About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Sep 27, 2023

(No. 1124) Some Action but Still No Fish at beyond Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻を越えたところにて、多少の動きはあるものの、やはり釣果なし)


Not only spiders over the path in the woods but also some fish around Safuki-bana were active this morning. Destroying the spider webs, I reached the comfortable rock slightly beyond Safuki-bana with a few sticking threads of spider silk on my face. The fact that I reached the rock means that the sea was very calm. I saw one brown fish chasing my Super Strike Zig Zag. I saw some small-sized fish making small splashes around my Tsunami XD Talkin Popper on the surface. In addition, I saw some slender fish being chased on the surface. There were some actions, but still no catch.

Sep 23, 2023

(No. 1123) What’s Active around Safuki-bana in Nonami was Only Spider Webs (野波のサフキ鼻周辺にて活性があるのは蜘蛛の巣のみ)

We were already in the second half of September. The best season for the yellowtail amberjack might have already begun, but I didn’t see any baitfish around Safuki-bana this morning, let alone the coveted yellowtail amberjack. Throwing lures from the tip of Safuki-bana, I was feeling as if I were the last remaining living creature on earth. Nothing was active. Everything was inactive. On my way back to my car, I noticed there was one exception; big spiders. Earlier, while heading towards Safuki-bana, I destroyed all the spider webs on the path, but within about one hour or so, most of them had been restored. Only the spiders were active around Safuki-bana. To be precise, should I say only the spider webs were active? Because the spiders themselves didn’t move at all at the center of their webs. I wondered if fish were like the spiders. In my imagination, fish were motionless at the center of the famous Octopus's Garden, just merrily singing like Ringo Starr, “I’d like to be under the sea…”
(すでに9月も後半に入っています。ヒラマサのベストシーズンはもう始まっているのかもしれませんが、今朝のサフキ鼻周辺には、憧れのヒラマサはおろか、ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)の姿も見られませんでした。サフキ鼻の先端からルアーを投げながら、私は、自分が地球上に残った最後の生き物であるような気がしていました。活性の高いものはいませんでした。すべての活性が低いのでした。車に戻る途中、例外が一つあることに気づきました。大きな蜘蛛たちです。先ほどサフキ鼻に向かいながら、林の中の小道にかかる蜘蛛の巣を全て破壊したのですが、1時間ほどで、ほとんどが復旧していました。サフキ鼻周辺では、蜘蛛だけが活性が高いのでした。正確には、蜘蛛の巣だけが活性が高いと言うべきでしょうか? 蜘蛛たち自身は、巣の中心で全く動かないからです。魚も、蜘蛛と同じなのかもしれないと思いました。私の想像の中で、魚たちは、有名なオクトパス・ガーデンの中央にいて動かず、「I’d like to be under the sea…」と、リンゴ・スターのように、ただ楽しそうに歌っていました。)

Sep 22, 2023

(No. 1122) Spontaneous Casting Session in Front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe (宍道湖サンセットカフェの前にて即席のキャスティング・セッション)

Since I released the article about Shinjiko Sunset Cafe, I have felt it is my duty to go fishing to Lake Shinji on a day when the sunset over the lake is beautiful. It's not so much about fishing as it is about being the star of a show in the world's biggest theater. The Sunset Concierge at the cafe, whom I had interviewed for the article, told me that 60 to 70 customers were expected this evening. Which means, I would have to play my role in front of a much larger audience than usual. I braced myself for the greater responsibility as the star of the show. Thankfully, some people in the audience got interested in my fishing. So I decided to let them use my tackle and throw a big lure out into the lake. Even though two of them were complete beginners, they all successfully threw my heavy lures. One of the two beginners said to me, "Throwing a lure is such fun!" Thanks to his words, I came up with a new idea for an attraction at Lake Shinji.

Sep 16, 2023

(No. 1121) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

It was as if nothing had changed since my last fishing at Safuki-bana. The gone wasps. A lot of spider webs over the path in the woods. The calm sea. Tiny bright blue fish. No response to my lures. Swimming to cool down my body temperature to avoid suffering heatstroke. No response to my lures again. Surprising quick restoration of spider webs. Heavy panting but safe return to my car as usual. Without sustaining any injury, suffering heatstroke, and catching any fish.
P.S. If the weather is fine and Shinjiko Sunset Cafe is open this evening, I am going there to throw some American lures. If you are interested, come and talk to me. You can try my American pencil poppers.

Sep 13, 2023

(No. 1120) No Fish in Front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe (宍道湖サンセットカフェの前にて釣果なし)

I knew it’s highly unlikely that I would catch a Japanese sea bass in Lake Shinji at this time of the year, but I was excited this evening to go to the shore in front of Shinjiko Sunset Cafe. As I explained on the earlier post, I considered myself as a star of the show on the world’s biggest theater, standing in front of the cafe. While throwing my lure toward the calm, vast surface of the lake, I took every opportunity to talk to people around the cafe and hand out a small flyer with a QR code on it. The QR code would take them to my interview article. No fish responded to my lures, but I had something to do and someone to talk to. How could I not get excited?

Sep 10, 2023

(No. 1119) Wasp War Over and No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (スズメバチ戦争は終わり、野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

John Lennon is singing “War is Over” in my head. This morning I confirmed that the great wasp war was over. I couldn’t find any wasp around the entry point into the woods leading to Safuki-bana. No more frightening buzzing sound. I got relieved. Now Safuki-bana is wasp-free. That’s a good news, but here is a bad news too. Safuki-bana became fish-free too. There was completely no fish around Safuki-bana. There were neither baitfish nor predatory fish. The curse of wasps?
(ジョン・レノンが私の頭の中で「War is Over」を歌っています。今朝、偉大なるスズメバチ戦争が、終戦を迎えたことを確認しました。サフキ鼻へと続く林への入口周辺に、一匹のスズメバチも見つけることはできませんでした。ブンブンという恐怖の音は聞こえません。安心しました。今、サフキ鼻にスズメバチはいません。それは良いニュースなのですが、悪いニュースもあります。サフキ鼻には魚もいないのです。まったく魚影がありません。ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)も捕食魚もいません。スズメバチの呪いでしょうか?)

Sep 4, 2023

(No. 1118) Ongoing War against Wasps and Consecutively No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (スズメバチとの戦争継続、そして野波の猿渡にて引き続き釣果なし)

I researched and learned that the wasps become active after the sun is up. So I attacked their nest around daybreak today. I made a surprise attack with two cans of insecticide, one of which was specifically for destroying a wasp nest. While fighting against several wasps, I found that the patch of open soil against which Riki Chosu and Antonio Inoki had launched their stomping attacks yesterday has nothing to do with the nest. The nest was actually in a cavity between weeds and the soil, not in the ground. With the help from the potent weapons, I felt I was winning but am not sure if the war is over. I probably do it again tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can reclaim Safuki-bana soon. As for today’s fishing, there were baitfish around Saruwatari. They looked slender. Probably, baby needlefish or small barracudas? Nothing has happened to my lures yet, but I have a feeling that big fish will appear soon.
(調べてみると、スズメバチの活動は、日が昇ってから活発になるようです。なので今日は、夜明け頃にスズメバチの巣を攻撃しました。奇襲をかけた私が携えていたのは2缶の殺虫剤で、そのうちの1缶は、スズメバチの巣を破壊するためのものでした。数匹のスズメバチと戦いながら、昨日、長州力とアントニオ猪木がストンピング攻撃をしかけた地面は、ハチの巣とは無関係であることが分かりました。ハチの巣は実は、雑草と土の間の空洞にあり、地中にあるわけではなかったのです。強力な武器の助けを借りて、私は勝利を収めつつあると感じましたが、戦いが終わったかどうかはわかりません。多分明朝もまたやるでしょう。早くサフキ鼻が取り戻せますように。今日の釣りに関しては、猿渡周辺にベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)がいました。ほっそりとした見た目です。ダツの赤ちゃんか、小型のカマスでしょうか? まだ私のルアーには何も起きませんが、近いうちに大きな魚が現れそうな気がします。)
P.S. After I finished and once uploaded the above part, the weatherman said it would start raining tonight and keep raining for a few days. So I resumed the war against the wasps this afternoon. I used an even more potent insecticide to get a definitive victory. And I think I did it. Although a few stray wasps might come back to where the nest used to be, I believe I destroyed the nest irreversibly. But I might be wrong. Enter at your own risk.

Sep 3, 2023

(No. 1117) Outbreak of War against Wasps and No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (スズメバチとの戦争勃発、そして野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

I returned to the entry point into the woods leading to Safuki-bana this morning. I cautiously looked up in order to find a wasp nest in the trees, but I didn’t find anything suspicious above my head. So I took a few steps forward. Then I found a small patch of open soil in the weeds, on which five or six wasps were wriggling. I should have taken a picture of them first, but I just started spraying them with a stronger insecticide than last time. The war against the wasp kicked off! I managed to disperse the first batch of wasps, but another batch showed up quickly. It was as if they had instantly materialized from nothing in front of my eyes!
(今朝、サフキ鼻へ続く林への入口に戻りました。木々の中にスズメバチの巣があるのではないかと慎重に見上げましたが、頭上に不審なものは見当たりません。そこで私は、数歩、先へ進みました。すると雑草の中に、土が露わになっている小さな区画があり、そこで5、6匹のハチがうごめいているのを見つけたのです。まず写真を撮るべきであったものの、私は、前回よりも強力な殺虫剤を散布し始めました。スズメバチとの戦争勃発です! 最初の集団をなんとか追い払うと、また別の集団がすぐに現れました。まるで、私の目の前で、何もないところから瞬間的にハチが実体化したかのようでした!)
Fighting against not only those angry wasps but also the terror of such a mysterious phenomenon, an idea occurred to me. I started stomping the soil as if the spirit of Riki Choshu had taken over my body (You know Chosu used to be very hard-hitting pro wrestler, right?). Then, several more wasps showed up from the soil, just under my foot. The nest was in the ground! I kept stomping the patch of open soil with a demonic expression on my face. It was as if the soul of Antonio Inoki had taken over…
(怒り狂うスズメバチに加え、この不可思議な現象がもたらす恐怖とも戦っていた私に、ある考えが浮かびました。そして私は、土へのストンビング攻撃を開始したのです。まるで長州力の精神が、私の体を乗っ取ったかのようでした(長州力はかつて、ハード・ヒッティングなプロレスラーであったことをご存知ですよね?)。すると、さらに数匹のスズメバチが、私の足元の、土の中から出現したのです。ハチの巣は地面の中にあったのです! 私は鬼の表情を浮かべ、土が露わになっている区画にストンピング攻撃を加え続けました。それはまるで、アントニオ猪木の魂が乗り移ったかのような……)
The exhausting war continued. As soon as the can of insecticide got empty, I retreated. No wasp followed me. A few remaining ones were still hovering above the nest. Did I successfully destroy the nest? Did I win the war? Not sure. I fought a good fight, but there is the possibility that I might be losing my most favorite fishing spot, Safuki-bana, for this autumn season. Anyway I gave up going to Safuki-bana today. Instead I went to Saruwatari. I realized someone had kindly cut all the troublesome weeds along the path toward Saruwatari. Thank you very much. I think only such an effort can prevent good fishing spots from being lost. As for fishing at Saruwatari, there were plenty of baitfish, but nothing happened to my lures.
(体力を消耗させる戦争は続きました。が、殺虫剤の缶が空になるやいなや、私はすぐに撤退しました。追ってくるスズメバチはいませんでした。数匹が、まだ巣の上を飛び回っていました。私は首尾よく巣を破壊できたのでしょうか? 私は戦争に勝ったのでしょうか? わかりません。私はがんばりましたが、この秋のシーズンは、一番好きな釣り場であるサフキ鼻には行けない可能性が残ります。とにかく今日はサフキ鼻に行くのは諦めました。代わりに猿渡に行きました。猿渡に向かう小道沿いの厄介な雑草を、どなたかご親切な方が、刈ってくださったことに気づきました。ありがとうございます。こういう努力だけが、良い釣り場が失われるのを防ぐのだと思います。猿渡の釣りですが、ベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)はたくさんいたものの、私のルアーには何も起こりませんでした。)