About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Mar 30, 2022

(No. 911) No Fish around Miyazaki-bana in Kataku (片句の宮崎鼻周辺にて釣果なし)

This afternoon I decided to go to the tip of Miyazaki-bana in Kataku, one of the most productive fishing spots in the Tayu/Kataku areas. I had not been there for a long time. According to past posts of this blog, I had been there only twice in total. Both of the occasions were in 2016, and, to my surprise, I had caught fish on both of them. I had caught a Japanese sea bass first (No. 124) and then a Hong Kong grouper (No. 193). However, I couldn’t get to the tip of Miyazaki-bana today. As I had explained on those past posts, you have to climb over the vertical and jagged cliff in order to reach there. A few ropes were tied to rocks, but those were too short compared to those in 2016. With my current physical ability, there was no way to climb over that overhang safely. I had to give up reaching the tip.
(今日の午後は、手結/片句地域で最も魚の釣れる釣り場の一つである、片句の宮崎鼻の先端に行くことにしました。この釣り場には長い間、行っていませんでした。このブログの過去記事によると、私は合計して2回しか行ったことがありません。その2回はいずれも2016年のことであり、なんと驚いたことに、その両方で、魚が釣れていました。最初にスズキ(No. 124)、次にキジハタ(No. 193)です。しかし今日は、宮崎鼻の先端まで到達できませんでした。過去の記事で説明したように、そこに到達するには、垂直でギザギザの崖を乗り越えなければならないのです。岩にロープが数本結ばれていましたが、2016年のロープと比べると短過ぎました。現在の私の身体能力では、あのオーバーハング(岩壁が覆いかぶさる所)を安全に乗り越えることは不可能でした。先端への到達はあきらめざるを得ませんでした。)

Mar 29, 2022

(No. 910) No Fish at Takanishi in Tayu (手結の高西にて釣果なし)

A series of reunions with Tayu fishing spots continues. This afternoon I went to Takanishi, a larger fishing spot between Enobori and Nitaki. The sea was much calmer than yesterday, and the temperature was unseasonably high. So much so that I almost thought summer had already arrived.

Mar 28, 2022

(No. 909) No Fish at Enobori and Zendana in Tayu (手結の犬堀と膳棚にて釣果なし)

This afternoon I tried Zendana and Enobori in Tayu for the first time in a long time. As I mentioned on one of my recent posts (No. 898), I used to go to Tayu frequently but stopped going there about five years ago. My interest in Tayu seemed to have come back recently. I used to go fishing early in the morning, but these days I rarely did so. Now I often go fishing in the afternoon. That might be the reason why my interest in Tayu came back. I didn’t like to disturb the tranquility of the early morning in the Tayu community. Today I realized Zendana and Enobori much larger and more gorgeous fishing spots than I had remembered since I stopped going there. I got amazed.
(今日の午後、久しぶりに手結の膳棚と犬堀を試しました。先日の投稿(No. 898)にも書きましたが、私は以前、手結によく行っていたのですが、5年ほど前に行かなくなりました。最近、手結への興味が戻ってきたようです。以前は早朝に釣りに行っていましたが、最近はほとんど早朝には行きません。現在は、午後から釣りに行くことが多いのです。それが、手結への興味が蘇った理由かもしれません。私は、早朝の手結集落の静けさを壊すのが嫌だったのです。今日、膳棚と犬堀は、私が行かなくなってから覚えていたよりもずっと大きく、豪華な釣り場であることに気づかされました。驚きました。)

Mar 27, 2022

(No. 908) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

It had become unseasonably warm by noon, and I finished all of my tasks by 2 p.m. There was no other option but to go fishing. I decided to go to Saruwatari in Nonami. However, I noticed the swell was too strong when I glimpsed the sea from the winding mountainside road in Owashi. Instead of Saruwatari, I decided to go to Maruiwa in Owashi because it is a much safer fishing spot especially when the high waves intimidate the shore of Shimane Peninsula. Unfortunately, the swell grew even stronger when I was standing at Maruiwa. Finally, I became unable to feel safe even when I was standing on a rather high rock there. Safety always comes first. I left Maruiwa without regret.

Mar 24, 2022

(No. 907) No Fish at Nitaki in Tayu (手結のニタキにて釣果なし)

Time flies. It’s been about five years since I last visited Nitaki in Tayu. In 2016 and 2017 I often tried fishing spots in Tayu, such as Nitaki and Takanishi, but I abruptly stopped going there although I loved Tayu very much. You have to walk through a narrow allay in the Tayu hamlet in order to reach those fishing spots, and I couldn’t help feeling I was infringing Tayu people’s privacy especially in the early morning. Today I felt less so, because it was in the afternoon when I walked on the allay. While in the woods to Nitaki, I remembered it could be a dangerous fishing spot when the waves were high. Unfortunately the sea was rougher today than I had expected on the basis of the weather forecast (it said the wave would be just 1 meter high). I kept throwing my favorite lures for one hour while paying more careful attention to my surroundings than usual.

Mar 22, 2022

(No. 906) No Fish at Taka-hana and Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の高鼻と先高鼻にて釣果なし)

As I explained in my last post, one of my old classmates has a psychic power. Whenever he declares, “I am very positive I will catch fish today,” we won’t catch any fish. In order to neutralize our fishing ability, all that he has to do is just say so. So this afternoon, before we started fishing at Taka-hana in Sanami, I prohibited him from declaring so. Instead of him, it was me who did so today. I had no intention to do so, but the beauty of the sea just made me. Anyway we got excited to see how things would change for the better. We hoped the goddess of victory might smile on us at last. It didn’t take us even one hour to realize that I own the same superpower.

Mar 21, 2022

(No. 905) No Fish at Seizya next to Ketakake Peninsula (桁掛半島の隣にある「せいじゃ」にて釣果なし)

It’s been more than five years since I introduced two of my old classmates to Ketakake Peninsula, one of the most otherworldly places in Shimane Prefecture. One of those classmates recently visited the peninsula on his own and got lost in the woods. He said he was able to reach the peninsula but couldn’t find a trail down to its shores. So today I was to guide him to one of the fishing spots. However, he changed his mind in the woods on our way to Ketakake Peninsula. Instead of going to the peninsula, he decided to go to Seizya or Ohyokote, two farther fishing spots lying to the east of it. As soon as the ocean around Seizya came into his view, he murmured, “I am very positive I will catch fish today.” Whenever he sees a beautiful sea, he always says so. And, whenever he says so, we will be always out of luck. We got skunked again.

Mar 20, 2022

(No. 904) Interrupted Fishing at Ohira in Mitsu (御津の大平にて中断された釣り)

I don't think I have ever caught fish at Ohira in Mitsu, but it must be a great fishing spot. In order to reach Ohira you have to climb up a stainless steel ladder put against the cliff of it. The ladder is bolted to the cliff. As the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook” mentions, it is hardly the work of an amateur. A skilled professional must have done it. Ohira must have such excellent qualities as a fishing spot that the professional wanted to put the ladder against the cliff. This morning the waves were higher and more dangerous than I had expected. I got drenched with the waves running up the shallow side of Ohira. I had to quit today's fishing much sooner than I had hoped.

Mar 11, 2022

(No. 903) Casting Practice while Having Chat with Friend at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて友人とおしゃべりしながらキャスティング練習)

These days I often go to Lake Shinji in a short break between my translation assignments and household chores. Throwing a lure for just 10 minutes or so is enough for refreshing my spirit for the next obligation. This afternoon I ran into a good friend of mine at the windy shore of the lake. She had been reading a small book. She is an avid reader but not an angler. So I proudly demonstrated my beautiful casting for her. Throwing a favorite lure to the vast surface of Lake Shinji while having a nice chat with a good friend. What a refreshing combination it was! Thank you, Tiger A!
(最近、翻訳や家事の合間を縫って宍道湖に行くことが多くなりました。たった10分ほどルアーを投げるだけで、次の仕事への英気を養うことができるのです。今日の午後は、風の強い湖畔で、仲の良い友人と偶然、出会いました。彼女は小さな本を読んでいました。彼女は熱心な読書家ですが、釣り人ではありません。そこで私は、美しいキャスティングを誇らしげに彼女に披露したのです。宍道湖の広大な水面にお気に入りのルアーを投げながら、友人と楽しくおしゃべりをする。なんて爽快な組み合わせなのでしょう! ありがとう、虎A!)

Mar 8, 2022

(No. 902) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I have recovered from the injury I suffered in January to such a degree that I felt I became ready for fishing at a serious rocky shore, such as Saruwatari. Meanwhile, my mother’s physical conditions have also improved so much that I don’t think I need to be with her all day now. I feel I can leave her behind at home without worrying too much. So I went to Saruwatari this afternoon in order to evaluate how my body could withstand the physical burden of fishing at a serious rocky shore. I climbed down the steep path toward Saruwatari and reached the fishing spot without any problems. I was able to keep throwing my favorite lures for about one hour till 4 p.m. Lastly, I climbed up the path and came back to my car without taking a break. My body felt just fine. However, one unanswered question remained. Could my body endure the tremendous pulling power of the yellowtail amberjack? In order to figure it out, I need to keep going to Saruwatari.
(1月に負った怪我からも回復し、猿渡のような本格的な磯で釣りができるようになったと思います。一方、母の体調もだいぶん良くなり、一日中、つきっきりでいる必要はないと思えるまでになりました。大きな心配をすることなく母を家に残しておくことができそうです。そこで今日の午後、猿渡に行ってきました。本格的な磯釣りに伴う体力的な負担に私の身体が耐えられるかどうかを見るためです。私は、猿渡に向かう急な坂道を下り、何の問題もなく、釣り場に到達しました。午後4時までの約1時間、お気に入りのルアーを投げ続けることができました。そして最後に、休憩を取ることなく坂道を登って、車まで戻りました。身体の調子は上々のようです。ただ、ひとつだけ未解決の疑問が残りました。私の身体は、ヒラマサの驚異的な引きに耐えられるのでしょうか? それを知るためには、これからも猿渡に通い続けねばなりません。)