About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Nov 28, 2024

(No. 1264) No Japanese Spanish Mackerel in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港にてサゴシなし)

We, Japanese, are fish eaters. Although fish consumption has been in decline for a long time, we still love to eat fish. And we also know there is a famous slogan in the world of sports fishing, which is “Catch and Release.” I am afraid that this slogan doesn’t necessarily fit the Japanese fish-eating culture. So I made up my own slogan many years ago, which is “Catch and Eat but Never Catch Too Many.” From the perspective of this slogan, I cannot like very much pictures of amateur anglers boasting about the “quantity” of fish they caught. The “quality” is more important. 
As I reported in my last post, I caught the Japanese Spanish mackerel in Etomo Harbor a few days ago. I shared it with my parents, but I felt the quality of the dish was not as good as it should have been. The fish meat was kind of undercooked. Strangely, I started feeling sorry for the fish, not because I killed and ate it, but because I didn’t do my best. So since my last post I have kept going to Etomo Harbor for another fish in spite of very bad weather. Strangely, now I feel it’s my obligation to make a best dish out of the fish. I feel I need to do it in order to properly express my thankfulness to the species of Japanese Spanish mackerel… We, Japanese, are fish eaters.

Nov 26, 2024

(No. 1263) Japanese Spanish Mackerel at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にてサゴシ)

The hard rain kept falling as the weather forecast had predicted. So I gave up going fishing today, but the rain unexpectedly subsided this afternoon, and I couldn't resist the urge to use my Seigler SG reel and Tenryu Magna Jig System 8’ rod (JS 802 BC-20), so I went out fishing. I also wanted to see what fish had caused the boils yesterday. Unfortunately, the rain had become heavier again by the time I arrived Nanbo in Etomo Harbor. I had to wait for a while in my car. The rain became weaker again, so I went outside. I used metal jigs that were much smaller than my normal plugs. A strong wind was blowing, and the rain became heavier again, so it was like a small typhoon, but I didn’t care anymore. I got drenched but didn’t quit. Maybe my unusual tenacity paid off. A fish bit my Charlie Graves Swimming Tins D-5. It was a young Japanese Spanish mackerel. 
(天気予報通りの激しい雨が、降り続きました。今日は釣りに行くのを諦めたのですが、午後、思いがけず雨脚が弱まり、シグラーSGリールと天龍マグナ・ジグ・システムの8フィート・ロッド(JS 802 BC-20)を使いたいという気持ちが抑えられなくなったので、私は釣りに出かけたのでした。昨日のナブラの原因となった魚が何であるのかも、確認したかったのです。恵曇港の南防に着くと、あいにく、またもや雨脚が強まっていました。私は車の中でしばらく待機しました。するとまた雨脚が弱まったので、私は外に出たのです。いつものプラグよりずっと小さいメタルジグを使いました。強風が吹き、また雨脚が強まり、まるで小さな台風のような状態でしたが、私はもう気にしないのでした。びしょ濡れになっても、やめませんでした。いつもとは違うその粘り強さが、功を奏したのかもしれません。チャーリー・グレイブス・スイミング・ティンズのD-5に、魚が食いつきました。サゴシ(サワラの若魚)でした。)

Nov 25, 2024

(No. 1262) Some Boil but No Fish at Nanbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の南防にてナブラが立つも釣果なし)

I realized I needed a break. I had been translating a medical article since I woke up this morning. I had been working on it for many hours. It was getting more and more difficult to keep my concentration. I said to myself, "If I keep translating, I will make some careless mistakes." So I took a break this late afternoon and drove to Nanbo, one of breakwaters in Etomo Harbor. Shortly after I arrived there, the calmness of the sea broke. Small boils appeared on the surface. Some predatory fish were chasing baitfish. My lures might have been too big to imitate the baitfish. No predators responded. Now I am wondering whether I should go there again tomorrow morning with smaller lures.

Nov 24, 2024

(No. 1261) Nice Chat at Most Inward Area in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の最奥部で楽しいおしゃべり)

Taking advantage of a short break between a translation job and a community activity, I drove to Etomo Harbor. I just wanted to throw lures under the beautiful autumn sky with my recent favorite tackle; Seigler SG reel and Tenryu Magna Jig System 8’ rod. Because no fish responded to my lures at my usual fishing area between the ice plant and Edabo (one of breakwaters), I made a drastic change. I went to the most inward area in the harbor. I had not seen any fishermen over there before. I didn’t expect I would catch any fish, but…. Indeed I didn’t catch any, but there was a fisherman. And he got interested in my fishing tackle and lures, and we enjoyed a nice chat. Sometimes we should try a completely different fishing spot. Something good might happen.

Nov 22, 2024

(No. 1260) Is It Used As Cane? Most Essential Requirement for My Rod (それって杖の代わりになる? 私が竿に求めるいちばん大事な必要条件)

I looked for a good casting rod with a trigger while I love my strange combination of a lever drag reel (Seigler SG) and a spinning rod (Gamakatsu Pop Shaft 83). There is a specific reason why I love attaching a conventional reel without a levelwind mechanism to a certain kind of spinning rod, but I also knew that a trigger rod would allow me to use a conventional reel more comfortably. So I was browsing a site of second-hand tackle shop. It was not easy to find a good one for me because I had two requirements.
First, it had to be cheap. My primary fishing spots are very rocky. It’s easy for my tackle to get scratches. If I used new expensive tackle, I would want to make extra efforts in order to avoid scratches, and such nonessential efforts could ruin my safety. There might come a case where I could survive only if I did throw away my tackle. If I were with new expensive tackle, I might get reluctant to do so. So my rod had to be cheap. Second, it had to be a rod that I could use as a strong cane. When I am moving around a rocky shore or climbing up a mountain, I need a cane. A 50/50 or 60/40 split 2-piece rod with a rugged butt cap can be a good strong cane. After spending a few hours, I finally found a good one. At Etomo Harbor this afternoon, I confirmed that I had made a good purchase. It’s an old rod made by TENRYU.

Nov 16, 2024

(No. 1259) Surprising Encounter with Bait Fisherman after No Fish at Farthest Spot Beyond Safuki-bana (野波のサフキ鼻から最も離れたところで釣果なき後、エサ釣り師との驚くべき邂逅)

This morning I passed by Safuki-bana and went as far as possible. I reached the farthest beyond Safuki-bana, where I have not caught any fish although I always feel the current running better. Today was not an exception. There was a current, but no fish responded to my lures. I didn’t see any baitfish, either. I decided to leave. To my surprise, another fisherman was approaching. It was as if he had appeared in an instant. He said to me, “I had to cut the rope.” After the initial bafflement, I realized he had climbed down the cliff behind the spot. I didn’t know there was a direct route to the farthest spot beyond Safuki-bana. The route was so steep that naturally someone had installed a rope along it. However, the rope had become so fragile that he had to cut it in order for other fishermen not to use it and risk their lives. His story intrigued me very much.

Nov 15, 2024

(No. 1258) Exploring New Route after No Fish at “Safuki-bana” in Nonami (野波の「サフキ鼻」にて釣果なき後、新ルートの探索)

Names of almost all fishing spots on this blog are based on the “Sanin Fishing Spot Guidebook.” I deeply appreciate this useful guidebook. That’s why I have distinguished “Safuki-bana” and “beyond Safuki-bana.” When the sea is calm, I often go beyond the spot designated as “Safuki-bana” by the guidebook to get to a more comfortable rock. I am so faithful to the guidebook that I have made the distinction between “Safuki-bana” and “beyond Safuki-bana,” but they are basically the same fishing spot as shown by one of above photos. So I decide I won’t use “beyond Safuki-bana” anymore. To be honest, I have already neglected to make the distinction several times. From now on, even when I am at “beyond Safuki-bana,” I am at “Safuki-bana."
This morning I saw neither baitfish nor predators at Safuki-bana. So I gave up fishing and embarked on exploration in the woods for a new faster route to Safuki-bana. I had noticed a zone of yellow flowers on the slope of the mountain behind the shore. I reported on my earlier post before the last one that I had found the potential animal trail in the woods, and the trail was in the yellow-flower zone. I felt I might be able to create a new route, using the trail. I started walking toward the yellow flowers. To my surprise, there was a stone wall hidden at the foot of mountain. I climbed over the wall and pushed my way through the bush. Even after reaching the yellow-flower zone, I had to struggle with the bush, but I managed to get back to the normal route. It took much longer than I had expected. I am wondering if it's worthwhile to develop the new route.

Nov 12, 2024

(No. 1257) Unexpected Swell at behind Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡の後ろにて、予想外のうねり)

There was a heavy swell around Saruwatari this morning. I tried to remember whether the weather forecast had mentioned anything about a swell. All that it had forecasted was that the waved would be 1 meter high. I got reminded again that nobody can predict everything about nature. Nobody can win against nature. The swell prevented me from trying to jump over to Saruwatari. It was too dangerous. Instead, I decided to stay at a separate rock just behind Saruwatari, but I had to give up after I made only several casts. The swell was getting heavier.

Nov 10, 2024

(No. 1256) No Fish at Safuki-bana but Potential Animal Trail in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なき後、もしかしたら獣道)

I started today’s fishing about 7:30 a.m. I didn’t see any sign of life in the sea. I saw neither baitfish nor predatory fish. But I kept throwing my favorite lures for one hour and half without losing my concentration. While throwing my lures, I was wondering if anything profoundly different from before would happen to this world due to the recent overseas event. I was not sure. On my way back to my car, while I was climbing up the path in the woods, I found a strip of bare land sandwiched with weeds. I wonder if it was an animal trail. “If so, taking advantage of the trail, I might be able to make a more convenient and faster route to Safuki-bana." I started walking down the trail, but it came to a dead end. I just took a picture of Safuki-bana from a slightly different angle than usual.

Nov 4, 2024

(No. 1255) Experimentation on Tady 45 after No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なき後、タディー45の実験)

Tady 45 has been proven effective in the Japanese marine water too. As I reported before on my previous posts (No. 490, 493, and 500), the metal lure, which I think falls under the category of “surface irons,” has brought some nice fish to me. However, I was not very sure of how to use it. Some people on the Internet said that, when you retrieve Tady 45 slowly, the lure is supposed to kick back and forth under the surface and you have to use one that kicks well. So I assumed that the most appropriate way to use Tady 45 is to retrieve it slowly, but there is a problem. Retrieving it slowly is not very fun. Or I should say it’s not to my taste. And I remember that I might not have retrieved Tady 45 slowly when the lure brought fish to me.
(タディー45は、日本の海でも効果を発揮することが実証されています。以前の投稿で報告したように(No. 490493、そして500)、「水面の鉄」(サーフェス・アイアン)というカテゴリーに属すと思われるこのメタルルアーで、いい魚が釣れたのです。しかし私は、このルアーの使い方にあまり確信が持てていませんでした。ネット上で誰かが「タディー45をゆっくり引くと、水面下でゆらゆら泳ぐはず。しっかりゆらゆら泳ぐやつを使うべきである」と言っていました。それで私は思い込んでしまったのです。タディー45のいちばん適切な使い方は、ゆっくり引くことだと。しかし、問題がありました。ゆっくり引くのは、あまり楽しくないのです。というか、私の好みではないのです。そして私は思い出しました。タディー45で魚が釣れたとき、私は必ずしもゆっくりと引いてはいなかったかもしれないことを。)
So this morning I carried out an experimentation. I used the lure in different ways; slow retrieve, fast retrieve, jerk, stop-and-go, etc. My Tady 45 is 23cm long (with a hook included) but feels light for the length. It weighs 80 grams. After the experimentation, I realized that the most enjoyable way for me is to use it as a type of topwater lures. When Tady 45 skips on the surface, it sometimes makes a nice metallic sound, which I think is the sound of the metal rings or the hook hitting the metal body. Surface Tensions and Roberts Rangers, my favorite topwater lures whose bodies are plastic, cannot make the sound.