About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Jul 28, 2017

(No. 295) No Fish at Setokaze-bana and Takase in Mitsu and at Uppurui-bana (三津の瀨戸風鼻と高瀬、そして十六島鼻にて釣果なし)

Today I started fishing at Setokaze-bana in Mitsu, Izumo City. It was about 5 a.m., and as soon as I started casting my lures, a few fishing boats gathered around the spot for some reason. I did not want to interfere with their professional fishing. I drove to a nearby spot, Takase, a big rock at the east end of Mitsu Harbor. No baitfish was sighted. The calmness of the sea was so discouraging that I soon gave up the spot and drove to Uppurui-bana. Unfortunately, there was no big difference. There was neither baitfish nor a good current. I swam around the tip of Uppurui-bana. There was nothing in the water except some floating seaweeds. 

Jul 24, 2017

(No. 294) No Fish at Ichinose in Koizu (小伊津の一の瀬にて釣果なし)

This morning I drove to Koizu in Izumo City after I took my father to Izumo Airport. It was almost 9 a.m. when I started casting my lures from Ichinose in Koizu. No fisherman was around. Not sure if there had been any before I arrived at the spot. I tried a few lures, but nothing happened. I did not see any baitfish, too. I quit fishing before long and drove to a cove to the west of Mitsu Harbor. One family was cheerfully swimming in the shallows. I swam in the deeper water. Then, sitting on the rocky shore, I read Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. What a joy to alternately swim and read!
The date for the 5th meeting of a local book club is getting near. The name of the club, which is organized by Toeisha, a small secondhand bookstore and also a cafe in my neighborhood, is “A Book You Want to Read Before You Die.” We are going to discuss the French classic on this Saturday. So far we have discussed One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon, Discourse on Decadence by Ango Sakaguchi, and I Am a Cat by Soseki Natsume. The uniqueness of this book club lies in the fact that you are NOT required to read a designated book. You have every right to join in the meeting without even turning the first page of the book. If interested, see the bookstore’s website.

Jul 22, 2017

(No. 293) No Fish at Takanishi in Tayu (手結の高西にて釣果なし)

Morning has already come when I arrived at a parking space around Tayu Harbor. I walked to Zendana, the nearest fishing spot from the parking space, to find that one family already occupied the spot. I said hello to them and moved forward to get to Enobori, a more popular fishing spot, but it was also occupied. I turned back and took the path in the woods to get to Takanishi, another major spot in Tayu. To my surprise, the spot was empty. Nobody was around. Unfortunately, the sea was empty, too. I did not see any baitfish such as sardines.
Getting bored, I took out my only Japanese lure, Maria’s Loaded F180. It was the first time I had used it (My older post No. 274 would show you why I had ended up owning this lure). I wanted to see how this Japanese lure moves and find which American lure could imitate it. After several attempts, I found the Super Strike Zig Zag might be the best candidate for it. I quit fishing after swimming in the very calm sea. I saw a familiar local resident around Tayu Harbor. Even before I talked to him, he issued a declaration. “You never catch any now. For a yellowtail amberjack?” “Right. I did not catch any. Absolutely no fish,” I said to him.
(退屈したので、私がもっている唯一の日本のルアー、マリアのローデッドF180を取り出しました。これを使うのは今日が初めてでした(以前の投稿、No. 274を御覧になれば、なぜ私がこのルアーを所有することになったか分かります)。私は、この日本のルアーがどう動くかを見て、その動きを真似できるアメリカのルアーはどれなのか調べようと思ったのです。数回ほど試してみて、スーパーストライク・ジグザグがいちばん有望ではないかと思いました。非常に穏やかな海で泳いでから、納竿しました。手結港の周辺で、見覚えのある地元の方にお会いしました。私が話しかけもしないうちに、彼は宣言したのでした。「(今は)なんだい釣れんよ。ヒラマサかね?」。「なんだい釣れませんわ。ぜんぜんダメです」と私は応えました。)

Jul 20, 2017

(No. 292) No Fish but Photo at Last at Ikesu in Etomo (恵曇の生須にて釣果なしも、ついに写真あり)

It was broiling hot today. Originally I did not plan to go fishing, but the scorching heat made me drive to Ikesu in Etomo this evening. I needed to jump into the sea to cool off my body. Of course I took out my fishing tackle with me. I did not do fishing very much, but I found a lot of baitfish swimming along the shore. If I had gone fishing early this morning, I might have caught a nice amberjack.

Jul 17, 2017

(No. 291) Neither Fish nor Photo at Kurauchi Bay and Ikesu in Etomo (倉内湾と恵曇の生須にて釣果も写真もなし)

The weatherman had said that the waves would be higher this morning than the past few days. Hoping that sarashi (white churning water) was formed and the Japanese sea bass became active, I drove to Kurauchi Bay first. Unexpectedly, the water inside the bay was not very choppy, and I did not find any patch of sarashi at all. I gave up the spot after I made only several casts. Next, I drove to Ikesu in Etomo. You can enjoy one of the most beautiful views in the Shimane Peninsula from the narrow and thrilling path to the spot. Of course, I took many pictures as I had done whenever I came to the spot.
The water around the spot was rough, but not too rough for me to enjoy fishing. The spot was also surrounded with some patches of sarashi, and I excitedly retrieved my lures under them. The sarashi looked promising, but nothing happened. I got soon tired. Because of the rough water, an incredibly wild and beautiful view was created. I wanted to take some pictures from a rock surrounded with the shallows, and decided to wade through the shallow water to the rock. I was so careful that I put my iPhone 4S in a plastic bag and put it in my pocket. There was no way that the water would contact and damage the phone, which was also my only camera today. I stepped into the water, and a few seconds later I successfully reached the rock. On the top of it I searched my pocket for the plastic bag, but there was no bag in my either pockets. Very shockingly, somehow my phone was gone.
(釣り場の周囲の海は荒れていましたが、だからといって、釣りが楽しめないほど荒れていたわけではありません。釣り場は、いくつかのサラシに囲まれており、私は興奮しながら、その下にルアーを通しました。期待できそうなサラシでしたが、何も起きません。私はすぐに疲れてしまいました。海が荒れているせいで、信じられないくらいワイルドで美しい風景が出来上がっていました。浅瀬に囲まれている岩があり、そこから写真を撮りたいと考えた私は、その岩に行くために浅瀬を渡ることにしました。とても慎重な私は、iPhone 4Sをビニール袋に入れてポケットに収めました。こうしておけば、海水がスマホに接触し、今日の私にとっては唯一のカメラでもあるスマホを壊してしまう恐れはありません。私は水中へと歩を進め、数秒後には無事に岩に到達しました。岩のてっぺんで、ポケットの中にあるスマホを探りました。しかし、どちらのポケットにもビニール袋がないのです。たいへん衝撃的なことに、どういうわけかスマホがなくなってしまったのでした。)

Jul 16, 2017

(No. 290) No Fish at Maruiwa in Owashi and Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu (大芦の丸岩と御津の長崎鼻にて釣果なし)

Yesterday I witnessed a few boils on the surface of the water around Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu. I did not mention them in yesterday’s post because they were slightly but decisively beyond my casting distance. The image of the boils tempted me to try Nagasaki-bana again early this morning, but I passed by the spot and drove to Maruiwa in Owashi. No fisherman was around at the spot, and I did not see any baitfish. I gave up shortly and returned to my car before I got too tired to try another spot. I drove back to Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu. The sea was choppier than yesterday, and there was no fishing boat for catching turban shells. I waited for the boils to appear again, hoping they would be closer to me than yesterday, but nothing happened. I gave up fishing about 8 a.m. to start swimming in one of safer inlets around the spot.

Jul 15, 2017

(No. 289) No Fish at Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu (御津の長崎鼻にて釣果なし)

I had stopped chasing huge Japanese sea bass in Lake Shinji with big American plugs, and this morning I went to Nagasaki-bana in Mitsu. It was the first time I had been to the rocky shore of the Sea of Japan since I saw a mysterious figure at Ohtoko-bana in Izumo City on April 28. I was afraid that I would see a similar creepy thing this morning too, but it was already after 5 a.m. when I arrived at the spot. The darkness had already disappeared. I thought I might catch a yellowtail amberjack with a plug or a red sea bream or a Hong Kong grouper with a metal jig.
As soon as I started casting my lures from the tip of Nagasaki-bana, a small fishing boat came closer to me. There was a fisherman on it. I took off my cap and made a polite bow to him. He did the same to me and said, “Can I look around here?” I said, “Of course.” You may wonder what he wanted to look at. He started the so-called Hakomegane-ryo, a type of turban shell fishing, using a specially designed long stick and a box whose bottom was a sheet of glass. Through the glass you can clearly see the bottom of the sea to find a turban shell. Although I caught no fish today, I was satisfied to see the unique fishing right in front of me.

Jul 6, 2017

(No. 288) One Regrettable Strike at Lake Shinji (宍道湖にて残念なストライク)

Usually, the so-called “Konoshiro-pattern” along the shore of Lake Shinji has ended by this time of the year. It is a short period during which huge Japanese sea bass at the lake aggressively chase konosirus punctatus, a relatively bigger baitfish, and it is easier to catch big ones with big lures such as my American plugs. According to one of my fishing buddies, somehow the pattern is still on this year. This is one of the reasons why I still keep going to the lake. Another and probably the biggest reason is that I have not yet carried out my promise with the charming sisters who run the local pastry shop COCHICA (See No. 285). 
(宍道湖沿岸でのいわゆる「コノシロ・パターン」は、例年、一年のこの時期までには終了しているはずです。これは、宍道湖のスズキたちが、コノシロという、比較的大型のベイトフィッシュ(大きな魚の餌となる小魚)を積極的に追いかけ回す短い期間を意味し、この期間なら、私が使うアメリカのプラグのような大きなルアーで、大型のスズキを釣りやすいのです。釣り友達の一人によると、どういうわけか今年は、まだこのパターンが続いているようです。これが、今でも私が湖に通い続けている理由の一つです。もう一つの、そして恐らく最大の理由としては、地元のお菓子屋、コチカを切り盛りするチャーミングな姉妹との約束を、私が未だ果たしていないということが挙げられます(No.285 参照)。)
This morning I became kind of desperate and weak-kneed due to the fact that I had not caught the fish since June 13. So I took out my smallest pencil popper, the Guppy Lure’s 1 1/4 oz. I rarely use it. Usually I take out its bigger sibling, 2 oz. Mini. This morning the smallest one turned out as effective as its sibling. It successfully enticed one fish into a strike. However, I could not handle the lightness of the lure well. It was a nice strike, but, alas, I could not hook the fish properly.