This morning I woke up earlier than usual in order to be the first to reach Maruiwa in Owashi. When I reached the vacant spot around 5:45 a.m., I found the swell was stronger than I had expected. As far as I could remember, the weather forecast had not said there would be a strong swell. Although I had to be very careful, I hoped that the swell might be helpful in making the yellowtail amberjack active and therefore good for fishing.
About 3 hours later I finally gave up casting my plugs, and the swell-makes-fish-active hypothesis turned out to be false. No fish attacked my plugs. I got so bored during the course that I took pictures of my plugs with the Luretubes. These days I tend to take out only a few lures. Today I was with only four plugs, and I put each of them into a Luretube around my waist belt. The Luretubes Tackle System is an invention by Mr. Evan DeBono for surf fishermen in the U.S. It is a very convenient lure-carrying method for me.