About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Oct 31, 2019

(No. 502) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The strong swell died down considerably by this morning. So I managed to jump over the narrow channel to reach Saruwatari in Nonami. I started casting my favorite American lures for the yellowtail amberjack about 6:30 a.m. and kept casting them tenaciously for about 2 hours and a half. Unfortunately, nothing happened.

Oct 30, 2019

(No. 501) No Fish at Rock Closest to Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡近くの岩にて釣果なし)

Although the weather forecast had not said anything about the swell, I found Saruwatari was constantly swept by the strong swell when I reached the fishing spot in Nonami about 6:30 a.m. I did not even think about jumping over the narrow channel to get to Saruwatari. All that I could do this morning was to make several unsatisfactory casts from the nameless safer rock closest to Saruwatari. The swell was so dangerous that I had to stop fishing sooner than I had expected. I was able to cast my lures, but I was not sure if I could land any catch safely.  

Oct 28, 2019

(No. 500) Missed Yellowtail Amberjack at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にてヒラマサを逃す)

I returned to my chase of the yellowtail amberjack at last. This morning I was with one of my old classmates who had recently purchased new fishing tackle for the fish and asked me to take him to a more easily reachable fishing spot. The weather forecast had said that the waves would be just 1 meter high. So I took him to Susumi-hana in Owashi. Unexpectedly, the spot was constantly swept by the strong swell. The spot was easily reachable, but the fishing itself was not very easy especially for him.
About 7:30 a.m. a yellowtail amberjack hit my Tady 45, a type of lure called “surface iron.” The fish dashed to the bottom of the sea, and the drag of my reel screeched. My old classmate and I were so apart then that we could not hear each other. Trying to make him notice that I hooked the fish, I lifted my rod upright. I wanted to show him how enormously my rod bent. It might have been a fatal mistake. The fish dashed to the bottom again and came off. My old classmate was never aware of it.

Oct 25, 2019

(No. 499) Thank You, My Thank You Note (お礼を言うよ、私のお礼状)

My body is steadily getting ready for serious fishing. Today, as a rehearsal for the next fishing trip, I drove to the parking space for Saruwatari in Nonami. I was not with any fishing equipment. I took out only a small knife. Before resuming my chase of the yellowtail amberjack, I wanted to remove the thank you note that I had attached to the monument at the entrance to the woods leading to Saruwatari. The note was still there thanks to the strong adhesive tape, and I had to cut the tape with the knife. Thank you, my thank you note, for enduring the bad weather while tenaciously showing my gratitude on my behalf.

Oct 19, 2019

(No. 498) My Recent Favorite Rod (最近のお気に入りのロッド)

I got the flu a week ago. While recovering, I still cough heavily. So I am not sure when to go fishing next. It is unfortunate because I have caught the yellowtail amberjack only at this time of the year since I came back to Japan. I feel I am losing the best opportunity for catching the coveted fish, but I remind myself that safety always comes first. Only when you are in good shape should you go to a rocky shore for catching such a powerful fish. So this post cannot be about my recent fishing trip. It is about my recent favorite rod.
A month and half ago I discovered a rather conspicuous rod at a secondhand fishing tackle shop. As soon as I held the white rod, an epiphany occurred to me. As you may remember, I tried to create a “true two-way” rod like Shohei Ohtani in the past and I felt I did it. The white rod I found at the shop felt like a hugely updated version of my hand-made two-way rod. It was a Gamakatsu spinning rod, Pop Shaft 83. I bought it and used it with one of my conventional reels on it. It felt good as I had expected. When I caught the big mahi-mahi the other day, I was using this rod with a spinning reel on it. It is interesting that virtually no information about this rod is available on the Internet.

Oct 10, 2019

(No. 497) Thrilling Strike and Teasing Chase at between Maruiwa and Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の丸岩と須々海鼻の間にてスリル満点なストライクとからかうようなチェイス)

This morning I fished at the area between Maruiwa and Susumi-hana in Owashi. According to the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” the area between them is called Tawaragasaki. There was another fisherman at Maruiwa, and he seemed to have already caught some fish before I arrived and started fishing about 7 a.m. Nothing happened to me for one hour. Around 8 a.m. the swell got stronger. Then one fish hit my American pencil popper (Guppy Lure’s Jobo Junior, 2.75 oz.). It was thrilling, but the fish was not hooked. A short while later, I saw a few greenish fish chasing the pencil popper. It looked as if they were playing with the lure. I felt teased.
(今朝は、大芦の丸岩と須々海鼻の間で釣りました。とても役に立つ『山陰の釣り場総覧』によると、両者の間の場所を、タワラヶ崎というそうです。丸岩には別の釣り人がいて、私が午前7時頃に到着し釣り始める前に、既に何かを釣られていたようです。1時間ほど、私には何も起きませんでした。午前8時頃、うねりが強くなりました。すると、アメリカのペンシル・ポッパー(グッピールアーのジョボ・ジュニア、2.75 oz)を魚が襲いました。スリル満点でしたが、魚は針にかかりませんでした。その少し後で、数匹の緑がかった魚がペンシル・ポッパーを追いかけてくるのが見えました。魚たちはまるで、ルアーと戯れているような具合でした。私はからかわれているように感じました。)

Oct 7, 2019

(No. 496) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

There was a swell around Maruiwa in Owashi this morning. On the other hand, there was no wind and therefore almost no waves. So I think I can say the swell I observed this morning was a pure swell unaffected by waves. Anyway, I had to be careful. A swell could be much more dangerous than waves. Due to the swell, I could not stand at the edges of Maruiwa. That situation made it worrisome for me to use some lures that require me to lower the tip of my rod when I retrieve them. The fragile fishing line could touch the sharp edge of a rock, if I were careless. So I primarily used one of my American pencil poppers (Guppy Lure’s Jobo Junior, 3 oz.) because you cannot lower the tip of your rod when you move a pencil popper the way the Northeastern fishermen do. Your rod stands almost upright. I am still not very sure how effective this fishing method is for catching faster-swimming big fish such as yellowtail amberjacks, but I almost always put a higher priority on comfort of a fishing method than on a good catch of fish.
(今朝、大芦の丸岩周辺には、うねりがありました。一方で、風は吹いておらず、したがって波はほとんどありませんでした。ですので、今朝、私が観察したうねりは、波の影響を受けていない純粋なうねりであったと言えると思います。ともかく、私は注意しなければなりませんでした。うねりは、波よりもずっと危険なものになり得るのです。このうねりのせいで、丸岩の端っこに立つことができませんでした。そのため、竿先を下げて引く必要のあるルアーを使うのが厄介になりました。注意していないと、傷つきやすい釣り糸が、鋭い岩の端っこに触れてしまいかねないのです。ですので私は、主にアメリカのペンシル・ポッパー(グッピールアーのジョボ・ジュニア、3 oz)を使いました。なぜなら、米北東部の釣り人が動かすようにペンシル・ポッパーを動かす時、竿先を下げることはできないからです。竿は、ほとんど垂直に立っています。この釣法が、ヒラマサのような高速で泳ぐ大型魚を釣るのにどれだけ効果的なのか、私はまだ十分には分かっていないのですが、私はほとんど常に、良い釣果よりも、釣法の快適さを重視します。)

Oct 3, 2019

(No. 495) No Fish at Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の先高鼻にて釣果なし)

As I mentioned on the last post, I decided to stay away from fishing at Saruwatari in Nonami for a while. I had thought about where I should go instead and found myself interested in trying Meshima, a rocky part attached to the breakwater of Onoze Harbor. I think I have not been to Onoze for more than four years. According to the very useful “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook,” you can get to the front tip of Meshima on foot. You don’t need to use a boat. However, when I tried it last time, I could not find a path to reach the front tip of it. So I planned to try Meshima again this morning, but the weather forecast said that it would be windy due to another typhoon. To try an unfamiliar rocky spot in a potentially challenging environment is not a good idea. So I changed my mind and went to Sakitaka-hana in Sanami. The wind was strong indeed, but the sea was calm and clear. No fish responded to my lures.

Oct 2, 2019

(No. 494) Thank You Note at Entrance to Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡への入り口にお礼状)

This morning I drove to the parking space for Saruwatari in Nonami. It was not for fishing. I had already caught a Japanese Spanish mackerel and a big mahi-mahi from Saruwatari for a week. Those catches were more than enough for me. Honestly, I don’t like to have a good fishing spot to myself. This morning I drove to the parking space just to put up my thank you note on somewhere visible. The note was for a person or people who kindly cut all the weeds along the path to Saruwatari. I found one car left when I arrived at the parking space about 7:30 a.m. There was no way to know what kind of fish the fisherman aimed for, but anyway I wished him or her good luck. Then I put up my handmade thank you note at the side of a small monument standing around the entrance to the woods leading to Saruwatari. It says, “To those who cut the weeds. Thank you very much. I caught a mahi-mahi.”