About this blog (このブログのこと)

My photo
After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Apr 29, 2017

(No. 270) Reverse-flamingo-style Fishing Stance at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて逆一本足釣法)

The last post I wrote yesterday was so creepy that I felt I must write something cheerful today. What is cheerful for a fishing blog? Obviously it is to catch a fish. One photo of a beautiful fish should dispel any creepiness. So this evening I walked to Lake Shinji. Although it was still at the end of April and I knew it might be too early to catch a big Japanese sea bass with a big lure, I really wanted to catch a nice one. I started the run-and-gun style fishing at the northern shore about 4 p.m. The wind was strong and the water was muddy. There was only one bait fisherman at the shore, where usually a few regular fishermen use a few rods each.
(昨日書いた投稿があまりにも気味の悪いものだったので、今日は、何か楽しいことを書かねばならないと感じました。釣りブログにとって、楽しいこととは何でしょうか? 当然、魚を釣ることです。美しい魚の写真が1枚あるだけで、どんな気味悪さも吹き飛んでしまうはずです。したがって今夕、私は宍道湖まで散歩に出ました。まだ4月の末ですし、大きなルアーを使って大きなスズキを釣るには早すぎると承知してはいましたが、良い型のスズキを釣りたいと心から思ったのです。午後4時から、宍道湖北岸でラン&ガン方式の釣りを開始しました。風は強く、湖水は濁っています。いつもならエサ釣りの常連さん数人が竿を数本出している岸に、今日は一人しか姿がありません。)
I kept casting the Jetty Swimmer made by Couch’s Cedar Works (CCW), which I thought had a biggest chance of catching the fish this evening, but unfortunately no fish hit it. Just when I was about to give up writing something cheerful for this blog, another bright idea occurred to me. It was Sadaharu Oh, a great Japanese baseball legend, that had inspired me last time, but this time I was not sure who did it. Maybe it was Ken Shimura, a great Japanese comic? There was a lady who sat nearby with a dog on the bank of the lake. I asked her to do me a favor. She willingly took a picture of me in spite of my eccentric posture.
(私はカウチズ・シーダー・ワークス(CCW)が作ったジェティー・スイマーを投げ続けました。今夕、魚の釣れる可能性がいちばん高いルアーはこれだと思ったのですが、あいにく、魚はルアーを襲いません。ブログに何か楽しいことを書くのを諦めかけたまさにその時、またもや素晴らしいアイデアが閃きました。前回、私にインスピレーションを与えてくれたのは、日本野球の偉大なる伝説、王貞治でしたが、今回は誰なのでしょうか。もしかして、偉大なる日本のコメディアン、志村けん? 犬を連れて近くの土手に座っている女性の姿がありました。私は彼女にお願いしました。私のポーズの奇妙さにも関わらず、彼女は快く、写真を撮ってくれたのでした。)

Apr 28, 2017

(No. 269) No Fish at between Kobanare and Nagasaki-bana to the east of Ohtoko-bana (大床鼻の東の小ばなれと長崎鼻の間にて釣果なし)

I arrived at the parking space overlooking Ohtoko-bana in Izumo City at 5:30 a.m. I could neither find any car around nor see any fisherman at Ohtoko-bana. So I got confident that I would have the fishing spot all to myself. However, when I was about to reach Ohtoko-bana about 20 minutes later, I noticed there was one fisherman at the spot. I saw him from behind. He seemed a bait fisherman. It was a bit strange. It was as if he had appeared from nowhere. Somehow I passed by Ohtoko-bana and went to Kobanare by a roundabout way. I did not get any strike there, so I started the run-and-gun style fishing and eventually reached Nagasaki-bana after 7 a.m. From Nagasaki-bana I saw Ohtoko-bana in the distance but could not recognize any figure at the spot. It was a bit strange, too. Bait fishermen tend to stay much longer. After fishing for a while and then taking a doze at Nagasaki-bana, I turned back and reached Ohtoko-bana before 9 a.m. Indeed there was no one. I have wondered what I saw this morning was a real fisherman or not.

Apr 26, 2017

(No. 268) Flamingo-style Fishing Stance Inspired by Great Sadaharu Oh and Practice in Using American Pencil Poppers at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて偉大なる王貞治に影響を受けた一本足釣法と、アメリカのペンシル・ポッパーを使う練習)

I managed to finish all of the assignments that were unexpectedly concentrated in the last month. Now I feel pleasantly tired and relaxed. Realizing that the best fishing season in Lake Shinji will begin in a month, I walked to the lake with some of my American pencil poppers yesterday. As I have previously mentioned in my older posts, I love using a pencil popper the way American fishermen do. I hold my rod at far above the reel seat while pinching the line with my thumb and forefinger, and shake the rod tip vigorously like a whip (see this video). The lure does not move forward much but keeps swinging crazily from side to side (see this video). 
This method entices fish into the most violent strike, and the practice in this method itself is fun. In addition, because of the conspicuous nature of this method, I can be a good attraction for tourists walking along the shore of the lake. However, there is one problem. I cannot use this method when I use other kind of lures. I cannot be a tourist attraction unless I use a pencil popper. So I am developing another trick to get attention from tourists when I am not using a pencil popper. It is the flamingo-style fishing stance inspired by Sadaharu Oh, a great Japanese baseball legend. If you see a fisherman that keeps standing on one foot while retrieving a big lure with a double-handled reel in this summer, talk to him. Almost certainly I am the fisherman. You may have a chance to get a small gift.

Apr 21, 2017

(No. 267) No Fish at Ohtoko-bana and Kobanare in Miho (美保の大床鼻と小ばなれにて釣果なし)

I started casting my lures from Ohtoko-bana in Izumo City at 6 a.m. today. About 30 minutes later, two bait fishermen came to the spot. I had been the first to arrive at the spot today, but I let them occupy it. Although there was the repeating strong surge, the current was weak and the water was stagnant. I felt it was not worthwhile to stay at one spot. So I moved to Kobanare, another fishing spot to the east of Ohtoko-bana. Obviously, the condition of the water remained the same. Brown seaweeds were floating. I did not catch any fish but caught a lot of seaweeds until I stopped fishing.

Apr 18, 2017

(No. 266) No Fish at Sanamai, Kaka, Owashi, Mitsu Harbors, Kurauchi Bay, and Finally Etomo Harbor (佐波港、加賀港、大芦港、御津港、倉内湾、そして最後に恵曇港にて釣果なし)

I just type out the title of this post, and I feel …… what a long title it is! This morning I did the run-and-gun style fishing by car. In other words, I did not stay at any one spot very long. I made at most 20 casts at one spot and then moved to another spot. That’s the reason why the title became so long. The weather forecast had said that the wave would get as high as three meters this morning. I thought the open sea outside breakwaters of harbors must be rough and I could catch nice Japanese sea bass inside the breakwaters. I started fishing at Sanamai Harbor about 6 a.m. and finished it at Etomo Harbor about 10 a.m. Surprisingly, I did not see other fishermen anywhere. Not very surprisingly any more, I did not find fish that I could catch anywhere.
(この投稿のタイトルを打ってみて感じているのですが......、なんて長いタイトルなのでしょう! 今朝の私は、車を使ったラン&ガン方式の釣りをしたのです。言い換えれば、私は一か所に長く留まりませんでした。一つの釣り場で最多でも20投したら、次の釣り場に移動したのです。タイトルが長くなったのは、そのためです。天気予報によると、今朝は波の高さが3メートルに達するとのことでした。港の防波堤の外に広がる外海は荒れているに違いなく、防波堤の内側では良い型のスズキが釣れるだろうと私は考えました。午前6時頃に佐波港から釣り始め、午前10時頃に恵曇港で釣り終えました。驚いたことに、他の釣り人の姿は、どこにもありませんでした。そして、もはやあまり驚かないことに、私に釣ることのできる魚の姿も、どこにもありませんでした。)

Apr 16, 2017

(No. 265) No Fish at KSB in Spring 2017 (2017年春のKSBにて釣果なし)

The contestants of the Kameya Sea Bass Battle (KSB) were registered in a parking lot in Yonago City of Tottori Prefecture, and the contest officially started at 5 p.m. yesterday. Considering that a flock of contestants would go to the Ohashi River, I drove to Eshima Ohashi Bridge over the border between Tottori and Shimane Prefectures. I don’t like fishing at a crowded spot very much. As I had expected, there was no fisherman under Eshima Ohashi Bridge when I arrived. I started the run-and-gun style fishing under the bridge, and then drove to a few other fishing spots in Lake Nakaumi including under Omisaki Bridge, one spot in Lake Shinji, and one spot in the Ohashi River. I even waded in the river, but no Japanese sea bass hit my big American and a few Swedish lures. I came home at 11:45 p.m. to take a short sleep.
I woke up at 4 a.m. sharp without the help of my alarm. I drove to Omisaki Bridge in Lake Nakaumi again to fish under the bridge, and then to Eshima Ohashi Bridge again in order to conclude the contest. Although I could not catch the fish in time for the deadline of the contest, which is 8 a.m., I wanted to know the result of the contest. So I drove to the parking lot at which the registration was conducted yesterday. The lot was apparently full, and there was a person standing around the gate of the lot guiding me to an adjacent space. I parked my car at the space, but it looked part of a private property. I felt a slight sense of incongruity, but I walked to the original parking lot to know the result. A few guest pro fishermen were giving a lecture to the contestants, and the announcement of result seemed to follow it. The lecture did not end very soon. My sense of incongruity grew bigger and bigger, and finally it made me walk back to the adjacent space before the result was announced. Just as I had feared, a guy that came out of a nearby building approached me. He quietly said, “Not in here. This is a private property.” I had to leave the space immediately, and that’s why I could not report the result of KSB in Spring 2017 to you.
(目覚まし時計の助けを借りずに、午前4時ちょうどに私は目覚めました。橋の下で釣るために中海の大海崎橋へ再び向かい、それから、大会を締めくくるために江島大橋にも再び行きました。大会の締め切り時間である午前8時に間に合うまでの間に、私は魚を釣ることはできませんでした。しかし、大会の結果を知りたいと思いました。ですので、昨日、出場者登録が行われた駐車場へ戻りました。見たところ駐車場は満車のようで、その入口には係の人が立っていて、私を隣のスペースに誘導するのでした。私はそこに駐車したのですが、どうもそこは、私有地の一部に見えます。かすかな違和感を覚えたものの、大会結果を知りたかったので、元の駐車場まで歩きました。ゲストとして来られていた数人のプロの釣り人が、レクチャーをしておられます。大会結果の発表はレクチャーの後にあるようです。しかし、レクチャーはなかなか終わりません。私の違和感はますます強まり、ついに私は、大会結果が発表される前に、隣の駐車スペースへ戻ることにしました。恐れていた通り、近くの建物から男性が現れ、こちらに近づいてこられます。彼は穏やかに言いました。「だめだめ。ここは私有地ですよ」。私はそのスペースから即座に離れねばなりませんでした。そのため皆さんに、KSB in スプリング 2017の結果をお知らせできないのです。)

Apr 11, 2017

(No. 264) No Fish at Seizya and Ohyokote next to Ketakake Peninsula (桁掛半島の隣にある「せいじゃ」と大横手にて釣果なし)

As I explained in my last post, I became almost confident that I would win first prize in the KSB this weekend (lol). As a result, I lost interest in doing practice for the competition, so I went to neither Lake Nakaumi nor the Ohashi River yesterday morning. Instead, I went again to Seizya and Ohyokote next to the Ketakake Peninsula in Izumo City. The sea was choppier than in my previous outings to the spots, so I thought I was likely to catch a rare type of Japanese sea bass called Hira-suzuki. There were several patches of sarashi (white churning water), and I kept casting my lures toward them while moving along the rocky shore of Seizya and Ohyokote. The sea was considerably rougher than before, so my expectations remained high all the time. I kept casting my lures for 3 hours in the strong chilly wind. When I finally gave up, it was already 9:30 a.m. and I got exhausted. I was so exhausted that I could not start writing this post yesterday. I needed a good night’s sleep to revive myself.

Apr 8, 2017

(No. 263) No Fish in Practice for KSB (KSBの練習にて釣果なし)

Unless I get too busy meeting the deadline of my job, I will compete in the Kameya Sea Bass Battle (KSB) next weekend. The KSB is a semiannual one-night competition, where lure fishermen compete against each other in length of each Japanese sea bass they catch. Two years ago, I won third prize in the 2015 competition, whose then official name was Sea Bass Party. It will be my second entry into the competition next weekend. Since I paid the entry fee several days ago, I have been to some fishing spots along the Ohashi River and on the shore of Lake Nakaumi for practice. This morning I tried a few spots in the lake again. No Japanese sea bass hit my big American lures. I got bored soon, so I took a picture of my favorite lures that I hope would excel on the night of competition. I also picked up a lot of empty packages of lures. Now I am almost confident that I will win first prize next weekend. As you may remember, I am a big believer of the Fishing - Litter Connection Theory, which I created for myself. If you are not familiar with the “Those who pick up the litter will be rewarded” theory, please see my past posts No. 85 and 86.
(仕事の締め切りに追われていない限り、来週末の私は「かめやシーバス・バトル」(KSB)に出場して競っていることでしょう。KSBは、半年ごとに開かれる一晩だけの競技会であり、ルアー釣り師たちが、自分の釣った一匹のスズキの体長を競うのです。ちなみに2年前、当時は「シーバス・パーティー」と呼ばれた2015年の大会で、私は三位に入賞しています。来週末の出場が、2度目の参戦となります。数日前に参加費を支払って以来、私は、大橋川あるいは中海のいくつかの釣り場に練習がてら出かけています。今朝は再び、中海へ行ってみましたが、私が使う大きなアメリカン・ルアーを襲うスズキの姿はありません。私はじきに退屈し、競技会の夜に活躍を期待する、お気に入りルアーたちの写真を撮りました。また私は、落ちていたルアーの空箱もたくさん拾いました。今の私は、来週末に自分が優勝するであろうことを、ほぼ確信しています。覚えていらっしゃるかもしれませんが、私は、自分で作り上げた「釣り・ ゴミ関連理論」の熱心な信者なのです。「ゴミを拾った者にはご褒美がある」というその理論に馴染みのない方は、No. 8586の投稿を御覧ください。)

Apr 4, 2017

(No. 262) No Fish at Ikesu in Etomo (恵曇の生須にて釣果なし)

One of two guests that I was supposed to receive from abroad in this April left Matsue City yesterday. He had come from the northern part of Europe, and I helped his unique business successfully while he was in Matsue. I became a bit tired but felt satisfied, and I was in the mood for a celebration. So I went fishing this afternoon. Obviously, fishing is a form of celebration for me. However, unlike me, the sea did not seem to be in the mood for anything. The water around Ikesu in Etomo seemed too calm to allow me to catch a big Japanese sea bass. 