 2023

(No. 1103) Gotch’s Maxim and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (ゴッチの格言と、野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

The older you get, the harder you should exercise. Do you know who said that? This is the saying of the late Mr. Karl Gotch, a legendary wrestler who has been revered especially in Japan because he was the mentor of some distinguished Japanese wrestlers, such as Antonio Inoki, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Satoru Sayama (Tiger Mask), and Akira Maeda. Needless to say, I have been heavily influenced by those athletes who transformed the professional wrestling in Japan into so-called “Puroresu.” Mr. Gotch’s maxim is one of the reasons why I keep going to Safuki-bana in Nonami even under the heatstroke alert.
(年を取れば取るほど、より激しい運動をしなければならない。誰がそんなことを言ったか知っていますか? これは、伝説のレスラー、故カール・ゴッチ氏の格言なのです。ゴッチ氏は、アントニオ猪木、藤原喜明、佐山サトル(タイガーマスク)、前田日明など、そうそうたる日本のレスラーの師匠であったため、特に日本で尊敬されています。言うまでもなく私は、日本の職業レスリングをいわゆる「プロレス」に変えたこうした選手たちから、多大な影響を受けてきました。熱中症警報が出ている時であっても、私が野波のサフキ鼻に通い続けている理由の一つが、このゴッチ氏の格言なのです。)
This morning there was one fishing boat around Safuki-bana. In order to establish a good relationship with the old fisherman on the boat, I said to him cheerfully, “Good morning, sir. It’s so quiet today, isn’t it?” He smiled and replied to me in a bit of amazement. “Did you come here from over the mountain?” Yes. That’s what I did. And that’s what I want to do even every morning. Because I am a self-proclaimed disciple of Karl Gotch. The older you get, the harder you should exercise.

Jul 17, 2023

(No. 1102) Natural Bathtub? after No Fish at Senjojiki and Okamo in Kukedo-bana, Kaka (加賀の潜戸鼻にある千畳敷とオカモにて釣果なしも、天然の湯船?)

I suddenly had a change of heart when I was heading for Safuki-bana in Nonami this morning. For no particular reason, I decided not to go to Safukibana but to Kukedo-bana in Kaka. There was a pair of lure fishermen at Senjojiki, one of fishing spots in Kukedo-bana, and they seemed catching bottom-dwelling fish. I said hello to them, but my voice might not have been loud enough or the winds might have prevented my greeting from being heard. Or the pair might have been just too shy. They only glanced at me and didn’t say anything. I didn’t like to bother them, so I got far enough away and started throwing my topwater lures.
A small brown seaweed got caught on my popper, but it was actually a super small baby grouper. I had no idea how my big popper could catch such a small bottom-dwelling fish. Anyway, the fish was too small to be counted as a proper catch. Nothing happened after that. So I explored the area around Senjojiki and discovered a few round holes in the tide pool at Okamo. The holes looked bathtubs. Needless to say, I enjoyed taking a refreshing bath with a plenty of small fish. On my way back, I said to hello to the pair again, but my voice might not have been loud enough or…

Jul 16, 2023

(No. 1101) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

The weather in my region finally improved this morning. I felt I needed some serious exercise. The extreme weather, which seems ever-worsening year after year globally, had prevented me from going fishing for several days, and I felt I had been getting soft due to lack of exercise. So I chose Safuki-bana in Nonami, one of the toughest fishing spots, for today’s fishing. Some parts of the path through the woods leading to Safuki-bana had become almost jungle. I got amazed at how quickly the path could blend into the surrounding woods and cease to look a path. As for fishing, there is nothing much to write about. There was no fish, whether bait fish or predatory fish. I felt it a bit strange because normally I see a lot of small fish along the shore at this time of the year. Giving up fishing, I retreated to a slightly distant small cove, which felt almost like my own private beach, to swim there and cool down my body temperature. I didn’t like to bother two professional fishermen working on small fishing boats under the unbearable sun.

Jul 7, 2023

(No. 1100) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾にて釣果なし)

According to the weather app on my smartphone, it would start raining this afternoon and the rain could continue for more than a week. We were still in Tsuyu, the rainy season in Japan. I decided to make full use of a short time before the long rain. I drove to Kurauchi Bay for fishing and swimming. A lot of brown seaweeds were floating on the surface, and the current was not moving at all, which means the seaweeds stayed in front of me. As is often the case with such a stagnant condition, there was no fish responding to my lures. I jumped into the sea and swam at an area that had fewer seaweeds. I didn’t see any familiar summer fish that I usually see at this time of the year. I saw only seaweeds.

Jul 4, 2023

(No. 1099) No Fish and Poacher Watch at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところで釣果なし、そして密漁者への警戒)

A small fishing boat came unusually close to me this morning when I was throwing my lure toward the ocean from the comfortable rock located sightly beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami. The professional fisherman on the boat asked me whether what I was doing was fishing. It sounded a strange question, but his point was whether I was a poacher or not. I had been swimming around the fishing spot in order to avoid heatstroke before he approached me. I remembered I had been at Safuki-bana on July 1 last year when the turban shell fishing season opened (No. 960). The fishing season of this year might have already started too, probably resulting in the more tight seaside patrol. The fisherman on the boat was friendly but didn’t forget to warn me not to act and look like a poacher. He said they have kept a record of number plates of cars parked at parking spaces around the area. If you are involved with poaching, I recommend you to stop it. We seem to be watched.
(今朝、野波のサフキ鼻を少し越えたところにある快適な岩から大海原へ向けてルアーを投げていると、小さな漁船が、いつになく近づいてきたのでした。漁船の上の漁師が、私に尋ねました。私がやっているのは釣りなのかどうか、と。奇妙な質問に思えましたが、彼が言いたいのは、私が密漁者ではないか、ということなのでした。彼が私に近づいてくる前、私は熱中症になるのを避けるために釣り場の周辺を泳いでいたのです。昨年の7月1日、サザエ漁の解禁日にサフキ鼻にいた時のことを思い出しました(No. 960)。今年もすでに漁期が始まっていて、そのため沿岸のパトロールが強化されていたのかもしれません。漁船の上の漁師は友好的ではあったものの、密漁者のような行為をして疑われることのないようにと、私に警告することを忘れませんでした。彼によると、周辺の駐車スペースに駐められている車のナンバープレートが控えられているそうです。あなたがもしも密漁に関わっているようなら、やめるようお勧めします。私たち、どうやら監視されているようですよ。)

Jul 3, 2023

(No. 1098) No Fish but Beautiful Sunset at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて釣果なしも美しい夕日)

As I reported on the post of No. 1096, I have been preparing for an article about one of tourist attractions you can find at the lakeside by the Shimane Art Museum. This evening I visited the shore again. While no Japanese sea bass responded to my lures, a few onlookers watching the beautiful sunset over the lake responded to my rather unique American style fishing and talked to me. I also happened to meet the person herself, whom I would soon be interviewing for the article. I asked her to take a picture of me fishing, and then we had a nice chat. Is the sunset beautiful, isn't it? The tourist attraction I am going to write the article about is closely related to the sunset over Lake Shinji. I am working very hard. Please stay tuned.
No.1096の投稿でお伝えしたように、島根県立美術館そばの湖畔にある観光アトラクションの一つについて、記事を書く準備をしています。今日の夕方、私は再び、その岸辺を訪れました。私のルアーに反応するスズキこそいなかったものの、湖に沈む美しい夕日を眺めている見物客のうち数人が、私のちょっとユニークなアメリカン・スタイルの釣りに反応して、話しかけてくれました。そして私は、その記事のために近々取材させていただく予定のご本人にも、偶然出会ったのです。私は彼女にお願いして、私が釣りをしているところの写真を撮ってもらい、そして私たちは、しばし歓談しました。きれいな夕日でしょう? 私が記事を書くことになる観光アトラクションは、宍道湖に沈む夕日と深い関係があるのです。頑張って取り組んでいます。ご期待ください。)

Jul 2, 2023

(No. 1097) French Radiosonde, and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (フランス製ラジオゾンデ、そして野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところで釣果なし)

I have nothing interesting to write about today’s fishing at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami. The sea was choppier than last time, which raised my hopes a bit, but still no fish. Instead of catching fish, I found one mysterious electric object. I remembered I had found a similar one in the past. At that time I couldn’t figure out what it was. But this time the object had a few pieces of information on it, such as “Made in France” and “www.meteomodem.com.” As soon as I came home, I opened my laptop and learned the object was a “radiosonde.” What is a radiosonde? I’ve never heard of the word. According to the Wikipedia, it was a “battery-powered telemetry instrument carried into the atmosphere usually by a weather balloon that measures various atmospheric parameters and transmits them by radio to a ground receiver.” I am kind of relieved. It doesn't seem to be a weapon.
(野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところでの今日の釣りについては、面白いことは何も書けません。前回よりも海は波立っていて、少し期待が高まりましたが、やはり魚はいないのです。魚を釣る代わりに、私は、謎の電気物体をひとつ見つけました。以前にも同じような物体を見つけたことがあります。その時は、それが何なのか分かりませんでした。しかし今回、その物体にはいくつか情報が残されていました。「Made in France」と「www.meteomodem.com」です。帰宅するとすぐに私はノートパソコンを開き、その物体が「ラジオゾンデ」であることを知りました。ラジオゾンデとは何でしょう? 聞いたことのない言葉です。ウィキペディアによると、「通常は気象観測気球によって大気圏に運ばれ、様々な大気パラメータを測定して、無線で地上の受信機に情報を送信する電池式の遠隔測定機器」だそうです。私はちょっと安心しました。武器ではないようです。)

Jul 1, 2023

(No. 1096) No Fish at “Slightly Different” Lake Shinji (“少し違う”宍道湖にて釣果なし)

When I say I go fishing at Lake Shinji, I usually mean I go to the northern shore of its easternmost area. To be more precise, I go to the shore lying between Matsue City Hall and Oyukake Jizo. However, these days I often cross Shinjiko Ohashi Bridge and go a little further south to the shore by the Shimane Art Museum. Unlike my usual shore, it has some nice attractions, such as sculptures and objets d’art. In addition, you can see Yomega-shima island at much closer range. I cannot reveal the reason why I keep going there. All I can say for now is that I’ve started working on a special article about one of such attractions on the shore. It should be an interesting read. Stay tuned.