About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Aug 28, 2023

(No. 1116) Potential Wasp Nest and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (スズメバチの巣がある可能性と、野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

Caution! There might be a wasp nest around the entry point into the woods leading to Safuki-bana in Nonami. Actually I might have been stung by a wasp yesterday morning. As soon as I entered into the woods, a wasp appeared and hovered over me with the ferocious buzzing sound. Noticing its anger, I tried to pass it as quickly as possible, but a sharp pain ran through my clothed right arm. It hurt for a while. This morning I cautiously entered into the woods with a can of mosquito insecticide in my hand. The wasp appeared again. I sprayed it with the insecticide and managed to escape scot-free. The insecticide was too mild to kill the wasp but seemed enough to deter its vicious attack. I was careful not to be stung again because the second one might cause an anaphylactic shock. Standing on the comfortable rock beyond Safuki-bana, I just wished fish would be as aggressive as the wasp.
(ご注意を! 野波のサフキ鼻に至る林の入り口付近に、スズメバチの巣があるかもしれません。実は昨日の朝、私は、スズメバチに刺されたかも知れないのです。林に入るとすぐにスズメバチが現れ、ブンブンという猛烈な音を立てて、頭上を飛び回りました。スズメバチの怒りに気づいた私は、できるだけ素早く通り過ぎようとしたものの、服の下の右腕に鋭い痛みが走ったのです。しばらく痛みました。今朝、私は、モスキート用の殺虫剤の缶を手にして、慎重に林に入りました。またスズメバチが現れました。殺虫剤を噴霧し、なんとか無傷で逃げ切りました。この殺虫剤はスズメバチを殺すには弱すぎるのですが、その凶悪な攻撃をためらわせるには十分だったようです。アナフィラキシーショックを起こす可能性があるので、二度と刺されないように細心の注意を払いました。サフキ鼻の先にある快適な岩の上で思ったのは、スズメバチのように魚だって攻撃的になってくれないかな、ということでした。)

Aug 27, 2023

(No. 1115) Familiar Small Blue Fish Back but Still No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (おなじみの青い小魚は戻ってきたものの、野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて未だ釣果なし)

By the time I realized I had made a potentially fatal mistake this morning, I had already reached the comfortable rock slightly beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami. The mistake was the aftermath of the recent release of my interview with the Shinjiko Sunset Concierge. It took me about two months to do the necessary preparation, conduct the interview, write the article in Japanese first, and then translate it into English. During that two-month period, I was very careful because I couldn’t afford to lose my ability as a reporter/editor/translator. I mean, I couldn’t die during that period. I am a freelancer. In addition, the interview was not conducted at the request of any publisher. If anything happened to me, there was no backup team to support me. I was just on my own.
If I had lost my ability or died, the interview article would not have been completed, and I would have regretted it eternally (if there was an afterlife). So I had to be careful. I tried to be careful to a greatest extent when I went fishing until the release of the article. But now that the article has been published, my mind seems to have loosened up a bit. Now I don’t say to myself, “I cannot die,” before I go fishing. So I forgot to bring a 600ml bottle of water this morning. Only when I reached the fishing spot did I realize I was not with any drink. The heat alert had been already issued. I had to cut today's fishing shorter and, before leaving the fishing spot, jumped into the sea to cool down my body temperature ("Welcome back, beautiful blue fish!”). I climbed up the path in the woods more slowly than usual, being careful not to get heatstroke.

Aug 21, 2023

(No. 1114) You Fisherman? So You're Star of Show on World’s Biggest Theater (君は釣り人? なら君はスターだぜ。世界最大の劇場で上演されるショーのね)

Lake Shinji in Shimane Prefecture is the biggest (literally) tourist attraction in Matsue, my hometown, and Izumo Cities. The brackish lake is the pride of my hometown. However, I have considered the lake only as one of my fishing spots. As you might know, I often go fishing in the lake especially at the beginning of summer and, although very occasionally, catch big Japanese sea bass. Recently I realized the lake is not just my fishing spot. The lake is also a place where some interesting people are trying to achieve something interesting.
What made me realize this common fact is one tiny cafe by the lake. The cafe, named “Shinjiko Sunset Cafe,” opens only when the setting sun over the lake is beautiful. I recently interviewed a woman running the unique cafe. The interview can be read in English or in Japanese. But, before you read it, I would like to warn you. You are reading this blog, so I assume you are a fisherman. And you might have been fishing in Lake Shinji. Once you read the interview, you are no longer just a fisherman. You will feel like you have to act like a big star worthy of a show in the world's biggest theater.

Aug 20, 2023

(No. 1113) Curious Baby Wild Boar and No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (好奇心旺盛な赤ちゃんイノシシと、野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The top photo looks like an oil painting but is a close-up photo of a baby wild boar I saw this morning on the road in the Sanami hamlet. It was crossing the road, and I slowed down my car in order not to intimidate the animal. Reaching the curb, the baby animal stopped moving and just watched my car slowly approaching. I got tempted to get out of my car to take a better picture but stayed in my car because the mother of the baby might have been nearby and would dash to me in order to save her baby. The lovely situation could change instantly into a matter of life and death, so I self-restrained. As for fishing, nothing happened. Few baitfish were around Saruwatari.

Aug 13, 2023

(No. 1112) No Fish around Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡周辺にて釣果なし)

Japan is in the annual Obon holidays. I have heard since my childhood that our ancestors come back from “somewhere” in order to celebrate “something” in their old homes during Obon and, we, although still young and alive, have to join the celebration. Obviously I am not very interested in Obon, because, since my childhood, my mother has tried to stop me from going fishing during Obon. She says that I should not kill living things during Obon, or our ancestors would abduct me to the other world when they go back, meaning I would be dead. I didn’t believe it at all, but she insisted, so that I didn’t go fishing during Obon very often.
But now I am a big man! I can do whatever I want! So today I woke up much earlier than usual in order to avoid the confrontation with my mother. She was still sleeping. I successfully went out before my mother caught me. In spite of such efforts, the sea was rougher than I had expected. The waves were very low and weak, but the swell was so strong that I couldn’t get to Saruwatari. I couldn’t jump over the narrow channel that separated Saruwatari from the nearby rocks. On any normal day I might have easily jumped over it, but, my mother’s long-standing warning was somehow effective. It prevented me from trying it today.
(しかし今、私は大人です! やりたいことは何でもできるのです! そこで今朝は、いつもよりずっと早起きして、母との衝突を避けました。母はまだ寝ています。母に見つかる前に無事外出してやったのです。そんな努力にもかかわらず、海は予想以上に荒れていました。波は低くて弱かったものの、うねりが強くて、猿渡までは行けませんでした。猿渡と近くの岩を隔てる狭い水路を飛び越えることができなかったのです。普通の日なら簡単に飛び越えていたかもしれないのですが、長年の母の警告がどうやら功を奏したようです。今日は、試みる気になれませんでした。)

Aug 12, 2023

(No. 1111) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

The effects of Typhoon Kanun is on the wane, although the new one, Typhoon Lan, is approaching. Taking advantage of this intermediate period, which might last for 3 days, I went to Safuki-bana in Nonami this morning. I found the lingering effect of Typhoon Kanun in the fact that I was not able to pass by Safuki-bana and to reach the comfortable rock beyond it. The swell around Safuki-bana was still too strong. I couldn’t see any small summer fish which I had seen the other day. They might have disappeared again. Was it due to the typhoon?  Or due to the dolphins which I saw several days ago?
(新しい台風7号が近づいてきてはいるものの、台風6号の影響は弱まりました。3日間ほど続きそうなこの中間期間を利用して、今朝は野波のサフキ鼻へ行ってきました。ただし、サフキ鼻を通り過ぎて、その先の快適な岩まで、今朝は行くことができなかったのは、台風6号の長引く影響のせいでしょう。サフキ鼻周辺のうねりは、まだ強かったのです。先日目撃した夏の小さな魚たちは、見当たりませんでした。また姿を消してしまったのかもしれません。台風の影響なのでしょうか? それとも数日前に見たイルカのせいでしょうか?)

Aug 7, 2023

(No. 1110) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

Typhoon Kanun may be beginning to affect our area. This morning I didn’t see any small fishing boats around Safuki-bana in Nonami. I decided not to pass by Safuki-bana in order to reach the comfortable rock just beyond it. Because the swell was stronger than I had expected, and the wind kept getting stronger and stronger. In addition, the temperature reached very high even before 7 a.m. I didn’t do much fishing for two days in a row.

Aug 6, 2023

(No. 1109) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

I get fascinated by the school of dolphins I saw at Kurauchi Bay and in Kaka. Looking for them this morning, I wasted precious morning time. When I quit searching for the dolphins, I realized it was already too hot and too late for going to Safuki-bana. If I went, I might suffer heatstroke in the woods. So instead I went to Maruiwa in Owashi, and it was a big miscalculation. Unlike Safuki-bana, Maruiwa was completely exposed to unforgiving direct sunlight. I didn’t do much fishing this morning.

Aug 5, 2023

(No. 1108) Dolphins Still Around and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (イルカたちがまだいて、野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

On my way to Nonami this early morning, I saw the school of dolphins again in the same bay in Kaka. I got tempted to stay there to watch those graceful marine mammals, but I kept going forward. Around Safuki-bana there were three small fishing boats, and a professional fisherman was working on something on each boat. I said hello to them, and tried in vain to catch some nice fish. The dolphins might have scared all the fish away from the shore of Shimane Peninsula.

Aug 3, 2023

(No. 1107) Dolphins Swimming in Kaka and No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (加賀で泳ぐイルカと、野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて釣果なし)

My mother got curious about the dolphins that I had seen at Kurauchi Bay. So I escorted her to the bay yesterday for her to watch the dolphins. Unfortunately for her, the school of dolphins was already gone. All that we could see in the bay and along a few of neighboring shores was the inanimate calm sea.
This morning, when I stopped my car in front of a make-shift traffic light for some construction on the winding seaside road in Kaka, I noticed a school of dolphins slowly swimming in the nearby bay. If there had not been the traffic light, I wouldn’t have noticed it. I was not sure if they were the same dolphins that I had seen two days ago. Where they were swimming around was pretty close to a small sandy beach, at which I sometimes see people enjoying sea bathing. I hoped unnecessary encounter with the dolphins would not happen. Then I went to the comfortable rock slightly beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami. Only small summer fish were around.

Aug 1, 2023

(No. 1106) School of Dolphins Gracefully Swimming inside Kurauchi Bay (倉内湾内にて優雅に泳ぐイルカの群れ)

The Japanese Archipelago has been under attack of the global heat wave, too. The government issues an alert, saying we should not go out but stay inside with an air-conditioner. This afternoon I disregarded the alert and went out to fish and swim in Kurauchi Bay. As soon as I walked down to the shore of the bay, I heard a very exciting sound. A sound of huge boil caused by huge fish!! But actually it was not caused by fish. It was caused by marine mammals. The school of dolphins were slowly swimming in the bay. I got fascinated and also scared. If dolphins got curious about me, they might feel like playing with me. Even if they think they and I just play together, they can cause great harm to me. So I didn't swim. I just took some pictures and shot a video. They were so graceful.
(日本列島もまた、世界的な熱波に襲われています。政府は警告を発し、外出は控えて、エアコンを備えた屋内で過ごすように勧めています。今日の午後、警告を無視した私は、釣りと海水浴をするため、倉内湾に出かけました。湾の岸辺に降りていくやいなや、とても刺激的な音が聞こえました。巨大な魚が巻き起こすナブラの音です!! しかし実は、それは魚が発する音ではありませんでした。海洋哺乳類が発する音だったのです。イルカの群れが、湾内をゆっくりと泳いでいました。私は魅了されるとともに、怖くもなりました。イルカが私に興味を持ったら、私と一緒に遊びたくなるかもしれません。彼らは私とただ一緒に遊んでいるつもりなのかもしれませんが、私は致命的な怪我を負う可能性があります。だから泳ぎませんでした。ただ写真とビデオを撮りました。彼らはとても優雅でした。)