About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Apr 27, 2023

(No. 1074) Maintaining Track to Shirataki-bana in Nonami (野波の白滝鼻へ行く小道を整備する)

One of readers of this blog asked me whether it was still possible to reach Shirataki-bana in Nonami on foot. I checked my previous posts and found I had tried to reach Shirataki-bana about one year ago (No. 925 & 926). At that time I reached the edge of cliff from which I overlooked Shirataki-bana just below, but I got too scared of the height to climb down. This afternoon I returned to the scary cliff again. On my way to the cliff, I cut a lot of branches and tied new red ribbons to some trees. I safely reached the edge of cliff and felt I would finally overcome my fear. Just before I was about to climb down to Shirataki-bana, I got scared again. All that I could do was to take a picture of Shirataki-bana from above.
(このブログの読者の方から、野波の白滝鼻に歩いて行くことは可能かどうかという質問を受けました。過去の投稿を調べてみたところ、1年ほど前に白滝鼻に挑戦していたことが分かりました(No. 925926)。その時は、白滝鼻が真下に見える崖っぷちまで行ったのですが、あまりの高さに怖くなって、下に降りられませんでした。今日の午後、あの怖い崖っぷちに戻ってみました。崖っぷちに向かう途中、たくさんの枝を切り、新しい赤いリボンをいくつかの木に結わえました。無事に崖っぷちまでたどり着くと、ついに恐怖を克服できそうに感じました。しかし、いよいよ白滝鼻に降りていこうとした時、また怖くなってしまいました。白滝鼻の写真を上から撮ることしか、できませんでした。)

Apr 26, 2023

(No. 1073) How should I Change My Fishing after I Know Fish Have Kokoro? (魚に心があると知った今、自分の釣りをどう変えるべきか?)

Since my last post, I have made several trips to Lake Shinji in hopes of catching the Japanese sea bass, but it may be a little too early for them to come to the lake. Meanwhile, I have read a very interesting book about fish, “Sakana nimo Jibun ga Wakaru” (Fish know who they are) by Masanori Kohda. According to this book, it has been confirmed that some fish are able to recognize themselves in a mirror, This implies that fish might be self-aware. In other words, fish might have kokoro (mind/heart/spirit) like us humans. I highly recommend the book to anyone with intellectual curiosity. The book is in all Japanese, but Mr. Kohda’s paper, on which the book is based, is available in English (“Cleaner fish recognize self in a mirror via self-face recognition like humans”). A few presentations in English are also available on YouTube. Thanks to Mr. Kohda’s epoch-making discovery, I ended up pondering whether and how I should change my fishing. I cannot go back to the peaceful days when I could assume fish had no kokoro.
(前回の投稿以来、スズキが釣りたくて宍道湖に何度か足を運びましたが、湖にスズキがやってくるには、まだ少し早過ぎるかもしれません。一方で私は、魚に関する非常に興味深い本、幸田正典氏の『魚にも自分がわかる』を読みました。この本によると、魚の中には、鏡に映った自分を認識できるものがいるそうです。このことは、魚が自己意識を持っている可能性を意味しています。つまり、魚にも人間のような心があるのかもしれないのです。知的好奇心の旺盛な方に、ぜひお勧めしたい本です。日本語で書かれた本ですが、この本の元になった幸田氏の論文は英語でも読めます(「Cleaner fish recognize self in a mirror via self-face recognition like human」)。YouTubeには英語のビデオもアップされています。幸田氏の画期的な発見のおかげで、私は、自分の釣りを変えるべきかどうか、変えるとすれば、どう変えるべきか、考え込むことになりました。魚に心などないと思い込むことのできた、平和な時代には戻れません。)

Apr 21, 2023

(No. 1072) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

These days I am not sure what I am expecting when I am fishing. Am I expecting to catch fish? Not anymore (lol). These days, while throwing my lures toward the ocean, I often find myself thinking why I keep doing this. This morning, standing at Safuki-bana, I couldn’t find the answer. Do I even like this? I don’t know how many fishermen in the world are like me. I am a fisherman who keeps throwing lures and wondering why I keep throwing lures.
(最近、自分が何を期待しながら釣りをしているのか、よく分からなくなります。私は魚が釣れることを期待しているのでしょうか? もはや、それはありません(笑)。最近、海に向かってルアーを投げながら、なぜ、こんなことをしているのだろう、と思うことがよくあります。今朝、サフキ鼻に立ちながら私は、その答えが見つかりませんでした。私は、そもそもこれが好きなのでしょうか? 私のような釣り人が、世の中に何人いるのかは分かりません。私は、ルアーを投げ続けながら、自分はなぜルアーを投げ続けるのだろう、と考えるような釣り人です。)

Apr 20, 2023

(No. 1071) No Fish at Saruwatari in Nonami (野波の猿渡にて釣果なし)

The temperature was up, and I felt as if the summer had overtaken the spring. The sea looked swimmable this morning. I felt some summer fish, such as mahi-mahis and bonitos, swimming along the shore. I knew it was just deception of nature. Some fishermen might have caught some fish on their kayaks in the distance, but nothing happened to me standing quietly at Saruwatari.

Apr 14, 2023

(No. 1070) No Fish at Saruwatari and Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波の猿渡とサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning I successfully complete what I couldn’t complete yesterday. What I wanted to do yesterday was going fishing to both Saruwatari and Safuki-bana in Nonami successively in order to do hard exercise rather than do fishing. Unlike yesterday, this morning I was not interfered by the dangerous swell or any governmental alerts. Although nothing happened to my lures, my body got pleasantly tired, and now I feel revived.

Apr 13, 2023

(No. 1069) Gigantic Garbage, Asian Dust, and No Fish at Saruwatari and Safuki-bana in Nonami (巨大なゴミ、黄砂、そして野波の猿渡とサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

I feel I get soft these days because of lack of exercise. So I decided to go fishing to Saruwatari and then Safuki-bana this morning. Going to either one of them is tough enough for any normal fisherman to get too tired, but my body wanted to be very exhausted. Unfortunately I was not able to reach Saruwatari itself due to the dangerous swell around it. I threw my lures from one of the nearby safer rocks. Asian Dust blowing from the Asian Continent made the sky look yellowish. I stayed there for 30 minutes, but nothing happened, so I decided to leave earlier than usual. I wanted to save my energy in order to safely arrive at Safuki-bana. 
When I was climbing up the path in the woods to return to the parking space, my cellphone caught a governmental alert. It said North Korea fired a missile toward Hokkaido, the most northern prefecture in Japan,  causing the government to issue an evacuation order there. I got unsure whether I should keep fishing or not. But what could I do? One of the lessons I learned from the September 11 attacks, which I witnessed and experienced at Manhattan more than 20 years ago, was “Don’t panic. You should keep doing what you normally do in the face of terror.” So I decided to keep fishing. I drove to the other parking space for Safuki-bana.
(駐車場に戻るために林の中の小道を登っている時、携帯電話に政府からの警報が入りました。北朝鮮が、北海道に向けてミサイルを発射したそうで、政府は、北海道の人たちに避難勧告を出したのです。私は、釣りを続けるべきかどうか迷いました。でも、私に何ができるというのでしょう? 20年以上前、マンハッタンで目撃し経験した9.11の中枢同時テロから学んだ教訓の一つに「パニックになるな。テロ(恐怖)に直面しても、普段やっていることをやり続けるのだ」というものがあります。ですので私は、釣りを続けることにしました。サフキ鼻に行くためのもう一つの駐車場に向けて、車を走らせました。)
There is a small jizo (a stone statue in the form of a Buddhist monk) at the side of the parking space. To the jizo I prayed for my safe return from Safuki-bana as I usually do. In addition, I prayed for safety of people in Hokkaido. As soon as I started walking toward Safuki-bana, my cellphone caught another alert. It said the missile would not land on Hokkaido or the coastal waters around it. As I anticipated, I was not able to reach Safuki-bana due to the swell. Throwing my favorite lures from one of nearby rocks, I wondered, “Could someone sue the country for the damage caused by the abandoned gigantic objects in the sea?" Let’s put aside politics and military affairs temporarily. From the perspective of environmentalism, missiles are just gigantic garbage. According to one of the signs along the shore, you will be jailed or fined if you throw garbage into nature. Let’s sue and say to them. Don’t pollute nature.

Apr 9, 2023

(No. 1068) No Fish at Lake Shinji, at Onoze Harbor, and at Ichinose in Koizu (宍道湖、魚瀬港、そして小伊津の一の瀬にて釣果なし)

I have worked on a long-term translation assignment for about six months. Yesterday I submitted the major part of it. I wanted to celebrate the achievement although it isn’t completely finished yet. I decided to allow myself to enjoy the wide-area run-and-gun style fishing today. I started it at Lake Shinji before noon and then drove to Onoze. The word "Onoze" in Japanese consists of two words; fish and shallows. The sea around Onoze Harbor is literally shallow, but there was no fish today. Not only I but also other fishermen there didn't receive any response from the shallows. I then drove along the winding seaside road to Koizu in Izumo City. I enjoyed throwing my lures from Ichinose, which I used to visit often several years ago. I remembered some good memories of Ichinose, but nothing happened today.

Apr 7, 2023

(No. 1067) No Fish at Nazuna-no-oshima in Kataku (片句のナズナの大島にて釣果なし)

When I was fishing at Nazuna-no-oshima in Kataku this afternoon, I wondered when was the last time I fished at Nazuna. Maybe one year ago? I couldn't quite remember. So I looked it up before I started writing this post. To my surprise, it was more than 3 years ago. It is true that time flies.
(今日の午後、片句のナズナの大島で釣りをしている時、最後にナズナで釣りをしたのはいつだったろうか、と考えました。たぶん1年前? よく思い出せませんでした。そこで、この投稿を書き始める前に調べてみました。すると、驚いたことに、3年以上も前だったのです。本当に、時のたつのは早いものです。)

Apr 2, 2023

(No. 1066) No Fish at Safuki-bana in Nonami (野波のサフキ鼻にて釣果なし)

As is often the case these days, there was nothing exciting at Safuki-bana this morning. The sea was very peaceful. The wind was creating ripples on the surface, giving the impression that the current under the surface was moving, but in reality it was very stagnant. Some floating seaweeds in front of me didn’t move at all. I felt as if I were the only thing that was not inanimate.