About this blog (このブログのこと)

My photo
After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Mar 31, 2024

(No. 1182) Another Draw at Kurauchi Bay and Etomo Harbor (倉内湾と恵曇港にてまた引き分け)

The fierce battle between my American lures and their Japanese lures continued at Kurauchi Bay and Etomo Harbor this morning. There seemed more fishermen who were friendly and talkative than usual. I enjoyed nice chats with them and exchanged assessments of the current poor conditions. However, I have to point out that their cordial talkativeness got slightly shadowed as soon as they found my lures different from theirs. It was as if they suddenly realized a person with whom they were enjoying a friendly chat with was actually a soldier of the opponent army. Anyway, they said they had not gotten any response from any fish. Me, neither. Until either they or me catch a quality fish, the battle continues… in my mind.
(今朝も、倉内湾と恵曇港において、私のアメリカンルアーと彼らの日本製ルアーとの間で、激しい戦いが続きました。気さくで話し好きな釣り人が、いつもより多かったように思います。私は、彼らと楽しくおしゃべりをし、現在の悪い状況について、意見を交換しました。とはいえ、私は指摘しておかねばなりますまい。私のルアーが自分たちのルアーと違うことに気づいたとたん、彼らの友好的なおしゃべりに若干の影が差したことを。まるで、楽しくおしゃべりしていた相手が、実は敵軍の兵士であったことに突然、気づいたかのようでした。ともかく彼らが言うには、どんな魚からも、何の反応もないそうです。私も同様でした。彼らか私か、どちらかが良質の魚を釣り上げるまで、この戦いは続くのでしょう… 私の頭の中で。)

Mar 30, 2024

(No. 1181) No Fish along Ohashi River and around Omisaki Bridge (大橋川沿い及び大海崎橋周辺にて釣果なし)

This morning I tried my luck at three different places known as productive for the Japanese sea bass fishing, two of which were along the Ohashi River and one was around Omisaki Bridge. There was only one lure fisherman along the river, saying he didn’t get any response from the fish. Nothing happened to my lures, either. Other fishermen were elderly bait fishermen. When I arrived at the eastern end of Omisaki Bridge, no one was there. I noticed a few lure fishermen on the opposite end. A total of five lure fishermen came later to my end. As soon as I realized it very likely that they were using only Japanese lures, the fierce battle with my American lures began. They and I made an all-out effort to win in my mind. A huge Japanese sea bass finally hit my American lure, and I won… in my mind, but neither they nor I got any response from the fish in this cold real world.
(今朝はスズキ釣りの名所として知られる3つの場所で運試しをしました。そのうち2つは大橋川沿い、もう1つは大海崎橋周辺でした。川沿いにはルアー釣り師が1人だけいて、魚からの反応はないと言うのでした。私のルアーにも、何も起きませんでした。他の釣り人は全員、年配のエサ釣り師でした。大海崎橋の東端に着いてみると、そこには誰もいませんでした。反対の端に、ルアー釣り師が2、3人いました。後から計5人のルアー釣り師が、こちらの端にやってきました。彼らが日本製のルアーだけを使っている可能性が高いことに気づいた瞬間、私のアメリカンルアーとの間で激しい戦いが始まりました。彼らも私も勝利を目指し、私の頭の中で、全力で戦いました。そしてついに、巨大なスズキが私のアメリカンルアーにヒットし、私は勝利を収めたのです… 頭の中で。実際には、この冷酷な現実世界において、彼らにも私にも魚からの反応はなかったのでした。)

Mar 24, 2024

(No. 1180) No Fish at Ohashi River (大橋川にて釣果なし)

The weather app on my iPhone looked very confident that the rain was imminent this morning. I was going to Saruwatari or Safuki-bana in Nonami but changed my plans and decided to go to the Ohashi River. I could easily escape from the cold rain and retreat back into my car on the bank of the river. I changed my lures, too. The current of the river could be very fast, which is different from the slow current along the shore of the Sea of Japan. I primarily used the Super Strike Zig Zag, which I believe is one of the most productive plugs in the world. It also might be one of the most simplest-looking plugs. Nothing happened to the plug this morning, but my confidence in it will never falter. On the other hand, my iPhone’s confidence in its weather app must have faltered. There was no rain.

Mar 20, 2024

(No. 1179) Hello Yellow Thick Rod (ハロー、ごっつい黄色の竿さん)

Sir Elton John started singing “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road,” one of his greatest hits. However, the lyrics was slightly different from the one I was familiar with. Instead of “So Goodbye Yellow Brick Road,” he was singing, “So Hello Yellow Thick Rod.” To my surprise, he was not the headliner. The Rolling Stones burst into the stage and started singing “She's A Rainbow” with the colorful iMac commercial played on the large screen behind the band. That’s what happened in my brain when I saw the yellow-painted rod at a small fishing-tackle section in a large second-hand goods shop. Impressed with the bright yellow, I couldn't help impulse-buying it. It was cheap, just 3,300 Japanese yen (approx. 22 US dollars). Labeled “MR-S120R SALTDRIVE”, the rod produced by ZENITH claims it can cast a lure as heavy as 150 grams (approx. 5.4 oz.). The length is 12 feet, and it feels very heavy. Fishing rods are typically dark-colored. They are boring in terms of appearance. I am thinking I should use this colorful rod on the shore in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe looking over Lake Shinji. It looks more fun and should attract more tourists. Now one of my goals in 2024 becomes to catch a big Japanese sea bass with this rod in front of a lot of tourists.
(サー・エルトン・ジョンが、彼の大ヒット曲のひとつである「グッバイ・イエロー・ブリック・ロード」を歌い始めました。しかしその歌詞は、私がよく知っているものとは少し違っていたのです。彼は “So Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” ではなく、“So Hello Yellow Thick Rod” と歌っていました。驚いたことに、彼はヘッドライナーではありませんでした。ローリング・ストーンズがステージに乱入してきて、「She's A Rainbow」を歌い始めたのです。バンドの後ろの巨大スクリーンでは、カラフルなiMacのCMが流されていました。巨大な中古品店の小さな釣具コーナーで、黄色に塗られたそのロッドを見たとき、私の脳内では、そんなことが起きていました。鮮やかな黄色に感動した私は、衝動買いせざるを得ませんでした。3,300円(約22ドル)という安さでした。「MR-S120R SALTDRIVE」と記されたZENITH社製作のそのロッドは、150グラム(約5.4オンス)までのルアーを投げられると謳(うた)います。長さは12フィートで、とてもヘビーに感じます。釣り竿というのは、一般的に暗い色をしています。外見に関しては、退屈なのです。私は、このカラフルなロッドを、宍道湖を臨む宍道湖サンセットカフェ前の岸辺で、使おうと思っています。このロッドなら楽しそうですし、より多くの観光客が寄ってくるでしょう。2024年の目標のひとつは、大勢の観光客の前で、このロッドを使って巨大なスズキを釣ることとなりました。)

Mar 17, 2024

(No. 1178) No Fish at Etomo Harbor and Kurauchi Bay (恵曇港と倉内湾にて釣果なし)

Since my last post I have been to Etomo Harbor a few times and had opportunities to talk with local residents around the harbor. All of them expressed one basically same opinion about the sea. They said fish were getting fewer and fewer recently. They were not sure if the climate change was the driver for the potentially long-term trend, but the buzzword was certainly mentioned by all of them. This afternoon I went to Etomo Harbor and then to Kurauchi Bay. The sea was quiet, and no fish responded. I didn’t feel it was necessarily due to my inappropriately large American lures.

Mar 11, 2024

(No. 1177) Casting Practice with New LD Reel at Katsurajima in Kaka (加賀の桂島にて新しいLDリールでキャスティング練習)

I might have started a reel-buying spree, which I should have avoided. It was only 20 days ago that I purchased Shimano Torium 1500HG. I have used it intensively and reported that the reel is a good “casting reel.” However, now I am bored with the reel because the reel is so easy to use. Such luxurious boredom made me buy another second-hand conventional reel, Daiwa Saltist LD35HSH. First I got interested in its high speed, which is 52.6 inches per turn, and the fact that it’s a lever drag reel also interested me. A spool of a lever drag reel is heavier than that of a star drag reel, so they say it’s much more difficult to throw a lure with a lever drag reel. However, after I used my new lever drag reel at Katsurajima in Kaka for 2 hours this afternoon, I felt it was not more difficult than some old-fashioned PENN star drag reels with a chrome spool installed. A chrome spool is much heavier than a plastic or aluminum spool, and throwing a lure with it feels almost a feat. My experience with PENN conventional reels, such as Silver Beach 99, with a chrome spool helped me accustom myself to using the Saltist LD35HSH. If the flanges of its spool were a bit broader, I would feel my newest reel was almost perfect as a casting reel.

Mar 7, 2024

(No. 1176) Who is Genius? Shimano or Me? (誰が天才なのでしょう? シマノ、それとも私?)

A few weeks ago I reported that, on the contrary to what they say, Shimano Torium 1500HG is a good “casting reel”. I also mentioned I don’t like its “spool-lock” feature very much. When I first held the reel in my hands at one of local fishing shops, I thought the round switch on the left side of the reel was for a clicker, which is a traditional feature of conventional reels. When it's on, a clicker will make a clicking sound if a fish pulls the line. So you can leave your rod unattended because the clicker will tell you if a fish is on or not. I learned later the round switch is not for a clicker but for the “spool-lock,” the feature Shimano introduced many years ago. I still feel the feature is a step backward in the history of reel making because, from my point of view, it is for leaving a plastic or metal garbage in the sea as efficiently as possible. If you feel the same way as I do, I have a good news for you today. I found a way to turn the “spool-lock” feature into a normal clicker. It’s simple. Just change the direction of the gear attached to the spool shaft. You can listen to the clicking sound on the above video although it's not very loud. Is Shimano aware of this? If not, am I genius?
(数週間前、私はシマノのトリウム1500HG が、世評に反して、すぐれた「キャスティング・リール」であることを報告しました。合わせて私は、その「スプールロック」機能があまり好きではないことにも触れました。地元の釣具店でこのリールを初めて手にしたとき、リールの左側にある丸いスイッチは、両軸リールにつきもののクリッカーだと思ったのです。クリッカーをオンにしておくと、魚が釣り糸を引っ張った時にカリカリと音がします。魚がかかったかどうか教えてくれるので、ロッドを放っておいても大丈夫なのです。その後、私は知りました。あの丸いスイッチは、クリッカーではなく、シマノが何年も前に導入した「スプールロック」機能というものであることを。この機能は、私の見解では、リール製造の歴史において後退であるように感じられます。プラスチックや金属のゴミをできるだけ効率よく海に捨てていくためのもののように思えるからです。もしあなたが私と同じように感じる人ならば、今日は良いニュースがありますよ。「スプールロック」機能を、通常のクリッカーに変える方法を見つけたのです。簡単なことでした。スプールシャフトに付いているギアの向きを変えるだけなのです。上のビデオで実際の音を聞いていただけます(それほど大きなクリック音ではありませんが)。シマノはこのことを知っているのでしょうか? もし知らないのなら、もしかして私は天才?)

Mar 2, 2024

(No. 1175) No Fish but Nice Encounter with Cat, Swans, and Fellow Fishermen at Mitsu and Etomo Harbors (御津港と恵曇港にて釣果なしも、猫、白鳥、そして釣り人との素敵な遭遇)

The weather deteriorated and the ocean got rough, so I expected some big predators, such as Japanese sea bass and Japanese Spanish mackerels, to enter into the inside of harbors and wait for my big lures. I had been to Mitsu and Etomo Harbors a few times since the day before yesterday, but no predators had responded to my lures as I had anticipated. Instead, an evil-looking cat walked to me at Mitsu Harbor, and an elegant swan couple swam to me at Etomo Harbor. I couldn’t give them what they wanted (food), but they gave me what I needed; consolation. Then I had a nice chat with fellow fishermen at Etomo Harbor this morning. My rather conspicuous tackle (Okinawa Manbika C100SSXH-P3 rod and Shimano Torium 1500HG as a casting reel) got them interested. I explained to them what I was doing for this blog. A nice chat like that always cheers me up.