About this blog (このブログのこと)

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After living in the United States for 15 years, I came back to my hometown Matsue, a small city in the western part of Japan, in November 2014. I imposed a simple rule on myself. Use only American saltwater lures for at least one year and report what they catch...... When a year had passed since then, I decided not to lift this ridiculous restriction. I am still using only American lures.(2014年11月、15年間のアメリカ生活を終え、島根県松江市に帰郷した私は、自分自身に一つのルールを課しました。少なくとも1年間、アメリカのソルトルアーだけを使い、釣果を報告すること......。そして1年が経過した時、私は、この馬鹿馬鹿しい制約を解除しないことに決めました。今もまだ、アメリカのルアーだけを使っているのです。)

Apr 2, 2016

(No. 148) No Fish at Takase in Mitsu and Ichinose in Koizu (三津の高瀬と小伊津の一の瀬にて釣果なし)

First, I would like to briefly mention my fishing yesterday afternoon. I was around Omisaki Bridge in Matsue City for two hours. A few fishermen were there for Japanese sea bass, but nobody seemed lucky including me. I should have posted it in my blog yesterday, but I was a bit too tired.
Today I fished at Ichinose in Koizu, Izumo City. This convenient and productive spot had been off-limit until March 31 because of nori, black seaweed that grows on rocks in the wintertime. Only permitted local residents could get into the spot to pick up the delicious seaweed. When I arrived at Ichinose before 7 a.m. today, there were already nine fishermen standing on the spot. A bit too crowded. So I drove back to Takase, a big rock at the east end of Mitsu Harbor.
I was alone at the small spot and saw a school of baitfish, but nothing hit my lures. From Takase you can see how many people are standing on Ichinose. It was still around 8 a.m. but a few people seemed to already leave the spot. When I drove back to a parking space behind Ichinose, I saw two familiar faces. They were regulars that I had seen several times at Ohtoko-bana this winter. Ichinose was still so crowded that we just enjoyed a chat at the parking space. A short while later a pair of lure fishermen left the spot without catching any fish. We became able to fish.
I was not very serious at first. I showed them how the ridiculously big Slug-Go (12 inch) swims. Then, as soon as a school of baitfish appeared along the shore, we saw a pod of dolphins swimming to the east in the distance. The dolphins might have scared away the baitfish. Hoping bigger fish such as yellowtail amberjacks might have been also scared and cornered to the shore, we started casting more suitable lures, but nothing happened.


  1. 今日はお疲れさまでした。魚との出会いはなかったもの、久しぶりにみなさんに出会えたことが魚以上の喜びがありました。

  2. xnastyxpunkxさん、魚は釣れなくても楽しかったですね。こんど、例のルアーを例の場所に持って行ってみます!

  3. 今日はルアー持ってきていただきありがとうございました。無事、私の元に到着しました。何度も出会っていながら名前を名乗っていなくて申し訳なかったです。今度自己紹介させてください。

  4. 自己紹介をしないままでルアーが届くだろうか、という実験でした。
