About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Oct 31, 2024

(No. 1254) No Ohtani at Bat after No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (大谷は打席に立たず。野波の猿渡にて釣果なき後)

It was reported that Hideki Matsui would throw a first pitch for today’s game. I am talking about Game 5 of the 2024 World Series in Yankee Stadium, which is in progress right now. I wanted to see Godzilla’s first pitch. So I didn’t have much time for fishing this morning. I stayed at Saruwatari for only 30 minutes. I had a dream. Usually there is no hitter at bat for a first-pitch ceremony of Major League Baseball. I hoped that Shohei Ohtani would make an unusual request and stand at bat for Godzilla’s first pitch. I wondered, “Would it be wonderful if we saw Shohei at bat for the first pitch by Godzilla? Everyone would be happy.” Obviously I am a fan of Shohei. Shohei is becoming the GOAT. But he missed the great opportunity today. Sometimes I wish Shohei had a flair for witty showmanship.

Oct 29, 2024

(No. 1253) No Fish at Etomo Harbor with My Unidentified 330-Yen Reel (正体不明の330円リールを使って恵曇港にて釣果なし)

As I reported the other day (No. 1250), I recently purchased an unidentified reel at a cost of just 330 yen (about 2 dollars). All the labels the reel has on it are “SS-500” on one of the side plates and “MADE IN KOREA” on the back of reel foot. Although cheap, it worked fine this afternoon at Etomo Harbor. I don’t mean I caught a fish with the reel. I mean I was able to throw my lures comfortably with it. It was so fun to throw lures! There are a few points I like to mention about the reel.
(先日お伝えしたように(No. 1250)、正体不明のリールを、わずか330円(約2ドル)で購入しました。リール表面についているラベルとしては、片方のサイドプレートに「SS-500」、そしてリールフットの裏側に「MADE IN KOREA」とあるのみです。安物ではあるものの、今日の午後、恵曇港で問題なく使うことができました。魚が釣れたという意味ではありません。ルアーを気持ち良く投げることができたということなのです。ルアーを投げるのが、とても楽しい! さて、このリールについて、いくつか指摘したい点があります。)
First, the reel doesn’t have many ball bearings. Its spool is not supported with ball bearings. Like a spool of old PENN conventional reels, such as the Jigmaster, it is supported with metal bushings. In my humble opinion, throwing heavy lures doesn’t require ball bearings. And, the fewer ball bearings a reel has, the easier its maintenance gets. The reel has only one ball bearing, which supports its main shaft (and I think this only one bearing is also unnecessary). Second, it doesn’t have an instant anti-reverse clutch, the fact of which I believe contributes to reducing the cost of the reel and also easier maintenance of it. In other words, the reel doesn’t have things that most modern reels have, but it worked fine with sufficient casting distance. I love this reel especially for using some plugs, such as CCW’s Classic Danny and the Super Strike Zig Zag.

Oct 27, 2024

(No. 1252) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The sea around Saruwatari looked very good for fishing when I arrived there about 6:45 a.m. There were a few conspicuous small areas on the vast surface of the sea. Under those areas something was happening. A school of small fish was making a slightly choppier surface. In addition, I saw a few fishing kayaks and small fishing boats floating on the sea, and I interpreted them as the proof that some target fish were around. Naturally my anticipations were raised, but no fish responded to my lures.

Oct 25, 2024

(No. 1251) No Fish at Kurauchi Bay and Etomo Harbor (倉内湾と恵曇港にて釣果なし)

I have been given some community assignments and still too busy to go to a serious rocky shore, such as Safuki-bana and Saruwatari in Nonami. For example, all that I could use for fishing this morning was just one-hour time frame. So first I went to Kurauchi Bay and then to Etomo Harbor. I am not sure if I was able to throw my lures more than 20 times for each spot, but even such short fishing was still able to refresh me.

Oct 20, 2024

(No. 1250) How Far Can I Go with My Unidentified 330-Yen Reel ? (正体不明の330円リールで、ぼくはどこまで行けるのだろう?)


I was killing time at one of local second-hand tackle shops and found the reel in a cart where a bunch of cheaper reels were carelessly thrown into. The reel was the dirtiest but the most intriguing in the cart. I picked it up and got a bit surprised by the weight. It weighed more than it looked. There were neither logos nor emblems on it that could show a name of the manufacturer or a brand. There were only “SS-500” on one of the side plates and “MADE IN KOREA” on the back of reel foot. The price tag said it was 330 yen (about 2 dollars). I bought it and took it apart to see the inside as soon as I was back home. I cleaned dirty deteriorated grease and applied fresh one. After the service, the reel didn't feel very cheap although it looked still very cheap. I decided to see how far I could go with this unidentified $2 reel. Somehow I feel it could handle most fish that I am trying to catch. If you know the identity of this reel, please let me know.
(地元の中古釣具店で時間をつぶしている時、カートの中にある、そのリールを見つけました。安物のリールがたくさん、無造作に放り込まれているカートです。そのリールは、カートの中で一番汚れているリールでしたが、一番興味をそそられるものでもありました。手に取ってみると、その重さに少し驚きました。見た目以上に重いのです。メーカー名やブランド名がわかるようなロゴやエンブレムはありません。片方のサイドプレートに「SS-500」、そしてリールフットの裏側に「MADE IN KOREA」とあるのみです。値札には330円(2ドルちょっと)とありました。買って帰り、すぐに分解して、中をのぞいてみました。劣化して汚れたグリスを除去し、新しいものを塗りました。整備後は、見た目こそ相変わらずひどく安っぽかったものの、それほど安っぽい感触はしないのでした。この正体不明の2ドルのリールで、どこまでやれるか試してみることにしました。私が釣ろうとしている魚のほとんどに対応できそうな気が、何となくするのです。このリールの正体をご存知の方がいらっしゃれば、どうか教えてください。)

Oct 14, 2024

(No. 1249) No Fish but Mantis at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なしもカマキリ)

New Orleans became an official sister-city with Matsue in 1994. This year marks the 30th anniversary. Still, the music of New Orleans cannot succeed in enticing Matsue people to dance. Before I started working in New York in 2001, I had been in New Orleans for a year. I loved The Big Easy (a nickname of New Orleans). I got inspired by its international atmosphere and, of course, its music. So I might be biased, but I feel the New Orleans music is one of the most “danceable” music in the world, regardless of genre. Still we, Matsue people, are too shy to dance to it. So I gave myself a mission when I was back from the U.S. in 2014. Whenever I find a New Orleans music act playing in Matsue, especially when the Matsue New Orleans Brass Band plays, I dance in the front row in order to encourage the audience to dance.
That’s what I did yesterday for the annual Matsue-New Orleans Festival held in the premise of Matsue Castle. This morning I was a bit tired due to the dancing, but I went fishing anyway because October is the best month for catching the coveted yellowtail amberjacks. Meanwhile, I had to think about baseball, too. To be more specific, the Dodgers v.s. the Mets. There would be a showdown between Ohtani and Senga. The game would start at 9:15 a.m. So I didn’t have much time for fishing. And I was a bit tired due to the dancing. So this morning I wanted to try at one of easier fishing spots. However, all of such spots were occupied. Even Saruwatari was already taken. Only Safuki-bana was available. So I had to climb up and down the steep path to Safuki-bana. I stayed there for just 30 minutes or so. A mantis also enjoyed the quiet sea. The current seemed moving, but no fish responded to my lures. However hard my American lures danced, nothing happened. Not only people but also fish seem too shy in Matsue.

Oct 10, 2024

(No. 1248) Missed Grouper at Sinsinbo in Etomo Harbor (恵曇港の新々防にてハタを逃す)

Due to some assignments in regard to a community center in my town, I have not found a good opportunity in the morning to go to a serious rocky shore, such as Safuki-bana and Saruwatari in Nonami. Instead, I often go to Etomo Harbor these days. Today I succumbed to the temptation to try at the tip of Sinsinbo, the largest, highest, and deadliest breakwater in Etomo Harbor. Fatal accidents have happened there before, so I had to be very careful. When I was doing the bottom fishing with the Tsunami Ball Jig, I suddenly felt some heavy resistance. It was a fish. First I thought it was a fluke. Then I saw the shape of fish. It was a grouper. I was not sure which kind of grouper it was. It looked brown. So it might be a longtooth grouper. I was not able to confirm it because Sinsinbo is so high above the sea that I couldn’t handle the fish very well, and the fish was gone.

Oct 4, 2024

(No. 1247) No Fish at Etomo Harbor and Kurauchi Bay (恵曇港と倉内湾にて釣果なし)

My casting practice with the SEiGLER SG reel continued at Etomo Harbor and then at Kurauchi Bay this afternoon. As I already mentioned, I feel I can throw a lure more easily with the SEiGLER SG than with other lever drag reels I have used, such as Avet MXJ6/4 and PENN 25GLS. In this regard, only Daiwa Saltist LD35HSH can compete with the SEiGLER SG. Anyway I enjoyed throwing lures, although no fish responded. Some anglers used small jigs at Etomo Harbor and kept catching barracudas which might be as big as my lures.

Oct 3, 2024

(No. 1246) Casting Practice for My Latest Lever Drag Reel at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて最新のレバードラグリールのキャスティング練習)

SEiGLER Reels used to be Truth Reels, and before they became Truth Reels, they used to be Release Reels. I have been interested in those reels, but I didn’t have a chance to own it. Recently the chance came up, and I sold my Avet MXJ6/4 reel to purchase a second-hand SEiGLER SG reel. The first thing that surprised me was its lightness. It weighs exactly as much as my Newell S220-5 reel (354 grams). The second surprise was that it’s easier to cast a lure with the SEiGLER SG than with the Avet MXJ6/4. There are fewer backlash. The third was that the SEiGLER consists of much fewer parts. As Mr. Wes Seigler, the founder and designer of SEiGLER Reels, mentions in one of his YouTube videos, there aren’t “a lot of washers and parts.” And I couldn’t help smiling when I saw some statements on the box, such as “Oops! Upside Down,” “NOT MADE IN CHINA!” and “REELS BUILT FOR A LIFETIME” with “SERVICEABLE NOT DISPOSABLE.”
(シグラー・リールは、以前は「トゥルース・リール」と呼ばれていましたが、「トゥルース・リール」になる前は「リリース・リール」だったのでした。私はこれらのリールに興味がありましたが、所有する機会がありませんでした。しかし最近、その機会が巡ってきたので、アベットのMXJ6/4リールを売却し、中古のシグラーSGリールを購入したのです。まず驚いたのは、その軽さです。ニューウェルのS220-5リールと全く同じ重量なのです(354グラム)。次に驚いたのは、アベットMXJ6/4よりもルアーを投げやすいことです。バックラッシュが少ないのです。3つ目は、部品点数が非常に少ないことです。シグラー・リールの創業者でありデザイナーであるウェス・シグラー氏がYouTube動画で述べているように「ワッシャーや部品点数は多くありません」。そして私は、箱に印刷されていた文言を見て、思わずニンマリしてしまいました。「バージニアで手作りしています」「あっ! 逆さまです」「中国製ではないからね!」、そして「一生モノとして設計されたリールです」「使い捨ての品ではなく、手入れが可能です」などとあったのです。)

Oct 1, 2024

(No. 1245) Cutting Weeds for Senjojiki in Mitsu (御津の千畳敷のための草刈り)

After I wondered for a while if I should return to Senjojiki with a pair of shears, I decided no to do so. After all, Senjojiki is not one of my primary fishing spots, such as Saruwatari and Safuki-bana in Nonami. I hoped that someone would stand up and start cutting weeds along the path toward Senjojiki. However, “Mysterious Sanpei,” an apparent reader of this blog, left a comment for my previous post and asked me, or encouraged me, to cut weeds for other anglers. I don’t think “Mysterious Sanpei” had left any comments before. It's difficult to say “No” when asked to do something good for other anglers, especially when asked or encouraged by someone whom I don't think I have seen before. So I went to Senjojiki today and cut all the rampant weeds under the still scorching sun. “Mysterious Sanpei” also said he or she had never been to Senjojiki. So I feel like recommending “Mysterious Sanpei” to try Senjojiki one day.