About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Sep 30, 2017

(No. 315) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

This morning I woke up earlier than usual in order to be the first to reach Maruiwa in Owashi. When I reached the vacant spot around 5:45 a.m., I found the swell was stronger than I had expected. As far as I could remember, the weather forecast had not said there would be a strong swell. Although I had to be very careful, I hoped that the swell might be helpful in making the yellowtail amberjack active and therefore good for fishing.
About 3 hours later I finally gave up casting my plugs, and the swell-makes-fish-active hypothesis turned out to be false. No fish attacked my plugs. I got so bored during the course that I took pictures of my plugs with the Luretubes. These days I tend to take out only a few lures. Today I was with only four plugs, and I put each of them into a Luretube around my waist belt. The Luretubes Tackle System is an invention by Mr. Evan DeBono for surf fishermen in the U.S. It is a very convenient lure-carrying method for me.

Sep 29, 2017

(No. 314) No Fish at Enobori and Zendana in Tayu (手結の犬堀と膳棚にて釣果なし)

When I reached Enobori in Tayu about 6 a.m., the wind was still very strong. That might be the reason why the popular spot was vacant. The strong crosswind made it difficult for me to cast my plugs comfortably. I retreated from Enobori to Zendana in order to wait for the wind to start dying down. As the weather forecast had said, the wind was gradually going down. When I returned to Enobori, the sea was moderately rough. With eager anticipation, I started casting my favorite plugs. I kept doing so without losing my concentration, but no fish responded. I left the spot about 9 a.m. after a friendly bait fisherman came to the spot and I had a nice chat with him.

Sep 23, 2017

(No. 313) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

When I started casting the Super Strike Little Neck Popper, with which I had hooked but missed the big yellowtail amberjack yesterday morning, the sea I saw from Maruiwa in Owashi this morning seemed the same as the sea I had seen yesterday, but soon I found there was a significant difference. There was no micro baitfish this morning. Yesterday I often saw a school of micro baitfish frantically jumping from the sea when I was retrieving any topwater plug. They mistook the lure for a predatory fish that wanted to eat them. I did not see any baitfish today. What a stark contrast! Probably that was the reason why I did not hook any yellowtail amberjack this morning.
(昨日の朝、大きなヒラマサをかけたものの結局逃してしまったルアー、スーパーストライク・リトルネックポッパーを今朝も投げ始めた時、大芦の丸岩から見える海は、昨日の海と同じようだったのでした。しかし私はすぐに、大きな違いがあることに気づいたのです。今朝は、極小のベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)がいません。昨日は、トップウォーター・プラグを引くと、極小ベイトフィッシュの群れが水面から慌てて飛び出したのです。彼らは、私が使うルアーを、自分たちを食べようとする肉食魚と勘違いしたのです。今日は、そのベイトフィッシュの姿がありませんでした。なんと鮮明な違いでしょう! おそらくそのために、今朝はヒラマサをかけることができませんでした。)

Sep 22, 2017

(No. 312) Missed Big Yellowtail Amberjack at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて大きなヒラマサを逃す)

I am so far having a terrible day. On my way to Susumi Bay in Owashi before dawn, I had to let an oncoming car pass mine on the narrow street on the mountainside. My car came into contact with the guardrail and was scraped. I got disheartened, but I pulled myself together and safely reached Susumi-hana. I took out the Wave Jammer by Lemire’s Plugworks to make the first cast of today. One big fish attacked and missed the spook style topwater plug. I got very excited, but nothing followed. About one hour later a fishing boat came to the area and the fisherman on it started setting a fishing net around Susumi-hana.
I made a slight bow to the fisherman and he nodded back to me. I did not like to interfere with professional fishing. So I left the spot and walked to Maruiwa over the rocky mountain. The current seemed slowly moving and there is plenty of micro baitfish, but nothing happened until about 9:30 a.m. when I decided to make the last cast. At the cast that should have been the last of today, one big yellowtail amberjack appeared out of nowhere like a flash of lightning and snatched my Super Strike Little Neck Popper. Making the drag of my PENN Torque 5 screech, the big fish ferociously dived toward the bottom of the sea. All that I could do was to hold my rod, and a few seconds later my barbless hooks came out. The cast that should have been the last actually became the first of the following countless vain casts. What a horrible day!

Sep 18, 2017

(No. 311) No Fish at 4 Spots between Sanami and Kataku (佐波と片句の間の4箇所にて釣果なし)

Typhoon No. 18 had passed over Matsue City and the heavy rain had almost stopped by daybreak. I thought there was a good chance of catching a nice Japanese sea bass in the muddy churning water. So I did the large-scale run-and-gun style fishing this morning at from Sanami Harbor, through Ogu-no-hato in Owashi Harbor and Mizushiri in Susumi Bay, to Kurauchi Bay in Kataku. It started about 7 a.m. and ended three hours later. Nothing exciting happened except having a nice chat with a friendly fisherman who came to Sanami Harbor for squid fishing.

Sep 14, 2017

(No. 310) Consecutively No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (引き続き大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

When I arrived at Susumi-hana in Owashi about 6 a.m., one lure fisherman was already casting his lures. The sea was promisingly rougher than it had been yesterday. I said hello to him and started the run-and-gun style fishing toward Maruiwa. Some patches of nice sarashi (white churning water) were formed. I thought I might catch not only an amberjack but also a Japanese sea bass, because the fish gets active when the sea is rough. However, no fish attacked my lures until I reached Maruiwa. I made several casts from there in vain and then turned back to Susumi-hana without doing the run-and-gun style fishing on my way back. The lure fisherman was still there. “Did you catch any fish?” I asked him, and he replied, “No. Nothing.” Showing my American lures, I told him about this blog. Obviously he was using Japanese lures. He said that he had caught two yellowtail amberjacks this year. I had occasionally considered my using American lures to be the reason why I could not catch yellowtail amberjacks, but there seemed no difference between American and Japanese lures at least from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., when I stayed at the spot.

Sep 13, 2017

(No. 309) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning the sea was not as discouragingly calm as it had been for the past few days. It was choppy. The current was steadily moving, although it might not be very strong. Unlike the last few times, there was another fisherman standing between Susumi-hana and Maruiwa this morning, which fact might be an indication that the condition of the sea had improved for the benefit of fishermen. I even saw some sardine-like baitfish jumping from the water along the shore. But I did not catch any fish on my favorite lures. I made a vow to keep coming back until I catch one.

Sep 11, 2017

(No. 308) I Have No Eye for Lures that Have No Eye (目がないルアーに目がない)

If you want to say that you are fond of something very much in Japanese, you can use an expression “me-ga-nai (目がない).” “Me-ga-nai” means that you are partial to it. However, what the expression literally means is “having no eye.” As for lures, I prefer unrealistic ones. I don’t like realistic lures very much. The more unrealistic a lure is, the more I love it. That’s why I never mind whether a plug has realistic eyes or not. I would rather use plugs that don’t have eyes, because a lack of eyes makes them look more distant from real fish. In other words, I have no eye for lures that have no eye. I own some no-eye plugs, and my current most favorite one is CCW’s JJ Diver. I got it only recently and have used only twice. This morning I used it at Susumi-hana in Owashi. The sea was as quiet as it had been for the past few days, and therefore I did not catch any fish, but I hope I will prove that plugs without eyes can be as effective as ones with realistic eyes.
 (何かを非常に気に入っていると日本語で言いたい時、「メ-ガ-ナイ (目がない)」という表現を使うことができます。「メ-ガ-ナイ」が意味するのは、それが大好き、ということです。しかしながら、この表現の文字通りの意味は「目玉を持っていない」ということです。釣りで使うルアー(疑似餌)について言えば、私は、本物っぽく見えないルアーを好みます。本物の魚のようなルアーは、あまり好きではないのです。本物っぽく見えないルアーであればあるほど、私は好きになります。したがって、プラグに本物っぽい目玉が付いているかどうかを、私は気にしません。むしろ、目玉の付いていないプラグを使いたいのです。なぜなら、目玉の付いていないプラグの方が、より本物の魚っぽく見えないからです。つまり私は、目がないルアーに目がないのです。いくつか所有している目のないプラグの中で、現在のお気に入りは、CCWのJJダイバーというルアーです。つい最近入手したプラグで、まだ2回しか使っていません。今朝は、大芦の須々海鼻で使いました。海は、ここ数日と同じように穏やかであり、そのため、魚は何も釣れませんでした。でもそのうち、目玉のないプラグであっても、リアルな目玉のあるプラグと同様に魚が釣れることを、証明できればいいと思います。)

Sep 10, 2017

(No. 307) No Fish at Kobuiwa in Kukedo-bana, Kaka (加賀の潜戸鼻にあるコブ岩にて釣果なし)

I intended to fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi this morning, but the parking space overlooking Susumi Bay was already occupied with three cars when I arrived slightly after 5 a.m. I drove past the parking space to go to Kukedo-bana in Kaka. There were a few fishermen at Kukedo-bana, but nobody was fishing around Kobuiwa. Being scared on the steep rocky slope, I managed to get down to Kobuiwa. Unfortunately the sea was too calm. I saw some lure and bait fishermen at Senjojiki and Kitatoguchi, both of which lying to the west of Kobuiwa, but nobody caught any fish as far as I could see. In the very peaceful sea I found a school of small fish of bright blue. Unfortunately I had lost my underwater camera in the sea. So I could not take underwater pictures of them, but I swam with them and other small fish in the still warm water.

Sep 9, 2017

(No. 306) No Fish at Sakitaka-hana in Sanami (佐波の先高鼻にて釣果なし)

This morning I was the first fisherman that arrived at the rocky shore between Sakitaka-hana and Taka-hana in Sanami. A total of four fishermen eventually followed me. All of them were bait fishermen. The first bait fisherman was especially friendly, and it was he, not I, that started a nice chat between us. Then I happened to see his rod bending very hard. It was probably a yellowtail amberjack, but the tension on his rod was abruptly released. After a while he talked to me again and said it must have been a yellowtail amberjack. The fish run very hard, and the line touched the rocks in the sea and eventually broke. The information raised my expectations, but I did not catch any fish today.

Sep 5, 2017

(No. 305) No Fish at Susumi-hana in Owashi (大芦の須々海鼻にて釣果なし)

Susumi-hana is the eastern tip of Susumi Bay in Owashi, and Maruiwa lies to the east of the tip. When you fish at Maruiwa, you see Susumi-hana on your left. Yesterday morning Susumi-hana was vacant when I fished at Maruiwa in vain. Whenever I don’t catch fish at Maruiwa, I think I might have been lucky at Susumi-hana. So I tried Susumi-hana this morning. The sea was even calmer than yesterday. The water was super clear. I saw some baitfish splashing on the surface, but no predatory fish disrupted them. It was a very peaceful sea all along. When I got back to my car parked on a hillside of the mountain overlooking Susumi Bay, there was another car parked at the shoulder of the road and two men were looking down the beautiful bay. “No luck today,” I said to them. “Black porgy?” One of them asked, and I said, “Nah. I fished for the yellowtail amberjack.” The man must have been a local resident, because he said to me as if he felt sorrow. “The sea must be a bit rougher for catching the fish.”

Sep 4, 2017

(No. 304) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi (大芦の丸岩にて釣果なし)

Unlike the last time, no missile was fired and no fish was caught. The former was good, but the latter was not so good. Nothing thrilling or special happened this morning at Maruiwa in Owashi. The sea was pretty calm. On my way back to my car, I saw one bait fisherman fishing toward Susumi Bay. The water in the bay was even calmer. It was almost flat. “Good morning. Any luck today?” I asked him, and he said, “No luck. Completely no fish around.”